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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 104 KB, 1140x712, 2072841+101015.N.FF_.JAILFOOD.005_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16919699 No.16919699 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody ever had jail food? Just got out after doing 60 days. It's like torture in food form

>> No.16919704

Doesn't look half bad desu, but then again I'm in the middle of a fast so...

>> No.16919706 [DELETED] 

I had jail food before. It's great. Delicious!

No, I am not expanding or giving you any stories. Bye.

>> No.16919708

whatd you do? and did you get the shabang chips while you were in?

>> No.16919710

Looks significantly better than school food

>> No.16919712

How do people get ripped in jail if they don't give you the necessary calories to do so?

>> No.16919718

Those guys eat all the newbies trays usually because new kids go "this food is gross" on their first few nights and don't eat

>> No.16919729

Commissary food

>> No.16919743

I've heard people say commissary ramen and canned tuna, combined with almost no physical activity outside weightlifting.

>> No.16919747

You can't get jacked on ramen and tuna

>> No.16919752

Roids are everywhere in prison

>> No.16919759

it's been ten years and it varies county to county, state to state but yes its generally shit. all the 'meat' was soy and all the food contained some chemical designed to pacify inmates. breakfast was at 4 a.m. and once a week we'd have pancakes which was in the form of a cube with syrup. it was highly desirable and traded for commissary food items. a lot of people slept through breakfast most other days but i actually loved the grits served in the morning. was my first time having them and would usually have to pour my school size carton of milk on them after melting butter in them to cool them down enough to finish my meal in time.
we were usually given 3-5 minutes to eat our meal and if you didn't finish then tough shit, continue eating as you slowly walk to dump your tray and hand it to the dishwash slave. this typically meant you mixed your whole meal together and ate a proper sloppa.
the kitchen was the best job to work at while in jail. you didn't have to work in the jail but if you refused to then you'd get 2x your sentence so everyone worked for 'free.' but back to the kitchen, it was great because you'd have access to food items others didn't that you could sneak back to your dormitory to use in home cooking.
i remember being in jail one christmas and our christmas dinner contained a "christmas cake" we made days before. once we pulled it out for dinner it was swarming in cockroaches, shit was hilarious. i also used to love dishing out food through the little slot to inmates since it was the easiest job and could fuck with them. i'd pass the food tray half way through the slot while still holding onto it and when the inmate on the other side (who couldn't see me) tried to grab it i'd pull it back. he'd get yelled at by the guard rent-o-cop. some of the inmates didn't like this and would argue back then get kicked out without a meal.

>> No.16919762

don't shoot the messenger, maybe I was lied to.

>> No.16919765

best story i have is the time when the jail was overpopulated so they mixed whites and niggers together. witnessed one nig ask another for a cup of koolaid (you could buy the powder with irl cash on commissary). black kid said he didn't have any left because he only had enough for one more cup for himself, why would he give it away to someone else? anyway, few hours later he went to pour his last cup of koolaid and the nigger who asked him (and probably would have not paid him back) saw it. the lil nig kid got called out by the head of the niggers and beaten up for lying.

>> No.16919767


I did 45 days in Federal and it was great. They sent the Staties over to serve us.

>> No.16919769

They buy shit like tuna, meat sticks, and peanut butter from commissary and do pushups plus burpees all day for years.

>> No.16919771

usually people that go in are sucked up from drugs and used to be fit. 3 months off drugs and i've seen a 120 skinny mexican kid bulk up to fit af on top ramen and peanut butter.

>> No.16919780

I’ve had psych ward food which I’m sure is similar.

>> No.16919783

you'd be suprised what happens when you do body weight workouts with like 600 to 1000 reps each every day

>> No.16919794

>last story is textbook aspd behavior
Wow I wonder how you wound up in jail.
The sentence for most crimes should really be execution.

>> No.16919799

Spent a couple weekends in jail. Not near enough food.. 1 morning breakfast was coffe, kraft single and stale bread.

Prison they supposedly have better food and more of it because you are staying longer

>> No.16919800

drugs are illegal. its quite common for kids to experiment with drugs in their youth. some become addicted.

>> No.16919819
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Kek I remember in elementary school they made us all sign a DARE pledge to never do drugs. Out of our class of like 60, 50 of us made it to 12th Grade (it was a private school so there was a very small class) and we all asked one of the last days of school which one of us had kept that promise and the only person was the one dude we all thought was high 24/7. Even the "excuse me Ms _____ you didnt give us homework" kids admitted to smoking weed.

>> No.16919920
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>mfw that kid was me
my life has spiraled downwards since high school

>> No.16920023

>Anybody ever had jail food?

isn't jail/prison food basically sourced from the same companies that service public schools?

>> No.16920027

yeah, but prisoners have rights

>> No.16920031
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When I was in Federal it all came from Sysco, which sells not only to public schools, but to many restaurants as well. Difference is, in prison we could cook it as we wished and didn't have to abide by guidelines because we could sneak whatever we wanted into the food and nobody gave a shit because we were just filthy convicts. I ate better in prison than I ever did in public school.

>> No.16920035


This too. They let me fucking vote in Prison.

>> No.16920037

I did once when i was being held for a hearing, It was a mcchicken but with white bread instead of a bun but no mayo, an apple, and a carton of milk

>> No.16920039
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how about the right to not get shot at lmao

>> No.16920042


This is the USA, nothing in the Constitution protects you from being fired upon even as an innocent wee babby child.

>> No.16920053

Depends where you're imprisoned, but some prisons literally do implement food as torture. Vermont banned nutraloaf because of a court case where they were able to establish it was being used specifically to punish inmates.

>> No.16920057

Psyche ward food is way better in my experience. My only problem is that they gave me Mrs Dash instead of salt and pepper but that shits great on cottage cheese

>> No.16920058

>bitching about free food
How bout you show a bit of gratefulness and thank those of us who aren’t degenerate drains on society for buying your sloppa gibs?
I mean, you’re literally a grown adult equivalent of a “free lunch” public school kid. Except it isn’t those kids’ faults they have parents similar to you.

>> No.16920062

>how about the right to not get shot at
If someone shoots you it's a crime. Not sure what more you want there. You could try to ban civilian ownership of guns but that'll just mean the only people left with guns will be policemen (known for corruption and abuse of power) and criminals.

>> No.16920065

Not necessarily. Most of them are private companies contracted by the government so food quality is across the board depending on the whims of the shareholders and board

>> No.16920070


When I got hit with the 5150, the best part of the meal was the cream of wheat and the milk. They must have had wine sommeliers in the back keeping that milk at the proper temperature because it was like if Faye from Bebop squirted in my mouth

>> No.16920076

That just looks like a bland TV dinner

>> No.16920082

>the best part of the meal was the cream of wheat and the milk.

LMAO i can fucking confirm this, never tasted anythign like it before or after. shit would get me out of bed in the morning, if the drugs didn't make me too groggy.

>> No.16920099

I was in for 4 months last winter. I ate anything they put in front of me and so would you after a week. I was always hungry. Lost 20 pounds anyway.

>> No.16920114


How? I gained weight in prison. Maybe it was just the carbs from commissary and playing sports outside but it was great for my physical health.

Also to you non jail guys, it isnt nearly as racist as people think it is. We eat with "our own" but people interact on a personal level normally all the time. My best friend was some Black Hebrew who hated white people but said I was "one of the good ones." I used to buy him batteries in exchange for large amounts of ramen. And yes, in prison, stamps are meaningless currency, its all about batteries for CD players.

>> No.16920131


>> No.16920150

Holy shit I had the exact same experience in the psyche ward. I thought the extra meds they gave me we l were giving me a hard on for cream of wheat or something. Glad to see it's not just me. Psyche ward was legit in my experience until my last couple days when this old tweaker just followed me around. But his second day there he tried to fight an orderly so he got a jab in the ass and a 24 hour nap

>> No.16920157
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>/ck/ is full of convicts and schizos

>> No.16920164


Where do you think you are?

>> No.16920165

i would try to kill myself. i dont even eat that well now but if i had to eat even worse? suicide

>> No.16920168

It makes sense. Psychiatric hospital patients and prison inmates are both locked down and have little to do or enjoy so food will be one of the simple pleasures they'll learn to appreciate more than someone on the outside would.

>> No.16920179

You'd be surprised what you can get used to when made to live through it for an extended period of time.
Once you realize you're stuck there for the foreseeable future your mind and body adapts instead of focusing on alternatives you don't have.

>> No.16920181


>> No.16920211

>The sentence for most crimes should really be execution.


The overwhelming majority of crimes are not illegal because they're morally wrong (like rape, murder, assault, robbery, etc.).

Most crimes are illegal because some shit-for-brains bureaucrat felt that if you don't play by his made-up rules, you should be subject to arrest with deadly force and incarcerated for years and then have the rest of your life ruined because you're now a felon. Just kidding. He just thought it should be a crime not to do things his way, and didn't think it through any further than that.

Lefties make the "do what I say" crimes because that's the core of leftism, wingnuts jack up the sentences to be "tough on crime" because they're deep thinkers like you, and the rest of the world goes to hell.


>> No.16920214


>> No.16920221
File: 443 KB, 595x695, 1632040762452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lefties make the "do what I say" crimes because that's the core of leftism, wingnuts jack up the sentences to be "tough on crime" because they're deep thinkers like you, and the rest of the world goes to hell.

Nigger do you know nothing about the War on Drugs? That was all Republican you fucking retard. I bet you blame Biden for rising gas prices too.

>> No.16920235


breakfast meals were good 99% of the time, dinner could be 50/50, but i'm a picky eater. i dunno about where you were, but sometimes there would be leftover snackwells. for whatever reason, most of the time they were vanilla, i think i only ever ate like 4-5 chocolate ones. but that's because i stockpiled snackwells in my closet, but they'd get confiscated in random inspections. luckily, my unit had to take the overflow from geriatrics and detox, mostly old people that didn't like sweet stuff.

i tried to eat snackwells on the outside, they tasted like shit. legit got a huge 40 pack from costco, they were defective, had like dense, brittle dough shares and tasted very off. pysche in-patient was an experience.

>> No.16920288

How the fuck do go to the Feds and only do 45 days?

>> No.16920296


Its called a plea deal. I did it in a camp which meant we only had guards 4 times a day when they did headcounts. Otherwise we lived in a trailer in a field and did whatever we wanted.

>> No.16920298


And besides a chain link fence and barbed wire, no security. I had more security going to the main building to get visitors.

>> No.16920304

Purposely making your health worse.

>> No.16920307

Stfu nigger. That food is far better than whT Combat Soldiers get in the field and overseas and none of you losers do anything to actually earn it. Fuckin loser.

>> No.16920310

what's the mystery scoop taste like today?

>> No.16920328

Righties and normies make the "it's immoral crimes."
Lefties make the "do what I say or else" crimes.
Righties and normies saw drugs as immoral.

>> No.16920337

And lefties see "disobeying me" as immoral

>> No.16920341

Their body fat shrinks rapidly, and they work out all day.

>> No.16920352

are you in the military of a third world country?
my friend in the US army says that the food overseas is better than what he gets served when twiddling his thumbs in upstate New York

>> No.16920397

You hung out with a nigger Jew, so basically you're telling you us were a fucking lame. Confirmed.

>> No.16920412

That pic lol. The gunman can just walk up and grab their blanket away then shoot them

>> No.16920413

Imagine being stuck in a cell with no Internet, some smelly fucker, and nothing else but a notepad with a pencil. Imagine that for decades and it isn't surprising that prisoners work out endlessly for the hell of it due to lack of stimulation.

>> No.16920418


what profound levels of insight on partisan politics you have

>> No.16920423


have you ever worked in a kitchen anon?

>> No.16920428


and Im still more ripped than you, with more people who have my back.

>> No.16920477

This isn't even controversial. Look up "overcriminalization" and see where it comes from (left-leaning do what I say "malum prohibitum", as opposed to don't do what's morally wrong "malum in se"), then look up "ratcheting up sentences" and see where that comes from right-wingers trying to look tough on crime.

>> No.16920497

He's right, if overly simplistic, you're just some kind of retard

>> No.16920541

He's a ex-convict, they have an IQ of 80 on average. Probably also black.

>> No.16920683

Was. Endured eating nothing but poorly cooked Salisbury steak with peas and carrots that reeked like our feet after a 36 hour dismounted patrol for a month. And then... the MREs. Most times we hardly had a hot meal. We'd at MREs as we chilled in IED fields, waiting to get shot at as these convicted niggers are nothing more than parasites upon society that should be subjected to manual slave labor.

>> No.16920696

How did niggers come into the story again

>> No.16920717

Not just that, getting shot even while you have bpv feels like taking a sledgehammer to the chest. If you hit a kid like that there's a 90% chance they die of complications even if the bullet doesn't pass through.

>> No.16920926

Okay Macchi Ato
go back to /xivg/

>> No.16921009

Because niggers are lazy, dumbass. They make up a vary large portion of "support" MOS' which is why you see trash like what OP posted.

>> No.16921016
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>Dude LMAO, victimless crime, just ignore the fact that Central and South America is a bloodbath because of American junkies.

>> No.16921025

yea for drunk driving involving an accident and the other guy saying he was hurt
everything was dry
>ham and cheese sandwich, dry
>cookie, dry
>apple juice, dry
drinking the apple juice actually made my throat feel drying than before i drank it

>> No.16921027

I don't know about you guys but if you have money you could basically get anything, my celly was cool with a CO and we had KFC a lot since it was nearby.

>> No.16921030

Did you just insult my sacred weed and my oh so holy crack cocaine? (Fun FACT for all the kiddies. Did you know that COCA COLA used to have cocaine in it? Cocaine LMAO). Go back to your containment board chud before I report your meanie nonsense to the jannies who only get paid a measly salary of zero dollars and hour. THANK YOU JANNIES

>> No.16921042

Anon boredom and the desire to not get pragged out will make you do 690 push ups a day

>> No.16921150

Cooks aren't the cleanest cut crowd around.

>> No.16921249

I had the shebang peanuts while locked up. Surprised they haven't turned it into a peanut butter yet

>> No.16921282

The left is why you're an ex con?
jfc I thought you could get a ged in there.

>> No.16921286

> Central and South America is a bloodbath because of the CIA

>> No.16921344

Stop whacking it, things will get better if you do.

>> No.16921349

>Central and South America is a bloodbath because of the American government

>> No.16921375

And what are the products that the CIA is collecting in South America to sell in the United States? Oh right, it's drugs.

>> No.16921403

spent a week in county. I'm a picky faggot so it was tough. breakfast was ok. lunch was usually baloney sandwich which was awful. I would just eat the apple or off brand chips it came with. dinner was also mostly awful with "meat" that was probably only 20% meat at most. best meal I got was thanksgiving dinner which was some lunch meat tier turkey with watery mashed potato and gravy. pigs stole the money I had in my wallet when I was arrested so I couldn't buy anything from the commisary or get those chips people talk about.

>> No.16921416

Sounds like someone got busted for holding

>> No.16921433

I did two years. Everything is mass-produced, artificial, soy based, contains no seasonings and rarely contains sugar because inmates use anything with sugar to make hooch. I was extradited across the country from Texas to Ohio. Best prison food? Sulpher Springs, Texas. They had their own farm stuff, clean facility, real food, real eggs. Wish I could have served my sentence there. Worst? Flint, Michigan. The stories about the water are true, we weren't allowed to shower and had to be careful when flushing toilets. The only thing they gave us were sandwiches of what the inmates called "monkey brains". They took bologna and I guess relish and pickles and blended it together for a green pickled mash. That is ALL they give you. I mean they'll give you shitloads of them but you have to force yourself to eat them. When we left this woman transported with us who looked like an old hooker was crying. She said "I've been in dozens of jails and this place broke me. What the fuck." The place I was held at in Ohio, "The Justice Center" in Cleveland has actually been the subject of a lawsuit because the portions are so small and the food so awful inmates have been sent there to get them to agree to plea deals just so they can be sent somewhere with food. I lost twenty pounds while there. I kept losing weight the entire trip. Extradition was the absolute worst part, I mean the diet was the least shitty part of it, we got hot water bottles in 110 degree weather and dollar menu burgers from fast food places for over a month.

At the prison I finally ended up at I absolutely depended on the commissary. The meat they served us was some soy crap they shaped to look like different kinds of meat. After a year I couldn't even eat it anymore. I made every commissary meal you can imagine.

>> No.16921435

Yes you can. I was kind of pudgy before I went in, but I've always been strong and enjoyed working out. During the process before they decided which prison to send me to I was locked in a cell all day every day with nothing to do but work out. I did pushups, benched the rack, tricep lifts and squats for maybe two months and by the time I got to the actual prison I was fucking jacked. Total autistic dweeb, hated social contact, spoke to no one, yet everyone was terrified of me because I was huge, hairy as fuck and ripped. Everyone thought I was a serial killer. People stuttered and frantically apologized if they thought they'd upset me. Felt weird but increased my confidence.

>> No.16921445
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>those chips people talk about.

These were fucking delicious when I was locked up, but I ordered a bunch of bags of them when I got out and after like two bags I was completely sick of them. I ended up giving the bags away to people and throwing several of them away.

>> No.16921465

Spent 2 days in jail. Refused to eat. They served stale bread and fruit cups lol.

>> No.16921491

>The meat they served us was some soy crap they shaped to look like different kinds of meat. After a year I couldn't even eat it anymore.
This is where the “beyond meat” trend is taking us bros, they’re just softening us up for it

>> No.16921493

This is probably one of the most interesting threads i've ever read
wouldnt have thought so many posters actually went into jail or prison

>> No.16921500

Jail food is the biggest scam. They make it so shit to get people to spend their family's money on commissary. This corrupt system needs to go.

Instead, they should let the prisoners choose to work for fake prison money, and then you can use this fake prison money to buy things at the commissary. Maybe they could even make it to where if you spend a ton of your fake money you can get a special privilege like a cell transfer, prison transfer, or get to go fishing or golfing. They could even have nicer cells that are more like dorm rooms that you can pay rent with your fake money to live in. They could even make it digital and put it on a card usable only by the individual prisoner who worked for it, so gang members can't do nothing all day and collect fake money from their peons.

This would, at least, teach the longer convicts how to work for a living like a normal human being.

>> No.16921503

Us gluttons are a naughty bunch

>> No.16921507


isn't what your talking about just from the second season of kaiji?

>> No.16921526

I don't watch many shows and definitely no animu garbage. It's just the obvious solution to the scam prisons we currently have.

>> No.16921543

do they give you salt rations?
that would make it tolerable for me honestly

>> No.16921608
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Something off-putting about her face, but her body is theoretically fine. I hate girls with smarmy faces.

>> No.16921623

bullshit. the blanket has a larger surface area to absorb impact and isn't in direct contact the body

>> No.16921640

I don’t know why you came up with such a convoluted solution. The solution to a scam involving food so shitty you have to spend commissary $$ to live is NOT turning the canteen into a giant commissary hot bar where free labor gets you better food. The solution is to serve edible food. Think simpler.

>> No.16921696
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So like what, it floats above them ?

>> No.16921776

>t.filthy convict kiddie diddler

>> No.16921789

How about the prisoners work to pay back the victims of their crimes? They can work until they die and their corpses are used to feed other inmates. Anyone with sympathies for criminals should be worked to death along with the inmates.

>> No.16921964

Guzzling gallons of semen.

>> No.16921995

Kek, I was in jail for a day for contacting a girl on social media whom I previously made death and rape threats against in high school . It's sad how much the he food reminded me of school lunches. I made bond the next day, it was only $200 but the prosecutor wanted it to be $25,000 because I had also threatened to shoot up my highschool before too. I was so hungry for decent food that I ate 1 pound of hamburger, a large pizza and 4 cups of rice. I ended up puking 7 times that night.

>> No.16922021
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Or, and this may sound crazy, just not go to jail in the first place.

>> No.16922026

Most people are in prison due to victimless crimes, one big one that comes to mind is the inability to pay fines

>> No.16922157
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WTF is that top left

>> No.16922198

>4am breakfast
This just sounds retarded.

>> No.16922206

it's turkey.

>> No.16922209

looks like granola or oats or one of those cheese spreads that has a bunch of stuff in it

>> No.16922290

i had to spend 4 days in jail withdrawing from opiates while I await my court date. I tried to eat some of the food but it was so fucking revolting I couldn't barely do it.

I literally just lay on this mattress for 4 days puking and sweating, barely ate a bite. at least the water was drinkable I guess, and no niggers.

>> No.16922365

It does because it is.

>> No.16922454
File: 67 KB, 559x324, 1608005116146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Central and South America is a bloodbath because of American junkies.
Central and South America have been a bloodbath well before the USA was a thought in anyone's mind. The reasons change but the savagery has been there for millenia.

>> No.16922465

Three question marks I guess

>> No.16922472

>look at this jpeg for proof
you're spewing Spanish propaganda

>> No.16922477

Fuck you she deserved it.

>> No.16922481

El Paella eterna...
Él empieza guerra. Él alimenta guerra.

>> No.16922482

I didn't say not to commit crimes I said to not go to jail.

>> No.16922486

my high school was catered by a company that also did catering for prisons.

>> No.16922708

Spent the night in county 1 time. The guy came through with the "breakfast" and I asked for coffee. He didn't even blink, just stared at he for a long second, turned and walked away.
Food wasn't good.

>> No.16922745

Unironically sleep. My dad was in jail, he's a WASP and he was robbing a bank btw so don't accuse him of being a nigger or some kind of loser or anything, you've at least considered it or you're a fag. Anyway he said you simply cannot get enough calories through the cafeteria, everyone is always hungry and pissed off about it. You can order food and supplements sometimes and get like honey buns and shit to leech macros from. Mostly from carbs but it's food. He sold pot that he smuggled in most of the time so he said he was pretty comfy as far as the food situation compared to 99% of those guys. But you sleep like 12 hours a day including naps, you're always in recovery. Plus you'll get in about half an hour or more a day of intense cardio with like running or burpees. So you're constantly in an anabolic state due to the above, just add resistance training. Plus genetics as many guys in there are kind of low impulse, high T types by nature.

>> No.16922801

>low impulse, high T types by nature.
u must mean low inhibition or something. god i wish that were me.

>> No.16922810

Not my problem

>> No.16922848

must have been hell

>> No.16923341

That’s the “meat” silly

>> No.16923362

You’ve absorbed too much prison labor propaganda. It doesn’t work like that and it never will. You’re just advocating for a slave labor force dumbass. I hope you go to prison.

>> No.16923434

Maybe it's the "monkey brains" anon was talking about.

>> No.16923435

some shitty fried chicken of i had to guess

also thats macaroni salad, its celery, peppers or tomato(very tiny pieces), and sometimes peas and or pickle ussualy

>> No.16923440


>> No.16923444

Their civilization was a fucking meat grinder anon. Every other tribe fucking hated them. Pedro de Alvarado did NOTHING wrong.

>> No.16923468

Fairly accurate. Naysayer anons ought to look up where the actual legislation and regulations come from.

>> No.16923474

Boo hoo, prisoners should be on the chain gang cleaning up litter and graffiti, with a few deputies watching em like a hawk to make sure they don’t try anything. Anyone who says otherwise is a limpwristed poof who thinks crims are “gud bois who dindu nuffin”. Criminals owe a debt to society, the least they can do to pay it back is to try and clean society up.

>> No.16923500

>muh society

>> No.16923519

My experience (twice in the county jail, first time ten days, second time three days) wasn't terrible, but I'm used to eating shitty low quality food anyways. Honestly the worst thing about it was the beans/rice/potatoes having zero seasoning of any kind, not even salt.

>> No.16923528

How much would a bottle of hot sauce get me inside? A small bottle of course.

>> No.16923545

Probably at least four ramen packs, and maybe a blowjob as a freebie.

>> No.16923552

Not worth it desu.

>> No.16923625

Not our fault the country is only 57% white. We don’t have a say in our demographic replacement. Areas with 90+% white population have a crime rate comparable to Belgium and Switzerland, what else can we do besides deport the people who won’t stop shooting everyone?

>> No.16923631

Depends on how much the government is willing to spend*
They usually outsource to the absolute cheapest option available.

>> No.16923652

Buddy the biggest push for the drug bill came from the DNC. Bill Clinton is the one who signed the 1994 act into law. Further, it was feminists who pushed the hardest for alcohol prohibition. Our country, as built by our significantly more right-wing founders, had literally zero problem with hard drugs. Cocaine, amphetamines, opium, mescaline, peyote, and marijuana were completely legal until the 20th century. Untainted common law legal traditions that date back over a thousand years make no crime of anything that does not have a victim. Statute law (copying continental civil-law) is a progressive invention, specifically cooked up by the likes of the Roosevelts and Wilson to try and force through left wing economic agendas because they felt common law wasn’t doing enough for the ‘working class’.

>> No.16923660

Nice cope but the non-white criminals just shoot other criminals and bystanders of their race/social status 90% of the time, the vast vast majority of the deadly mass shootings USA is infamous for are committed by white Americans.

>> No.16923683

>soviets funnel cash and munitions to south american red revolutionaries to try and buy allies on the US’s doorstep as a power play
>sudacas on both sides start shooting each other as the civil war begins
>anti-communist side asks for american assistance
>america obliges as a way to counteract soviet influence in the region

I hate leftists so much it’s unreal. When a country asks for American assistance and the US tries to help, it’s “Imperialism”. When the Soviets stage a full-scale invasion of a country and forcefully topple and occupy that country in the name of assimilating them to the Soviet empire as a resource depot, it’s “liberation”.

>> No.16923695

Worked at a jail. Considering the HIV trannies working in the cafeteria, I would rather starve to death.

>> No.16923705

That’s literally native art, retard. Brown ≠ peaceful

>> No.16923717

Yes, you braindead nigger. Society is shit because people like you say it’s not worth maintaining and instead chip away at the foundations of it for personal gain. Low trust societies are created by people who abuse high trust societies.

>> No.16923729
File: 86 KB, 881x862, 12481CF5-4910-4D28-A110-EE0B9CDDA874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shootings reported on by the media*
The vast majority of mass shootings are committed by black people. The media chooses to only report on the shootings performed by whites because ‘evil white incel gunned down innocent children and women’ makes a more compelling argument for gun control in the minds of normies than does ‘black man hosed down a local complex today in what is suspected to be a gang-related territory disagreement’. Nobody cares when nogs kill other nogs, even though that’s what the vast majority of shootings are.

>> No.16923749

Fucking everyone is doing it for the sake of capturing resources, there's no good guy going in and helping the populace just because it's the Right Thing To Do(tm).

>> No.16923834


>> No.16923905

If you remember at the beginning of 2021 they were reporting on almost all mass shootings, when it became apparent that they were almost all done by minorities they scaled it back

>> No.16923938
File: 495 KB, 1200x1801, Kitchen-Confidential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16923967

Got falsely accused of rape. Before I got bailed out I had exactly one meal in prison. Meal was one ham and cheese sandwich, a carton of milk, and a sugary drink mix powder that I just gave to someone else. I saw people going around reading each other’s charging papers. Very scary environment indeed.

>> No.16923982

Which means, bashing America because “muh CIA coup” is a brainlet plebbit take that only exists to canonise communist propaganda. The vast majority of anti-american sentiment that isn’t targeting the influence of certain (((interest groups))) can trace its origin to some Cold War-era commie propaganda designed to demoralise westerners.

>> No.16924086

MRE's are based my family got a bunch after Hurricane Ivan

>> No.16924089

Why is everyone so pressed about communist propaganda? That barely exists. Even modern tanks/commies/socialist have shit propaganda, it was never good. Capitalist propaganda is way more prevalent .

>> No.16924101

Without being glib, I think you answered your own question.

>> No.16924107

i gave that shit away since i was only in county for a weekend but the intake bologna sandich wasnt bad

>> No.16924148

When people say commie propaganda, they mean Jewish propaganda

>> No.16924168


>> No.16924224

walmart won't hire felons but most restaurants will

>> No.16924237

oy vey there are no victimless crimes you're gonna work for the state boi

>> No.16924240

not my problem

>> No.16924284

meatloaf. mashed potatoes with saltpeter.
good times

>> No.16924345

you don't get ripped in jail, you get ripped in prison
the food in prison is actually excellent, since it's cheaper than paying hospital bills for the guards

>> No.16924387

>barely exists
Gaslight, I just explained a branch of communist propaganda that is extremely prevalent in western society.

>> No.16924403

Maybe Americans see more anti-American complaints because they're American. Why would you complain to Americans about Communists?

>> No.16924591

This is the funniest thing I have seen in years, seriously.

>> No.16924596


>> No.16924599

Glownigger Zionist pedophile go kill yourself

>> No.16924693
File: 18 KB, 1277x796, 2019 United States Homicide Percentages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16924705

Both of those are for VICTIMS, not perpetrators. They're cause of death statistics.

I wonder how closely they correlate to perpetrator stats. Or if perpetrator stats are even meaningful given how many are never caught.

>> No.16924758

Just how many of you fucking degenerates have done time? Christ.

>> No.16924784

I’m for giving credit where it is due. And I’m against giving credit where it is not due.

>> No.16924794

Imagine endorsing tyranny in 2021.
I've never seen more red pilled faggots in my life lately.

>> No.16924802

There's a reason why mex gangs are so violent.

>> No.16924810

They've been doing that since 2016.

>> No.16924812

Funny how the same people who want every toddler to carry a machine gun just coincidentally are against any standards or restrictions for, or independent supervision over cop behavior. Just a coincidence I'm sure

>> No.16924837
File: 360 KB, 1280x1914, Deontay_Wilder_2018_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entirety of American history has been dynastic WASPs ruling and delegating the power structure of the country, internally and externally. wh*tes literally cannot fathom that the genocidal pedophiles they worship to this day are in fact the epitome of globohomo libertines they project onto every other non pigskinned human being. It is only in recent post Cold War history that these traditional nobles have ceded their open known powers to other peoples to further cement their grip, consolidate and appease the changing masses while further integrating with Zionism. wh*tes do not even pontificate on the idea of this because it ruins their "our might is morally right" self-fulfilling tautology. wh*tes literally cannot stop projecting. Every single criticism of other non-cumskinned peoples is a reflection of European history where inbred swamp dwelling Neanderthals worshipped and were ruled by even more inbred genocidal pedophiles.

>> No.16924845

Is this the hotep response to the "American culture is based on" copypasta

>> No.16924851


>> No.16924950

I always enjoy *chan prison thread and especially /ck/ prison threads. For some fucking reason there's a higher % of people that have served time on this board than elsewhere.
>gonna guess you're all cooks

>> No.16924968

Is it because of the food? Spiciness is degenerate, spiciness is anti-white. I don't mean to say that in any trivial way. In what it represents, spiciness is degenerate. What it means to spice up your food is to cause yourself agitation. To agitate your tongue. To cause you pain. To cause you a sensation, this new sensation, you might start shifting in your chair like "aah! that's hot!" Here's the thing about spice, once you go from spicing food to making food spicy you've crossed into the realm of degeneracy. You're gonna be welcomed by Arab sheikhs and fucking la cucaracha dances. I don't mean this as a joke. If spicy food is something you enjoy then it's a sign of a degenerated spirit. And it's these mud races that are so obsessed with spicy food, they're obsessed with agitation. They live in these climates where it's just sand, blowing in the wind. Or they might live in a muddy tropical forest where it's all gooey and slop-slop everywhere; it's constantly changing. But in the far North, what do we have? We have ice. There we have a true symbol. A way to orient ourselves, I suppose you'd say. Spice is really a symbol of total decadence. If you enjoy causing pain to yourself, why is that? It's a thirst for total agitation that these lowers races are so much more... It's so much more sensual than the Hyperborean race. And it's not a plus. Hyperboreans have the true strength. Ice is strong. Sand you can just throw it to the wind, or you know... Disgusting... you can step on some mud, throw it away. You cn disperse it easily. But you have to smash ice. So don't eat spicy food from a fucking salsa bowl, drink from the cool ice of your hyperborean ancestors.

>> No.16925010

Spicier food in hot countries has been explained in terms of natural selection on human cultures, with spices with antimicrobial effects considered to be an adaptation to increased risk of foodborne infection. However, correlations between culture and environment are difficult to interpret, because many cultural traits are inherited together from shared ancestors, neighbouring cultures are exposed to similar conditions, and many cultural and environmental variables show strong covariation. Here, using a global dataset of 33,750 recipes from 70 cuisines containing 93 different spices, we demonstrate that variation in spice use is not explained by temperature and that spice use cannot be accounted for by diversity of cultures, plants, crops or naturally occurring spices. Patterns of spice use are not consistent with an infection-mitigation mechanism, but are part of a broader association between spice, health, and poverty. This study highlights the challenges inherent in interpreting patterns of human cultural variation in terms of evolutionary pressures.

>> No.16925119

>lived in a trailer in a field and did whatever we wanted.
Literally me.

>> No.16925164

When they hit us with DARE I was too young and thought "drinking and driving" meant any drink and freaked out when my dad opened a soda in the car. I incidentally ended up thinking a lot of the drug users I knew were fucking losers so I never got around to trying anything until my 30s.

>> No.16925217
File: 73 KB, 500x474, one-last-trip-to-flavortown-35028664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he only thing they gave us were sandwiches of what the inmates called "monkey brains". They took bologna and I guess relish and pickles and blended it together for a green pickled mash. That is ALL they give you. I mean they'll give you shitloads of them but you have to force yourself to eat them. When we left this woman transported with us who looked like an old hooker was crying. She said "I've been in dozens of jails and this place broke me. What the fuck."

jesus christ mang

anyone rope themself with bedsheets? even CIA blacksites probably give better food.

>> No.16925218

>all republicans
Biden was pushing crack house laws and crime bills against blacks while his junkie son was developing his first additions to cocaine you fucking mung. He and Kamala have terrible records on "the war on drugs" and prosecutions. Blacks hate them both for it which is insane irony right now.

>> No.16925227


Will you send me to jail anon I'll go quietly as long as you let me go fishing

>> No.16925229
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>Total autistic dweeb, hated social contact, spoke to no one, yet everyone was terrified of me because I was huge, hairy as fuck and ripped. Everyone thought I was a serial killer. People stuttered and frantically apologized if they thought they'd upset me.

living the dream anon

hope you came out and hate-fucked a bunch of stacies that would have laughed at you before

>> No.16925273
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>if you like maa-roo-cooon

lmao is that he says maruchan?

>> No.16925459


>> No.16925743

Can confirm. 92[ANYTHING] was full of black people.

t. 35P

>> No.16925759
File: 31 KB, 250x251, 1399334472278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a WASP and he was robbing a bank btw so don't accuse him of being a nigger or some kind of loser or anything, you've at least considered it or you're a fag

>> No.16925787

newfag thhey're all discord tranny posts

>> No.16925789


He robbed a bank, your dad is a nigger by default

>> No.16925791

no, this is real life. like everyone else I retreated to my shitty apartment and stuffed a bunch of fried shit down my throat

>> No.16925807

>sacred weed
>central and south america
what year are you living in grandpa?

>> No.16925818

>believing a word that Chuck Basher has to say

>> No.16925978

>I wonder how closely they correlate to perpetrator stats
It's actually more unfavorable for minorities. There is more black on white crime than the other way around by a country mile.
>Or if perpetrator stats are even meaningful given how many are never caught
More than half of murder cases are solved

>> No.16926066

jokes aside during my 4 year term i was doing around 300 a day and i'm a NEET who was reading one piece every week

>> No.16926071
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what did you do to get in prison anon?

>> No.16926519

Boys will be boys.

>> No.16926520

What'd you do? I did >>16921995

>> No.16926522

What ended up happening? How much was bond. I'm >>16921995

>> No.16926609

Bail was set to 50K so I had to pay $5k to the bondsman. That’s with zero priors on my record. Case was a mess, I hired the highest quality lawyer in the state. Eventually it came out that she had accused others. She had signed an affidavit claiming what she said was valid but even the prosecutor started to doubt what she was saying. It didn’t help she was a huge bitch to even the prosecutor and judge so the prosecutor actually fudged the law and offered a plea where they dropped it down to misdemeanor battery. I ended up taking it because even if I went to court I probably would have been hit by that same charge as a lesser included. I worked as a plumber for a few years but I just got a job in a bank since I have a finance degree so I think I’ll be okay. I just bought a house and have a wife now who met me while I had just been charged so she was with me the whole time. She’s a keeper. Overall, happy ending, but it easily could have gone tits up. Still paying off my mom for lending me the cash for the lawyer but that’s okay.

>> No.16926617

Did anything happen to that bitch? What made her falsely accuse you. I'm happy to hear nothing too bad happened to you.

>> No.16926708

You get shit loads of snacks, other blokes get steak if they try

>> No.16926710

We just fucked but she wanted to stay over night and I told her that I have work in the morning and that she has to go home. Guess is she wanted to be the new girlfriend. Very dumb stuff.

>> No.16926717

So why didn't you murder her after you got out???

>> No.16926737

I have the belief that she will try the same thing again with a nigger who will bash her skull in. I have thought about this, where the police come to my door and I reply with a shit eating grin that I was home that night but if they ever find the guy to let me know and I’ll drop a few thousand for the guys legal defense.

>> No.16926757

Ok that's just retarded

>> No.16927189

i was in jail for 3 weeks a few years ago. all i remember eating was a pb&j every morning with orange juice and really shitty coffee.
all things considered it really wasn't that unpleasant overall, kinda comfy if you get a shared cell with people that aren't purposefully annoying

>> No.16927218

You could always kill yourself if it is too mmuch for you to handle.

>> No.16927572
File: 499 KB, 483x325, spenge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched some seriously fucked up shit on a documentary about south America once.

There was apparently legends of a tribe that would vivisect fucking babies. They thought the cries would appease the gods. There were a lot of paintings of priests cutting out babies eyes and shit.

Of course the idea at the time was that this was just shit another tribe made up to make them look bad. Then at a dig site near where this tribe lived they unearthed several infant skeletons. With deep knife grooves around the eye sockets.

Oh shit. Holy fucking shit. Imagine being like an explorer from the old world with the Christian beliefs and all that and seeing people doing that to babies.

>> No.16927732
File: 194 KB, 640x544, 4E2693E4-2E2E-402B-BBD7-9C52D1E816A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know vampires are based on the Jewish practice of bloodletting?

>> No.16927750

What's with South America and fucked up traditions? Seriously; human sacrifice, cutting out beating hearts for gods, shrunken heads, cultures that glorify killing etc.

>> No.16927767

>Oh shit. Holy fucking shit. Imagine being like an explorer from the old world with the Christian beliefs and all that and seeing people doing that to babies.

That's just a quaint part of their native culture you white fucking racist. Fuck you white people.

>> No.16927797
File: 34 KB, 600x600, FC28E40C-8970-4E77-9862-6A59F85830EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Hebrew Israelites are actually pretty based

>> No.16928146

stop posting lies online. god doesn't like when you do

>> No.16928703
File: 1005 KB, 220x260, 1629332722509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a gf that i got violent with for sleeping around

she ended up having a kid with someone almost immediately after i went to prison, and got a bunch of tattoos. she was getting whored out at like 13, which was a go to sob story.

>> No.16928742

Dumb shit what you want is a case of ramen. That's basic currency, unless it's changed again. I wonder what you could get with some of the more premium ramens.

>> No.16928745

>she was getting whored out at like 13
That's a pretty legit sob story if it's the truth.

>> No.16928753

its more common than you think

>> No.16928788

That's really sad.

>> No.16928833

goddamn y'all talking this up so much making a nigga wanna get committed

>> No.16929252

Jar of hot sauce is easier to smuggle in the boofcase though

>> No.16929338

it's called a dirty bulk

>> No.16929372

It's honestly pretty comfy if your just fucked enough to need a break from reality but can still mostly function.
It's like a vacation with just enough comfort for a liveable standard plus medical care. Like the most boring but relaxing vacation you can take.

>> No.16929378

If I'm smuggling in anything it's gonna be hard drugs. I'm not getting extra time for hot sauce

>> No.16929399

one of the most fucked up shits i heard in my life is that when a baby dies firsr it goes quiet
instead of crying and shaking it goes quiet
the baby knows, it has embraced death
think about all the druggies with neglected kids they accidentally had due to unprotected sex
so many babies surredering quietly into the cold night
keeps me up ar night

>> No.16929413

The only people disagreeing with you are resorting to ad hominem

>> No.16929443

So not a case of ramen? I agree with you though. But honest advice here, done boof nothing. It is pretty easy to get away with from what I understand and people will give you anything to not go through withdrawal but trust me, nothing they can give you is worth risking more charges. Fuck that shit. Take your lick and move on.
Course I'm not super experienced either. Only been for the one crime for about 4 months. Just my opinion I'd never do that personally. Best they can give you is gross jail food, cheap snack foods, or "soups" (ramen). I guess a bj but even with that just crank it out in the shower like everyone else you wierd