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File: 158 KB, 800x800, lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16845008 No.16845008 [Reply] [Original]

I was talking with my brother the other day about how refreshing this stuff looks and I was wondering if any anons had any ideas on how to recreate lean, without the drugs, since I'm not a junkie or black. Maybe some kind of grape flavoring like Mio mixed with simple syrup as a base, and then diluted with sprite and jolly ranchers added for flavor? Do any of you have ideas or resources on how to make a non-psychoactive lean?

>> No.16845029

The hardest part is reconstructing the color, thankfully Sprite is clear. Get yourself some purple food coloring (or red and blue) and test out different combinations. Don't add simple syrup unless you're doing the whole thing from scratch and boiling lemon-lime peel in it which infuses and basically turns the whole thing into a lemon-lime flavor, at which point you bypass the middleman and get yourself some cheap as fuck grape-flavored juice and mix it with equal parts sugar and lemon peel until it boils, let it cool down then strain into a bottle for fake-lean syrup.

>> No.16845035

>I'm not a junkie or black
incredibly racist go to >>>/pol/

>> No.16845053

Just drink grape Fanta you jackass, an opioid addiction is nothing to fantasize about

>> No.16845061

I appreciate the advice anon, I was thinking of trying to make a base of imitation codeine drank (the grape flavoring with simple syrup) from scratch and then diluting with the sprite. Am i correct in assuming the codeine has a grape flavor? I have never had it before. I would imagine this base codeine would need to be fairly dark purple at first to imitate the color as seen in the pictures after dilution, so you bring up a valid point that reconstructing the color would be difficult since that's what makes it look so good.

>> No.16845066

I think you missed the point of my post, I'm trying to imitate the lean. I don't want drugs in it, I just want to make something that looks and tastes similar.

>> No.16845069


>> No.16845073
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>> No.16845101
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I have come across imitation lean products in my research, like pic related. I would prefer a recipe made from scratch so that I don't have to ship the products out, and it would most likely be cheaper to make by myself. Also, I'm looking to make an imitation lean base, which can be diluted as I please. From my understanding, there are many different ways to make the final purple drank, but they all start from a codeine promethazine base. Although I suppose a can or two could serve as a nice flavor reference.

>> No.16845123

Its literally just sprite and jolly ranchers to mask the disgusting medicinal flavor

>> No.16845131

If your goal is to reproduce cough syrup taste, get the cheapest grape flavoring you can find and add way too much of it. Possibly also add cheap alcohol for the burning effect

>> No.16845159

straight lean is basically thin slightly alcoholic syrup, sweet to the point of being gross and about as alcoholic as wine or maybe schnapps except with no flavor but sugar.
>t. former whole pint out the bottle drinker

>> No.16845160
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>> No.16845194

Is there no grape flavor in the actual codeine syrup?
Interesting, I didn't know lean had an alcoholic burning aspect to it. Would you guys say a good lean base could be made out of either:
Purple food coloring, simple syrup, and alcohol
Generous grape flavoring (Mio or Koolaid?), simple syrup, and alcohol
Also if you guys used to actually drink lean, are there any other ways you would make it aside from sprite and jolly ranchers? Hope I'm not being autistic I just find this interesting.

>> No.16845306

dj screw invented purple drank and he made this soda. only available in houston and new orleans area

>> No.16845343

I'd imagine its a good reference then. Only problem is its $43 for a pack of 12 online.

>> No.16845353

>alcoholic burning aspect to it
that was only from drinking it straight up without mixing it with anything and even then it didn't really burn. some brands had 0.1% chloroform in them iirc which i think might have made it smell more alcoholic than it actually was. i kind of worried about it since i was drinking like 60 times the medicinal dose which is probably why i remember
i think if you made simple syrup and added a little vodka it would get close to the straight-out-the-bottle flavor (which sucks) and then mix it with whatever you want
i liked to mix it with fanta or any orange soda, i think anything citrus or sour goes well because it helps cut the overwhelming sweetness of drinking something that is almost pure sugar syrup

>> No.16845374

like 1 or 2$ at the gas station

>> No.16845438

Yeah I checked out some of the bottles and it looks like some of them say 7% alcohol or so. I will try. Also, orange soda sounds pretty good, will try that as well.
I'm in the northeast, and as far as I'm aware no stores around me sell it. I'll keep an eye out though.

>> No.16845455

drink a sprite through a mouthful of jolly ranchers

>> No.16845477
File: 76 KB, 166x190, Cheeseburger1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hell even is lean? is it just cough syrup mixed in sprite?

>> No.16845535

>is it just cough syrup mixed in sprite?
Yup, it is "leaner" than the straight codeine syrup

>> No.16845567

codeine (opiate) and promethazine (sedative anti-histamine) syrup, traditionally mixed with sprite. it's kind of like doing a tiny little bit of heroin and a fistful of benadryl.
god i miss it bros ;_;

>> No.16845616

Not trying to tell you what to do, but stay strong and don't get back on that shit anon.

>> No.16845640

What's that drink in your cup, is that grape kool aid or purple stuff?

>> No.16845653

is it better than THC

>> No.16845720

thanks but i mostly miss it because it was a more innocent time, after the xanax, before the pills and then the heroin and then the xanax again. now i am clean and sober except for being a full blown alcoholic and doing cocaine at every possible opportunity. im 32, if i were to sober up now i would have 10+ years of catching up to do to be anywhere close to being a responsible adult. the walls are closing in. this thread has kind of pissed me off because thinking about drinking lean is the first step to drinking lean, except nobody drinks lean, everyone just goes straight to percs which are probably just fentany pills. two of my best friends ODd within 3 months of each other.
thank you for reading my blog

>this post brought to you by D.A.R.E

>> No.16845722
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>> No.16846050

>Is there no grape flavor in the actual codeine syrup?
There is not. It just has a naturally strange taste. It's the codeine that makes it sweet. Liquid oxygen has almost the same taste. It's sickly sweet and slightly oily. Use a fake sugar like equal or Splenda. Closest I can equate the taste to is saccharine.

>> No.16846052

I forgot. Niggers put a grape jolly rancher in the drink to get the grape flavor. That's where that grape is coming from. Watermelon is another popular choice.

>> No.16846059

Liquid oxycontin* not oxygen

>> No.16846078

Sorry to hear that anon, I'm glad you're off the opiates though. I promise I won't drink lean kek, I'm hopefully going down the right path in life and I've had plenty of guys tell me about how opiates will ruin your life. Besides I already tried percs in high school, and while they were nice I don't really think they're worth the trouble.
Where the hell have you tried liquid oxygen? Work in a chemistry lab by any chance? I just got some groceries with the stuff for the lean, will post soon.

>> No.16846082

>Liquid oxycontin* not oxygen
Ahh ok, now that I think about it, liquid oxygen would have frozen your tongue off

>> No.16846136

>purple cool aid
>jolly ranchers

pretty close, you can add vodka if you want that "sharp" taste that comes with cough syrup

>> No.16846141

>now i am clean and sober except for being a full blown alcoholic and doing cocaine at every possible opportunity

seriously though. what do you enjoy/ want to do in lfie?

>> No.16846214
File: 2.47 MB, 2618x3490, C0EA0CEF-8490-4177-9736-FACB15CCF033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I got my shit, must have lost the purple koolaid so I got some overpriced bullshit food coloring from whole foods. No alcohol because I’m not 21 yet, and no styrofoam cups because I guess stores don’t sell those anymore for muh environment
I too would like to hear anon

>> No.16846264

literally no lean is fucking terrible. imagine killing yourself just to feel kind of weird for an hour or two

>> No.16846272

I have made "weed lean" by infusing Glycerin with THC, then combining that into a simple syrup with some food coloring. the glycerin helps thicken it up, so you could do that but it's unnecessary because you dont have to worry about binding thc to anything. overall if all you want is the look just a thick simple syrup will do. Hell, you could probably just add flavoring/color to corn syrup and get a similar result.

>> No.16846277

wtf is the point if you dont get fucked up? retard. sprite and dimetapp and you probably have the color and taste

>> No.16846311
File: 3.04 MB, 2794x3725, E6936EE0-BE27-4CA8-B469-CB6B88A69696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the wock nigga. How’s the color look my niggas?
Very interesting, reminds me of when I’d make edibles with soy lecithin to increase bioavailability. Did you feel like you would get higher than if you smoked an equivalent amount? Also I just did what you said, the lean I made is just syrup and food coloring

>> No.16846329

Shut up nigger

>> No.16846369
File: 330 KB, 960x1280, E254A59A-7470-4AE2-8A06-73630BD9EC2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das it mane. Also captcha is NP02K, WE PLAYIN 2K NIGGA

>> No.16846482

looks pretty refreshing. the effervescence of the sprite really satisfies my palate

>> No.16846493

Exactly what I thought. I'm gonna play with the ratios a bit, I dumped a fuckton of sugar into the lean and it's a bit too sweet, and it also kinda disgusts me thinking about how much sugar I'm drinking. Honestly though I could probably just do food coloring in sprite with jolly ranchers and it'd be the exact same thing. The crispness of the sprite does contrast nicely with the saccharine sweetness

>> No.16846616

Mountain Dew watermelon flavor plus some fresh lime. Shit is next level.

>> No.16846778

there's a niche market of relaxing drinks with things like valerian root and whatnot. worth a try in my opinion. you can feel your brain sink just a lower.

>> No.16846873

Sippin Wok in my cup no patron nigga

>> No.16847087

>black culture is a bad thing

>> No.16847278

go to one of those nigger smoke shops that serves weird sodas

>> No.16847322

Fuck Austin yuppies desu

>> No.16847367

Hate zoomie rappers so much. Purple stuff is H-town shit. Recognize.

>> No.16847469
File: 29 KB, 480x480, 0__1403_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you nigger lover.

>> No.16847667

>seriously though. what do you enjoy/ want to do in lfie?
drink and do cocaine, duh. i dont think ive been sober for longer than 3 days since i was 17, except for a 3 month stint in a mental hospital. i dont really know how to function sober. i think at this point there is only one reward pathway in my brain that and it only works when im getting fucked up. im moving to a new city in a few weeks so hopefully that will help me break old habits and fix everything but ive tried that twice already so im not too optimistic. if third time isnt the charm i will probably kms myself because its either that or waiting til i die of a heart attack or stroke when im 40
looks authentic, if you want the most """authentic""" flavor you probably want to add the sugar equivalent of an oz or two of syrup, whatever that is. maybe a tablespoon or two i guess, or just add to taste since you're just doing it for fun

>> No.16847773

>wants to use mio
>also wants to use simple syrup

Enjoy diabetes

>> No.16847797
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>now i am clean and sober except for being a full blown alcoholic and doing cocaine at every possible opportunity.
That's not how it fucking works, man.

>> No.16849163

I started drinking this shit when I was like 15 thinking I was so cool, 5 years later I was shooting up heroine multiple times a day or id puke my guts out. Hate that rappers promote this shit, it's kiddie heroin

>> No.16849177

>soy lecithin

>> No.16849191
File: 35 KB, 636x636, 1613229305992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best thing to do to kick habbits is learn psychology and train yourself like an animal. Read dont shoot the dog to start, from there you can move towards different subjects and goals. If you are depressed upward spiral is also a good read. not every self help book is garbage.

>> No.16849218

When you drop us a live stream

>> No.16849675

Do you work anon? At least for me I find work to be an easy way to distract myself from the rest of life. Maybe you can find a job where it's easy to do while fucked up.
You didn't taste it all, just tasted like regular weed brownies.

>> No.16849685

Incredibly gay go back to /Reddit/

>> No.16849715

Why bother? the taste is nothing to brag about. The only reason to drink the shit is to get high. You could drink it a few dozen times and not get hooked, its a mild opioid. So if you wanna try the taste, just go for the real thing.

>> No.16849721

>he thinks its the taste that makes me vomit
it's normal to puke when you ingest poison anon.

>> No.16849734

and it just takes one?

>> No.16850411

>Maybe some kind of grape flavoring like Mio mixed with simple syrup as a base
Does the cough syrup used for purple drank even have grape flavour?

>> No.16850817


I don't really get purple drank. it's low on promethazine and especially codeine. for reference I had a panacod prescription which contains paracetamol (500mg) and 30mg of codeine. I did not have a tolerance for opiates initially but it took at least 90mg of codeine to make me feel anything. considering lean has way less codeine you'd have to sip a lot of cups to get any kind of high out of that

I'm more sure it's people getting drunk off the alcohol in lean than codeine. promethazine is only marginal in its effect, I've tried all the neuroleptics including this and it does next to nothing. only quetiapine hits hard the first 50 times you do it and it only makes you fall asleep, it's not a high of any sort you get out of it

>> No.16851587

Just get grape soda cracka, or buy da real thang

>> No.16851637

i'll look them up but i worry ive pavlovian conditioned myself beyond repair
i'll do a flip
>Maybe you can find a job where it's easy to do while fucked up.
way ahead of you, i work in a kitchen lol. if i get caught doing coke on the job it just means i have to share it
yeah codeine sucks ass, 90mg is probably the minimum for anyone to get a buzz and thats already a couple ounces of syrup at least, i think the promethazine does most of the work. also codeine has a ceiling dose because your liver has to metabolize it so if you have any sort of tolerance it gets more expensive than hydros or percs or whatever and thats a deep rabbit hole to go down

>> No.16852702

>pavlovian conditioned myself beyond repair
no such thing, however, the cost of repair might be high, so you have to understand you will be paying it.

>> No.16853006
File: 293 KB, 441x464, C1A7B89A-F794-44A3-9CB2-935F99B322E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you familiar with this one? i grew up in new orleans and haven't seen it since i left. we used to mix it with gin

>> No.16853053 [DELETED] 

I don't know what's worse, drinking like a nigger, emulating niggers, or emulating the niggers you hate.

>> No.16853058
File: 185 KB, 857x1200, 56AEF8DD-1FE1-434C-94DD-82FAAB398EBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d love to get fucked up on lean because I kinda like that drowsy feeling of the medicine whenever I’m sick. I don’t want to wreak havoc on my organs though, will probably try OP’s recipe as it just looks cool

>> No.16853066

Oh and for anyone not woke on the jp, chosen pharma companies shill rappers to push pharma drugs.

Anyone remember that g6 song where they name robotusin and even show how to mix it?
Or all those suicide rappers pushing Xanax?
Chosen pharma plugs this shit like coke does.

They are trying to get kids hooked on opiates, because the kids graduate directly to fentanyl.
Weed doesn't make money, opiates make money.