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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16806448 [Reply] [Original]

Do you make your own? Or you just eat out

>> No.16806466
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I just bring whatever I made the night before

>> No.16806467

i walk to the kitchen from my living room for lunch. on company time

>> No.16806486

I don't eat a work lunch. I'll just have a quick snack bar to tide me over.

>> No.16806511

I usually have leftovers. I eat my lunch about half an hour after everyone else so I dont have to sit with anyone in the lunch room ._.

>> No.16806515

I meal prep on the weekends so I can just nuke it in the office microwave. Simple stuff. Chicken curry and rice, baked ziti with peppers and onions, sliced sausage with some vegetable and roasted potatoes, maybe a soup and crackers. I usually work while eating so nothing too involved.

>> No.16806518

Have it delivered from Five Guys to my home.

>> No.16806554

One meal a day for me. Use lunchbreak to stretch my legs and get some fresh air

>> No.16806568

my coworkers would get pissed if i brought anything flavorful to microwave. I'm basically forced to eat chicken salads and wraps.

>> No.16806570
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I just go in when other people aren't about and eat what other people bring in from the communal fridge.

>> No.16806582

>I usually work while eating so nothing too involved.
>my coworkers would get pissed if i brought anything flavorful to microwave
and what does your wife's boyfriend think about all this?

>> No.16806593

I just go home for an hour and eat. Then go back to work and leave an hour earlier because fuck the man.

>> No.16806623

One of my coworkers brought salmon or something one day and from then on it was open season for everybody else. I don't mind the occasional microwave smell honestly, don't know why some people get so bent out of shape.

>> No.16806630

based office goblin

>> No.16806635

it's one thing when you work with whites. it's complete whole other level type thing when you work with chinkoids or pakistanoids.

>> No.16806640

I'd eat out young Pam from like 3 years before the first season

>> No.16806651

>eating pussy
Gayest beta shit I ever heard.

>> No.16806659

whatever tyvarius, go back to eating the ass of that disgusting 300 lb beast

>> No.16806681

Yeah I'm sure bat meat and monkey dicks smell pretty fucking bad in a microwave

>> No.16806693

I don't work in an office anymore, and probably never will again, but when I did, I absolutely refused to eat in the office. I will leave that fucking building on my designated lunch break.

I don't know how people can possibly just be so docile to be happy to microwave their sad food and sit down to work more at their desk.

>> No.16806705

Some people like what they do, unlike some poor sods.

>> No.16806716

Ah, yes, I'm sure you looooove what you do and haven't just been brainwashed into thinking making someone else a lot of money is a good thing for your personal growth. Or don't just hate your home life/have zero hobbies.

>> No.16806738

Project harder

>> No.16806747

this meme makes no sense

>> No.16806761

Giving someone oral sex is inherently submissive and makes you their bitch. Imagine being your bitch's bitch, that's beta as fuck.

>> No.16806799

We got this African guy that LITERALLY every day brings some fish and rice casserole shit that stinks to high heaven and also doesn't understand the concept of sink =/= garbage disposal

>> No.16806817

Try putting up a handwritten passive-aggressive sign.

>> No.16806845

It gets better, his wife is our resident HR queen bee.

>> No.16806860

I eat out ur mum during my lunch break

>> No.16806866


>> No.16806872

It's free

>> No.16806957

i work in a backpacker's hostel.
middle of the day the place is empty cuz all the guests are out either hiking or skiing.
I just keep a pile of ingredients in the staff fridge and cook meals from scratch half the time.
the other half, I bring leftovers from home to heat up or I grab something from the frozen section on the way to work (fries, frozen pizza etc).

having access to a fully equipped and empty kitchen every day at work is nice.
i could never go back to an officecuck job sharing a shitty little kitchenette with a bunch of middle-aged women again, fuck that.

>> No.16806988

hummus, hempseed, salsa/hotsauce + chips
gaucamole and/or salsa + chips
lean cusine types of shit
coworkers leftovers
munch of trailmix + granola all day and some bread for lunch.
frozen bean/cheese/rice burritos microwaved for 3 minutes, then for 2 minutes in the toaste oven.
refrigerated dumpster pizza in toaster oven

>> No.16807003

ask him to stop microwaving super pungent food.

>> No.16807011

>I don't know how people can possibly just be so docile to be happy to microwave their sad food and sit down to work more at their desk.
i would chat with my coworkers on my lunch break... and thats when they usually gave me their leftovers

>> No.16807090


>> No.16807114

Work lunch is for networking with clients, not eating at your desk or in a breakroom.

>> No.16807119
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>> No.16807125

oh I eat out

>> No.16807143

Every time I ate with coworkers, all they did was talk more about work. It was like having another meeting for the company, but for free, and over a microwaved frozen meal or tupperware full of old garbage that now smells like a culinary gangbang.

>> No.16807191

And yet Eating Ass is glorified. Explain

>> No.16807208

I don’t eat lunch. I don’t have lunch break

>> No.16807315

Stupid bullshit from some MRA, guaranteed

>> No.16807331

When I worked in the financial district in manhattan I'd always sit on park benches across from women like this, damn I miss the 90s, same shit on the subway cars.

>> No.16807334

sucking dck is submissive. I eat pussy because I want to. same goes for ass. It's nigh impossible to be submissive to a woman in any way, sexually. even if a bitch pegs you (and that shit IS gay) she's still the one humiliated and cheapened by being w/ some faggot who gets pegged

>> No.16807340

>virgin hands typed this

>> No.16807361

what kind of retard spends their money eating lunch out every day? You know what's not awesome? Spending $2100/year more than just making it at home to get fat eating out 5x a week.

>> No.16807369

that's a lot of cope little faggot buddy

>> No.16807376

Skirts and tennis shoes my man

>> No.16807378

I love healthy pussy and girlbutt so that makes me gay

>> No.16807381

Nah, anyone who says that is even gayer and more beta.

>> No.16807384

no the fact that's what you're focused on makes you a fucking limpdick loser

>> No.16807391

Not a virgin, just don't eat pussy. Make a girl cum in other ways and she won't even bother to ask for it, in my experience. If you have a girl demanding you eat her out then you're not satisfying her properly or she's trying to take control in the relationship.

>> No.16807410

>sees attractive woman
>oh boy i wish i could rub my face all over her asshole and pussy
>naw i'm not gay and my dick totally works why do you ask?

>> No.16807416

>t. angry redfaced teenager obsessed w/ his own powerlessness
>totally not a virgin

>> No.16807419

naw dawg you sound like an obese neckbeard with problems with your dick

>> No.16807449

you sound like a 14 year old wannabe nigger

>> No.16807451

Not sure if projecting or just a roastie. Maybe both?

>> No.16807455

>makes sex all about dick
>calls men attracted to women gay

>> No.16807459

uh, okay. i rather be a 14 year old wanna nigger than whatever the fuck you are.

>> No.16807470

a man having sex uses his hard dick. if you don't have a hard dick then sex becomes about rubbing your face on assholes i guess.

>> No.16807471

so you're a miserable, frustrated 35 year old man who uses women to have an intense relationship with his dick?

>> No.16807476

yeah that sounds about right. i don't think i know anyone who isn't like me. it's a pretty good time when you get into it.

>> No.16807477


>> No.16807486

>a man has hard dick
>a woman has hole between her legs
>putting hard dick into hole is how you have sex
>what a retard you have to rub your face on her asshole

>> No.16807490

De fucking railed

>> No.16807511

you know I can do both right?

>> No.16807517

the point is what you are focused on you limpdick shrimpick little bitch

>> No.16807560

That's not what I'm focused on. It's mainly face, shape, ass, tits, hips, fat pussy, smell, sound & the way she moves. I also like feet, tummies, necks and pits and girls hands and everyother part of their body. I also get aroused by mothers, wifey stuff and girls being empathetic. i like women. I like eating their healthy pussies and assholes. I love fucking them.
fuck off, retard

>> No.16807564

shut the fuck up you kike faggot and suck my fat white dick

>> No.16807565
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>I can do both
Wut? Is your dick hanging off of your chin?

>> No.16807579

Are you trying to lose weight?

>> No.16807590

The usual arrangement is wife on the dick, gf on my face, wife's sister enjoying some finger action.

>> No.16807602

lol the only arrangement is you taking a break to pull all the hairs out of your teeth from sucking so much dirty cock

>> No.16807612

>heres a scene from a jew movie made by jews starring sme blonde jew who was molested by jews y-y-youuuu k-kike
Did old jewish men wearing makeup make you eat their pussy and work their nips? Is that where this is coming from?

>> No.16807615

There are so many lonely man itt Jesus christ....

>> No.16807618

And you on the camera

>> No.16807619

>>heres a scene from a jew movie made by jews starring sme blonde jew who was molested by jews y-y-youuuu k-kike
yeah tha'ts my entire point you cocksucking asslicking limpdick kike

>> No.16807625

Lighten up, the booze is kicking in

>> No.16807635

>networking with clients
Haha, I too remember the 80s and 90s! I'm going to go snort cocaine and then make some calls from my car phone while wearing a suit with very wide shoulders. Maybe later we can meet up for golf and complain about our wives!

>> No.16807642

Work from home: make my own lunch
In Office: just go to local places
Too bad covid shut down most local places near my office, good thing i never go in anymore I guess.

>> No.16807717

anyone who just said that microwaving fish isnt that bad is a complete retard. you cannot be fuckin serious. it takes a special level of selfish prick to microwave fish in a shared microwave

>> No.16808240

>everyone who doesn't eat their gf's pussy must actually be single and lonely

>> No.16808352

>Haha, I too remember the 80s and 90s! I'm going to go snort cocaine and then make some calls from my car phone while wearing a suit with very wide shoulders. Maybe later we can meet up for golf and complain about our wives!
hello? SOVL department?

>> No.16808390

i hate how women sit around with their stupid fat legs out all over the place, but then you cant harass them

>> No.16808457

When you're in the wagie cage, I guess that's all you have.

>> No.16808717

Looks like something I feed my dog. Except I give my dog way less rice and more meat.

>> No.16808728

I put my penis in your dog's butthole and ejaculate immediately

>> No.16808741

I used to do this when my office was near where I live, now I have to travel for over an hour by train to get there and microwaves are a pain to use thanks to all covid safety measures. I miss when I was working from home entirely, looking for a new job that will allow me exactly that

>> No.16808746

What a bunch of low test retards lmao

>> No.16808750
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i eat out bitches on my luch break u homo

>> No.16808754
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Just eating some bread.

>> No.16808849

Nah I'm just not hungry and I need to get away from my coworkers before I snap. I eat a good meal in the evening or eat normally during the week ends with the wife.

>> No.16808881

I don't eat lunch at work.
I also don't engage in coffee drinking or any other form of casual social interaction.

>> No.16808901

Thats cope dude, she obviously notices it and has commented with her friends. And yes, a boring sex life is seen as bad by all girls.

>> No.16809037
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I've started cooking recently and have since stopped eating out when I'm at the office, all my coworkers who spend insane amounts of money on their lunch (13€ for like 5 tiny meatballs and some mash) are seething that I'm anti-social now

>> No.16809042

>life is just like those (((hollywood))) movies and sitcoms

>> No.16809095

I work in a very laid back restaurant, it's usually just me, one of the cooks, and my boss. I'll graze all day, sometimes they make Chinese food for us because they're directly from Hong Kong

>> No.16809316

All this cope because you don't know about how sex works. Pretty funny honestly

>> No.16809370

That looks good bro, can you share your recipe pls ?

>> No.16809411

Sounds cozy, I can't imagine being able to cook a meal from scratch at work

>> No.16809413

PB&J and a banana.

>> No.16809414

explains how you got a black guy on staff

>> No.16809420

that trans lady is really cute!

>> No.16809452

Imagine them sniffing each other's vulvas nude in a disabled toilet.

>> No.16809543

I like to eat at the canteen because it's in a different building, which means i can take a stroll outside for a bit, plus the food is freshly made.

>> No.16809578

Porn has rotted your brain.

>> No.16809711

I jump around and eat whatever the cheapest lunch specials are, wendy's 4 for 4, taco bell box, local discount days at diners etc

>> No.16809727

>saucing your bento beforehand

>> No.16809855

Is that supposed to be fried rice?

>> No.16809897

my corporate campus has multiple cafeterias once they send us back next year

>> No.16809919
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>eating out is submissive
No dog, I put my tongue and face on my girl exactly where I want to. And then she puts her tonsils exactly where I want her to.

>> No.16809927

Depends. I used to go out more, but they moved our office to an area where all the fast food places are kinda shit. I either cook more now or pick up a sandwich at the Food Lion deli near my house.

>> No.16809937

If there are any good leftovers in the fridge, I bring some of that.
Otherwise I just make myself a sammich.
Making yourself a work lunch should take you at most a couple of minutes.
Anybody who can't do that is either ridiculously disorganised, or just fucking lazy.

>> No.16809938

no, just mixing

>> No.16809953
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>eating out is submissive

Completely true. Tell the bitch ey yo suck my dick now and tonight ill make steak and whatever you want. If she gives lip tell her to fuck off and fimd some other meal ticket. Always remember a whore is a whore and you, being the elite 4channer have worked on yourself. You know how to cook because youve had time to practice. You are MAN and if a bitch wants to be a bitch then say goodbye because id rather have peace and quiet and cum in a sock then settle for some 4/10 used whore that still thinks shes a Model

>> No.16810685

it's pretty cozy.
best part is i'm alone on site, so I can take as long as a break I want.
i got bored one shift and decided to make carbonara from scratch, that was a good day.

ever since covid my shifts have been 90% "sitting around on my laptop playing vidya" anyway.

>> No.16810700

>microwaves are a pain to use thanks to all covid safety measures
Fucking what

>> No.16810724

Probably something about limiting the number of people in the break room, maybe even not letting people stand in there to wait for their food to be done? I could imagine some restrictions that could make it annoying.

>> No.16810726

fugg off

>> No.16810804

I only eat one meal a day and that's dinner.

>> No.16811005
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> strike a deal with boss where I dont have lunch and leave early

>> No.16811018
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>not eating pussy
You have a garbage palate and your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.16811063

My work is mobile. My company pays me $25 for lunch every single day and I get an hour paid so I usually go to a pub or restaurant

>> No.16811138

>premature ejaculator

>> No.16811182

I eat the same soup every day, chunky chilli beef. 75p a can and it's very filling. On Fridays my work pays me to cook for the 5 other people who work there so I make whatever I feel like in the kitchen.

>> No.16811188

I eat out everyday. Lots of good and cheap lunch places near my office.

>> No.16811218

of course you'd put your mouth where Jamal has seeded

>> No.16811219

College student detected.

>> No.16811222

I just don't eat. I don't want to wait for a microwave or eat out and I don't like cold food.

>> No.16811230

They all use soybean and canola oil.

>> No.16811240


>> No.16811246

Why do you freaks constantly think about black man's cum/cock? It's a bit alarming.

>> No.16811288

I have fish and a rice cake

>> No.16811289

Oooh booy

>> No.16811299

What else is there to think about?

>> No.16811351

Worse is burnt popcorn. Had a coworker who would always burn the bagged popcorn and cause the entire office floor to smell like death.

>> No.16811451

Interesting. What do you do?

>> No.16811479


It's in swedish though, might translate it tomorrow if thread still up

>> No.16811519

i think it looks good