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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 320x371, Bjornkrage+used+roll+picturebjornkrage+rolled+image+denmark+_56ac086309e2c2319d20e21315c6bf5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16740201 No.16740201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats your favourite African cuisine?

>> No.16740205

Fire up the grill!

>> No.16740207

dirt cookies

>> No.16740222
File: 491 KB, 3600x2400, peanut_soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've mostly had Ethiopian food, and so that Injera bread and stewed lentils are one of my favorite. Stewed goat for a meat dish. Good stuff.
Other stuff I've had that was good was this peanut soup, and peri peri.

>> No.16740226

grilled leg (humanoid)

>> No.16740229

My mom's side of the family is partly Chinese and grew up in colonial French Madagascar. They ran an import shop and store. It was an interesting fusion of French, chinese, and basic cuisine with exotic (at the time) ingredients. My grandma makes a fine oxtail stew with peppers and ginger. And a good snack was always avocado mashed with a spoon of sugar and a splash of rum.

I have no idea if this is the actual cuisine of Madagascar. They said the blacks ate different stuff.

>> No.16740233

>not eating the tender face meat

>> No.16740236
File: 185 KB, 1080x1319, nigg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't cook for shit.

They are literally the only region with next to zero famous dishes

>> No.16740245 [DELETED] 

I simultaneously have an urge to colonize while also being absolutely disgusted at the thought of mixed race mongrels tainting my bloodline.

>> No.16740255

BBC of course.

(big bunny chow)

>> No.16740305

boiled manflesh.

>> No.16740316

My god

>> No.16740321

ethiopian food is very good

>> No.16740333

She has a stellar body (bigger tits would be nicer IMO) but also importantly she has essentially white facial features and hair.

>> No.16740361 [DELETED] 

Nigger head on a pike.

>> No.16740399

Why do Americans/zoomers go crazy for this grotesque, disproportionate, kim kardashian-style figure?

>> No.16740414

Kike brainwashing in all aspects of media

>> No.16740423

There's a difference between grotesque fake Kardashian proportions and a body with well-developed hips, breasts, narrow waste and other secondary sexual characters that are innately attractive to normal humans.

>> No.16740427
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>The food is also the utensil

>> No.16740457
File: 180 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Shakshuka_by_Calliopejen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That tomato stew with eggs.

Northern Africa has its own distinct cuisines, though you can see a mix mediterranean and middle-eastern influence. Algeria was effectively considered a part of France for years and as a result they heavily incorporated bread and baking into their cuisine.


>> No.16740465

I used to live near an African restaurant ran by a family from Ghana.
Food was awesome. Usually they'd offer simple plates with a starch, vegetable side and your choice if meat. Usually either a roasted or stewed meat. Lamb, beef, oxtails, chicken, or roasted whole fish.
Jollof rice is very gud. They also had rice mixed with blackeyed peas, I think it was called "red red". Then stewed spinach, stewed collard greens, etc. They also had a dish called "fufu" which was like a starchy dumpling that you'd eat with stews. was all very flavorful yet not overly spiced.
>Inb4 "hurrr niggers"

>> No.16740527

What? She's almost flawless and looks real. If this doesn't get you going then go check your t levels

>> No.16740541 [DELETED] 

Please be racist, fucking cucks. Read the room. This is 4chan. Not your hugbox
Keep up the good fight, brothers.
Lord Kek abides.

>> No.16740550

Neither have they

>> No.16740553 [DELETED] 

>ask question on one of the least /pol/ obsessed boards
>seethes when actual answers are given
/pol/ is 4chan's hugbox, tard. Maybe you should go back to it and stop shitting up threads.

>> No.16740570

I'd like this if not for the oil. When I tried to eat it, I was quickly unable to eat more while still hungry, because I'm accustomed to no added oil.

Also, the guy insisted on having a steak sandwich instead of sharing an injera platter with me. I suggested the place specifically for that so no one could finish first.

>> No.16740576
File: 97 KB, 579x600, depositphotos_2372763-stock-photo-skeptical-african-american-woman[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you went out on a date with a man

>> No.16740602 [DELETED] 

I can be racist and still be well-informed about other cultures. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.16740607 [DELETED] 

>muh /pol/ bogeyman
You took the bait, obsessed faggot.

>> No.16740695
File: 1.05 MB, 828x539, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beef stew with anything
Jollof rice
Okra soup with garri
Puff puff

>> No.16740774

There was literally a chicken in the video...why the fuck would you eat bugs..IF THERE'S A FUCKING CHICKEN ?

>> No.16741294 [DELETED] 

>Missing the signs that hard
If if it's bait you're fucking blind.

>> No.16741308


>> No.16741317

>see attractive black woman
>"um um um oh but those are white features"
You people are sick.

>> No.16741324

>white features
Imagine being retarded

>> No.16741459
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>> No.16741488 [DELETED] 

Bonk Africans in Africa, so they can’t track you down and so you’re actually doing some good by diluting the darkness of that hellhole.

>> No.16741495 [DELETED] 

I would argue it’s impossible to be properly racist if you are not knowledgable in the ethnicities you do not like.

>> No.16741506

I like Boerewurst, onion tomato sauce, and mealie pap.
yes I am Huwite

>> No.16741540

He's too spazzed out on racism to notice

>> No.16741541

mud cookies

>> No.16741550

Idk, grey rock? Sand? Maybe Tiger penis or whatever shit they eat raw.

>> No.16741553

Dirt and ebola

>> No.16741569

Nigerian chicken stew is pretty nice. Jollof Rice is also very good.

>> No.16741593

seriously, which would be the past part to eat ?
Asking for a friend

>> No.16741878

Chickens lay eggs and as such are more valuable alive, just like ruminants historically have been due to their milk. They were a luxury even in the US until selective breeding and intensive farming made them cheap.

>> No.16741908
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Dereq tibs- it looks modest but it's unironically one of the best, if not the best lamb dishes in the world and the sourness of injera actually works perfectly with it.
Post your family recipes.

>> No.16742307

>Tiger penis
Man said African not Chinese

>> No.16743720

Ah there's another thing I used to eat all the time growing up that we just called semolina. A few years back I was able to finally transcribe the recipe, as my mom never really used a recipe and I wanted others to be able to make it if they wanted. It was a mixture of semolina flour, rice flour, milk, sugar, and butter. This was all heated together until it formed a mashed potato like consistency, but thicker. This was served alongside a Nigerian beef stew and okra stew. I fucking love this stuff and I'm so glad I was able get this recipe written down. My friend also loves this and begs me to make it for her at almost every chance.

>> No.16744254
File: 220 KB, 763x1145, ful_medames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, weirdly specific pruning in this thread. Wonder if it was just the janitors or if the mods actually did something.

For me, it's ful medames, the best African cuisine. As it goes, stews are pretty ubiquitous in North African cuisine, but there's something about the way the Egyptians season their fava beans that makes it just fucking right.

>> No.16744328
File: 73 KB, 765x960, Ron_Perlman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16744356

Ethiopian, I went to the same place so often they rembered me

>> No.16744368


>> No.16744369

Bunny chow? What's that, South African?

>> No.16744377

Had this the other day at an ethiopian restaurant. Pretty good, mostly just a novelty though. The teff injera made me and my friends stomachs hurt though. I'll try injera without teff next time.

It was probably the bread.

>> No.16744381

When I was in ghana I had this dough you dip in what I remember as a tomato like sauce, then you just swallow it without chewing. Can’t for the life of me remember the name. Anyone know what it’s called?

>> No.16744386

actual Africans are usually industrious, good natured people. it's the African Americans I can't stand

>> No.16744399
File: 98 KB, 612x491, 1460164461086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she has essentially white facial features and hair

>> No.16744412

You don’t think so? Photoshop the average black persons face so they have white skin and they don’t look white. There are differences beyond skin, for example >>16741459

>> No.16744715

I hate threads like this so goddamn much. OP, you are a fucking monkey.

>> No.16744723
File: 95 KB, 700x700, 11111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are West Africans who have facial features like that woman. Hell, this actress is of Senegalese descent, and her nose is thinner than most white people.

>> No.16744731

>her nose is thinner than most white people
You're trolling right?

>> No.16744734

>hates thread
>bumps it from halfway down the catalog

>> No.16744860

That’s my point though. Look at most of the famous black women actresses/celebrities and they have these features. I’m not saying only white people look like this but I’m saying they are reminiscent of white faces hence these traits being preferred by the public.

Also, your pick has a black nose and jaw so not the best example.

>> No.16744950

Namibian cuisine by far.

>> No.16745022

I love the playful music in the background of this video. It really livens up that fact that they are catching mosquitos for a meal.

>> No.16745778 [DELETED] 

Are big tits a "white trait" because more white women have big tits than other races?
Stop talking nonsense