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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16734732 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cook your perfect steak?

>> No.16734746
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I just wanna say hi to all the newfaggots from reddit. Also i want you to know that youre abunch of cucked retarded faggot niggers and you have to go back to your containment zone. We dont want you nigger loving faggot jew cock sucking libshit normie globalhomo pozzed retarded gorilla niggers here. So you best get or we'll make some Mississippi Windchimes out of you like the true niggers you are.

Also the holocaust didnt happen, but it should have.

>> No.16734756

Cheap cut, pound thinner maybe about 1cm thick. Cut very shallow diamond pattern into both sides. Grate onion, cover fully, leave in fridge for 30 minutes. Remove grated onion and pat steak dry, season with salt and pepper. Pan sear both sides on some butter. Remove at rare, let rest 5 minutes while cooking some sliced onion in the butter and meat juice.

Smother steak in onion and eat. Makes even the cheapest cut super tender and delicious.

>> No.16734761

>cheap cut

Quit reading right there. Ask me how i know you enjoy getting fucked in the ass by niggers

>> No.16734768

I've paid 50 dollars for a steak and it was good and all, but I can get any cheap cut and with a small amount of effort it's just as tender and just as tasty. Why waste money?

>> No.16734781

The very fact you say that tells me you've never had a good steak. Im all for saving money and not being snobby. And im not some rich faggot eating Fagu whatever the fuck for 300 dollars an ounce. But a cheap walmart steak is not gonna taste like a good, locally raised fresh 32 ounce thick cut T-Bone.

I dont care what amount of cope you throw at it, you can take and rub angel pussy on it, it aint gonna taste the same. And you thinking it does illustrates that you've never had a good steak. They all taste bad when you've only had bad steaks.

Salt and pepper thats it; cooked on high till its medium rare or rare. There is no other way IF ITS A GOOD STEAK.

>> No.16734783

Marinated flank steak on the grill. Lemon juice, garlic, ginger, chili, honey, mustard, soy sauce and olive oil in the marinade.

I've made reverse seared ribeyes a few times but I prefer the texture of flank and it's a lot cheaper.

>> No.16734785

I can't even eat a thick cut t-bone. why couldn't you just buy a rib eye or a strip steak?

>> No.16734791

You're worse than hot sauce faggots

>> No.16734796
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>> No.16734828

time to go back to r/thedonald tourist

>> No.16734928

Salt. Pepper. Room temperature. Stunning.

I smoke it to an internal temperature of about 110 using cherry and used oak red wine barrel chunks. Then I baste it with melted beef fat and put it on a ripping hot charcoal grill with the grate set really close to the coals. I flip about every 30 seconds, and keep basting until 120 degrees. Then off the grill to carryover. In that time I throw on some asparagus that have been tossed in oil, and salt, and pepper. By the time those are nicely grilled, 2-3 minutes, the steak is perfect.

>> No.16734944

Thaw it out, pat dry with paper towels. Sprinkle any dry rub of your choice, and then add extra salt on both sides. Dry brine it in the fridge for at least 2 days. Then reverse sear it: 30 minutes at 250 degrees, then into a medium-high pan, 3 minutes per side.

>> No.16734977

Fucking retard, Trump was the biggest jew crease licker in recent pres history. Makes more sense saying stormfront or /pol/. I hate the guy but fuck, TDS is a real thing.

>> No.16734986

t. tourist

>> No.16734988

t. retard

>> No.16735044

Butter basting.

>> No.16735096

If it's thick enough I reverse sear it to bring it up to temp. Then finish it off in a cast iron with some basting for a nice crust.

>> No.16735587
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I start with steaks like pic related. The size and shape allows for a nice crust on the exterior while still being rare in the middle. I give it a generous dusting of coarse salt and pepper then let it rest for 45-60 minutes to soak up that salt and get up to room temp. Throw them on a blazing hot grill for 3-4 minutes per side then let rest for another 5 minutes so you don't lose all the juices when you cut into it.

>> No.16735614

Isn't that a little thick?
The marbling looks amazing, and I love your technique, but I gotta wonder if the center isn't still raw?

p.s. I'm not afraid of eating raw beef, but I prefer at least rare.

>> No.16735683

Nah, I just use a thermapen to make sure the middle is at least 125 and there's a little carryover cooking from the rest which brings it closer to 130. They're only 8oz steaks so they cook pretty quickly.

>> No.16735705

They're asking about your /perfect/ steak, anon, not the "pretty good steak I can make twice a week" kind.

>> No.16735737
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>They're only 8oz steaks so they cook pretty quickly.
Ah! That's what threw me. I thought it was larger.

>> No.16736374

Sear it then throw it in the oven at 275 until it's around 125-130 degrees then let it rest for 10 minutes. Ignore the tryhards in this thread.

>> No.16736388

When it is done perfectly, it should be grey in the core.

>> No.16736413
File: 567 KB, 500x477, dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When it is done perfectly, it should be grey in the core.
If I were your father, I'd rather you had turned out to be a child molester.
Please never post on /ck/ again.

>> No.16736457
File: 60 KB, 454x640, 1edda822c7237e9ad4fb4605cc7a4a2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I turned vegan I used to always prefer them grey in the centre, without even the tiniest hint of pink. It makes it much easier to tell what's ketchup and what's blood.

>> No.16736495

That was the low hanging fruit of trollery. Kill yourself for being so lazy.

>> No.16736499

I'm so sorry you have such debilitating emotional issues, but I thought I made it clear: PLEASE NEVER POST ON /CK/ AGAIN.
How much fucking clearer do I have to be?

>> No.16736701

Perfect depends on the mood. The one I use the most is with ribeye/t-bone/sirloin, salt; pepper; onion powder; garlic powder. Then make a sauce of oyster sauce, soy sauce, splash of sherry, splash of hot sauce if you want. Then there’s a bunch of variants you can do off of that base.

Butter and thyme is pretty good. I’ve experimented with curry steak with great results. Cajun steak is good. The only thing I keep forgetting to do is a steak with a wine sauce.