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16722077 No.16722077 [Reply] [Original]

And why are you cheap and classless?

>> No.16722083
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>> No.16722087

Knives without boosters are usually made from stamped sheet metal.

>> No.16722088


>> No.16722095

why are misono's no longer a good value?

>> No.16722105

210mm carbon steel misono
what's a knife that represents a "good value" to you? inb4 some skeezy mark richmond special

>> No.16722154
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I picked up one of these last year and I've been impressed with it.

>> No.16722202
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Actually 1905 F.DICK 26cm, this bitch was my daily driver for 5-6 years on meat. Love this cunt. Now using japanese bad boy from Ittetsu Tadafusa.

>> No.16722238
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Also my home collection

>> No.16722343

Parents got a victorinox. It feels a bit bulky with the handle but it's nice

>> No.16722487

210mm gyuto
165mm nakiri
3.5" paring knife
9" chef's knife

Bit of a mixed bag.

>> No.16722525
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>what's a knife that represents a "good value" to you?

>> No.16722529


>> No.16722553
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>What kind of chef’s knives do you prefer?

Reminds me its about time to head down to wal mart and pick me up ye old standard knife assortment block set.

I love how they never need sharpening

>> No.16722599

ah yes, the ol smith & wesson schlong slicer

>> No.16722739
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>buy steel stock used by wüsthof
>manufacturer it in Taiwan at cheaper price
>brand it with a german name
I don't care cuz it's still a good knife

>> No.16722774

If I saw that I would open cans with your fanciest looking knife you little bitch and you would cry and bitch for half the shift because we all know you’re a passive aggressive little bitch who won’t do shit but cry in the bathroom.

>> No.16722821

Lemme expand the thread a little and ask bout fave cleavers? I inherited a likely-inexpensive carbon steel cleaver from my mom and it outperforms nearly every other knife i have for nearly every prep and slicing task. Want to get one for my kid, any recommendations?

>> No.16722978

>"german steel"
they can't prove it

>> No.16723145
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R8 & H8

>inb4 big mad about the masamoto ks

>> No.16723285

CCK or shibazi for chinese vegetable cleavers (very thin and not for butchery)

dexter russel/victorinox/f.dick/wusthof for traditional western meat cleavers
(great for hacking bones but wont cut through veg without wedging like a motherfucker)

dalstrong if you are gigantic faggot with weeb/mall ninja tendencies

>> No.16723417

hey buddy isn't it time for you to clean out the fryer? by the way dishie called in sick so you're closing the pit tonight!

>> No.16723426
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Ok, so is this a good knife?

>> No.16723489
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I see your masamoto and raise you one shigefusa 9 inch gyuto.

>> No.16723496

brand new that's a $120 cleaver
intrinsic value of it being a family piece, i would keep it forever. invest in a decent 1000 grit stone like a shapton pro kuromaku, and learn how to use it on any other shitty knives you have. after that, consider expanding to a low grit stone in the 200-400 grit range, and a decent leather strop for occasional maintenance.

>> No.16723532

what is the third one on the left?

>> No.16723546

much love for a nice sanjo laser!
however I'm a little dubious about what looks like surface rust, unless that's just bad lighting/dark patina.
I've been waiting for a 270mm blue #1 takada no hamono gyuto to come in stock for my next knife. If I'm impatient, I plan on getting a takada mukimono bunka since there's one in stock on protooling.

>> No.16723564

Yoshihiro VG-10 16 Layer Hammered Damascus Stainless Steel Petty Utility Knife 5.3''

It's a decent petty knife, I use it on the line for small veggies & tasks I don't want to use my thinner knives on like pitting stone fruit

>> No.16723570
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It was very light surface rust. I was cutting something and left it for like 5 minutes. I don't fuss too much over patina and a little rust. The fine rust erasers made quick work of it without altering the finish.

That gyuto has an S-grind on it, which makes a massive difference with food sticking to the blade.

Those blades look pretty cool. A nice handmade knife is pretty great to own. They're enjoyable to maintain as well.

>> No.16723588

Is that a munetoshi?

>> No.16723597

Yeah the "butcher" I refinished/polished the flats. Absolutely love that knife. I used it and a pair of those handmade weeb blue steel scissors to break down like 10 chickens and it was a dream.

>> No.16723601

Vicky 10"
or what ever is sharp

>> No.16723613

I respect your JNAT game. When/How much did you get your shig for? The takada is my grail knife but a shig or murray carter is also on my hitlist

>> No.16723643

I got a 8 inch gyuto for like 700-800 maybe 6 months ago, gave it to my mom after I scored a 9 inch for like 900-1k 2-3 months ago. Beautifully made knives. My dream is to get one of their pattern welded westerns and put a really beautiful set of scales on it.

That brown stone top left is a legit full sized maruka maybe kiita depending on the light and your mood. Quite a beast for honing razors and putting an insanely over the top edge on kitchen knives lol.

>> No.16723662
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My main knives
the Santoku was my first, cost $8 from Woolies and is just as sharp as any other expensive knife
the small weeb knife was a christmas presesnt, kind of hard to use without my knuckles hitting the board, so any advice on how to use smaller knives would be appreciated

>> No.16723686
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>costs almost nothing
>extremely sharp
>takes a sharp edge
>edge even lasts fairly long before you have to do a quick touch up
would never waste money on anything else. not worth the money or autism.

>> No.16723691

My niggy. I buy these for $4.70AUD at my Asian grocery and throw them away when they get dull and buy another one

>> No.16723696

>giving money to immigrants

>> No.16723702

If it's a choice between supporting a dangerous wh*teoid deadweight or a hard working immigrant, any decent person would support the latter. Why don't you pull yourself up by your bootstraps

>> No.16723708

dangerously based

>> No.16723715
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>fellow kiwichads ITT
Fucking nice, picrel is my cutter though I use your pic for cutting veggies

>> No.16723727

solid wenge or ancient bog oak would make an executive level knife.

I'm waiting on a response from john at jki for his recommendation on an awasedo. im totally happy with my sueihro debado md's & shapton glass but would love a jnat for kasumi finishes

>> No.16723749

>Why don't you pull yourself up by your bootstraps
retard boomer detected, doesnt even know the meaning of that phrase

>> No.16723767
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I've got some really high quality old ebony that might be nice as well.

If you want kasumi getting a stone on the softer side will make your life easier especially as beginner to jnats, but if you want a challenge and a more mirror finished, but still high contrast kind of kasumi a harder one will be better. It isn't easy to do well and you end up putting big scratches on the blade.

The other idea is to get some uchigomori fingerstones off ebay or a chunk of uchi and make your own. If your groundwork is good It's like 5x faster than using a benchstone and often times I'll go over my work with one anyways.

I justify my obscene knife and stone purchases as learning/ useful tools because I make knives. Here's a knife I was polishing with fingerstones the other night.

>> No.16723773

9" harakiri

>> No.16723778

>zero work ethic
>reeee immigrants are why I'm not a winner
I enjoy watching the young get hooked on tide pods and sell their bodies on the tick tock. I hope you get raped to death by one of your only fans

>> No.16723794
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found an 8" wusthof classic abandoned in a house being renovated. it was beyond dull and beat up like someone used it as a hammer. i took it to the local restaurant supply store and they restored and sharpened it to like new condition for a few dollars.

>> No.16723802

>"you have zero work ethic"
>takes pride in replacing a knife that can be sharpened

>> No.16724733

Yu cute can you even tell which one is it?
You know can openers are a thing?

>> No.16724738

Those Dick knives with the blue handle are great. I have a couple different ones myself.

>> No.16724748

I have a Faberware cleaver that my father in law gave me that is actually really great.

>> No.16724754

Chinese cleavers are the comfiest chopping knives. They've got a nice weight and are a fantastic multi purpose tool.
Need to carry chopped stuff around? Use the knife
Need to smash garlic? Use the knife
Need to tenderise meat? Use the knife

This cheap cleaver and a simple ikea knife (the one with the black handle stays sharp for days, don't get the metal handle they're shit) is all I need

>> No.16724805

Use small knife's with your finger on the spine and move it closer to the tip for more control.
Its not ment to be used like a chef knife if your fingers don't fit under it just hold it like a petty or boning knives.
Or give it away to some one with smaller hands.

>> No.16724851

Almost all kitchen knives you buy from retailers today are cut and shaped from sheet metal, that does not make them bad cooking knives. You need them to yandle food, and sometimes bones — you don't need them to pull through battles against your enemy, sheesh.

>> No.16724861
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Bolsters that go that far down on the blade are dumb and make sharpening an actual chore when it could have been a cakewalk.

With that out of the way, I use a french style 11" Chef's knife. It used to have a rubber handle, which was okay, but I have since replaced it with a wooden D-shaped handle which I find much more comfortable.

I also use a 4" pairing knife, a bread knife, a 10" carving knife, and a pair of sturdy scissors that I mainly use for opening shit, urchin, and sometimes birds.

Other than that I just have my flatware, wooden butter knives included.

>> No.16724868

Looks like you've sharpened it oddly.

>> No.16724889


>> No.16724901
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for me, it's the santoku

>> No.16725533

I'm not the guy who throws out his knives. I'd still rather throw out a knife than support deadweight wh*teoids

>> No.16725545

Wusthof Classic Ikon

>> No.16725564


>Noze Nebrat

Don't read the Knives?

Or is nebrat some lesser slavic language's way of saying "don't steal"

>> No.16726707
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Yeah its czech. More like "dont take"

>> No.16726726

nigger they specify the steel right on the fucking knife. you're dumb

>> No.16726787

>that you buy
I don't buy those knives.

>> No.16726842

nonsense, without quality control you'd never know what phosphorous pot metal they mixed in.
That steel is also super generic, and as always quality depends on how consistent they do the heat treatment

>> No.16726893

do you have experience with European (new mined) slates? i aquired some for my razor game, and while i didnt yet get a good shaving edge from them they are quite spectacular for knives, blame my poor technique.
Not that much different to my shobudani justifying its 3 time higher price.

>> No.16726944

Are you talking about coticules? I hear they're excellent for razors finishing on trace slurry or under running water, but I've never used them before.

>> No.16727015

guess they count too in the geological sense, but typically a slate is grey/black in color, and they are nowhere near as agressive as a coticule.
i use a small 5$ no3 coticule as nagura, slurry allows a transition from 1k to 8k+
>several grand in knive and knive accessorizes
>never honed on a fucking coticule.
you are missing out, offcuts are stupid cheap from 3rd party resellers, even in large sizes compared to a jnat.

>> No.16727423

Hmm. I've been thinking of trying out a coticule. So you're saying they're faster than jnats?

>> No.16727446
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after getting most of my expensive knives chipped/stolen by tards ill take cheap knives any day of the week now

>> No.16728920
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I just realized I’m cheap and classless

>> No.16729136

I got a 30 eur chinese cleaver and a 100 eur wa gyuto with traditional handle, some fiskars knives, some argo knives, some victorinox knives.

They're all shit tier compared to the jap knife that weighs nothing and cuts through food like it wasn't there and the chinese knife that works as a bench scraper as well.
Also asian ones have the best handles.

I haven't liked any würstof I've used.

>> No.16729149

does anyone have any brands they recommend? i was using a cheap walmart chef's knife that literally broke in half lengthwise while i was trying to chop onion so i don't want to waste another $10

>> No.16729159

Depends on what you like, if you want to go big, go japanese chefs knives site. Chinese knives you can get off aliexpress, other brands that see proffessional use in euriope are würstof, argo, victorinox, fiskars.

Get a decent knife but a good whetstone to sharpen them with and then you have skills to take care of any knife, no matter how expensive you go.

Cause, trust, if you really like cooking and aren't here to argue about which fast food or soda is best, a good 100-200 buck knife and good proffessional cutting boards are a great investment in how much you'll enjoy prep

>> No.16729177
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guys, I wanted to get a bunka recently and my family gifted me a santoku
they're almost identical but the tip
is there any point in getting a bunka if I already have a santoku?

>> No.16729186

Have you never heard of "you" used in a general sense before?

Maybe YOU, personally, shouldn't have knives at all.

>> No.16729201

my wife does all the cooking. you do have a wife who cooks for you, d-don't you anon?

>> No.16729226

There is no point at all having both. However, your family won’t know if you sell it and then buy a bunka.

>> No.16729314
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just got one of these bastards
absolutely fucking fantastic knife, been using it for daily veg/meat prep at work and its an absolute pleasure to use

>> No.16729386

I'm going to do that as soon as I find a Kurosaki bunka in stock

>> No.16729402

is that a kikuichi?

>> No.16729456

Does everyone in the kitchen unironically call you a Faggot directly to your face?

>> No.16729459

I’ll start with your faggy ktip, I mean it’ll be square tip to start the cut and finnish opening the cans with you newly serrated honesuki you think is low key because of the handle.

>> No.16729461
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How do I get used to "big" chef knives?
I have pretty big hands but all my life I used 5-7 inches knives, and even those feels somehow big if I'm trying to use just the tip. I only want a bigger one for aesthetics but I fear I won't use it more than twice per year.