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16704956 No.16704956 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone pretend to hate this?

>> No.16704960

It's pretty skunky and tastes like corn. It's refreshing but Miller lite is way better for the same price. Budweiser has no reason to exist, only boomers and viral marketing shills like you

>> No.16704966

it's a beautiful can/bottle design. the beverage itself is a little too sweet but still drinkable and I get a lot of pleasure from the packaging

>> No.16704969

They don't, it's piss. And before you argue popularity: most macrobrews are piss, it all comes down to which one you can personally tolerate to get your buzz.

>> No.16704985

>beautiful can/bottle design
Looks like every other can/bottle. Or do you mean the label?

>> No.16705121

Because it's bad.

>> No.16705198

yes I mean the label

>> No.16705424

Flyovers don't have much going for them except muh craft beer, so needless to say they get a little overexcited when they finally have an opportunity to be less shitty than something else

>> No.16705436

I never have the opportunity to drink it, it's a 6/10 beer and something I would drink if it were free/cheap
It's everywhere and I can't stand it

>> No.16705493

It's really not good, when you compare other beers that are available. Even some beers in its own price range mog it. There is literally no reason to ever purchase Bud-anything. High Life is the only remotely okay mainstream american macro

>> No.16705508

95% of their sales are in flyovers

>> No.16705517

>rural areas like craft beer
>urban areas like Budweiser
How did you ever get out of bizarro world?

>> No.16705526

Posting the phrase "pretend to like" or "pretend to hate" should be a permabannable offense.

>> No.16705529

That’s not how you spell Yuengling anon

>> No.16706242

all of anheusar-busch products are released each week with a 2 to 5 day expiration date difference and every single person who enjoys their products expect the freshest quality they can get. liquor stores have to cycle hundreds of pounds of this shit half the week's time.
it's not only a horrible line of beer from a horrible company that advertises their products to kids, but the people who enjoy it are unironically very unpleasant and difficult people to deal with 8:10 of the time.

>> No.16706260

I don't have to pretend, I'd spit that shit out in a blindfold taste test.

>> No.16706268

Grandpa always loved his PBR.

>> No.16706330

My dad likes it and I love my dad so I drink it too

>> No.16706338

heiniken is to america
what budwiser is to uk

>> No.16706368

It's too sugary

>> No.16706375
File: 270 KB, 1200x1200, fuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i hate this. Taste like liquid spearmint bubblegum. It's fucking crazy weird.

>> No.16706539

>most macrobrews are piss, it all comes down to which one you can personally tolerate to get your buzz
I think it's more a matter of what you first came up on, and just being obstinate about trying new things because of social pressure or just being picky. I find it really childish with beer, but I can't really complain because I smoked cigarettes for nearly a couple decades and will drive to a different store if they're out of muh reds - even though I know they all taste like shit and most people would think I'm crazy for even noticing a difference. At least that's how I explain it to myself, as pretty much every macro-lager just tastes like dirty dishwater to me.

>> No.16706546

I dont

>> No.16706551

3 Floyds is pretty solid when it comes to flyover breweries, but would be Lagunitas tier on the coast (same with Bells). That said, If you're buying "mojito sour" you should fucking know you're making a mistake.

>> No.16706555

just a single. definitely a panty dropper if you got a girl who likes beer and spearmint gum, like a lot.
i try to buy everything they release and avoid the repetitive shit. another IPA? no. i'll never buy another fruit sour from them again. so on.

>> No.16706567
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>if you got a girl who likes beer and spearmint gum, like a lot
>...and dxm, and aspartame, and newports, and glory holes, and raw marshmallows - like, just as a snack

>> No.16706582

I went to a cigar bar and it was the only acceptable beer they had. I'm not into IPAs or Mexican beer. It damn near took me all day to get a buzz, drinking one after the other.

>> No.16706630

as a non-usaian I find normal bud to be passable flavored water. highly drinkable if very cold. wouldn't put it in the same category as proper beer at all.

>> No.16706649

>American, rice wine piss water.
It’s not even beer.

>> No.16707567

Its objectively terrible though

>> No.16707630

>beer I like isn't beer because uhhh
You are worse than Bud drinkers in every respect.

>> No.16707727

>bizzaro world

>> No.16707740

The only people pretending are the ones who say they think beer tastes good. Anyone who says beer is nasty is just being honest and not trying to get big boy social clout.

>> No.16707749

Why does anyone drink beer in the first place, my goal is to get drunk or at the least buzzed, I could accomplish this 2 ways, a couple if shots of hard liquor, or 2-3 gallons of beer, since my plan was go get drunk not to spend the entire night pissing I'm going with the real booze

>> No.16707773

I don't hate it but I'd never seek it out.

>> No.16707775


>> No.16708016

i prefer budvar. budweiser made properly in czechia

>> No.16708060
File: 667 KB, 586x668, hero-3-cans-lg-en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is fucking awful.
Why does anyone drink this?
I've seen a lot of people buying it, so I thought I'd try it.
I regret my decision.
I would happily drink Budweiser instead.

>> No.16708076

Honestly, I drink beer for 3 reasons:
If I get too drunk I have really bad withdrawal symptoms so beer prevents me from taking too much alcohol.
I want to piss a lot to cycle water through my body at a higher than normal rate.
I consider it a religious sacrament.
I don't hate the taste but it's not a deciding factor.

>> No.16708275

i don't hate it, but it's not my first choice

>> No.16708402

its fucking sucks

>> No.16708467


>> No.16708560

craft lagers are the same price as this trash in canada so there's literally no reason to ever consume it unless you despise flavour.

>> No.16708676

PBR is good for US macrobeer, which is to say it's shit. Just drink something local

>> No.16709119

i tried the cherry one first, and i had the same sentiment. absolutely hated it.
eventually i had the other flavors, like mango and raspberry i think?. those're not half bad if you like la crois.
if you're not a fan of flavored seltzer tho you definitely won't like it

>> No.16709180

If you hate Budweiser you're either a literal toddler or have your head so far up your ass you have lost the ability to enjoy simple things. People who shit on macros overall are a bunch of tryhard hipster trend followers that belong in a garbage fire.

>> No.16709197

I genuinely dislike it. Too much carbonation and has an aftertaste of onions to me