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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16683841 No.16683841 [Reply] [Original]

Post your food service work secret

>worked at Olive Garden
>literally everything is pre-packed
>all the soups, sauce, bread sticks, desserts, and pasta
>the only things fresh and hand made were the salads and stuffed mushrooms

>> No.16683866

Ever see shitty restaurants that don't have many customers and have bad reviews but somehow never go out of business? They're either money laundering or drug fronts

I got paid $20 an hour to work at my uncle's shitty pizza place. It was a front to sell drugs

>> No.16683870

why not just open a barbershop?

>> No.16683886

Because barber shops don't deliver

>> No.16683964

>stuffed mushrooms
Sad, that's what I got when I had to go to one and they still weren't good. Lazy fucks must have skimped on the dancing during prep.

>> No.16684023

>work at starbucks
>our default bean is oily
>so oily we are supposed to remove them from the hopper and vacuum them out of the grinder each night because it'll accumulate into the machine
>quality coffee isn't oily, only burnt cheap coffee is
>typically oily coffee beans show that it was over roasted, turning the inside into a crisp and forcing the inside's oils to the exterior
>this is done so because customers order so much sugar flavoring that unless we burned coffee beans, they wouldn't taste coffee at all

>we are also out of stock on a massive amount of our products and have been for the past 6 months because we allow too many customization options

ever hear gordon ramsay say how a big menu is a sign of a bad restaurant because they can't keep it all in stock/prepped fresh? We are enduring that first hand.

>> No.16684089

we are enduring?
starbucks has been around longer than you've been alive, stop acting a fool

>> No.16684096

What kind of dance do you need to do for stuffed mushrooms

>> No.16684104

This is how Olive Garden avoids outbreaks of food borne illness.

>> No.16684109

Anon....that hasn't been a secret since forever.

>> No.16684112

I said we are enduring the shortages. What are you talking about?

>> No.16684120

>the passive tone is appropriate for communicating your thoughts to others

>> No.16684123

stop sniffing your own farts

>> No.16684132

>this is done so because customers order so much sugar flavoring that unless we burned coffee beans, they wouldn't taste coffee at all
Oi mate you can fuck off right with that.
My drink
>six shot double shot on ice
>2x hazelnut (pump)
>2x carmel (pump)

>2x vanilla that's 10-20g of sugar.

Normal number of pumps per corporate in a venti doubleshot is at least 6. But if you sit there and fucking order 2 and 2 pumps the baristas are like 'well luck at Wilford Brimley over here'

>> No.16684135

>Suck my dick, barista

>> No.16684374


>> No.16684387

When I worked at a pizza place my co worker would spit in cops food

>> No.16684392

Must be so hard being a pathetic wagie, now chop chop with my order before I report you to the customer satisfaction team.

>> No.16684405

who's actually going to starbucks for normal coffee? it's where I go to get a milkshake that's got a little coffee in it

>> No.16684406
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>tiktoker shows how everything is pre-packaged and microwaved at a large chain
>world is supposed to be appalled

>> No.16684499

>greentext but isn't quoting anyone
you're definitely new to 4chan, holy fuck

>> No.16684784

It's nothing more than an agenda and propaganda-pushing tool of the CCP, and alarmingly it is working EXTREMELY well at brainwashing today's youth.

>> No.16684912

Based. ACAB

>> No.16684918

Just because you were selling pot to your younger brothers friends doesn’t make your incompetent faggot uncles restaurant a front for anything but a spiral into debt.

>> No.16685521


the fortnite one

>> No.16685533

Based, Trump was 100 percent in the right to try and ban TikTok

>> No.16685543

Yes that’s why it’s good. Dumb kids aren’t actually making this food. It’s made by machines. Perfectly cold, calculating machines.

>> No.16685545

The girls that work in fast food are super easy. I've basically fucked every girl that worked at my chick fil a, and if i didn't fuck them I got head regularly. Not a single one didn't do at least something with me.

>> No.16685555

i knew a dude that worked fast food into his mid 20s specifically to bang teens. he became a meth addict and his looks tanked tho.

>> No.16685626

I'm in my 40s, would this still work?

>> No.16685642
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You underestimate how much money drug dealers actually make.

>> No.16685675


>> No.16685683

maybe but being in your 40s you probably already look like shit

>> No.16685696

...but what if they did..

>> No.16685724

If they're competent. I used to live with a coke dealer who did good volume but was a complete retard and always short on money. Dude's back with his parents at 30, still selling coke & still always short on money because he's always paying back fronts.

>> No.16685754
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Well the coke dealer was probably a moron who wasted all his money on shit he didnt need. But a guy who puts up a front business and actually launders the money can also invest the money and make shit ton more. But then again all drug dealers are degenerates in my book and should fucking hang.

>> No.16685759

The average salary is about 30k after expenses. All that work and sneaking around for what every entry level job in America pays.

>> No.16685764

Im not an expert but i imagine that it depends what kind of drugs ur selling also ur forgetting that drug dealers dont really pay taxes so they got that going for them.

>> No.16686683

He most certainly was & did. IDK what he thinks he's going to do once everyone cuts him off because they're sick of his shit. When his parents go he'll probably end up homeless because nobody can stand living with him.

>> No.16687548

All rice contains naturally occuring chicken. You can easily test this for yourself by evenly spreading out one customary cup in a small oven tray and leaving it in the microwave until sunset.

>> No.16687567

makes sense the only thing that i would eat there are the endless salads

>> No.16687574

In uni I would go there and get a large black coffee and just study there for hours. They were eventually free because I got to be friends with the barista and she said they have to brew fresh coffee every hour anyways and she would just give me a cup of it and pretend to swipe my card.

>> No.16687580

cost of a glass of wine at a restaurant pays for the wholesale price of the bottle
bottle markup is 300% average
beer marup is 200-300% average
the fancier the place, the more likely their markup is even higher

>> No.16687581


Pretty much all chain sit-down restaurants are "boil-in-a-bag" style set-ups

>> No.16687868


>> No.16687895


direct action

>> No.16687902

You can't run from your crimes forever.

>> No.16687909

You just need to reject making those stupid TikTok fad drinks.

>> No.16687958

I managed a Red Lobster for several years
>We don’t actually make the lobster from scratch; they grow in the ocean
>Cheryl, the hostess, puts out for managers but not kitchen staff because she thinks they’re gross
>I purposely hire gross kitchen staff so I can have more nights with Cheryl
>Cheryl does have herpes but prevents outbreaks with medication
>the lobster in the tank is sort of a pet. If you order him, we give you an unnamed lobster from the stock in the back. The tank-lobster is named Julio, after a busser we had who was killed in a drug deal that went south
>Cheryl doesn’t like having her toes sucked because an ex bf was all creepy about it
>I don’t know why the fuck we have a bar literally nobody goes to RL to sit at a bar
>I timed my vacations to coincide with anytime we had “all you can eat” whatever because too many Canadians and the asst manager was fine with it because he got to bang Cheryl while I was gone

>> No.16687966

>they grow in the ocean
Gross, fish fart in there

>> No.16687967
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>We don’t actually make the lobster from scratch; they grow in the ocean

>> No.16687969

>cost of a glass of wine at a restaurant pays for the wholesale price of the bottle
I call BS
Most of the time, it seems cost of a glass of wine is what I can get a bottle of that wine for at *retail*.

>> No.16688035

Most run-of-the-mill Chinese restaurants buy their ingredients from Costco, winco, and other discount grocers. Most things are generic brand and some things are off the shelf pre-mix crap. Also, these places have almost zero understanding of hygienic practices and it’s very likely there’s some form of vermin/insect infesting the place. In my case it was cockroaches.

>> No.16689298

a year?
youre dellusional, a street level dealer would make that in a month
and were talking about actual drug dealres not a college dropout selling his friend weed once every 6 months

>> No.16689304

Yeah but it never happened. I doubt there was ever any intention

>> No.16689306

>The girls that work in fast food are super easy
why do you think that is?

>> No.16689307

Lmfao no, they wouldnt. Heres a tip dude, life aint a fucking movie.

>> No.16689321

>to try and ban
to try TO ban, say it with me anon, he tried TO do something he didn't try and do something

>> No.16689324

yeah because drug trafficking is such an unprofitable industry

>> No.16689327

I don't get it. Is 10-20g of sugar supposed to be a small amount?

>> No.16689335

strangely, both are grammatically correct. but yes, people saying 'try and X' invariably mean 'try to X'.

>> No.16689346


>> No.16689397
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>hey these pre packaged frozen bread sticks make me wanna support the chinese communist party and destroy capitalism
ok sure retard if you say so

>> No.16689408

You should be because it means they're overcharging you, there is literally no skill or knowledge involved in what they're charging you a premium for, they could just sell microwavable meals at the store but they don't so they can charge you 10 times as much by pretending they're making it themselves.

>> No.16689412

It's because people don't really cook. They have no idea how long it takes to actually prepare something from scratch, especially a la carte. It's not five minutes.

>> No.16689417

should have put eye drops in it

>> No.16689418

the only way they would make that amount is selling heroin or meth and let me fucking tell you once one crack head gets wind of where the drugs are coming from they would just would all just be sitting out side the front door making it obvious whats really going on

its clear youve never been around drug people
please tell me about all the "actual drug dealers" you know

>> No.16689423

they do now

>> No.16689431

Amazing secrets, 1/1. I hope Julio is still alive.

>> No.16689433

based. acab

>> No.16689443

>please tell me about all the "actual drug dealers" you know
my cousins friend used to sell "boosters" ( dont know whats it called in english) back in the day and he made fuckton of money easily (40K a month which is around 11K USD but when converted to purchasing power it was probably equivalent of 30K USD at least back then) and he was pretty low level,not a part of some mafia or anything like that, then he got addicted and not sure what happened to him

>> No.16689446

>one account of a cousins friends
>11k but copes about purchasing power
yeah you dont know anything your talking about lamo

>> No.16689464

>one account of a cousins friends
better than you
>11k but copes about purchasing power
imagine being this retarded, of course people earn less in porrer countries but everything is also cheaper, do you not even understand the concept of purchasing power?
yeah i just said he wasnt a part of organized crime? what the fuck is your problem with that statement

>> No.16689481

was the pizza any good?

>> No.16689491

and tell me how do you know all of this about your cousins friend you say you know how much he would make (even with conversion rates) and you knew he wasnt in any from of organized crime but then you say you dont know what happened to him
just seems like you dont know what your talking about thats my point

>> No.16689506

i dont know what happened to him because i didnt keep in contact with him it was some years ago, you cant even point to whats your problem with what i say

>> No.16689511

i did but your ignoring them faggot
>doesnt answer my question about why a drug dealer would tell his cousins dumb shit friends all about the money he makes and what his affiliations are
start there
my point is you think drug dealers are making 360,000 a year which is just fucking ludicrous

>> No.16689514

>>doesnt answer my question about why a drug dealer would tell his cousins dumb shit friends all about the money he makes and what his affiliations are
i dont know ask him, probably because hes a shit for brains degenerate, plus it wasnt totally illegal back then it was sort of a grey area and there were public figure millionaires who didnt even hide what they were doing
he was still commiting crime because it was all undocumented no taxes and all that shit

>> No.16689515

>"Post your food service work secret"
>This is not how u sell meth nigger !!!!
Thanks /ck/

>> No.16689516

>and there were public figure millionaires who didnt even hide what they were doing
proof for this statement or are you just lying to make your point

>> No.16689523

>Expects food service work secret in a "Post your food service work secret"
>Not stories about drug dealing and Cheryl the waitress whore

>> No.16689534

there are many articles, all of them in polish so i doubt you will understand, he gave intervies in which he braged about his wealth, in the end they got him for something else i think and then made the drugs illegal
no way to know for sure how rich he was

>> No.16689541

Not only does it manage the largest national chain of one hundred and twenty shops with the so-called collector's products, it additionally supplies most other points in Poland with boosters. And he earns millions on it, last year he reportedly had PLN 5.5 million of pure profit.

i translated the page and after reading this guy owned the means of production to the shops for people to get these boosters he wasnt selling them illegally and was just flaunting his wealth so i dont know what this has to do with illegal sales but okay

so again you dont know what your talking about

>> No.16689546
File: 76 KB, 607x512, 4B2EEEFE-5882-4074-8CB0-5D66BFDED26C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheryl is a weird way to spell Chaniqua.

>> No.16689548

are you genienly retarded
do you have a mental disability?
i literally just said its grey area and as a way to show that i gave an example of a millionaire who did it and didnt hide it, you said that you dont believe that someone like that existed, so i proved it
he has nothing to do with anything i mentioned him in an offhand comment and then just proved his existence when you were to stupid to google something
the main point is taht drug dealers make more money than macdonalds burger flippers not a sinlge reasonable person would disagree you dumb fuck, no a meth dealer doesnt make 30K in a year, do you have dwon syndrome?

>> No.16689555

>a street level dealer would make that in a month
>then you bring up public figure millionares
unless you were just talking about people that make that much your post reads as if your speaking about public figure millionares that are drug dealers i dont see whats hard about this

>> No.16689558

>the lobster in the tank is sort of a pet. If you order him, we give you an unnamed lobster from the stock in the back. The tank-lobster is named Julio, after a busser we had who was killed in a drug deal that went south
I want this to be true

>> No.16689562

Lobsters can live for like 200 years it’s a fucking insectoid that only crawls around the ocean looking for dead animals to eat and when the water is a certain temperature releases sperm or eggs

>> No.16689574

Some of them are anon. It really depends on location, intelligence and if you start early. Every dealer I've ever known got busted, except for one.

>> No.16689717

I'd go to this Red Lobster

>> No.16689957

You think they wash their hands after being knuckle deep in Cheryl?

>> No.16689959

>the main point is taht drug dealers make more money than macdonalds burger flippers
why do sheltered virgins pretend to know so much about worlds they have never even stepped into?
99% of drug dealers make less than a burger-flipping job... you are talking maybe a 10-20% mark-up re-selling... the vast majority are re-selling ounces and grams, not importing kilos from abroad

>> No.16689972

What you lookin' at?...You all a bunch of fuckin' assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So...what that make you? Good? You're not good…You just know how to hide, how to lie… Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie... So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There's a bad guy comin' through! Better get outta his way!

>> No.16689995

I'm 41 and thinking about working at BK just to do this. And maybe sell drugs too

>> No.16690027

How about you tie a rope around your neck and do a flip off an overpass?

>> No.16690051

Or just make over 50k a year and they'll think you're a godsend sugar daddy. Seriously, anyone with a functioning car and health insurance seems like a huge catch to girls that have tried to live in the real world for about 2-3 years.

>> No.16690055

if you work in food it's so easy to make bank selling drugs. especially if the work is semi-difficult (like real restaurants)

>> No.16690099

How about you plug your ass with your chink fentanyl and go to sleep behind a dumpster?

>> No.16690283
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This was great to read.

>> No.16690294

Lol why so triggered?
I’m not even that anon, but I can say that just about every weed/pill dealer I’ve ever known works some sort of foodservice job.

>> No.16690304

>it's so easy to make bank
Why does this board attract so many blacks?

>> No.16690309


>> No.16690409

I hope not.

>> No.16690414

You should listen to your wife. You are an asshole.

>> No.16690415
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did you fuck?

>> No.16690417

Lol. That sounds fun but first I want to experience teenage love. 18+ of course

>> No.16690421

I've had all this but no access to zoomie girls so it didn't work out

>> No.16690423

>like real restaurants
I tried to get a job washing dishes at my closest restaurant. I was drunk at the time and I told them I want to drink on the job and sell drugs. Lol

>> No.16690427

Are you high or just retarded?

>> No.16690429

I also told the bartender we should enter a domestic abuse relationship

>> No.16690436

Did you offer to suck and work the glory hole? If not that’s a classic restaurant mistake

>> No.16690443

No. But I will remember that for next time. But what I really need to know is how to land this job at bk. Do they hire just anyone?

>> No.16690448

Bartender I really did it this time
broke my parole to have a good time
when I got home it was 6am
the door was locked so I kicked it in
she was tripping on the bills
I think she was high on some pills
she threw my shit out in to the yard
then she called me a bum and slapped me real hard
and in my drunken stupor I did what I should've never done
now I'm sitting here talking to you
drunk and on the run

>> No.16690451

I mean you gotta make the manager ejaculate a shitty toothy blowjob is a deal breaker

>> No.16690465

Stop, you're making me horny.

>> No.16690476

I pointed out the bruise on her arm and I said it's either from sex or domestic abuse. God she was hot.

>> No.16690477

some people in here really think that business that feeds thousands everday has time to not use prepackaged stuff? get real

>> No.16690514

some people in here really think that business that feeds thousands everday give a shit about anything but profits? get real

>> No.16690549

My friendly neighborhood supplier worked as a pizza delivery guy, then he got to marry a woman and fathered a child she had with some other guy

>> No.16690567

>My friendly neighborhood supplier worked as a pizza delivery guy
Weird coincidence, friend; I had a roommate years ago who was a weed/pill seller and did pizza-delivery.
I was woken up from a nap one day by a loud knock on my bedroom door, and opened it to find a half-dozen cops and my roommate in cuffs. They were there to execute a search warrant.

>> No.16690899

Lookit Shakespeare over here

>> No.16690978

We serve hot food at an on campus grocery store. No one is serve safe. I have no clue how its even legal. They have a manager come by for health inspections who is the serve safe person.

Like I think its all clean and safe but still

>> No.16691006

RIP Julio

>> No.16691017 [DELETED] 

I used to work in a very well known chinese place in chicago and we would literally bribe the health inspector every single time so that we could continue having immigrant chinks do prep work on the floor

>> No.16691095

>Yes that’s why it’s good.
Olive garden is fucking putrid you moron

>> No.16691110

I used to /dish pit/ at a bar that served drinks, slushies, and little snacks. If there was lipstick left on a pilsner glass or pint, I just chucked it right in the broken glass bin without washing it. Fuck em

>> No.16691213

>we want more than $7.80/hour

>> No.16691237

zoomers unironically deserve their future

>> No.16691302
File: 1.64 MB, 1512x720, Screenshot_20210716-204313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's their obsession with squatting?

>> No.16691310

Now anon, you’re being just a wee bit hyperbolic, don’t you think?

>> No.16691319

It's not an "obsession." The squat is a primal movement hardcoded into our brain. Other apes do it, kids do it, it's only as we grow accustomed to our life in the modern world and sitting in chairs that we lose our ability to squat.

>> No.16691411

it's a schizo say some triggers words and you'll have some fun from bordedom

>> No.16691464

yes, every country launders money. it's how we wash china's under the table loans and get really pissed off when they publicly announce to the world how much we owe.

>> No.16691488

>too many Canadians
is this a standard thing in the service industry? I knew someone who worked at a bar and Canadians was the code word for basketball inclined folks

>> No.16691505

This only works if you're vaccinated though

>> No.16691506

It's pretty common, yeah. When I first saw everyone on /int/ sperging out about Canadians, I assumed they had working front of house or some shit.

>> No.16691527

I knew a coke dealer that did not use coke and he made $5000-$10000 per month. That was just from sales made to users, no mid or high level sales.

>> No.16691532

You must be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.16691536

Lobsters are immoral so probably he'll live forever.

>> No.16691585

Is this dancing the reason why I'm spending 20 minutes in the drive thru?

>> No.16691614

Chicken butt

>> No.16691631

You're getting charged because someone is bringing it to you to shove in your face without you having to work.

>> No.16691655

there's a chinese restaurant near me that has had literally 0 costumer FOR DECADES

>> No.16691659

this makes total sense given what I've seen at my local. they are constantly out of things like the dragon fruit pieces and other fruits they use in their refreshers. how about the moldy cake pops? I've seen their deliveries come to the back with so many different ingredients in different boxes and I'm wondering where they keep all this stuff. It looks like a confusing mess of so many different items and ingredients. Plus, they've been closing randomly forbdays at a time with no explanation... staffing? covid outbreaks? I can hardly believe my local store is still operating.

>> No.16691664

Costco actually has pretty high quality stuff compared to most other chains. Every restauranteur I know of shops there. It's either there or the standard restaurant supply houses.

>> No.16691672

The first anon is only partially correct about the ingredients. Tiktok shit doesnt help but the main problem is a lack of workers at the distribution centers. Whether its from covid or unemployment benefits I dont really know but I can tell you at the store level its completely covid related. The store I work at has been shit down 4 times now because somebody showed up to work with symptoms and made everyone have to quarantine. Last week I was one of the 50% of the employees that was actually vaccinated so I had to work twice as hard for the idiots who got to stay home.

>> No.16691673


>> No.16691733

for the most part, i don't care much for dancing
but i will say i respect that girl's ability to roll with it and the guy was feeling it

>> No.16691743

for what purpose?

>> No.16691750

>t. spit enjoyer

>> No.16691755

>is this a standard thing in the service industry?
Probably not in Canada.

>> No.16691759

thank you for your service

>> No.16691774

Pretty sure it was the same discord tranny samefagging.

>> No.16691791

>Whether its from covid or unemployment benefits
Is this what the for profit Jewish owned news told you?

>> No.16691800

>you're definitely new to 4chan, holy fuck


>> No.16691892

>reddit spacing

>> No.16692008

No its what ive heard from multiple managers. They simply do not have enough people working at the production level.

>> No.16692012

now thats a disruptive business idea

>> No.16692056
File: 38 KB, 352x352, 3vchhese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worked at Olga's Kitchen for 5 years
>Bread is made fresh from frozen dough
>Gyro meat ships in frozen then thawed out on spiff, the meat cooks during the morning and is shaved and saved for later
>The Broccoli Cheddar and White Bean Chicken Chilli are pre-made and are just microwaved when they are thawed out
>The Peasant soup is made fresh everyday
>All salad ingredients are fresh and rotated constantly
>Certain sauces like the garlic aioli are mixed in house and nobody ever follows the directions making interesting batches

Overall Olga's was a pretty dope place, still good friends with a lot of the people that worked there. Also got to meet Olga herself before she passed away, she was just a cute old Greek lady and just wanted to bring Gyro's to America. I still think the 3 Cheese Olga is the best thing ever, nothing beats melted cheddar, swiss, monetary jack with greek yogurt, tomato and onion.

>> No.16692057
File: 938 KB, 350x200, 20513ED2-A61D-42BA-A9F9-1AC0DFBE0E90.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Julio was probably served to a Canadian after this manager left
I will nevr4get. RIP in peace.

>> No.16692062

U haven't realized ppl are sick of working for assholes who think they never have enough money?

>> No.16692104

Zoë's kitchen
>most shit is actually made fresh
>salad, however, is giant bags of greens from the walk-in, mixed in the same sinks we disposed of stuff in, with only a light schvitz of vinegar for sanitation
Tijuana flats
>everything that is fried (flautas, etc) uses the oldest cheese and meat we had
Jimmy johns
>not a single one of the vegetables is washed
>corporate sends them out "pre-washed"

>> No.16692122

Is he out yet?

>> No.16692123

Yes, considering most people selling drugs are dropouts with no skills.

>> No.16692143

This is no secret. Same for applebees

>> No.16692303

Lmao lurk moar faggot

>> No.16692313

when i worked there we def made the sauces and some of the appetizers like flat bread, and zuchini, meats and things like that.

>> No.16692320

what should I order then? I sometimes ask for a hand pour, and they always bitch and suggest i get the tap coffee. I also like those Nitro Brews.

>> No.16692336

get in the cagie wagie

>> No.16692480

if u work in a restaurant, u would know everyone is on drugs or selling them.

>> No.16692502

He was never “in”.
He got lucky on a technicality his lawyer argued; the copy of the warrant they gave him when searching the house wasn’t signed by the judge. So the tons of weed/pills/cash and the few guns he accepted as ‘collateral’ from some pillheads that owed him money which they found in the residence were all inadmissible as evidence.
They still hit him with “felony sale”, as what they based the warrant on was a recording of him selling to a snitch, but he got off with probation. Still a felony record though.

>> No.16692509

The problem I see whenever this is brought up is its incredibly inefficient. You still need to buy the product to justify falsified purchases to keep it hard to trace, which means you're losing a reasonable percentage of income on food you're just throwing away to justify your net profits. A smart drug front would operate on a considerably higher overhead/profit ratio business than a restaurant

>> No.16692537

>which means you're losing a reasonable percentage of income on food you're just throwing away to justify your net profits
A business can deduct losses from its taxes 2 years out of every 5yr period.
So for something like a single-location restaurant, it’s easy.
>deduct losses from tax for 2 years.
>at the start of yr3, go “out of business”, and reincorporate “under new ownership” (you don’t have to actually change shit, even the name)
>repeat as necessary

>> No.16692562

My local roaster's "medium roast" is oily as fuck.
I'm not calling you wrong. I just hate my local roaster. What a fucking faggot.

>> No.16692572

It just seems like more work than you really need to do though, I've known some decent income dealers before and they always use something more profitable and less paper trail like landscaping or power washing or something

>> No.16692596

In the uber eats app you get the option to give the driver a tip before they even do the delivery but I can tell you that as an uber eats delivery driver i get the tip notification about twenty minutes after you give the tip.
So don't tip then and expect your driver to drive faster because they won't know you've tipped them right away.
Just tip them if they did a good job and we'll get the tip notification later.

>> No.16692644

Every single person who works at subway is high. Every one

>> No.16692670

Chinese restaurants in America are unbelievably disgusting food they set out for the gwailos.

>> No.16692676

>worked at Taco Bell
>The Chalupa shells are just deep-fried Gordita shells

>> No.16692690

As an uber eats couriers I sometimes collect my orders via a back door to the kitchen and as such I get a window into their operation and I will never ever eat Indian food from a restaurant again.

Absolutely abhorrent.

Filthy pots and pans that never ever get cleaned.

>> No.16692809

How do you know they "never ever get cleaned" when you're only there long enough to pick up an order?

>> No.16692839

Sometimes I'm waiting and watching for a while and I watch them empty the contents of a pot into a plastic container and then they start cooking with that same pot again without rinsing it plus they're all black and filthy like the stove as well.

I know what I see.

>> No.16692866

I'm pretty sure almost every franchise restaurant uses pre-packed stuff, I worked for as a line cook for a place called Swiss Chalet here in Canada and was surprised to know that things like pot pies, and mashed potatoes came frozen in packages and we had to thaw them in hot water before preparing them. The one I worked at was in a perfect area where every fucking day was busy, bunch of boomer customers eat here all the time. I guess if any leafs here wanna know the "secrets", I'll list what I remembered, the menu might have changed by now:

packaged or came frozen:
>those tiny buns served with every meal
>mash potatoes
>spring roll mix & wrapping (fresh peeled chicken meat and chopped green onions mixed in when we prepare it)
>kid's pizza
>all the desserts
>pot pie filling and the crust
>chicken tenders
>coconut shrimp
>pasta sauce
>baguettes for garlic bread
>chicken wings
>all the sauces for salads, wings, meats
>stuffing and cranberry sauce during winter
>general ingredients in boxes (carrots, lettuce, onions, etc..)

Freshly made:
>The rotisserie chicken (of course, there's usually like 3 or 4 large rotisserie ovens with a guy dedicated to putting in fresh chicken every hour)
>club wraps
>french fries (this caught me by surprise during my first few days, never would have thought a franchise restaurant would make them fresh. freshly made every morning in large batches before opening by the preppers, until their shift is over and it's always just enough for the day)
>roast beef
>parmesan chicken
>pasta dishes
>baked potatoes

>> No.16693040

You are actually both right. Liquor and wine generally has a pretty small retail mark up so restaunts and bars are not getting it for much cheaper than you can get it at decent high volume liquor store. It might even be the same prices, save for some case discounts which are also sometimes available to the consumer.

>> No.16693539

Hell yeah brother, I love swiss chalet fries. Tell me more about those fries.

>> No.16693556

I am a cop. When I first started the guys where I work told me to never get food out. Only shit I will grab during a break now is pre made gas station shit.

>> No.16693562

god i hate poor people

>> No.16693584

I worked at Papa John's back in 2013-14 and again very briefly in like 2019 or so.

>only regular menu item not prepacked was the thin crust, and it was just the crust
>some stuff came in a can like sauce, anchovies, pineapples, or in a box like meat, cheese, mushrooms
>tomatoes, onions, peppers, all had to be chopped
>did tomatoes with a knife because fuck the cutter
>dough was proofed on site, crust made by hand
>genuinely loved working there

Fast forward to 2019ish, after the Papapocalypse where Papa John said nigger and had to resign.

>car toppers now have gps trackers that not only display your location on a map to your manager, but track your speed, how hard you're turning, how fast you accelerate, and gives you a rating based on this that is displayed to the other drivers
>if you drive like you mean to make money, other drivers will be pissed off
>now forced by manager to Jew people on toppings - less cheese, less pepperoni, everything
>"Papa's Favorite" menu item now renamed to something like "Pepperoni Six Cheese" to distance company from Papa John - like Stalin erasing people from history and even the photos
>company is sovlless husk of what it was, working there was suffering

If I ever go back to pizza I'm going to Domino's. Apparently Domino's stole Papa John's methods some years back. Fuck that company that calls itself Papa John's.

>> No.16693592 [DELETED] 

Hope you get shot by a nigger.

>> No.16693672

Papa John shilled for the Fembusters movie. I shed no tears.

>> No.16693688

>work at any trendy sushi place
>they claim the fish is fresh
its all frozen
>work for koreans at moon rune restaurant
>they weigh how much meat you serve
they attempt to deduct from pay if you go overboard
>work at red robin
>fried frozen chicken strips simply tossed in a mixture of franks red hot and butter
>turkey sammich uses frozen packages of bologna tier meat slices with a bit of creoli seasoning on top

>> No.16693702

More like the family restaurant actually owns the building it is in so there's no rent. However no one does it this generation anymore.

>> No.16693707

used to live in a nigger area. not far from my house was an older mini shopping center that mostly contained a few hole in the wall mexican restaurants, a smoke shop, nail salon, etc. there was location in the corner that was a restaurant/hookah longue (indoor and outdoor). never had any customers, just the owners chilling outside occasionally, presumably talking business. was clearly used for money laundering.

>> No.16693708

You're paying for the convenience of going somewhere with friends or family, not having to plan a meal, buy ingredients, cook or clean and everyone gets to eat exactly what they want. The food is "good enough". Sure, you can make a whole lasagna that will feed 4 people for the cost of a single entree at Olive Garden but you have to do it yourself, you have to clean and you have to take criticism from your more autistic friends who think that you didn't simmer the sauce long enough because it's still too acidic.

>> No.16693719

Hope you get neck kneeled by one of the BASED boys in blue, you edgy little creep.

>> No.16693743

He probably got paid a lot of money. Business is business. He wasn't responsible for that massive abortion of a movie.

>they attempt to deduct from pay if you go overboard
I hate shit like this. You should have tried to sue them or something.

>> No.16693749

i quit the moment they disclosed i'd be deducting from pay for going over the weight with meat.

>> No.16693750
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>t. xi jinping

>> No.16693765

I worked at a local bakery and the hygene was honestly disgusting. The racks that the loaves were set on were never cleaned so you'd have loaves being served to customers that were just sitting on a rack covered with cobwebs with no paper under them or anything. Similarily, no one ever cleaned the baking sheets, so they'd be covered with black, burnt-on grease with only a sheet of wax paper on top, which all the shit would obviously soak through in the oven. The whole place was half falling apart because the owner was too much of a cheap jew to fix anything. This taught me an important lesson about small businesses, that while they might seem more personal and friendly, and the food itself might be better, the health and saftey standards can sometimes go completely out the window with no corporate breathing down their neck.

>> No.16693772

What city is this

>> No.16693773

It’s no coincidence there’s also 2 billion of them. They squat so that when the newborn chinkoid falls out they don’t hurt themselves too much. Every see chinkoids with the really strange flat heads? Means their birthing unit wasn’t squatting when the moment of birth happened.

>> No.16693788

All fish is frozen to kill parasites. Even the stuff in super fancy restaurants will have been frozen.

>> No.16693809

true, fresh doesn't mean not frozen. the point was the depiction.

>> No.16694028

If the oilyness bothers you there's the blonde espresso that you can switch out the regular for in any drink. Get an iced blonde americano and add whatever flavors or milks you normally get in an iced coffee, itll also be alot fresher than the regular stuff.

>> No.16694038

People have always been sick of it. But now they are literally getting sick from working with people who are unvaccinated.

>> No.16694074

causes diarrhea. if you add too much it can be fatal though. I've never seen it done but it was a common rumor when I was growing up

>> No.16694088

Don't buy produce from Dollar General.

>> No.16694103


If they're both grammatically correct then why would one mean the other instead of itself you doublenigger

>> No.16694117

I worked fast food and nobody ever fucked with people's food, including cops that came through. That's some gnarly scumbag shit and he's probably lying, or it happened once

>> No.16694130

This is completely true. Even the ones with boyfriends, if you're better looking than them.

>> No.16694159

Actually I recant this slightly. There was one girl with a daughter and a pretty scary cholo boyfriend, definitely not an option initially but the second she broke up with him she was trying to get dick from us.

>> No.16694188


That's because they were dumb fucks who let nobody faggots like you know what they do. It's very likely you know at least one you would never suspect who is modestly successful and will never get caught because they're not a stupid subhuman faggot who tells every retard like you what they do.

>> No.16694287

>am a cop
Are all cops pedophiles?

>> No.16694296

>A business can deduct losses from its taxes 2 years out of every 5yr period
Can you prove this?

>> No.16694303

>literally everything is pre-packed
>all the soups, sauce, bread sticks, desserts, and pasta
None of this is a secret to anyone who's ever eaten there.
>the only things fresh and hand made were the salads and stuffed mushrooms
I find this incredibly surprising, though. This is the real secret.

>> No.16694318

At least they ain't getting the flu anymore.

>> No.16694334

Only the gay ones

>> No.16694379

I remember a thread from a few months back with anonymous telling stories about working in the restaurant industry, and an extremely high number of these stories involved taking drugs while on the job, so I believe it.

>> No.16694521

This is literally a wagie thread, gtfo silver spoon cuck

>> No.16694531

>We don’t actually make the lobster from scratch; they grow in the ocean

>> No.16694623
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Julio will be immortal. One day, you have to take him to the ocean so he can be the king of the lobsters. Please, he deserves his own harem.

>> No.16695331

I know of at least three Chinese food places in my city that are probably that

>> No.16695361

>Jimmy johns
Is that where everyone gets weed from these days?

>> No.16695615

Maybe other Swiss Chalets have a more automated process but when I helped fill in for a prepper, the process went like this:
>dump bags of potatoes into blanching machine to shave off as much of the skin
>open the hatch, let all the potatoes fall into the giant sink beside it, full of water
>stab a potato with a knife, put it into the potato cutter, pull down and slice them into frie shapes, very good work out after cutting like 300 potatoes
>fry like 3-4 large batches of fries at a time, until they squish in your hands without breaking apart, take out of the fryer and let it cool down before tranferring it into containers
>store containers in the walk in fridge room
>fries get fried again when served by the line cooks
That's about it, quality depends on the location I suppose, and when I was working there, I took pride in making sure all the fries served was fresh and crispy, as lame as that sounds

>> No.16695638

that's because the chinese government pays for those. there's literally jade garden/happy dragon/etc restaurant starter kits that are sent along with the immigrants

>> No.16695684

that was my experience working in smaller businesses as well. lawn care or restaurant, everything is falling apart and the owner isn't doing the work, so as long as the equipment functions, they don't care.

>> No.16695764

How does money laundering even work with things like cheap CGI kids movies and stuff?

>> No.16695769

I did this and it made nerve gas?!?

>> No.16696100

No but I have a funny story about a pedo cop suicide https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.twincities.com/2013/08/14/wisconsin-cop-under-investigation-killed-himself-with-nail-gun/amp/
He was a fat ugly guy. He would go online and pretend to be a girl to get underage boys to send penis pics. He got bailed out and they took all the guns from his home knowing he would try and kill himself. One investigator thought to remove more like construction equipment knowing this guy wants dead but the other guys did not wanna do the paperwork. A lot more are wife beaters and steal money from drug dens during warrants.

>> No.16696147

starbucks roasts their coffee for longer because Italians do, and it is an Italian coffee bar. You're just making shit up

>> No.16696149

Posts like these are a diamond dozen

>> No.16696163

I’m honestly surprised that almost everything in cheesecake seems to be made from scratch. They have like 15 people prepping everytime I’m in there.

>> No.16696174

My mom paid 14 dollars for a glass of restaurant at the high end wine we were at

>> No.16696175


bootlicker identified

>> No.16696177


>> No.16696179


quit or die challenge 2021, bastard

>> No.16696204

Funny you mention vaccinations when I'm sure people would be at work if they weren't getting paid literally twice as much not to be

>> No.16696206

It's a free market if it's overpriced then stop going, newsflash, the pre-prepared heat and serve model can still provide good enough food with lots of convenience. Go pay for fresh food if you want it, it's available, don't expect it from large brands.

>> No.16696221

I am in too deep if I quit there goes my money and retirement.

>> No.16696238

i'm sorry bro you made a huge career mistake

>> No.16696247


Quit. Or. Die. Challenge. 2021.

>> No.16696254

The active ingredient in one of the most effective eyedrops is basically stomach acid (HCl, aqueous)
Sounds like stupid nigger urban legends to me

>> No.16696255

Seeing someone work in a restaurant is one of the most shameful things you can do. Retail is less shameful than working in a a restaurant socially. If I had the option between working in a restaurant or being homeless and looking for a job somewhere else, I would be homeless.

>> No.16696257

Lol he's probably kneeling on your uncle's neck as we speak
You're more suicidal and broken than he will ever be

>> No.16696287
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it's weird how good most of their stuff is. I fuckin love their avocado spring rolls.

>> No.16696377

The kind that makes you disregard evil spirits

>> No.16696471

That was also my point. But people who show up sick cant work more than 1 shift before alerting everyone they clearly have covid

>> No.16696509

How is that a problem if everyone else is vaccinated?

>> No.16696547

I worked at Pi. Co, if anyone knows that that is. AMA

>> No.16696555

What is Pi. Co?

>> No.16696559

damn I wish I had a job like that

>> No.16696598
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check yourself

>> No.16696622

>infinte chickens
I'm gonna get so rich

>> No.16696666


stop projecting, bootlicker

>> No.16696706

why the fuck does /ck/ spontaneously politicize in nearly every thread? Is everyone here /pol/ or just fat and old?

>> No.16696731


>> No.16696739

what if it was both

>> No.16696747

Hit a nerve?

>> No.16696755

It's a symptom of modern society.

>> No.16696793

Based, I did the same.

>> No.16696808

Same thing happened to me but at a Chinese restaurant near me. It was really gross, plus they were sweating like fucking dogs in that kitchen so I assume a lot of sweat literally went into the food.

>> No.16696843

420 nigga

>> No.16696853

nah, doesn't sound lame
good job anon

>> No.16696855

it would be damn unfortunate

>> No.16696867

oh yeah for sure

>> No.16696879

Paid 8 bux for a shot of el jimador at my local Mexican place. If I wasn't drunk I would've questioned that...but then again another time they didnt charge me for a shot of tequila

>> No.16696890
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Very interesting. Too bad they dont all kill themselves

>> No.16696917

That sounds about right. Never get high on your own supply. Most heroin dealers deal to pay for their habit.

>> No.16696974

>and pretend to swipe my card
This is a scam

>> No.16696980


>> No.16696996

A pizza place

>> No.16697014

The chillest job I ever had was working at a movie theater selling weed. Shame you have to wear a vest and a fucking bowtie

>> No.16697028


>> No.16697078

Super easy
Super greasy

>> No.16697196

>leftist not-so-secretly in favor of police brutality
who could have guessed

>> No.16697321

>this is done so because customers order so much sugar flavoring that unless we burned coffee beans, they wouldn't taste coffee at all
This was always my theory for why their coffee is so fuckin bad

>> No.16697500

>The tank-lobster is named Julio, after a busser we had who was killed in a drug deal that went south
RIP Julio
May lobster Julio live forever

>> No.16697505

>Lobsters are immoral
Probably why they named Julio after a guy who sold drugs

>> No.16697512 [DELETED] 

not all cops are jewish, anon

>> No.16697586


>> No.16697763

I don't see the problem unless the pot has been sitting at room temp for hours.

>> No.16697874

Everyone else *isnt* vaccinated. Its not mandated where I work so if one person shows up sick, half the store has to quarantine i assume its like that everywhere unless its a hospital or government facility.

>> No.16697900

Yes, laundering money costs money. But that doesn't really matter. Provisions of up to 40% are no exception. But when you gave larger volumes of money in your operation, it's better to have 60 dollars you can actually use than 100 with which you can't do jack shit. Besides, actual ingredients for cheap restaurants aren't even that expensive. You could easily 'make' a pizza for like 1 dollar and 'sell' it for 20. Punch in the receipts, give the ingredients away to family or just flush them down the drain and buy new ones regularly. It's only when they really have eyes on you that they can count the number of customers and put it next to your books that you could get into trouble. You could even use your delivery men to bring around drugs whilst supposedly delivering pizza. It's that kind of business where creativity pays off.

>> No.16698095 [DELETED] 

> basically stomach acid (HCl, aqueous)
It sounds like you’re the stupid nigger. HCl refers to the hydrochloride water soluble salt of whatever the active ingredient is.

>> No.16698173

no joke. where i am it's supplement stores that are never open and daycares that never have kids in them

>> No.16698328
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Vegetables taste like sad

>> No.16698420

please dont

>> No.16698527


>> No.16698534 [DELETED] 

Why do they blindly do the jews bidding?

>> No.16698555

in NY, cops use the term 'Canadians' as a code word for nigger so they don't get in trouble.

>> No.16698564

George Floyd deserved to die, cry more.

>> No.16698566

Down south they just call them niggers because their chief isn’t a literal kike

>> No.16698590

In Canada our Starbucks has a standard True North blend and it tastes like the most fucking cheapest coffee ever. The beans taste like they fell off a van going from Mexico shipping cocaine or something.

>> No.16698596

Weirdly McDonald's and Subway probably have more fresh food than fucking Olive Garden

>> No.16698603

Knew a cute girl who worked at Mc Dick's who was super slutty. Unfortunately after eating two years of that fast food she looked like twenty years older in no time

>> No.16698609

Do you make your Cheese biscuits from scratch or keep them frozen in a freezer?

>> No.16698616

No way an average street dealer makes 30K or more a month since he'd either get arrested or killed before that with that kind of high end business

>> No.16698629

S is 4chink friend his wife’s negroid boyfriend sells $30k just in crack alone and takes them on tropical vacations to Trinidad where she gets gangbanged. For free!

>> No.16698630

And yet they taste pretty fucking good with butter

>> No.16698685

Weirdly you mention that because by my university there was this strip mall (but it was on the highway not tucked behind in suburbia) that used to be an Office Depot or Staples then went out of business and became a Spirit Halloween shop only open two months of the year and then that went out of business completely abandoned building. Only businesses open near it are a Best Buy and Subway's. There was a daycare, a Chinese food market and a gym that never seem to have customers. I have no clue who runs that strip but holy shit you'd think a busy thorough fare of traffic the building managers would find better tenants or something wtf?

>> No.16698711


greentext theme

>> No.16698747

>And yet
I didn’t say anything about how delicious they are you cum gargling retarded faggot don’t ever respond to me again

>> No.16698756 [DELETED] 

Haha someone in your family (or you) got arrested for being a nigger and now you hate cops, haha hahaha haha


>> No.16698763

take your meds schizo

>> No.16698771

Don't care, as long as it's delicious I'll eat it. Stop being a little bitch about cleanliness.

>> No.16698781

I used to make bagels at home it was really easy I miss cashies

>> No.16698786

It's a comfortable way to chill without any place to sit. You're just too fat to do it longer than 3 seconds.

>> No.16698790

Thank you. I've sent lots of drinks back because it still had lip prints on the glass.

>> No.16698810

>You're just too fat to do it longer than 3 seconds
Not gonna disagree. I tried but my beer gut gets in the way. Plus I'm not very flexible

>> No.16698814

Imagine being so fucking retarded you take an oath enforcing the bible

>> No.16698820

So does your dad

>> No.16698822

"sushi grade" fish is required by law to be deep frozen for a certain amount of time to kill parasites. The higher quality stuff is frozen right on the boat.

>> No.16698833

>handmade stuffed mushrooms
That's a weird choice to make fresh, since their stuffed mushrooms are exactly the same as all the other stuffed mushrooms that other restaurants serve, and those come frozen from the restaurant supply place.

>> No.16698836

Nigga wat

>> No.16698843

Haha, you fell for the amp meme.

>> No.16698852

i've only tried starbucks once and i immediately tasted burnt coffee

>> No.16698862
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kek k fag

>> No.16698898


>> No.16699403

a symptom of the mid 2010s newfag invasion that makes all prior newfag waves innocuous in comparison. the jaded disingenuous style of posting of the early 2010s that oldfags had been complaining about was fucking nothing compared to this new giganigga form of cancer that's permeated the site

>> No.16699714

Piss on my kibbles daddy-o!

>> No.16699983


>> No.16700134

That's not what your mom said bro

>> No.16700335

When I came home it was 3am
The door was locked so i kicked it in
She was trippin on the bills
I think she was high on some pills

>> No.16700353

I'm sitting at a bar on the inside
Waiting for my ride on the outside
She stole my heart in the trailer park
So I jacked the keys to her fucking car
And crashed that piece of shit, then stepped away

>> No.16700367
