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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16671870 No.16671870 [Reply] [Original]

>carne '''asada''' cooked in a pan
>overcooks the meat
>despite this, doesn't even get a nice sear
>undercooks the fries (and only a single fry at that)
>deep fries with a shallow pan with barely an inch of exposed pan as a buffer
>undertoasts the burrito
>garlic in guacamole
>making tortillas is too hard!
>voice sounds low energy and near suicidal

I feel such second-hand embarrassment. Has Babish finally hit rock bottom?

>> No.16671931

>Has Babish finally hit rock bottom?
When did he leave?

>> No.16671933


>> No.16671934


>> No.16671944

>Has Babish finally hit rock bottom?

The whole show is basically to show off to his ex wife that he did better without her. It's why he also keeps showing off his girlfriend

>> No.16671946

No more e-celeb threads unless it's someone based like tasting history

>> No.16671950

>The whole show is basically to show off to his ex wife that he did better without her.
Is it, really?

>> No.16671953


This is a thread about food and cooking, more specifically, an analysis of the meal prepared by an individual culturally-significant within the realm of internet home cooking, who will broadcast these techniques to an impressionable viewership of millions. Fuck off and die.

>> No.16671960

I'm not saying he's not relevant I'm saying I don't give a shit about him. Notice how I pointed out an e-celeb who you should post about instead.

>> No.16671979

I need tortilla tips for doing them without a press.

>> No.16671985
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<- This should end well.

>> No.16671989
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would not eat, and ive been known to eat stuff from the garbage

>> No.16671997

you give so little of a shit that you repeatedly replied to a thread about him rather than just scrolling past like a normal person lmao

>> No.16672001

How fucking new are you?
PS, that one doesn't work because the banners are saved as lossy images.

>> No.16672035

based dubs of truth

>> No.16672042

I mean what else should I do? This board is pretty slow.

>> No.16672056

Is this a board for ppl to post their cooking adventures or a board to post e-"chefs" who are closet Pedophiles?

>> No.16672066
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>Put gloves on after the backlash he got after he decided to paint his nails

>> No.16672087

I hate e-celebs so much bros.
At least Jack doesnt pretend to be good.

>> No.16672115

there are are other activities besides 4chan

>> No.16672156

Not when I’m stuck in lecture

>> No.16672191

Honestly makes me like him if true

>> No.16672199

He has some of the most mainstream brand sponsorships on youtube. I wouldn't be surprised if he makes 50k+ per video in sponsorships, on top of the millions he makes per year in pure adsense revenue. If that's rock bottom I'd love a permanent residence there myself.

>> No.16672210

The meat looks raw but the salsa verde looks acceptable

>> No.16672266

>The meat looks raw
>completely grey


>> No.16672276

Not related to this thread but i don't want to a make a new thread just to ask.

Does Lemon Pepper Chicken go good with fettuccine alfredo? Or should i just make the side dish with Rice?

>> No.16672283

lmao imagine openly browsing 4chan in lectures, not surprising you dont have any friends do whisper to instead
alternatively you could actually listen to the lecture you're getting yourself into massive debt for

>> No.16672295

hey man i didnt watch the video so i dont know about the other shit but i like garlic in guac

>> No.16672298

>lmao imagine openly browsing 4chan in lectures
I'm at the back of the class
>not surprising you dont have any friends do whisper to instead
I'm doing that too
>alternatively you could actually listen to the lecture you're getting yourself into massive debt for
It's a bullshit literature course over books I've already read and I'm getting paid to be here

>> No.16672307

they see you browsing 4chan and are still friends with you, wtf kind of people are they?
>It's a bullshit literature course over books I've already read and I'm getting paid to be here
so why not just skip it then loser

>> No.16672988
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you're just seething op. i don't like the man but he makes informative and interesting cooking videos. he admits often that his recipes are not muh traditional.

>> No.16673043

Guys like Babish and Ragusea are entertainers first and foremost. They're more in the business of making cooking entertainment rather than just cooking. Once you accept that premise, their content is not that bad. Weissman is a proper chef, but he's gone for entertainment as well lately, because it's fashionable, and good for him.

>> No.16673051


>> No.16673090
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>I'd sell my soul for money
Just say this next time. It's less effort, and we all know how much you hate that.

>> No.16673130

sounds based to me

>> No.16673141

i gar my guac every time and so should you.

>> No.16673645

>>garlic in guacamole
I mean, yes.

>> No.16673748

go with the rice, alfredo is a heavy cheese sauce and i dont think ive ever heard of pairing citrus and cheese before, fruit yes, but not citrus. i feel your stomach will thank you. now, plain of a flavored rice?

>> No.16674022


I can't believe I share a board with you fucking plebs.

Red onion. Cilantro. Jalapeno. That's it. I'll accept a bit of lime juice and zest, but nothing more.

>> No.16674037

His sponsors are pretty innocuous. You've probably done worse shit in your own life then tell people to buy Bounty paper towels lol

>> No.16674039

Luckily for everyone else all you can do is impotently seethe over it like the little bitch you are

>> No.16674050

Impotently seethe over having superior guacamole? Blow it out your ass, nerd. I bet you don't even own a molcajete

>> No.16674052

*continues to seethe*

>> No.16674066

I'm sorry, did you miss the part where he said he was making California burritos? Everything you listed is exactly how dogshit Californians make it.

>> No.16674104
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As soon as I saw the soy sauce I knew that it was going to be an absolute fucking trainwreck and it didn't disappoint.
>Not using flap meat, or skirt steak at the absolute least
>That fucking marinade
>Slicing the beef before marinating it
>Not using frozen shoestring fries and over-cooking them so they soften to just the right consistency in the burrito
>Not using cheap pre-shredded cheese
>Not cooking the carne asada at least medium-well
>Not re-frying the chopped carne asada in the french fry oil
>Not using the used fry oil for everything
>That fucking guac
>Tomatos in the res salsa
>Chunky salsas
>Not bothering to get an actual tortilla sobaquera
>"""toasting""" the burrito

So did this legume lord never bother to actually go to a taqueria before trying to make one of the all-time taqueria classics? And doesn't he have a fucking flat-top? Why would you ever cook carne asada in a pan when you could cook it on a flat-top? Also, I have never in my life had a taqueria burrito with the salsa on the inside.

Depends on what you're using it for. If the guac is the star of the show I like garlic, epazote and fine diced romas but if it's going in or on something then even onion is debatable.

>> No.16674115

He's seething!
Seething at the thought that people who are not him have different preferences!
He can't understand it!

>> No.16674352

>california style burittos
>complete garbage
Ya it checks out. Good job babish.

>> No.16674362

>ex wife
Ex-husband more like.

>> No.16674369

I have never seen this amount of autism in my life. Kill yourself coastalcuck.

>> No.16674812
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may everyone tiny whisk on!

>> No.16674904

>burrito on a clean plate
>no spreading puddle of grease
What kind of faggot shit is this?

>> No.16674910

Take the dough, and put it on a flat surface. Take a pan, and use the bottom to smash the hell out of it.

>> No.16674914

These are perfectly good fries in this bag. If you weren't going to finish them, why didn't you tell me?

>> No.16675009
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Mexican food is genuinely like cheap fast food quality but on a national scale.

Sorry he actually improved it with better ingredients

>> No.16675420

are you me bro? i am at a philosophy class rn

>> No.16675485
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>misses the point entirely
Thought so.

>> No.16675506

You only need a double fry if you don't parboil them first, but he forgot the vinegar in the boil step and defunding undercooked them. And what the fuck is up with the 3 cloves raw garlic in the guac?

>> No.16675604

Not him, if the people around you would stop being your friends because of a website you browse then you have shit friends and yet you take the moral high ground on an himalayan pink salt speed carving internet website and call people losers while defending your e-celeb. Pot, kettle, reddit, blablabla you know the drill.

>> No.16675611

>but he forgot the vinegar in the boil step
no he didn't lol

>> No.16675861

>This is a thread about food and cooking
No this is a thread discussing an eceleb. This does not belong on this board.

>> No.16675889

based if true

>> No.16675923

The only good thing about his videos is when his gf comes on camera and points her bra-less titties with hard nipples to us. Good show.

>> No.16675924
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>> No.16675934

who the fuck isn't?

Imagine putting that on your CV

>> No.16675938

why is not wearing bras a meme suddenly
i see it all the time

>> No.16675939

I bet him and his band of butt buddies all had big ol faggoty grins as they constructed this sterile slop. Makes me sick goddamnit, SICK!

>> No.16675940

something something feminism

>> No.16675998

post a link

>> No.16676034

Based if big

>> No.16676052

You know that guy's an actor, right?
He voiced Golbez in the FFIV DS remake

>> No.16676058

>more in the business of making cooking entertainment rather than just cooking. Once you accept that premise, their content is not that bad.
Why the fuck would I want to 'accept that premise'? I'm here for good food and how to make it, not some posers doing shitty fast food. How about all you e-celeb cocksuckers fuck off to /tv/?

>> No.16676073

raw beef that's a few days old looks grey. meat at a supermarket is only red because they puff it with gas to force the red colour.

>> No.16676076
File: 19 KB, 300x225, 5DB449D6-6B87-488D-8E8A-9D9450F503E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want down to earth content check out the channel in the pic. You won’t be sorry.

>> No.16676139

>post a link
Just watch the end of the latest episode

>> No.16676215

No, he didn't. He fundamentally changed the ingredients and techniques. It's still a burrito, and it might actually be good, but it's no longer a mexican burrito.

>> No.16676699

refuse to dirty my eyeballs with this wokepandering faggiola

>> No.16676881

>cheez it snap'd
>thats c-h-e-e-z i-t s-n-a-p-d
>i cant go anywhere without my cheez it snap'd
>thats c-h-e-e-z i-t s-n-a-p-d

>> No.16677009
