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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.52 MB, 2149x2039, 20210906_120257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16657174 No.16657174 [Reply] [Original]

If you need a 'special' knife at all you're a cooklet
I've had the same three knives for 5 years got it at a garage sale dont even know the brand. Dont care. Cuts like a knife

>> No.16657180

Do you also have a cope thread on /g/ to rationalize your cheap ass phone?

>> No.16657181

Having a favorite knife means you can't cook?
Guess a sniper and their favorite rifle means they can't shoot?

>> No.16657189

you need at least one serrated blade

>> No.16657192

t. buys 200 dollar knives with mommy's credit card and thinks it makes him cook better
any knife over 2-3 dollars is a waste. learn to cook, the fundamentals first. I used to cook with a rusty potato peeler in my dads shed

>> No.16657198

>Signs you’re a poorfag:
>going out of your way to make it sound like you’re somehow superior to those who have things you don’t purely by virtue of your not having those things

>> No.16657199

learn to cook before you care what knife youre using

>> No.16657202

>thinks $200 is “mommy’s credit card” tier money
Poorfag confirmed.

>> No.16657203


Made this the other day.
Tastes good. Better than anything you'll make in your life.
Like I said learn the fundamentals, cooklets. Presentation barely matters. Don't need a shiny knife to cut your ingredients. My dad used to drink and I'd cook before he came home and made me play "helicopter" with the dog (it nearly bashed its skull in when he missed his throw one time). cook practically cook well

>> No.16657204

> I used to cook with a rusty potato peeler in my dads shed

Good euphemism for masturbation as well.

>> No.16657206
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Holy shit you're coping so hard. Did someone make fun of your shitty knives and offend you? Lmaoing at your life kid.

>> No.16657208

if you've never used a decent knife then you will never know what you're missing out on. I can shop veggies like nobody's business with my chef's knife. I just use a polished steel honing rod on it for maintenance.

>> No.16657211
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Pic related
Made this. Tastes good didn't take a 200 dollar 'special knife' to make.


>> No.16657212

I buy that you’re poor. I don’t buy your hyperbolic white trash larp though.

>> No.16657214

Yeah that what is assumed your cooking skills was, nothing.

>> No.16657215

Part of cooking is being able to use a knife proficiently. If you're only ever using a steak knife you cant practice half of the techniques you should be.

>> No.16657216

I'm fully on board with bullying people who pretend they need some fancy special Japanese knife that costs as much as a car.
But I would fucking hate having to gut and fillet a bucket of herrings with any of the knives in your pic.
There is something to be said for having the proper tool for a given job.

>> No.16657223
File: 94 KB, 559x581, AFE20F05-4587-40E1-9207-CC7A6AEB51F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signs you shouldn’t post:
-greasy camera lens
-intended to post a pic but no pic
-poorfag that only owns 3 steak knives

>> No.16657224

>guise what japanese knife I need for abocado toast

>> No.16657225

No one said you need a special knife to cook you faggot but it makes chopping 100 times finer and quicker and is important for people who enjoy cooking or do it a lot

Just say you’re a poorfag and can’t afford a $100 zwilling

>> No.16657226

I think the big thing you can get from fancier equipment is
A) Ease
B) Ease of Prettying it up

I used basic stuff forever, and all my stuff was very home cooking looking, but the flavor was okay-to-good. So, I'd agree. Any issues I have the limiting factor ain't the knife.

That said, I did buy a deli slicer awhile back, and it's absurdly pleasurable to cut my smoke meats super thing with ease.

>> No.16657227

Signs you shouldn't post
>Can't greentext
Go back

>> No.16657229


I had a shit life. I started to drink to be happy for once in my life, and I cant quit so I keep doing it. My dad used to beat me when he wa s drunk. He used to play "helicopter" with me. It was where hed grab my dog by its back legs and start spinning around making helicopter noises, and then throw it across the room telling me to "go fetch the helicopter". Sometimes it landed on the couch other times its head slammed into the wall. It went deaf and blind in an eye before dying probably of brain damage

>> No.16657232
File: 13 KB, 465x461, AC75E278-6EF8-449C-A26B-7C859D3B4A06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn’t quoting anyone faggot

>> No.16657233

You could have made that with 2 spoons.

>> No.16657235

There's a labor shortage, lazy broke NEET. This is the time to fix your life.

>> No.16657239

Lmfao! What a newfag. Seriously, go back.

>> No.16657240

No one cares

>> No.16657242
File: 197 KB, 1670x1743, 1630691713434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread is b8

>> No.16657245

Yes, and it's been reported.

>> No.16657251
File: 35 KB, 296x326, A5EF06F9-BE7D-4E7F-87A7-6576D00E5A62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trying to get the dirty ape known as OP to wipe his lens off desu

>> No.16657266

I could kill you in one punch

>> No.16657276

uh oh the fun police are here, only very serious fast food and youtuber discussions allowed on this very serious subreddit

>> No.16657277
File: 279 KB, 963x703, 1591280751210 (205).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Announcing a report is against the rules bitch
This clear enough faggot

>> No.16657284
File: 9 KB, 182x182, 2B1AF12C-0FB8-4311-8A61-A6E1F046CED5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s called retard strength for a reason

>> No.16657285
File: 2.93 MB, 640x470, crocodile-dundee-fosters.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't hit what you can't see

>> No.16657292

Woah I didn’t know Elliot Roger was alive, and that he decided to become a trap

>> No.16657293

Gramps, is that you? He has the exact same set of knives.

>> No.16657300

Didn’t know they had cell phones in Dachau

>> No.16657305
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would transitioning have saved her?

>> No.16657308

Post your bread knife, Mr. Cogent.

>> No.16657318

I use the same knife for my meat as my bread. Why would I need an extra one?

>> No.16657324

One of my dividend investments makes more than that every month. Fuck off poor fag.
Having a sharp knife is key, but also having a good quality knife means it'll last longer, and hold an edge longer if you care for it.

>> No.16657384

I'm not sure its a raw cost argument. Saying you make over 200 dollars a month is not the brag you think it is. Even trying to sex it up by saying it comes from an investment portfolio.

>> No.16657401

>he doesn't understand how investing works.

A monthly pay put of 200 for one investment is better than average.

>> No.16657404

I like the idea of you having to cut one half of whatever it is you're cutting then flip it around and cut the other part and pretend that you did a good job
that's assuming, of course, that you can afford anything large enough to not be cut by a butter knife

>> No.16657418

Depends on how much is invested.

>> No.16657439

No, I know how investing is. You're saying you have a lot of money, but you chose a weird way to phrase it that just comes off as less of a brag than you thought it sounded.

>> No.16657514

It's not that much money invested... thats the point.

Average monthly pay out etf is about 16 - 25 dollars a share. That pays out about .10 a share. You'd only need about 25 grand invested. Which isn't a lot.

Op was suggesting you're a rich snob for having a 200 dollar knife. When it's really not that expensive. Op is just poor.

>> No.16657540

The OP didn't mention cost in the original post. Just that people get fixated on their tools, when that's a crutch used by people who can't cook.
"A poor craftsmen blames his tools." is probably the best way to summarize the thread. Even when they mention not needing a 200 dollar "special" knife, "special" was still emphasized.
You then came in and tried to make a point about have 200 dollars a month in expendable income. Maybe you have more, but you bragged about making over 200 dollars a month in expendable income. Which is not a high amount for a first world country. So, you missed the point of the argument, and then made a pretty lame sounding brag.

>> No.16657553

It's not bragging. It's pointing out how easy 200 dollars is obtainable.

Would you rather me say I have a 200 dollar knife? Isnrhat bragging?

Anyway around it, you'll think it's bragging.

>> No.16657564

So, even now you seem to not grasp the point of the OP. He's saying having the knife or not doesn't matter, and the lack of it is an excuse used by folks who otherwise don't know how to cook. The argument would be that a significantly better knife is worth the price.
And other people in the thread DO argue that. So, they understand. But you don't. Because you're arguing largely as a status cook, and are so enmeshed in that that you cannot even understand the argument being presented to you.

>> No.16657606


The above post is mine. I started off with a non braggadocious statement. And op pushed the 200 dollar talking point.

Here. >>16657192

Stop this.