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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 1200x1200, 35071132_947133625475923_117249854106763264_o_600x600@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16646987 No.16646987 [Reply] [Original]

This board if full of e-cooks. daddy Jack is a legit chef, only chef jean-pierre can match him..
So, on this board, this board full of chuds, bugmen, troons and autists- this board obsessed w/ massive faggots like babish & adum and longhairgrease- he gets ZERO respect.
It's all about 'cross contamination' and disrespect for how awesome his stove flames are and his lack of redd*t..
This guy taught us how to make great meals. And his daughters are that kind of nerdy pretty & normal that makes me want to devour their ass.
When will /ck/ learn?

>> No.16647051


>> No.16647158 [DELETED] 

He is coal burner anon

>> No.16648213

Dis nigga killed by a pot roast. RIP my fat nigga.

>> No.16648228

RIP Daddy Jack. He taught me how to cross-contaminate all my ingredients. Very blessed to have had him on this spinning rock for such a short, but brilliant time.

>> No.16648240

Kenji Copez is a restaurant owner and head chef and Jewsh Greassman was lead cook in a fine dining restaurant
you're correct about every other e-cook being worthless though

>> No.16648735 [DELETED] 

>men burn coal
No. You're pure faggotry. He colonized some negress after siring two dago godesses

>> No.16648756

kenji feminist-name is a special case. he's a savant. Gross man nullifies any cred w/ how absolutely disgusting he is to look at

>> No.16648762
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"i've been cooking for fifty years. never made anyone sick'
But NO, you know more than these guys. fucking jew

>> No.16648787

he was a real wholesome family man who was genuinely dedicated to helping his community. i learned more about his background and the things hes done for the new england area and its bizarre a guy like this actually existed and wasn't some made up mary sue character.

>> No.16648806

this guy is retarded.
he just doses everything in butter and cream, which he usually burns because the only setting on his stove (which he hasn't cleaned in about 20 years) that he uses his high.
i would be genuinely surprised if this guy has any culinary training beyond what he picked up from the one Guatemala on the line who spoke english.

>> No.16648898

>Dis nigga killed by a pot roast

>> No.16648924

hey everyone look at the faggot who eats dick and lives on cum

>> No.16648932
File: 2.61 MB, 640x360, Duck_sausage.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big fat tub of shit is feeding ghost ducks now.

RIP to a real cook. love you miss you DD Ja/ck/

>> No.16649293
File: 322 KB, 1951x1056, firefox_DGA0VcurOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP King. He wasn't a michelin caliber chef but had a great sense humility and humanity about him. He treated everyone he bought in front of the camera like a great friend, even when they were strangers, and you could just tell it was genuine.

>> No.16649316

Post the daughters, me horny

>> No.16649332 [DELETED] 

>its bizarre a guy like this actually existed and wasn't some made up mary sue character.
its almost like real society isnt the same as a bunch of dispossessed incels on 4channel chucking shit at each other and screeching about normies and how women are mean to them. go outside you fucking loser

>> No.16649348 [DELETED] 

>projecting this hard

>> No.16649352 [DELETED] 

>i literally cannot believe that normal well adjusted members of society are kind to each other
>its amazing people like this actually exist
you are a lost cause.

>> No.16649392 [DELETED] 

>everyone but me is an incel!

touch grass

>> No.16649405
File: 1.17 MB, 320x180, JackDaddy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss him bros. This was one of his most comfiest videos, made coffee his way and then just sat down drank it and spoke a bunch.

>> No.16649458

>literally unironically CANNOT understand how good people actually exist
>gets told to go outside
>n-no y-you
get a grip you little queer

>> No.16649506 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 568x804, fgdfhfgjhgfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretends anyone that has a bit of pessimism about people in general just views the world as being like 4chan and must never leave the house
>doesn't seem to realize that being pessimistic about people is exactly the kind of viewpoint you get when you go out and interact with people
>rose tinted goggles of what the general populace is like, like some naive retard
>immediately goes on to act exactly like the same bile spewing antagonistic little 4chan cretin that he pretends to rail against

you need to stop LARPing as if youre any better than the people here. you need to take a lesson out of daddy jacks book and act like the person you pretend to be.

>> No.16649509 [DELETED] 

You are both faggots, now stop shitting up this thread with off topic shit

>> No.16649516 [DELETED] 

buzz off dweeb.

>> No.16649528 [DELETED] 

lmao you are so pathetic honestly. the only people in the world who are genuinely shitty are people like you. you have absolutely zero self awareness

>> No.16649535 [DELETED] 

keep projecting, incel.

>> No.16649543 [DELETED] 

>LARPing as if youre any better than the people here
lol who is larping all he said was actually its not uncommon for people to be kind you just think it is because youve been a sour cynical asshole your whole life and so people havent warmed to you. the character you project determines how people will generally treat you. if you think people are mean spirited its because you are projecting a mean spirit and they treat you accordingly.

>> No.16649550 [DELETED] 

you reap what you sow is an ancient proverb for a reason genius. if you are kind people will be kind back and surprise! the world wont seem as bad as you used to think it was based on your own misguided cynical outlook.

>> No.16650620 [DELETED] 

>you reap what you sow
Pretty sure the reason this disgusting slob is dead and buried us because he ate himself into a revolting 400 pound blob who could even wipe his own ass and just looking at him would make you queasy not to mention the fucking bacteria and feces contaminated slop he was serving as food

>> No.16650671

I remember watching this guy 8 years ago when his vids had like a thousand views

>> No.16651321

i'm kenji-neutral i guess but it's hilarious how much he triggers all the fucking broken-brained shutins on /ck/

>> No.16651322

kenji is a massive fucking faggot. he doesn't trigger me at all, it's just i want to slam his head into fagish's

>> No.16651338

Chef Wang shits all over this fat cunt.

>> No.16652212

Chef Wang also makes rabbit food, daddy jack makes food humans actually want to eat.

>> No.16652274
File: 261 KB, 720x834, 33CB98FD-AC6E-473A-9557-7E2C3B205217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, please post daughters I need to coom before my Tombstone Pizza finishes cooking

>> No.16652348


>> No.16652402

I can't believe his priest killed that woman. What a strange world we live in (or lived in kek).

>> No.16652437

sounds like he's indeed triggered some violent thoughts and impulses in you. i'd recommend therapy and/or meds.

>> No.16653067
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At first I thought OP was talking about the 'other' Jack and taking the piss. Had my hopes up that finally(tm).

>> No.16653229

Did he have another stroke?

>> No.16653358

if I saw kenji irl I would stick his head right up fagishs asshole and make him taste it