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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16635091 No.16635091 [Reply] [Original]

Truff is like the Raid: Shadow Legends of food advertisements

>> No.16635111

>food advertisements
i never see those.
youtube just adverts tiktok to me.

>> No.16635135

I'm assuming it is truffle infused hot sauce correct

Bought some truffle oil and have no idea what it pairs with. Adding it to food gives it a taste similar to oysters

>> No.16635150
File: 6 KB, 284x177, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using adblock or Brave

>> No.16635170

Wait, people still see ads in 2021?

>> No.16635236

Ublock origin and sponsorblock for youtube

>> No.16635237

Wrong tab lad

>> No.16635321

>adblock or brave
>in-video advertisement
The problem isn't skipping it, the problem is the fact that it's advertised as a high quality product and it's absolute hot garbage
Had the displeasure of trying this garbage at my inlaws, politely told them that it was fucking shit

>> No.16635331

guys, don't let reddit live rent free in your head, it's just one of many shitstains on the web, it's embarrassing

>> No.16635344

On Android you can get YouTube Vanced as a YT app with no ads in it.
Enhancer for YouTube is a browser extension that has options for blocking video ads on desktop.
SponsorBlock extension auto-skips recorded sponsor spots and can even skip intros, outros, credits, and self-promotion.
I haven't seen an ad online in YEARS.

>> No.16635994

Most adblockers don't allow Youtube to inject ads into its videos, no matter how long they are. Literally, who fucking watches ads nowadays or even bothers to wait for them to skip? Just block those kikes.

>> No.16636032

I think when he says "in-video advertisement" he means when they plug shit in the video itself. But SponsorBlock takes care of that.

>> No.16636038

I honestly wouldn't know, since I've barely watched youtube shit in years. It still boggles my mind how people can watch it religiously, but I suppose my parents still spend most of their free-time watching television.

>> No.16636047
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>> No.16636063
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>And for the ladies who are worried about ruining their skin with these bombastic sauces...

>> No.16636230

Truffle oil sucks ass and is despised by all serious chefs and food enjoyers. You wasted your money, bro.

>> No.16636558

I like how they try to come off as authentic but they use artificial truffle flavouring (“truffle oil”) with the bare minimum amount of truffle pieces probably for legal purposes.

How sauce infused with truffles? How retarded can you get.

>> No.16636573

Goes well with pastas, risottos, salad, things like that.
But yeah truffle oil isn't a good idea.

>> No.16636579

You sound like you don't get out much

>> No.16636824

Wouldn’t that be Hello Fresh/Blue Apron?

>> No.16636925

Only stupid people.

>> No.16636995

I have never in my life seen this, so I'm assuming you are full of shit.

>> No.16637006

There is plenty of stuff for literally everything and everyone in pretty much every quality tier from nigger with phone cam to tv rivaling professional productions.
Writing all that stuff off is just ignorance.

>> No.16637472 [DELETED] 

Its kino

>> No.16638676

it always baffles me people just sitting there like
>yeah, these adds suck but im too lazy to put 10 mins of thought process and remove them from my life forever
do you guys enjoy them or genuinely dont give a fuck?

>> No.16638703
File: 65 KB, 680x682, 6ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of how many genuinely braindead people just accept everything and go with the status quo at all times. The stats are than only ~ 25% of people even bother to use ad blockers. That means 75% of people just sit and suffer without a second thought. It's kind of a baffling statistic in my mind, and kind of gives a decent insight into the thought process of your average person.
>thing bad
>i don't like thing
>i will do nothing to change it and simply accept bad thing as part of life

>> No.16638789

>75% of people just sit and suffer without a second thought.
or worse, they don't even suffer. i don't know what the stats would be for youtube ads, but for tv ads
if you watch 1 hr of tv a day
>16 minutes of ads a day
>almost 2 hours of ads a week
>4 days of ads a year
if you live to be 80 and start watching tv when you're 10
>280 days of your life, uninterrupted, watching commercials
and that's IF you only watch 1 hour of TV a day, and we know damn well that there are people who watch a lot more than that.

>> No.16638813

It makes good roast potatoes though.

>> No.16638954

whats the difference between clicking skip and having a blocker do it for you?

>> No.16639075

>what are unskippable ads
>what are ads that dont allow you to skip for 20 seconds
The point is you don't see any ads. Not even 20 seconds of something you would skip.

>> No.16639229

It's the difference between being advertised to for any amount of time and simply not being advertised to at all.