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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 205 KB, 768x574, Pan-Fried-T-Bone-Steak-284bfa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16619297 No.16619297 [Reply] [Original]

>order t bone steak from a steakhouse
>specify medium rare
>after 15 mins it arrives, good waiting time, I'll give that as the only good thing
>the inclusion of mayo and ketchup on the plate is a red flag but I proceed
>the steak is unseasoned, I am given a pinch of coarse salt to season it myself but its literally not enough
>as I cut into it, it's tough as fuck, and not medium rare, it's somewhere between medium well and well done, there's barely any pink
>you could say it's juicy if "juice" meant plain water, watery as fuck
>basically tasteless on it's own, needs the mayo and ketchup to be edible
>It's like chewing leather
>as a side dish I receive: unsalted rice, unsalted fries and salad without any vinegar or oil (of course, also unsalted)
>costs the same amount I'd pay for two 15 inch pizzas

I'm romanian
Is my country really doomed to have shitty overpriced steak? I only know of one other steakhouse besides this and its like 70% more expensive so no ty. As for raw beef products? Hard as fuck to find in stores unless in some processed form, could only find dry aged beef with barely any marbling and pre shaped burger patties, nothing else.

>> No.16619307

If you're Romanian, it was probably horse meat

>> No.16619316
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm romanian
>I'm romanian
you should have put this on the top line so I wouldn't have wasted all that time reading the rest

>> No.16619324
File: 55 KB, 494x416, 9fe8c2cd-6d8e-4695-b6fa-5c57b68bdb68_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Romania has a GDP per capita of $24,600
>impossible to buy cuts of beef

wtf thats not even that poor
is romania a hindu country or something?

>> No.16619326

Now now, we are a cooking board, let's not downgrade to /pol/ tier replies

>> No.16619329
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 10d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now now, we are a cooking board, let's not downgrade to /pol/ tier replies

>> No.16619331

No not at all, beef is just hard as fuck to find for some reason, I genuinely do not understand why is the case, perhaps its just painfully unpopular among Romanians? No idea

>> No.16619337

>not medium rare, it's somewhere between medium well and well done, there's barely any pink

why didn't you complain immediately bro. that's not acceptable

>> No.16619345

Is Roumanian Steak not from Romania?

>> No.16619347

I think I could live with no beef. I do love it but there's a lot else.
Cooking to the best ingredients you have on hand locally is just cooking. Don't feel like you're missing out because people fixate on steak. It's mostly tied into a cringey version of masculinity anyway rather than being an actual food thing.

what good meat do you cunts have?

>> No.16619350

Was out with other people and didn't feel like making a scene, I'm never eating there again though

>> No.16619370

Get out you filthy gypsy.

>> No.16619394

Why would you eat medium rare? Also just cook it yourself, and also where did you buy it from? I can only think that steakhouse you mentioned is some "bistro" type cafe still surviving from communist times who simply do not know how to cook steak.

>> No.16619641

I've only ever had one good steak at a restaurant and it was very expensive. I don't order them anymore.

They generally taste like propane or some weird burnt flavor that I can't explain but it's always like that with steak/lamb at restaurants. Maybe they don't clean their grills or pans?

>> No.16619680

>It's mostly tied into a cringey version of masculinity anyway rather than being an actual food thing.
lol wut? What does liking burgers, chili, etc have to do with masculinity? And why is masculinity a bad thing to begin with?

>> No.16619698

>eating steaks especially BIG steaks makes me a MAN
you've never encountered this nonsense before?

you could just browse a bit and see it

>why is masculinity bad
it's not, unless you see it as steak/gun/truck related, in which case, it's kinda cringey

>> No.16619704

>you've never encountered this nonsense before?
>you could just browse a bit and see it
4chan isn't real life. No one acts like that in the real world.

>in which case, it's kinda cringey
There is nothing wrong with guns and trucks and it has nothing to do with masculinity. I know plenty of women that like those, too. How old are you, anon? No offense, but you sound like a 15 year old.

>> No.16619779

>No one acts like guns/steaks/trucks are 'manly' in the real world
Yes they do retard. And that's besides the point. This is a guy in ROMANIA. Saying it's limited to online memes and it's not in real life means absolutely nothing because all he's influenced by is online memes.

>There is nothing wrong with guns and trucks
Why are you saying that? Does anything I said imply I think there is? I started this by saying i love steak.
>I know plenty of women that like those, too.
And? Why are you explaining that?

I'm 28

>> No.16619823

>I'm romanian
Your country doesn't even grade meat, it was an old piece of beef roast from one of the cows which walked off Noah's Ark.

>> No.16620672

Steak sucks in Romania unless is very expensive, isn't worth it.

>> No.16622330

I spent some time in Costanta back in 2019. You guys can't do beef, every steak I had fit OP's description but what Romanians DO excel at is lamb. Huge flavor and super juicy. Also petty crime.

>> No.16623168

In a restaurant if you aren't served what you ordered you send it back. If it doesn't come back again the right way then you leave. There's absolutely no point to eating or paying for food that isn't what you ordered. If the restaurant is well-managed they will want you to send it back if it's not done properly because this lets management know that the kitchen is fucking the dog

>> No.16623190

>medium rare
Stopped reading right there

>> No.16623247

What is this autism, medium rare is what you order when you don't trust the restaurant.

>> No.16623302

Only fucking dumb cunt reditors say shit like that. See some retard say it on redit then just parrot it thinking its to be taken as truth.
Stupid pussy hole soi boi faggot you get RARE and nothing more. You fucking little bitch bet youre like huuur I like mine medium well and people who laugh at me are just big dumb poo poo heads.
Let me guess, you dont like Trump either, right? Fucking faggot lmao dont post your dumb shit on here again.

>> No.16623313

it depends on what cut of steak it is
rare only makes sense for fillet

if it's something a bit fattier like a scotch then the fat rendering more should take priority.

>> No.16623316
File: 115 KB, 750x920, babyapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a tbone at denny's and it SUCKED

i ate the entire thing

>> No.16623418

I order rare because when they fuck up, it tends to be medium rare to medium, which is still edible.
And if they get it right, it's a rare steak.

>> No.16623424

Steak, specifically is tied into an American subgroup that fetishizes a sort of flashy manliness. It’s growing a big beard, camping in your backyard to get pics of your leather and aluminum camping equipment, and eating steak and eggs to show that you’re a manly man. Of course being sure to post everything on social media. Good steak is good, but that’s about it.