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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16611647 No.16611647 [Reply] [Original]

Just got done organizing my deenz. I recommend the Berthe truffled variety if you're feeling fancy.

>> No.16611756

Looks like you have some good ones in there. Jealous, where you from anon?

>> No.16611764

sardines are based

>> No.16611771

PNW, I import mine. Store ones can be OK, but they don't have the exotic kinds and usually just stock the cheap ones. I don't mind paying up to $3-4 a tin in bulk.

>> No.16611774

I bought some smoked kippers a while back and I'm still not sure what to do with them. I'm a regular user of KO deenz for avocado toast and fisherman's eggs; would kippers be good for that, or are they built to shine alone?

>> No.16611781

I just bust my kippers open and eat them on crackers or plain, with a side of olives or something. They go well with a smoked cheese.

>> No.16611783

Goya Deenz are garbage... how many pork chop brands are in there?

>> No.16611787

Goya are fine for budget deenz, I think I paid $60 for 32 cans. That's fucking cheap.

I am fine with eating budget deenz 1/2 the time, makes you appreciate the expensive ones and have a keener sense of what's "good" when you go slumming.

>> No.16611861

where are the angry vegan fags to shout down the thread?

this is getting weird

>> No.16612132

*btw pic is before I organized, i have it set up with cheapest deenz all the way on the right, then expensive, then non-deenz fish and stuff my wife will eat

>> No.16612269

bros. sardines in water are superior.
Clean no aftertaste.
Power to the people.

legit threw a tin on some spinach, chard and beet with an avocado with a splash of lemon, ACV and a tiny bit of hot sauce.
Was actually pretty fantastic.

....my sardines were bumble bee brand.
Fite me

>> No.16612277

in awe of this haul

>> No.16612314

i disagree, but think you are based

400+ tins now

>> No.16612321

meds now.

>> No.16612324

collecting a couple hundred tins of deenz for a household and family is 'meds' tier
you will pay a solid silver dime for my worst tin when the time comes

>> No.16612433

what is your preferred style of sardine? Im not going to lie, Mediterranean is my go to. hot sauce is my second in line. But legit. You get deenz in water, and add your own hot sauce.. or for Mediterranean add your own olives and oil.
Like the amount of deenz in water compared to oil is pretty astronomical. Hell, add your own mustard if thats you're thing.
Whoda thunkit? Gourmet deenz lolol RIGHT!?

Bruh, i bought my senpai deenz and all sorts of other things for emergency times. big senpai, emergency could be danger, and they gave me all the food back. I am got deenz for days. I am actually quite content. Im bout to go buy the most over the top cans of deenz, like the really expensive ones JUST for the sake of it. Because i am a leveled up to deenz connoisseur

>> No.16612473

>what is your preferred style of sardine?
I appreciate them all, for me a firm fish which doesn't break when you stab it with a standard fork, has been lightly smoked, and is preserved in olive oil. With this sardine you can always do whatever, but it's the pinnacle, nothing but the natural taste of the sardine.

Ortiz brand have premium tins with only females, they include the roe sac in every fish in each tin. That's good, but not as good as Parodi which doesn't segregate.

>> No.16612554

>not having baby eels
i mean it's expensive but worth it for a treat

>> No.16612993
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That's a fairly small amount of canned seafood for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason sardines go down so fast and "lasts" so long is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of sardines in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.16613003

fucking kill yourself you le epic faggot

>> No.16613011

I like throwing them in instant Ramen and adding Siracha!

>> No.16613298

>smoked kippers
Here's the low down on the kip
light rye bread, toast it
mustard on
green onion if you like
apply kipper snack
worcestershire sauce if that's your bag
wa la

>> No.16614076
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thanks frens

>> No.16614093

Nice. Got 2 packs of 18 MW Polar Herring tins recently. $28 each but it seems now they're going for $65??? Also is there a preferred site for best deals on deenz? I just use amazon but wouldn't be surprised if ordering direct might be the better deal

>> No.16614800

he organizes his sardines
but never eats them
he just has them collected like toy cars

>> No.16615338

where do u order from? i would like a box of smoked oysters more than anything.

>> No.16615651

You're based anon

>> No.16615698

my buddy visited Portugal and came back with so many tasty little cans.
The ones with ok price here is from muslim shop with shitty oil or sweet tomato sauce. The Danish shop exist no more so no kippers either.
God I love canned fish

>> No.16615932

Deenz nutz

>> No.16617223


>> No.16617307

Is there a Movie Dean?

>> No.16617597

Redpill me on smoked oysters. Should I eat them with something or by themselves? I usually eat my deenz on lightly toasted sourdough with red onion, pepper, and garlic salt.

>> No.16617653

Pretty much anything that goes good with deenz goes good with oysters. Personally I like some tabasco and/or lemon on mine.

>> No.16617660

thanks to /ck/ i am now a deenz enjoyer, for me its deenz in mustard on toast

any other ways to eat them other than on crackers or something

>> No.16617774

>I usually eat my deenz on lightly toasted sourdough with red onion, pepper, and garlic salt.

>> No.16617871

>on toast
>any other ways

>> No.16617885

>deenz in oil, not mustard
>red onion
>black pepper
>garlic salt
>any other ways

>> No.16618175

Today I spilled sardines and olive oil all over myself watching Shang-Chi in theater and an urban youth shouted "this nigga eating deenz" and everyone laughed.

>> No.16619366

Had some canned Danish mussels today, fucking nice.

>> No.16620363

got some smoked oysters today because of this thread

>> No.16621306

I eat at least 3-4 tins a week actually.