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16606127 No.16606127 [Reply] [Original]

>pro chef
>use msg


>> No.16606140
File: 495 KB, 801x843, 1620310040419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MSG bad

>> No.16606145

>t. stupid frogposting incel

>> No.16606147

how many michelin stars does her rastaurant have?

>> No.16606149

MSG is good tho

>> No.16606163
File: 16 KB, 229x301, RamenMistress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but I'd like to make her see stars if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.16606165

Same with people who use salt. If you use salt, you're at the same level as a McDick's burger flipper
t. OP

>> No.16606173

We get it. You hate women.

>> No.16606181

so your'e saying whatever stars she gets she will claim double the amount?

>> No.16606186

are you saying women can't cook without msg?


>> No.16606191

No. You're projecting that opinion on me.

>> No.16606210
File: 405 KB, 1272x686, 1621966281000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use msg and have nothing against it, but it just feels odd that a "pro" chef uses msg. It's like watching a "pro" gamer use aimbot or play easy mode. You're a "pro" for doing difficult things well. Msg is easy mode.

>> No.16606217

dude made a post about a women using msg

you screeched about misogyny

so how am I projecting?

maybe stay on topic little boy and stop your political activism for a sec, this is a food forum bro

>> No.16606229

I was being facetious.

>> No.16606234
File: 892 KB, 950x539, 1625690258144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making a broth taste really good without msg is the most satisfying and fulfilling experience ever. Good challenge

>> No.16606249

yeah obviously, I meant no harm brother

>> No.16606484

You think you can just magically spawn compounds once you get on a certain level?

>> No.16606498


>> No.16606613
File: 427 KB, 713x1288, 1612297502274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These videos are generally clickbait with the pricing

the roast chicken one was probably the most egregious.

>$226 roast chicken vs $18 roast chicken

Then you look at the ingredients and they're spending $120 on a bottle of aged balsamic vinegar, which yes IS expensive, but you're not gonna use the whole fucking bottle, they literally use MAYBE 1/25th of the bottle, but they still list the entire bottle cost in the ingredients.

Just dumb shit, more accurately it would be ~$115 roast chicken vs $18 roast chicken.

>> No.16607656

It's not

>> No.16607668

I use MSG because I have high blood pressure and take heart medication.

>> No.16607676

I'm not watching the video but there's no way that ramen costs $116 unless they're making like 15 bowls or they're buying entire bottles of stuff they will only use a little bit of

>> No.16607698
File: 301 KB, 608x1108, 1616307773249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the breakdown

They also don't include the cost of the pork bone broth that she made over 48 hours at her restaurant that was used as the base for the ramen.

>> No.16607707

and if they had more broth available and a bit more pork belly they'd easily have enough ingredients for a dozen bowls.

>> No.16607860

>it's challenging to just let some kombu sit in the broth for a while
Well okay that's basically msg but it's """natural""" so it doesn't count. Or just add yeast extract. Or my favorite spotted in bouillion advertised as "no msg", monoammonium glutamate.

>> No.16607983

yeah that's all bullshit. $14 for rendered chicken fat? what the hell is that? $8 for potassium carbonate and $3.19 for cornstarch? the only believable thing in that whole list is the scallions and pork belly and that big ass bottle of evian that they need for some reason even though they're in a kitchen

>> No.16607991

As seen here >>16606613
They list the cost of buying it from the store, and they list the price for the entire thing.

So for the ramen when it says Eggs: $5.99, that's because they got a dozen eggs or some shit

and when it says $8 for potassium carbonate, it's because they bought 250g of it or something and then only used a small amount in the actual recipe.

They clearly weren't using $11 worth of soy sauce or Mirin either.

>> No.16608012

"I use salt and have nothing against it, but it just feels odd that a "pro" chef uses salt"

>> No.16608097
File: 169 KB, 500x593, k keep me posted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>msg bad

>> No.16608409

that's her face when it goes into the "wrong" hole.

>> No.16608427

this but unironically

>> No.16610357

Where can I buy 1/25th of a bottle of aged balsamic vinegar? The prices listed reflect what you would need to pay to procure the ingredients used, not necessarily what goes into that one single dish.

>> No.16610561

Why don't they factor in the cost of the kitchen too?

>> No.16610574

wanna know what’s really weird here? that’s the cheap/normie kombu. there’s stuff that goes for 4-5 times the price and is presumably better, but as far as i can tell this is the cheapest brand you can get without it being seriously dirty.

>> No.16611368

And the cost of your mom

>> No.16611385

Because you're going to use that balsamic in other things or if you make the recipe again.

So the recipe is $226 the first time, but each subsequent attempt is ~$110?

It's just a dumb way to inflate the "cost" of the comparison meals.

>> No.16611518

msg is perfectly fine the problem is chain restaurants stuffing it into everything to get people to eat their slop

>> No.16611584

It would be silly if the expensive dish was $infinite because my mom is priceless.