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File: 316 KB, 1500x1200, sourdough+starter+on+counter+horizontal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16599176 No.16599176[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16599261

instagram is a sad place

>> No.16599289

Do you have terminal celiacs?

>> No.16599302
File: 625 KB, 1106x1012, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck I hate baking sourdough bread....Its unironically for hipster and pretentious faggots
>you have to feed the starter every single day
>if you dont feed it for one day it goes bad
>jars are all full of dry starter sticking to the sides that later becomes impossible to clean
>starter can suddenly become moldy and you have to throw it away
>you have to constantly discard some starter before feeding it, literally just wasting flour....
>for some reason every time I bake with sourdough the crust ends up stiff as fuck

Fuck this shit, I just bake with regular yeast now and instead I just use some levain/poolish method were I just make a stsrter out of regular yeast and let it ferment for 12-24 hours before making my bread

>> No.16599312

Also, its 1000 times more convenient to use regular yeast. You can bake bread whenever you want and not worry about feedind le hecking starterino the day before

>> No.16599316

look at this sourdough nab!
In all seriousness, I store my starter in the fridge. Forgot to feed it for 3 weeks straight, and it still survived afterwards.
If you don't want crispy crusts, brush the bread with water just after baking.

>> No.16599330

How hard can it be when retarded Californians have been keeping starters alive for over 100 years?

>> No.16599345

You're not unique or special for using industrial grade yeast strains to homogenize your bread making so you can play on easy mode

>> No.16599353

if your starter is strong it can stand several days without food, unless you are baking almost everyday it's no use feeding it daily, just keep it in the fridge and feed it every 3-4 days. I have kept mine on the counter on 100+ heat for over 5 days, just a couple days of feeding and it's back to work.
If you can't keep up with this 5 minute task every couple of days, baking isn't for you, use yeast
>t. sourdough fag now all of my recipes are sd instead of yeast, unironically love it

>> No.16599373
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>> No.16599386

I see why you’re saying but it tastes really good so I don’t agree with you

Excess starter makes amazing waffles, pancakes and banana bread. Can’t believe some people throw it away(not you, just a lot of people seem to not know what to do with it)

>> No.16599397

>You're not unique or special
And there we have it. That's exactly the reason so many people are making sourdough starters now. They think that DOES make them unique and special.
I just want some nice fresh bread with butter on it, man.
A pack of wet yeast stays good for a month in the fridge so for something like a dollar a year I can have it ready to go whenever I spontaneously feel like baking a loaf or some rolls.
It so happens I felt like making some rolls with carrot yesterday and from I had that idea until I was eating the first one it was maybe and hour and a half or two hours.
I like sourdough, but I'm not going to waste effort on autistically keeping a starter alive forever. I can make a starter a few days ahead if I want to bake with it, which I do for birthday celebrations etc. just so I can have a little more selection in breads when people come over.

People who treat sourdough starter like a pet are mentally ill.

>> No.16599651

Some breads taste better with sourdough, like baguettes, loaves, etc.
Some taste better with industrial yeast, like burger buns and pita bread.
Learn to use the best leavening agent in each situation.

>> No.16599669


>> No.16599672

So when making a sourdough loaf do you just use starter as a replacement to traditional yeast?

>> No.16599674

There's nothing in the post claiming otherwise, dummy.

>> No.16599682

sourdough bread makes avocado on toast look like a staple food item with how fucking meme it is.

It doesn't do anything special and is absolute pain in the ass to bake and high maintenance, just like all those mentally ill girls' who usually fawn over it.

You can whip out a nice shokupan or forccacia on a whim and have a wonderful experience.

>> No.16599691
File: 961 KB, 3936x2952, baking-powder-soda[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's the 'king soda&powder

>> No.16599752

why not just put vinegar into a regular dough to make it a sour dough?

>> No.16599761


>> No.16599763

It's more "traditional" than yeast. Yeast became the standard go-to method once industrial methods of culturing it were developed, strictly because sourdough starter is such a clusterfuck - it's essentially a method of maintaining and culturing much more fragile and weak species of yeast for bread production, before regular robust baker's yeast was developed.

>> No.16599771
File: 68 KB, 350x251, f12eb812b3d38e8b2e5a153e311cfe70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sourdough bread makes avocado on toast look like a staple food item with how fucking meme it is.

Absolutely retarded, even worse than avoiding cheap lager just because hipsters like PBR. Next you'll be refusing to drink water because of pic related. Don't you realize that "nothing is any good if other people like it" is the essence of the hipster ethos? You're just an ultra-hipster except you aren't getting any girls.

>> No.16599774
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>> No.16599898

Intredasting. Maybe I'll try making a starter. Should I proof the loaf in the fridge a few days after mixing the dough? What produces the best results?

>> No.16599915


No clue, never bothered, the effect is hardly worth the extra effort. It's not a better techmology, just older.

>> No.16599995

had an old sourdough starter that went bad and after leaving it outside for a few months I dumped it down the drain in front of their house. The smell was absolutely horrific. The container was full of maggots, mold and had undergone several distinct stages of decomposition. The front of their house stunk for a couple days and it was hot so they had their windows open but ended up closing them because of the stench. They asked me what I thought it was and I said I could smell anything kek

>> No.16600009

Modern bread yeast strains are selected for productivity, rapid fermentation and robustness. My kitchen is not an industrial manufacturing plant and my taste buds are not yet 100% matching with the garbage output of corporate industry food producers churn out for mindless plebs.

If you’re suggesting industrially produced monocultures of S. cereviseae are in anyway equivalent let alone superior to diverse microcosms of wild yeasts and bacteria you have gone full retard. At this point why even make bread? Just buy it because you’re essentially trying to emulate mass-produced bread with the same garbage mass-produced subpar ingredients.

Your parents really did a number on you. I’d say uneducated, unsuccessful people should NOT have children but society is like a pyramid scheme and we need a large base of retards to do the tedious and brainless work.So your existence is needed, as much as it pains me to write that, but your opinions and tastes are irrelevant and unasked for.

>> No.16600035

Definitely try it out, it's a fun experiment if nothing else. You can follow this dude's instructions for starting a continuous sourdough: https://youtu.be/2FVfJTGpXnU

>> No.16600057 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 800x1024, d0b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you’re suggesting industrially produced monocultures of S. cereviseae are in anyway equivalent let alone superior to diverse microcosms of wild yeasts and bacteria you have gone full retard. At this point why even make bread? Just buy it because you’re essentially trying to emulate mass-produced bread with the same garbage mass-produced subpar ingredients.
You sound like a faggot

>> No.16600063
File: 10 KB, 300x168, fagsauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like faggysauce

>> No.16600067


>> No.16600073

t. can't tell the difference in a blind taste test

>> No.16600088

A good sourdough is robust as hell as well. It's just a bit slower with fermentation.

>> No.16600092

Great video. That guy knows what he's doing.

>> No.16600132

Cooking is for women, children, and the mentally challenged. Definitely one of the easiest tasks to learn.

>> No.16600190

Indeed, I like that he tries to explain what to look for when baking sourdoughs, and the techniques used for shaping the bread. I learned a lot watching his vids.

>> No.16600201

i enjoyed using sourdough for a few months at the start of the pandemic, but eventually i just fell out of the habit and let it die
is it better to just make a new one or ask for a sample at a bakery?

>> No.16600251

Good video thanks for this

>> No.16600259

I began my starter in January, I think. It's still going strong in the fridge. I feed it every week or fortnight. That being said, I don't bake sourdough very often.

>> No.16600267
File: 37 KB, 657x527, 1622795829330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa dude, chill!

>> No.16600384

You're welcome. I can recommend this bread recipe by Heston as well: https://www.thefatduckgroup.com/sourdough/
Just replace the starter process by using a peak sourdough starter instead. Grano arso can be made at home by roasting some semolina flour in a 350F/175C oven, stirring it every 15-20 minutes, until you reach your desired level of browning.

>> No.16600436

>you have to feed the starter every single day

Wow, you didn't even wait to start saying things that are wrong, you just dove right in.

>> No.16600506

I'm too autistic to ask at a bakery, also where I live almost no one uses sourdough, so I make my own. I've also had great success in buying some online

>> No.16600641

put it in the fridge and youll only have to feed it once a week

>> No.16600653


>> No.16601146

I feed mine once every 1-2 weeks, and keep it in the fridge. I have made dozens of loves (more?) over the past three years.
I will agree about the dry starter sticking to the sides tho, shitsux.

>> No.16601230

Sourdough starter is literally more of a pain in the ass to keep alive than a cat is.

>> No.16602534

here is protip if you want to go all african american father on looking after your starter.
Just lower the hydration of your starter. I recently switched to a 60% hydration starter and you could unironically leave it in the fridge for 2 months and it would still be fine after one feeding. Also the discard never gets that acidic so you can put it into pancakes when you have gotten a large enough amount. If you want more sour tang in your bread just increase the levain hydration back to 100% before making dough. Another plus side is that a low hydration starter does not stick and crust to the sides of your container.

>> No.16604066

Good idea, might start doing that with my 6-year starter as well.

>> No.16604318

Hard crusty bread reeks of reddit to me, I prefer a nice soft turkish bread.

>> No.16604330
File: 125 KB, 800x1000, Homemade-Sourdough-Bread-004[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's good but not cultivate a starter a week in advance good

>> No.16604359

thanks for going into detail about how much of a cooklet you are

>> No.16604533

>And there we have it. That's exactly the reason so many people are making sourdough starters now. They think that DOES make them unique and special.
And there we have it. That's exactly the reason so many people distance themselves from "hipster-culture". They think that DOES make them unique and special.

>I like sourdough, but I'm not going to waste effort on autistically keeping a starter alive forever.
Then why don't you keep it alive without being autistic about it? Mega-retard. It's super simple to keep it alive.

>It doesn't do anything special
Why do people come here, admit they are tastelets and trying to use it as proof for their point?

"I'm a tastelet and dislike/can't taste X, therefore X sucks".

Imagine being such a person and thinking your opinion counts.

>> No.16604819

That's a really nice looking bread. I'm looking at doing some baguettes this weekend with both sourdough and commercial yeast, gotta practice my baguette making skills.

>> No.16604835

>Then why don't you keep it alive without being autistic about it? Mega-retard. It's super simple to keep it alive.
That's a fair question.
I am often away from home for days at a time.

And I don't distance myself from it because I think it makes me special. I already said I sometimes do make sourdough. It's the whole thing about treating it like a damn pet I find cringy.

>> No.16604841

You can keep a starter in the fridge without feeding it 2 weeks at a time if necessary. Stop making shitty excuses.

>> No.16605377

>literal 'I know you are but what am I!' kindergarten comeback

Neck yourself, homie

>> No.16605388

This thread reminded me to feed my starter. It gets fed every thurdsday.

>> No.16605438
File: 26 KB, 700x497, waitron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:0 what if we got a sourdough general every Thurs and we all just fed our starters and used the thread to remind us

>> No.16605445
File: 3.15 MB, 1462x1292, Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 8.55.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loaves I made last night. I feed my starter whenever I remember, usually a few times a week and then the day before I want to bake bread

>> No.16605453

What if we just set an alarm on the phone?

>> No.16605456

I see where you are coming from but 5g is bad for sourdough starter

>> No.16605476

You can dry your starter and keep it for years. Takes about a week to revive.