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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 576x792, 54f6db7ce15ea_-_marc-forgione-ten-minut-cookies-syn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16585777 No.16585777 [Reply] [Original]

why does milk go well after stuffing your face with cookies?

>> No.16585798

same reason soda goes well with chips

>> No.16585799

it doesn't

>> No.16585931

It does

>> No.16585935

It doesn't since 80% of the world is lactose intolerant

>> No.16585936

no one cares about nonwhites outside of mentally ill white people

>> No.16585942

It's an acquired taste. I've never had cookies and milk and my wife can't eat anything sweet without a glass of milk.

>> No.16586396
File: 169 KB, 960x1358, eggless-chocolate-chip-cookie-6-960x1358[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your wife is a redditor, please slap her, immediately
sweeties arent even good without milk
i would never eat a cookie or other baked dessert without an iced cold glass of milk, it wouldnt even be worth it

>> No.16586401

the milk cuts through the sweet taste in the mouth better than anything

>> No.16586402

There's something about the taste of butter and that texture, it makes me crave

>> No.16586405


>> No.16586411
File: 30 KB, 732x568, coffbis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get cold milk with biscuits. I'd much rather have a hot cup of tea or coffee that softens the biscuit.

>> No.16586461

Dip a cookie that's coated in chocolate into hot milk for a few seconds. It's amazing.

>> No.16586468

Ngl, this picture makes me sick
And there are "people" who eat this before going to bed. I can only imagine what kind of nightmare ridden night of sleep this shit must induce.

Do americans really do this?

>> No.16586470

I don't think I've ever had milk and cookies before bed. That's an after dinner thing, at the latest.

>> No.16586473

Stop being a sissyboy all scared of nightmares. I punch and kick nightmares to death. Nightmares look forward to the morning so they can escape me.

>> No.16587395

imagien being so weak you consider milk and cookies dangerous

>> No.16587440

There's no reason for personal culinary tastes, they are axiomatic. I, for one, think that combination is cloying as shit although each item is fine on its own.

>sugary beverage cuts through sweet taste

>> No.16587470

>Implying I give a shit

>> No.16587484

Milk is sweet though. Lactose isn't as sweet as white sugar but it still has 12g per cup.

Baked goods soaked with dairy are just tasty. Cookies dunked in milk, tres leches, bread pudding. And even for a lot of other desserts it's common to serve them with whipped cream on top. The texture is just really good together.

>> No.16587490

They'll still soften in cold milk if you soak it long enough.

>> No.16587518

you should try reading that post again, sweaty.

>> No.16587525

Those cookies look dank what are they

>> No.16587578

That Ronnybrook milk is local to the NY/NJ area and it's good as fuck. Their eggnog around the holidays is out of this world.

>> No.16587932

I have it for breakfast

>> No.16587983

I absolutely love milk with pizza, or spaghetti and meatballs, or baked ziti, or anything like that, like fatty and acidic.

>> No.16588023

If anyone has any doubts about contrarianism on this website, you can put them to rest now.

>> No.16588268

Biskwits aren't really cookies. They're more like a non-salty cracker.

>> No.16588292

nightmares are based
it's great because they end
then you wake up and the waking nightmare continues, and the sleeping nightmare becomes more like a pleasant dream that you wish to return to

>> No.16588328

non-dairy milk is better than most regular milks anyway. i'm not lactose intolerant but i still drink chocolate almond milk over dairy. the loss in protein isn't really that big of a deal. fake cheese on the other hand is pretty much pointless since the protein is pretty much the only redeeming factor of cheese.

>> No.16588393

thumbnail looked like poopoo lol

>> No.16588419


>> No.16588509

after? I've always eaten my cookies then drank my milk

>> No.16588527
File: 200 KB, 361x363, DBCB45AB-1F18-4624-9487-AC730A384E16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drop cookies into my milk glass so they absorb the milk and sink to the bottom getting nice an soggy. I then like to drink all the milk and have the soggy cookie at the bottom fall into my mouth. Delish.

>> No.16588536

>reading comprehension

>> No.16588543


>> No.16588548

I’m from /pol/ actually

>> No.16588551

Even worse.

>> No.16588555

why does milk in glass always look so damn delicious

>> No.16588573
File: 26 KB, 644x800, 3F7FFEC7-EDB5-4879-A1CF-EF3B1A119097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even worse

>> No.16588727
File: 1.07 MB, 150x150, 1629221559520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even worse

>> No.16588731
File: 53 KB, 427x960, yakYm3qoI2Aee9oWIy4Psrl2AbbV5zTor2V0Xu8VJlQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16588954

Legitimately never understood people's fear of nightmares.

>Go to sleep
>My brain makes up scenarios where I'm surrounded by tarantulas, or being chased by a murderer, or a loved one dies
>I wake up and realise it wasn't real
>"Wow, I feel exhilarated, and I know that all those bad things didn't happen!"
>Go straight back to sleep

I've also never had nightmares by eating particular foods, or eating too late or anything. What's wrong with you faggots?

>> No.16589474
File: 9 KB, 337x337, 1628657550199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16590495

>Legitimately never understood people's fear of nightmares.
Try sleep paralysis or exploding-head syndrome
holy shit, that's not an exaggerated estimate. wtf? get fucked nerds.

>> No.16590502

Because you're fat, disgusting, retarded, and american.

>> No.16590508

>>I wake up and realise it wasn't real
>>"Wow, I feel exhilarated, and I know that all those bad things didn't happen!"
recurring nightmares for years about things that have actually happened and you wake up feeling like you've been screaming aren't as fun

>> No.16590538

what's happening is your oxygen levels are low so heart rate increases and the body responds by thinking up a stressful situation. a nightmare.

>> No.16591075

The lactose intolerant aren't people

>> No.16591077

Classic combination of fats and carbs.

>> No.16591083

They feel real while you're in them, anon.

>> No.16591095

Funny No one cares about white food while whites care a lot about non white food

>> No.16591100

You are illiterate.

>> No.16591101

Muh milk and sugar and flour is for real men!!!

>> No.16591283

That's only the east-asians that are at 80% of their population being lactose intolerant.
You haven't drowned the world on yellow yet, Cheng

>> No.16591745

Contrast, all delicous fiod has contrast

>> No.16591751

milk with brownies is better imo

>> No.16591905

This. God I hate America. Garbage like OP pic is no wonder why America is full of incestuous, obese landwhales. I really wish the FDA would ban sugar and aspartame and enforce portion limits though microchipping so you cucks would be forced to actually eat healthy for once.

>> No.16591917

>sugar contrasts with sugar