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File: 19 KB, 400x400, coors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16582681 No.16582681 [Reply] [Original]

Why are breweries even more IPA centric now than 5 years ago?
As someone who likes non-meme beers, this is disappointing.
If all that's available are Hazy IPAs and pastry stouts, I'd rather just buy Budweiser and Coors Banquet

>> No.16582718

And while I appreciate breweries who do Euro styles, I think it would be cool if they innovate with non-meme styles the way they did with IPAs
It would be cool to see more American Amber Ales, American Wheat beers, etc.

>> No.16582746

Because that's what consumers buy. The acronym sells better than any perfectly brewed beer could.

>> No.16582754

I find it hard to believe that people prefer Hazy IPAs over more sessionable styles
Are people really crushing 6 packs of IPAs?

>> No.16582983

Bell's is my favorite widely known brewery since they have non-meme styles and do them pretty well

>> No.16583058

You've clearly never worked in a bar before. Believe it. People suck

>> No.16583062

I spend a LOT of time in bars and people mostly buy AALs and Corona

>> No.16583167

Does anyone know if you can buy Hamm's beer in the NYC area?

>> No.16583183

>Nooooooo IPA icky

>> No.16583200

they're good for people who drink 1 beer at a time
For someone like me who likes drinking a lot, they're not ideal

>> No.16583227

used to work in a brewery, would crush way more than a 6 pack of some hopped up bullshit

>> No.16583260

I've had some pretty tasty hazy IPAs
Did you even try them?

>> No.16583263

Coors Banquet is based. it's my preferred after work beer

>> No.16583264

Based, same here
I don't think they taste bad but they're not good for sessioning

>> No.16583315

I blame Sam Adams for the rise of IPAs in the USA. They had some ad campaign 2 decades ago where they said their beer had like 3x the hops of other macro-brewed shit. That led idiots and mouth-breathing morons to conclude "more hops = better beer" and hence, they assumed IPAs were the best. This is despite the fact that there is a such thing as too much hops, and IPAs intentionally add too much as a preservative. These morons are literally praising over- processed crap because they think that's what good beer is supposed to taste like. It's a mass delusion that has fucked over people that actually like beer, because at the end of the day, brewers like making money.

The shittiest part is that now these same idiots are getting into scotch. They think the best scotch has to be over-peated, overly-smoked, briny asswater because that's what Ron Swanson said was good. They hail Laphroaig as the best ever scotch because they have no palate left from blowing up their tastebuds with beer preservatives for years.

For the record, Laphroaig is fine once in a while, but tastes like raw ass compared to any 14+ year old Speyside. No palate fags BTFO.

>> No.16583365
File: 76 KB, 960x540, thiswhatyoulooklike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I blame Sam Adams for the rise of IPAs in the USA. They had some ad campaign 2 decades ago where they said their beer had like 3x the hops of other macro-brewed shit. That led idiots and mouth-breathing morons to conclude "more hops = better beer" and hence, they assumed IPAs were the best. This is despite the fact that there is a such thing as too much hops, and IPAs intentionally add too much as a preservative. These morons are literally praising over- processed crap because they think that's what good beer is supposed to taste like. It's a mass delusion that has fucked over people that actually like beer, because at the end of the day, brewers like making money.
>The shittiest part is that now these same idiots are getting into scotch. They think the best scotch has to be over-peated, overly-smoked, briny asswater because that's what Ron Swanson said was good. They hail Laphroaig as the best ever scotch because they have no palate left from blowing up their tastebuds with beer preservatives for years.
>For the record, Laphroaig is fine once in a while, but tastes like raw ass compared to any 14+ year old Speyside. No palate fags BTFO.

>> No.16583416

i wish i looked like that guy. you just *know* that guy FUCKS.

>> No.16583926
File: 70 KB, 598x711, maskjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believe it. People suck

>> No.16584018
File: 364 KB, 640x681, 1604762283559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink an IPA
>mouth tastes like hops for the rest of the day and the next
fuck that

>> No.16584178

looking for my first real bottle of Laphroaig and think either Lore or a Cask Strength. I've had it technically in the brown label Peat Monster.

Also what 14 year old Speyside is in reference here? And DON'T say Macallan.

>> No.16584239

Because people who buy IPA's have more disposable income than you. Sure sessionable beers are more drinkable and I'm sure Coors and Budweiser sell more volume. But IPA's can be sold for silly money per can and that's why craft breweries don't give a fuck about what you want to drink

>> No.16584834

every single brewery I've been to has had 1-3 IPAs, and 5-10 non IPAs

>> No.16584848

>I don't think they taste bad but they're not good for sessioning
there exists such a thing as a session IPA. wolf pup is pretty good imo, the others ive tried are also good

>> No.16584871

>beer is only good and can only be enjoyed with the original recipe
>an attempt to solve a problem has never lead to improvements on products or formulas
>every IPA has the same amount of hops and IBU
>people cannot enjoy what I personally do not enjoy

>> No.16584876

people drink that trash? first and last time i took one the taste it left was like i was chewing grass, fucking garbage.

>> No.16584937

Because you can do a lot with IPAs but lagers and pilsners are pretty much what they are.

>> No.16584987

if i wanted a mouth full of pine needles i'd just go out to the forest, not the bar

>> No.16585148

babby taste

>> No.16585176


>> No.16585318

for me it's a dozen miller lites

>> No.16586533

You have no idea what you're talking about and it's mildly amusing.

>> No.16586840

Yeah these niggers are living in fantasyland
There's lots of new IPAs sure, but they haven't driven every other style of beer into extinction. There was far LESS variety 30 years ago than now.

>> No.16587114

How do you people drink american adjunct lagers? They are so disgusting. They are to beer what hersheys is to chocolate.

>> No.16587137

Return to BMC
Return to tradition
Return to monke

>> No.16587141

They’re good innit

>> No.16587169

No they are not. They are a foul artficial tasting cheap imitation of actual beer

>> No.16587177

i disagree

>> No.16587195

Drinking that many IPAs blows because they’re so heavy. Stouts are even worse. I can crush a 12 pack of PBR no problem, but drinking most craft beers in any significant quantity is rough.

>> No.16587196

Did covid take away your sense of taste?

>> No.16587240

Scotchfags are even worse than craft beer fags. Any scotch more expensive than J&B can fuck off.

>> No.16587877

go for Craft pilsners

>> No.16587885

They're amazing

>> No.16587995

so what's actually bad about IPA besides the people that like them?

>> No.16588349

They're not the worst thing ever but it's annoying that 80% of breweries offerings are IPAs.
They're not good for having more than 1 or 2 of at a time

>> No.16588650

This is why I just get a case of banquets/pbr and a case of whatever ipa I feel like
I can have one or two of the ipas then something less heavy

>> No.16589068

They arent

>> No.16589167

I want to like them, but they make them make the wayyy to herbally around here. Or if it's not herbally its way too light. We've yet to perfect the craft "budweiser" so to speak.

>> No.16589285


I can understand your distaste for stouts IPA's? Why? There are so many different varieties of brews in the IPA category its hard to even keep track. I think IPA's remain relatively intresting and that's why their popular and going mainstream. Fuck all the seltzers.

>> No.16589500

Try some European imports! There are a lot of good lagers and pilsners that you can find at bottle shops / specialty stores

>> No.16589554
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 932a8f00000bf4d36cbb921745d020853e07b0e28b4ae88d677c6074aecb4521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this discussion as always.
as someone who lives in eu but visted murrica few times this shit is ridiculous to me, murricans complaining about craft beer related stuff is fucing insane from our perspective, very few breweries outside of england can reach the level of murrican hazies. As for good pastry stouts its even harder, try some "good" european stouts and compare them side to side with good US stouts, the difference in viscosity and intensity is a fucking chasm. Yea there are problems in US, and that it's mostly obsession with locality because shitty logisitcs, which makes it seem like "nothing intresting" is comming out despite there being an abundance of breweries. But that is just your perception, there are intresting things, it's just that they drown in the sea of the best quality IPA's you can get, also some of them are just straight up bad and sell only because of the novelty. Also ofcourse you ignore all the american sours. (inb4 lambics) thats the only thing you don't have there. But you have farmhouses. Also the no pilsners and no session IPA in USA is bullcrap to the max. Since 2018 they became the cool thing to do.
You are litterly retards crying because muh no diversity, ignoring the fact that forced diversity just doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.16590057

Yeah, Six Point's pilsner is fucking 44 IBUs

>> No.16590084

you must live in a place that has just recently started doing craft beer, where I live there are 5 craft breweries, mulltiple pretty old, and I have my lions share of varieties like goze, belgian beers, ales, stout, porter, pilsner, lager, barleywine, sours, etc. I'd say IPA is only 10% of the market now

>> No.16590174

>There was far LESS variety 30 years ago than now
I agree with you, but at the same time think there was far MORE variety 10 years ago than now.

>> No.16590219

People will not read your post due to it being a lower-case text-block + frog image. I almost did.
I'm not saying I agree with everything you said (I disagree with a few things); I'm just saying many people will ignore your post based on style alone.
Also, I think your English is probably better than you're letting on, i.e., you are typing like a retard on purpose.

>> No.16590268

IPAs have more alcohol so I can get drunk faster

>> No.16590306

someone that says IPA is their favorite beer while claiming to be knowledgeable about beer is a moron. That would be like someone saying Dinty Moore is the best stew in the world while claiming to be a gourmet. It's just idiots with no taste that love the preservatives. They seriously need to literally die.

t. stoutfag

>> No.16590311

Literally ANY 14 year old speyside is better than Laphroaig. There's an entire universe of flavors in speyside whisky that you'll never get from any Laphroaig product, because they blow out your tastebuds with smoke, peat, and brine. that's Laphroaig's one trick, and it doesn't even taste good. Stupid.

>> No.16590313

you should kill yourself.

>> No.16590315

You're that fag who falls asleep after one IPA, aren't you? LMAO.

>> No.16590317

Fuck i want dinty Moore and an ipa

>> No.16590319

>t. stoutfag
Literally threw all your credibility out the window.

>> No.16590320

>Any scotch more expensive than J&B can fuck off.
Found the poorfag. Scotch is heavenly. Fuck off, poorfag.

>> No.16590322

>They're not good for having more than 1 or 2 of at a time
so, just drink something else? are you really this stupid?

>> No.16590329

>I can get drunk faster
>hurr durr I like to get drunk! look at how cool I am!

fuck off to your meetings, alcky. nobody wants you here. this is a place for adults.

>> No.16591784

>be on 4chin
>ad 2021
>see a post written in classic 4shin style
le advice reddior appears
>couldn't you like write a post in the reddit style? thankies.

>> No.16591792

"sessionable" is the polite term for "binge drinking" which nobody does anymore.

>> No.16591811

Session is the "manly" way of saying sipping. Calling it a sipping beer sounded too gay, so they came up with session.

>> No.16591823

Literally the exact opposite. They "session" by pounding back a dozen or more cans in a sitting, and strong flavors aren't sessionable because they get sick of them too soon.

>> No.16591906

Where are you getting this idea from? The whole idea of session ipas is that you drink it over a longer period it instead of shotgunning it like PBR. What kind of alcoholics do you know pounding session ipas? No one has a "polite" term for binge drinking, we still call it binge drinking.

>> No.16591926


"Session" is just the hipster term for "normal beer."

>> No.16591975

looks like they have started testing the bots outside of /pol/. a messege to the operational unit behind it, unless it was intended to sow disinformation you neeed to fix that shit up. It;s too retarded even for a reddit thread

>> No.16591979

>you drink it over a longer period
exactly, binge drinking all afternoon. you're not nursing one or two beers, you're pounding back light flavorless "sessionables"

>> No.16591994

Yes, I would like more "something elses" instead of the market being 80% IPAs

>> No.16591997

Are you being retarded on purpose?

Are there a lot of bots on /pol/? What's the purpose?

>> No.16591999

Agreee. Variety seemed to peak in the mid 2010s I would say

>> No.16592004

Coney Island Mermaid Pilsner is the best one I've had. It's probably not a true pilsner but I still love it

>> No.16592096

Why does it matter, you're fine with two basic ass lagers. There are still a ton of lagers to try if that's what you want...
IPA has a wide variety of flavour notes from my experience and it's what all the hipsters want, I don't buy craft beers anymore though. I'm good with old style pislner, LECH, Belgian Moon and Corona.

>> No.16592106

Look at euro imports also if you actually look it's not 80% IPAs, at least what's available to me. Probably around 40-60%. Sours are starting to see a rise.