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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 548x313, food-replicator-548x313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16533268 [Reply] [Original]

How would your eating habits change if you had one? Would you still cook? would you still eat out?

>> No.16533289

I would cook as normal but use it every other week for whatever fried shit I want instead of getting delivery. Imagine trying to describe exactly how fried you want your eggs or the specific amount of seasoning you use when it's all based on feel.

>> No.16533298

>how can you describe an egg that is cooked properly?
Computer, 2 eggs cooked.over easy. Whites set, yolks runny, seasoned.
Starfleet engineers spent decades programming these for good food. I trust the science

>> No.16533301

Cooking is therapeutic for me. I would cook even if I didn't need to eat.
I'd use the replicator of drinks I guess.

>> No.16533330

>Computer, Old Earth Chick-Fil-A, pre gene wars, original deluxe sandwich, no cheese.
>Large sweet tea, lower sucrose levels to half while preserving volume of tea.
>disengage homosexuality protocols

>> No.16533340

Food replicator, give me a fully uncooked female human with extra large breasts.

>> No.16533347

I've always found cooking to be a chore and a waste of my valuable time. Why would I spend time preparing meals like it was the 19th century, when I could have someone or something else do that for me?

You bet your ass I'd use the replicator for absolutely everything.

>> No.16533351

I would kill for peak Canes and bags of old Cape Cod chips and purple Doritos.

>> No.16533366
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>Would you still cook?
Even if you wanted to cook, you wouldn't have access to fresh ingredients. Sure, you could replicate them, and go through the motions of chopping and cooking your synthaslop, but it would be nothing more than a soulless, time killing exercise.

>> No.16533400

People preferred real food over replicates even inStar Trek.


>> No.16533412

i would eat nothing but whats in the replicator
even in startrek there were still fresh food and resaurants on earth
if they came to be on earth in outr lifetime they would be amazing but prolly also certian resaurants would prolly avoid having thier shit replicated(say McD's)
so id learn to hack the replicator, go out and buy a meal bring it home and have the replicator scan it and have it in its database from now on

>> No.16533416
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For me, it's the foodarackacycle.

>> No.16533418

It would probably be the best vegan meat you ever had

>> No.16533421

>star trek
fuck off boomer

>> No.16533430

I would use the food replicator to replicate spices and ingredients which I can cook with

>> No.16533440

Could be worse. There was a s I-fi version of “Journey to the Center OG yhe Earth” where they had chemically synthesized everything onboard their craft. And stupid Cloverfiield Paradox had printed meat made from worms.

>> No.16533452

I would try to bring back that extinct banana that tasted like modern banana candy.

>> No.16533457

Mammoth steaks and dodo legs.

>> No.16533470

I don't think you would get to store the data user side. You would probably have to subscribe to a service that stores various foods encrypted in the cloud and processes it remotely.

>> No.16533477

I honestly would just order tons of junk food until I'd keel over and died of a heart attack.

>> No.16533479

Star Trek is supposed to be a utopia, not a dystopia. The dystopia shit came later from kike writers.

>> No.16533481

Gros Michel isn't extinct. It's just not feasible to grow it commercially anymore.

Based. I'd definitely use the replicator to synthesize food that is otherwise impossible or illegal to obtain. Would the replicator be possible to use to create human flesh? Or does it have safety protocols that would need to be unlocked by Barclay?

>> No.16533486

Jokes on you, those foods would be replicated with heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats and sugar free sweeteners. Eat as much as you like, you won't be able to harm yourself with it.

>> No.16533534

I'd still cook but I'd have do literally all my prep work for me because prepping takes the longest time usually and there's just too much shit to clean up afterwards.

>> No.16533560

>Computer, turn food safety protocols off.

Imagine replacing all of Troi’s chocolate with sugar-free chocolate, then watching her run to the can in that unitard, gripping her asscheeks shut while her tummy gurgles.

>> No.16533564

Repulsively based.

>> No.16533633
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>> No.16533644

I would order 1 gallon of BBC semen and use it as lube for jerking my little white dinky while quaffing it down and also funnelling it into my butt, getting off at the idea of being pummelled by superior BBC spermatozoa on a cellular level and also hoping they gift me with some of their DNA while the big silverback tadpoles rape my tiny little white boi cells and unleash a torrent of thick DNA into my ravaged white channel proteins. I could feel the testosterone-enriched BBC seed surging through my body, coarse hairs popping from my hairless chest and balls engorging with actual fertile juice, voice deepening and musculature increasing beyond that of a 12 year old girl. My thoughts going from vidya games, anime, super heroes and TV to slamming broads, smoking blunts, kicking ass and walking around like an alpha rooster. I use my now-impressive 8” and impossibly girthy dong to sweep my desk free of my prized Funko Pops collection and in its place I put my most treasured running shoes and a 9 mm.

I start chuckling about how much pussy I’m going to split when all of a sudden a fart out the BBC stallion seed right into my tightly whiteys and the milquetoast in me comes howling back. I feel my dick shrink to its pathetic thin 5” and my body go back to being an absurd parody of a man. My body is racked with grief as I realize I’m back where I started and will always be a pathetic white boi except when I’m infused with the seminal spirit of a buck.

I stop sobbing for long enough to say: “Replicator, 2 gallons BBC seed, African-American genotype” and prepare to go back to masculinity.

>> No.16533667

thats why i said i would HACK it so it gets to use what i program into it

>> No.16533698

So synthol is just mocktails right?

>> No.16533705

They said replicated food doesn't taste as good as the real thing.

>> No.16533706

I still laugh at the bit where riker is cooking scratch made breakfast for everyone and clearly oversalted or something since he's had no reason to cook. Everyone's face is priceless, but Worf's quip is amazing.

>> No.16533711

Yes but you can actually order real alcohol from the replicator, it's just no one ever does.

>> No.16533747

How is Word saying ‘delicious’ amazing?

>> No.16533778
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only pseuds say that, it's just as good as the real thing. maybe there is an argument to be made for it being too perfect every time, 0 variation in the same dish, never a single lump, each piece of meat has the ideal grain, etc but you could just scan in 100 homemade versions of the same dish if that were a problem anyone cared about

>> No.16533780

Because I laughed.

>> No.16533785

Sci fi is for nerds and faggots who want to drain our planet of more recourses than we already are.

>> No.16533792

>Replicator, 2 gallons BBC seed, African-American genotype”

Please resubmit request. No such phenotype exists after Great American Racewar of 2025.

>> No.16533840

You will eat from the replicators

>> No.16533882
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You WILL eat the printed work secretions.

>> No.16533884
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>be born in the Federation
>told all your life this is a utopia
>eating your replicated entre #16533778
>perfect nutritional balance of replicated proteins and textured carbohydrates
>food tastes like liquid polymer
>take sip of coffee
>it's metallic and foul tasting
>order a synthetic gin
>no bite, but still tastes evil, doesn't even dull the senses
>Had food always tasted like this?
>No memories of things ever being different, it's been this way for as long as anyone can remember now
>The protest of your stomach instils a feeling that you're being cheated out of something you had a right to
>Why should one feel it to be intolerable unless one had some kind of ancestral memory that things had once been different?
Anon, report to sick bay, you're clearly delusional.

>> No.16533892
File: 179 KB, 1600x1103, DFA04246-0D19-45AA-860B-B8664C7B16B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This stew has no meat.
>Double-plus good!

>> No.16534046

I get what you're saying, but can you cook? I mean if you were stuck somewhere for the weekend and only some basic ingredients and a stove, would you be ok?

>> No.16534078

I am pretty sure that on one episode they got a hold of real meat and they said it tastes different. I am not enough of a star trek nerd to source this, though.

Then again it could just be a mental thing. Like how some people say more expensive wine tastes better, but serve them cheap wine with the same flavor profile and they wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

>> No.16534388

Is it just food? Or can I make drugs with it?

>> No.16534426

you could also just replicate the raw ingredients and still cook it to change the taste profile so it's not an identical

>> No.16534462
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You’re going to need to go to quark’s for that sir.

>> No.16534478
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>> No.16534496

Barclay was 24thcenturychan

>> No.16534497
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>Imagine trying to describe exactly how fried you want your eggs or the specific amount of seasoning you use when it's all based on feel.

The food isn't wasted, it's simply re-replecated until the computer gets it the way you like it, then the computer remembers your specifications.

>> No.16534519
File: 789 KB, 1440x1080, Galaxy-class_replicator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've always found cooking to be a chore and a waste of my valuable time

Same here.

I never learned to cook as mom never expected that I’d have to cook for myself (WWII Era parents where cooking was women’s work) and being a machinist, I worked 60+ hour weeks and had so little free time to myself, that I wasn’t about to waste any of it fucking around in the kitchen.

I like eating good food but hate everything involved in the process of getting it to the plate in front of me.

I’d betray the Federation for a replicator.

>> No.16534580

A (You) for your effort. Don't spend it all in one place, peasant.

>> No.16534590

Hopefully we’ll have the foresight to maintain preserved frozen BBC semen for the future of mankind. Not to repopulate with these dastardly swarthy monsters but for the time when replicators exist and we can use the genetic samples for replicating BBC seed for culinary and recreational purposes.

I can see an apocalyptic scenario occurring in the Star Trek timeline when someone gets the bad idea to use the jizz for procreation. The Black lineage takes hold and mass violence and social welfare costs result in the devolution of society and mankind.

>> No.16534595

I wouldn't call it "amazing" but the joke is that Riker made something so unplatable that it appeals to Klingons/Worf. Humans (with the exception of Riker) generally don't like Klingon food.

>> No.16534603

I see. I saw another clip of Riker eating Klingon food was he a gourmand on the show? I don’t remember much about TNG.

>> No.16534619
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Baffled, why are you on the cooking board?

>> No.16534628

>Humans (with the exception of Riker) generally don't like Klingon food.
Not true. There is a Klingon restaurant on the DS9 space station that was frequented by many other species including the humans.

He was not but at one point he took part in an officer exchange program with the Klingons that saw him and worf’s brother (unbeknownst to him) switch places as first officers of their respective vessels for a time. Riker acclimated himself to Klingon food before the switch and earned some respect from the Klingons when he was able to eat their food. Two of the female Klingons wanted to jump his bones hard and knowing riker he probably let them.

>> No.16534647

He goes to the effort of cooking the bad food and going on about how great a home cooked meal is compared to replicators. He tries the Klingon food to get ready for an exchange program with a Klingon vessel.

I wouldn't say that being a gourmand is a Riker character trait, but being generally open to trying new things and taking risks is.

>> No.16534650

I totally would... love her tenderly and give her a happy family life with 4+ children.

>> No.16534659

Blood wine is something I wish I could try. Same with romulan ale. Even though both would likely put me on my ass in minutes.

I wouldn't mind trying Klingon food either as long as it wasn't still raw. Yet in real life I refuse to eat the bugs or live in the pod.

>> No.16534668

>implying a replicator would give me the right amount of sear/burn on my blood sausage with onions and garlic
It would probably give me un-burned mush with little taste. And would probably tell me it couldn't double butter my toast because that's unhealthy or some shit.

Fucking communists. Better dead than red.

>> No.16534675

you guys know replicated food is made from recycled human piss and shit, right? literally worse than eating the bugs.

>> No.16534679

You're retarded, you can input custom parameters whenever you want.

>> No.16534688
File: 46 KB, 640x774, ok retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're retarded.
Pic related.

Also, how much time would I have to spend "inputting custom parameters" in order to get exactly what I want, compared to just doing it myself? I'd MUCH rather have automation that delivers ingredients to me and cleans everything afterwards, than one that makes food for me. I know exactly how I want my scrambled eggs to be, and I doubt I can program a replicator to do it just right. Unless I guess I made a sample myself and fed it to the replicator, but then wouldn't it just produce soulless copies of what I made? That would get old very fast. And would probably make me hate scrambled eggs.

>> No.16534691

Anon, you know he's never watched Star Trek.

>> No.16534696

>I'd MUCH rather have automation that delivers ingredients to me and cleans everything afterwards
Replicators can do that, too.

>> No.16534701

Okay then. perfect.

I saw some episodes here and there. I was never blown away by it. I remember one STNG ep where there were two Rikers. That was a fun one.

>> No.16534723

I guess as long as it would take to dictate an order to a waiter. If you're doing it all at once I guess it'd take a while to get everything setup but if you just did it as you ordered food it wouldn't be bad.

>> No.16534745

Found the communist.

>> No.16534746

Second riker shows up in DS9

>> No.16534748

Okaaaaay nerd.

>> No.16534765

>I remember one STNG ep where there were two Rikers.
Which one? There's multiple episodes with 2 Rikers.

>> No.16534768


>> No.16534774

Thanks for the explanation.

>> No.16534776
File: 41 KB, 468x313, article-1126982-0327E45F000005DC-986_468x313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baffled, why are you on the cooking board?

I still like to eat and there are all kinda thread about food and /ck/ is the most mature board on 4chan.

>> No.16534799

second riker was a tng episode and he is also in a ds9 episode where he joined the mahki and steals the defiant
but fails and goes to jail

>> No.16534810

Well ya but I wasn’t going to post the spoiler. Nice one.

>> No.16534817

Don't the shows always make fun of replicator food tho

>> No.16534836

No I would never go out unless someone else is paying. I cook at home exclusively because those brain dead prisoners you mucks call chefs are retarded niggers or spics and I don’t want hepatitis.

>> No.16534845

that's because the food starfleet officers get is modified to be healthy and from a limited selection of I assume starfleet approved patterns

>> No.16534855

It's canon that it's bad it can't make food perfectly, but it can make alcoholic drinks if the safety is taken off. Sounds like simple shit is on the menu but you should make a lot of stuff yourself. Replicator make steamed rice and the seasonings for the cooking. And lots of cheap booze.

>> No.16534858

I would be drunk all the fucking time because I'm an alcoholic. Fuck Synthehol, who in their right mind would drink vodka for the flavor?

>> No.16534869
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There are several characters throughout the series that claim they can tell the difference between replicated food and real food while other tend to view this ability with skepticism and humor. There are certainly people in that universe that refuse to eat relocates food like Benjamin Sisko’s father who actually runs a restaurant on earth which exclusively serves real food.

>> No.16534877

It’s canon that the food it produces is only as good as the program it runs. The better the program is, the better the food. There is an entire economy outside of the federation that deals in hologram and replicated programs.

>> No.16534891

I would eat a fuckton of seafood and steak and also would never remain sober

>> No.16534900

>man making money selling real food claims there is a difference between replicated and 'real' food
imagine my shock

>> No.16534936
File: 52 KB, 798x644, 3CC0BA4B-CE59-43BF-AD39-F29E0D97D2F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man making money
Who wants to explain to anon why he’s an idiot?

>> No.16534953


>> No.16534969

well earth does have money in a sense, called credits

how its implemented on earth doesn't matter cause its a show

one episode, i forget which character had used up a years worth of transporter credits in 1-2 months when they were younger by visiting family cause of homesick

>> No.16535027

Credits were used for outside trade. Within the federation itself and especially on earth there is no monetary transactions. If someone used all there credits getting back to earth then they were using a foreign transport system to do it.

>> No.16535036

>That was a young Benjamin Sisko when he was at the Starfleet Academy in San Francisco and would spend the day at classes before going home to New Orleans
At the time I thought that transporter credits were specific to Starfleet cadets, kind of like leave days in the military.

>> No.16535050

You could explain it that way or it could just be a continuity error by the show writers.

>> No.16535054

Money in the Federation from TNG onwards has been a nebulous issue but the broad idea is that the Federation is a post-scarcity, post-capitalist society. Most people would be quick to call this a communist system but the driving problem of both communism and capitalism, that there is always too many people and not enough resources, has effectively been solved, at least in the civilian sphere.

Sisko's dad runs a restaurant more like a hobby than a livelihood. He loves cooking and seeing people eat his food, so he continues to work despite his advanced age. You can argue that there is a degree of supply and demand in place because there is a specific demand for non-replicated cajun food which he is catering towards but it is not as though his family will be ruined if he decides to just close up shop on a whim.

>> No.16535102

How the government of the federation works is never fully explored within canon but it is neither capitalist or communist. We have nothing that exists today that compares to it.

>> No.16535108

That would make sense and thinking back on it, some of the phrasing pretty much states what you said

>> No.16535134

Star Wars nerds are hilarious

>> No.16535142

It is literally stated as a matter of fact in a shitty troi episode where she asks the replicated to make her a “real” chocolate Sunday and the computer denies her request as it is against regulation for the replicator to produce food that is nutritionally detrimental.

>> No.16535150
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Unless you want something like land. Want an ocean front property? Taken. Want to own a ranch or vineyard? Taken. Want to work hard to someday acquire one? Sorry buddy, but there's no way for you to convert your labor into usable capital.
Best you can do is volunteer to be shipped off to some far flung colony on the edge of Romulan or Cardassian space, to get vaporized by crystalline entities, pillaged by raiders, and fucked over and forcefully uprooted by the Federation itself when your new home changes hands in the next cowardly peace treaty those cucks agree too.

>> No.16535174

That explains why I didn't remember it immediately

>> No.16535179

>Unless you want something like land. Want an ocean front property? Taken.
This is something that is never fleshed out during the series. It’s presumed that people no longer covet such things with transport being instantaneous there is no need to be within proximity to natural features such as a beach or mountains.

>> No.16535196

I would still enjoy cooking on occasion as a treat or for company, but would use a replicator everyday just for calories, as It is now there’s a big difference between me cooking for pleasure and me cooking for utility

>> No.16535201

Computer same as him but make mine medium rare

>> No.16535206

Nah in Star Trek they do have access to farm grown food, and certain cultures entirely rely on It

>> No.16535210

It's probably drilled into them throughout their Federation education that such desires are anachronistic if not down right sinful, and that those desires are covetous are responsible for their ancestors barbarism. Ranking party members will suffer the burden of land ownership to free the masses of temptation. Picard's family owns a big vineyard after all.

>> No.16535225

The computer offer to override the safety protocols for Trois Sunday

>> No.16535249

That's because the federation uses synthetic meats and that's what the majority of members are used to.

>> No.16535272

Plus the reclaimed semen from the holodeck bio filters. Who cares

>> No.16535283

You think they just let anyone override "safety" protocols on replicators and holodecks? That would be like giving every deck hand on an old sailing ship keys to the spirits room. We only seen officers exercise the privilege.

>> No.16535298

Just head to another m class planet with features you desire. It's not like there is anything special about earth

>> No.16535315

Space is largely unexplored in Star Trek and most conflicts are over land and territory, even if you knew of a suitable planet It may take years to reach It

>> No.16535326

If there were an abundance of M-class planets safely within the Federations borders with land up for grabs, there wouldn't be so many colonists settling risky, disputed planets on the borders.

>> No.16535342

try enjoying something for once, star trek is kino

>> No.16535343

Abusive step dsads coul d make me 4 FOUR DAYS WI TFHPUFHT EATIM

>> No.16535372
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Imagine serving on a Klingon ship in the exchange program and being breast fed by one of their female officers.

>> No.16535402

Imagine the smell.

>> No.16535454

TNG DS9 and VOY are kino you fucking zoomer retard. I hope you're among the first to die in the civil war. .

>> No.16535455
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Worst part of nuTrek is these gay gender neutral uniforms trying to hide the best milk trucks in the entire franchise.

>> No.16535551

That’s a half-Klingon, would still permit her to breastfeed me though

>> No.16535624
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I think the biggest thing is the ability to try new things because it cost nothing and all unused food can be 100% recycled. So you would be able to have so many new foods, if only to take a couple bites of them.

I would be quite obese if I had access to such a machine, they'd have to lock me behind a daily meal allotment.

>> No.16536228

Reminds me of Weyoun sampling the Star Fleet replicators

>> No.16536409

Wait, if you can tell the difference between real food and replicator produced food, and replicator technology is based upon transporter technology, why the fuck do you trust your life with these teleportation transporter devices? If you’re selling me on “real food”, you better not be a hypocrite and use transporters. How do they avoid the existential nightmare of “I’m a copy of a copy of a copy, and the original me died when I was atomized years ago when I first stepped into a transporter” in the ST universe.

>> No.16536417

everyone knows deep down that transporters kill you and then make a copy at the target, they just try not to think about it because they're too important for the economy

>> No.16536421

Ever since I watched “The Prestige”, I don’t think transporters are so cool anymore.
I think old Doctor McCoy in the first episode of ST:TNG said something about it.

>> No.16536531

I would have it constantly make the chili cheeseburger plate from a childhood burger joint. That place was so goddamn amazing that a local mcdonalds franchisee bought it and ran it into the ground. I'm convinced the OG owner made no money and just loved giving people good food. Miss ya Sugar and Spice.

>> No.16536543

Same as all other boards, shitposting

>> No.16536576

Every member of starfleet with the exception of an incredibly small minority like chief O’Brien is an officer. Only senior officers can override systems.

>> No.16536588

How specific can you be with a replicator?
>computer, coffee, black, dry processed Ethiopian sidamo, brewed at a ratio 20g coffee to 330g water
Or is it just
>computer, coffee, black

>> No.16536600

The replicator can only output things that have been programmed into it. You can add your own programs but how good they come out is determined by how good you are at programming. It’s a running joke in voyager that the captain keeps trying to program recipes into the replicator and they always come out wrong. Starfleet has a vast array of food items available from the replicator as standard issue. As long as your parameters are in the system you could ask for a coffee exactly as you described.

>> No.16536604
File: 106 KB, 601x351, CCE6381D-4E21-4DF9-80C5-CE3B6ECD244B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. I think trying to program in different varieties of coffee at different roast levels would be quite fun.

>> No.16536628

he tries making an omelet that fails miserably

>> No.16536968
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Whenever I'd be watching a TV show I'd probably replicate whatever food is onscreen for an extra dimension to the experience
However despite the massive variety of food available I'd probably just end up eating the same few foods due to autism
I've always thought that the problem with replicator food is that it replicates food the exact same every time, making it boring
Riker mentions in the episode where he cooks eggs that real cooking brings variation into the food
This is a great pick up, I wonder how nutritionally deficient ingredients get substituted

>> No.16537026

It's not recycled; it's broken down to subatomic particles and reconstituted as an entirely new thing at the subatomic level. There is no trace of commonality between tonight's steak dinner and the lasagna you sent down the shitter last night which was used to reconstitute it past the subatomic layer.

Worth noting is that the replicators are also the source of starships' oxygen supplies and turn the CO2 you breathe out and your waste into breathable air. Star Trek is so post scarcity that even kikes can't steal air.

>> No.16537038
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As others have said, I enjoy the act of cooking and find it relaxing, so yes. Sisko likes to cook creole cuisine and his father owns a creole restaurant. His father was very negative towards the use of replicators so I would assume all or most of his ingredients are fresh/"real" too. There would definitely be a desire for such a restaurant too, just as there is a desire now for food prepared fresh. It would be a selling point, although exactly how credits work isnt exactly clear. On that point, almost everything we know about life in the 24th century comes from the perspective either of Star Fleet officers or Deep Space 9, but Quark's bar is representative of what a bar on Earth would be like. What we do know is there is supposedly no "money" used by the UFP but they DO use some kind of credit system. My guess is that everyone can get what they need from a replicator, hence no hunger, no matter what. So, some people will be NEETs, sitting around replicating tendies all day, but people who do jobs do recieve some kind of payment in the form of credits, which function as a non fiat currency. Want to use a holosuite to create your ideal dining experience? Costs credits. Travel the world/universe for food tourism? Credits. Eat at Sisko's restaurant rather than eat replicated tendies? Credits. A bottle of Chateau Picard? Credits. If people were really happy with replicated food, there would be no customer's at Sisko's restaurant and no buyers for Picard's wine. Clearly, replicators don't beat the real deal. The reason we see them used so much is because 98% of all the shows only depict Starfleet officers on ships/space stations where replication is most efficient, with the exception of Voyager where they were forced to grow and cook food the old fashioned way because the replicators use so much energy.

>> No.16538826

fuckin a

>> No.16538949

Synthol is not a mocktail, it's like a zero-calorie sweetener that actually tastes like sugar. Synthol can even make you (feel) very slightly buzzed but it's impossible for it to impair your senses/muscle control etc.
The real complaints in Star Trek about synthol isn't that it's synthol(as the show never glamorizes drunkenness), but instead is that the entire beverage comes from the replicator and replicator recipes RARELY hit the same complexity of actual food and beverage.
Also note that there are a lot of lower-quality replicators that are much more approximate in their recreation of a dish.

>> No.16538961

May- who am I kidding? No.
Hello no.

>> No.16538971

Fantasy alcohol like Romulan Ale, Blood Wine, Ancient Dagoth Brandy, etc. always captures the imagination, doesn't it? I'm right with you brother, we'd probably die drinking the Romulan Ale together.

>> No.16538986

He doesn't make any money. His costumers don't pay with any money, and he doesn't spend any money to run his restaurant, and...
he just runs his restaurant for fun I think? And other people help him too?

It's confusing.

>> No.16539048
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The federation know nothing of Klingon Milkies

>> No.16539065

I would have it replicate the ingredients and cook the food myself

>> No.16539093

Replicators superficially use transporter technology. Replicators don't innately have the precision to assemble truly complex molecular structures, while a transporter doesn't even read or copy your complex molecular structure, it just insta-warps your molecules to a new destination in the exact same pattern they are in, with room for a few exceptions, like computer assistance in recognizing parts of you that aren't you and placing those not-you molecules in a containment instead. When you're being transported, you're actually partly in both origin and destination at the same time and the person remains conscious the entire time and even witnesses both locations AND the weird subspace artifacts in-between.

Replicator technology is actually a spectrum of technologies, the grandest being direct energy to matter conversion with the ability to subatomically forge a wide range of elements, and then assemble those atoms into molecules, and then the simplest of being the ability to insta-warp particles into larger structures and formations. This last step is all the common food replicator really does, using reservoirs of water and proteins to cheaply assemble the food, or whatever. That's why they bother to setup a hydroponics bay in Voyager and make occasional trades and such- it takes more energy to assemble some plant starch through the entire process than it is to just grow some under some UV lights.
And likewise, it's much cheaper to gather up a bunch of random space matter or nebulas and such and then re-arrange that matter with replicator technology than to rely on anti-matter reactions to produce the energy for energy-to-matter conversions. In Star Trek, there are things like Industrial replicators that are ready to create all the most energy expensive, complex materials at a rapid rate and scale.

>> No.16539223

This is the same actress. I don't know which I like more, Vulcan or Klingon.

>> No.16539312

40oz of steel reserve
2 nips of fireball
Premium sloppa
No I am not him dumbass.

>> No.16539455

I'd use it to try a bunch of cocktails made with ingredients I'd never use enough of to justify buying.

>> No.16539561

>pullman is the only dbb in the entire set of v7 that could make the jump to paradigm shift 14 without having met the limit break
This is what you sound like faggot

Can't wait for replicators. /ck/ shitposting will be great
>he didn't configure 2% buckwheat kek

>> No.16539610

Instead of eating cheap unhealthy food every day, I would eat expensive unhealthy food every day.

>> No.16540515
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maybe pay attention before you reply to the wrong post

>> No.16540579

Nice comeback...

>> No.16540622

I'd eat more fish. Damn sure I'd still cook.

>> No.16540624

That's not the joke. It's actually a recurring gag that Worf has exceptionally weird tastes.

>> No.16540661

you know real food is made using cow shit as fertilizer right?

>> No.16540677

By the time we have the technology for replicators, we'll have the technology to chemically patent food products so that they can't be replicated.
>Order replicator to make a Big Mac
>Go to an off-world prison colony for 10 years
This is the difference between Star Trek's vision of the future and that of the reptilian cabal.

>> No.16540683

It's hard canon that the Federation can completely terraform a planet within 20-30 years and create bespoke terrestrial features that would be unable to form naturally while doing so. By the time of TNG Mars is completely terraformed, Venus is in the process of being terraformed, and humanity has at least 3 other star systems under their control. Adding in Beta canon, Earth's population is only around 4 billion in Trek.

>> No.16540709

It's actually pretty ambiguous as to whether or not money still exists in Trek, with a bias towards it still existing. It's not just an issue of Joseph running a restaurant for fun and love of cooking, it's also the issue of who the fuck would want to work as a waiter in this scenario.

>> No.16541164

Not him, but I come for the surly egg forts.

>> No.16541187

I would use it every day for two reasons: Firstly is consistency. One of the things I hate about raw ingredients is how inconsistent the taste, texture, etc is from one to another of the same food, e.g. apples in the same pack can be completely different. So a replicator would fix that. Secondly is how you can modify the meals to be healthy, e.g. imagine eating nothing but fries and nuggets but it has the same nutrition and calories as a healthily balanced meal.

>> No.16541195

I'd eat Kira's farts frequently, daily even.

>> No.16541215

Money as we know it does not exist. Credits are not currency as we think of it.

>> No.16541220

In a post scarcity society there is no need for patents because there is no need for profit.

>> No.16541223

this, i'm sure there'd be some sort of favourites setting so you dont have to manually enter every parameter every time.

>> No.16541236
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Why not just do a Red Dwarf and use the Matter Paddle to teleport back to the 20th Century and place an order for a few hundred curries?

>> No.16541242

Id use the replicator every day. imagine perfectly cooked food without the constant cycle of doing dishes. thats what I hate about cooking the most, the constant cleaning. then when youre done and youve pre cleaned the whole time, you still have end of meal dishes and things to put away. I fucking hate it. Id love to be able to eat a plate with 3 things on it that would have required 30 minutes of cleaning with zero cleaning. you could cook once the old fashioned way, show the computer this is a pre cooked meal, then show off that cooking later on if you wanted to have a dinner date. Me? Id serve crab legs.

>> No.16541243
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You do not have enough credits
You must work to earn additional credits, sucka.

>> No.16541259

the way their society works is a bit of a mystery. they arent clear about it to add to the allure. its a socialist type of society that doesnt have scarcity. basic needs are met for free, but we also only see the Star Fleet side of how this all works. they could have already had a great filter that involved a eugenics program. they mention a Eugenics war at some point, so maybe in the fallout of that they just have a voluntary eugenics program that weeds out tons of useless eaters. Or maybe they have a Starship Trooper style society we dont get to see and you have to be a citizen to have full rights, maybe subjects dont get regular replicator use back on Earth. There doesnt seem to be a credit system though, just an assumed hierarchy.

>> No.16541261

Earth is described in DS9 as literal paradise. No crime, no poverty, no want.

>> No.16541292

but how do they get to that point? can you imagine every 80iq retard having access to endless resources now? Crime would get worse. We arent seeing what took place or what is still in place to achieve this utopia. Maybe its flat out just mind control. A society without want could work, but everyone would have to want it to work, you cant just assume everyone would have the same goals in mind unless there is some kind of central control. mind control prions in the replicated food maybe.

>> No.16541386
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>Computer give me Gordon Ramsay of Terra, historia circa 21st century.
>Replicate his world's best grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.16541478

Replicators sucked in every version of startrek. Plus the energy cost of replication must be several times the energy needed to just grow the fucking food. Great on a spaceship but not so good when you can walk to your local market. Unless it was extremely cheap I wouldn't get one.

>> No.16541482

Why are you trying to argue against a fictional piece of hypertechnology?

>> No.16541489
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>energy cost

>> No.16541547

>do crime
>transported into the sun

>> No.16541772

yes but their energy source is dilithium crystals. its supposed to be such an abundant source of energy you cant run out unless you are using it for warp drive purposes.

>> No.16542214

Computer, one gallon of cum, African Ancestry

>> No.16542338

Riker in TNG said that he had his mom make her famous pea soup and had the replicator analyze it to make copies. Multiple times they've had people state they did that as well for foods.

>> No.16542356

The Federation is some super weird utopia where they don't have money and people can and cannot choose to work. Many people own businesses but it's more of a hobby than a job.

>> No.16542443

>having access to endless resources
I could imagine it like people getting an allowance so generous only weirdos want even more. Especially since wealth doesn't confer status - much like in some modern circles, a successful businessman would be less reputable than an artist or a scientist. People are also limited in their greed - if some guy wants to buy land to make wine he's allowed (if he actually does make wine... and picard inherited his). If he wants to buy a whole lot of land, or industrial machinery, or intellectual property, they'd tell him no (it's a bit communist like that).
Concerning work, they work for fun and work-related status like siskos dad. His servers probably work part time and get to eat his food so they enjoy being there. Some become nolife neets (like tom paris in that alternative timeline), but there's also a ton of therapists to help them so they're rare.

>> No.16542959

From what I understand, replicators were retconned in DS9 from being "wonderboxes that can perfectly simulate any meal" to "provides passable imitations with a reasonably large selection". Hence why people on Earth still cooked, like Sisco was growing hot peppers and his Dad ran a Cajun restaurant, and Picard retired to a vineyard, etc. I also thought the replicator was kind of a military thing, more for doling out rations to a crew for maximum efficiency, although ones that are pretty luxurious by today's standards.

>> No.16543010

I like to think of the teleporters as things that open a portal through space time so in essence a complex thing like a person can survive. The replicators simply use energy to create matter. I do recall reading somewhere that the taste of food in replicators is pretty decent but complex flavors like Wine get lost. Hence why the Picards still work a vineyard.
It's funny because in one of the TNG movies, Kirk makes reference to a house that he, "used to own" that's in the mountains on Earth. There's also a desire to use gold-pressed latinum. The latinum being a liquid encased in gold. The ferengi in DS9 were all about this. But yeah, basically Star Trek cannon basically says that if you can't afford a ranch on Earth you can get one in a colony.

>> No.16543104

>can you imagine every 80iq retard having access to endless resources now
There's a science fiction book somewhere (forget the name) that describes a scenario where Earth starts mining asteroids. The abundance of material in these ends up dropping the price of metal to what is essentially gravel. Gold and other PMs no longer are precious. Still, someone has to toil to make that into a useful product, but this isn't outside the realm of possible.

>> No.16543150

Is STO considered canon? I honestly have zero clue if it is. Because if it isn't then yeah outside of latinum, Fed's don't really touch currency. Like the other guy said Credits were only mentioned in DS9: "In the Cards"; VOY: "Dark Frontier"; Star Trek: First Contact according to Memory Beta and they were only used for giving to Non-Feds.

Earth is a post-scarcity planet by the time of TNG and beyond. Dude's literally just has a restaurant as a passion/hobby/shits and giggles. Dude isn't making any fucking money nor is he going to be wanting to.

>> No.16543170

20 bucks says that this was the writers at least trying to reign in the OPness of replicators which I respect. We all saw how sloppy Stargate was with this and Zat's which they themselves admitted to fucking up on early on.

>> No.16543339

Bro if my consciousness is essentially transferred every time idgaf. Hell if my brain just got transferred into a new robot body exactly the same as the last one with no break in reality so I didn't have travel for a week on a ship I'd take that deal instantly.

And that's *with* 100% knowing that my last vessel "died". Now imagine it with Stargate tech where it's established that it's legit just a data transference and I'm even more onboard.

>> No.16543353

>but how do they get to that point?

It took a literal global Nuclear holocaust, discovering FTL, and being met by a fucking alien race. That seems like a pretty big push to get our shit together.

>> No.16543384

To be a turbo autist: I think you're thinking of deuterium*. That shit could apparently be found everywhere and is what could power the replicators. Hence why when Voyager was stuck in that void space that had no matter, they were freaking the fuck out because they couldn't get any deuterium.

But yeah, raising crops for an entire season vs processing some deuterium is the analog for microwaving a bowl of Kraft Blue Box vs fucking dry aging a steak for a month or raising crops for a season.

>> No.16544132

>computer, 1 log of deanna troi's shit served in a dog bowl labeled bitch, composition: chicken eggs, hardboiled. beans, baked. onions, broccoli.
>disengage safety protocols

>> No.16544164

>There's also a desire to use gold-pressed latinum. The latinum being a liquid encased in gold. The ferengi in DS9 were all about this.
The ferengi are not members of the federation and use gold pressed Latin in as part of an intergalactic currency. Within the federation there is no need for money but outside of its borders money is needed.

>> No.16544672

why would crime get worse? what crimes?

>> No.16544695

Replicators were always a bit of contentious subject among the staff, with the DS9 showrunners being firmly in the camp that they broke the setting if approached with any sort of logic given their capabilities. One of the few things that I've liked how Discovery has handled things is firmly retconning replicators from energy/matter converters into molecular assemblers.

>> No.16544704
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>> No.16544724

I'd probably eat a lot of lobster at first then start disliking eating like what netflix has done for entertainment

>> No.16545946

I would use it to make mcdonalds and burger king every day.

>> No.16545996

I'd probably just replicate healthy and balanced meals for my family most nights of the week. Maybe program in a few of my personal recipes, especially for some of the more time consuming things like my lasagna or rouladen. I'd still want to make pizza myself, but good luck finding a real oven in the star trek universe. Whenever Sisko cooked it always seemed like he was just pan frying stuff on some bunsen burner type things.

I mean, with the convenience of a flawless replicated meal, I'd only cook and bake things that I get a lot of enjoyment out of making or things that I enjoy the variations that can come out from one batch to the other. You wouldn't be able to argue with literally talking to a machine and having a gourmet meal appear before you.

>> No.16546013

I like chopping with my knives so no I wouldn't use it

>> No.16546033

There are also several people throughout the world that claim that MSG causes headaches, the earth is flat, X politician is honest, global warming is a hoax, or that Jews control the media. None of these things are true and people who make such claims deserve only ridicule.

>> No.16546049

That title would probably go to something like /out/ or one of the very niche hobby boards. /ck/ is definitely up there, though.

>> No.16546090

i dont recall them ever openly confirming that your consciousness gets transferred

>> No.16546280
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TNG Season 1 Episode 7 "Lonely Among Us". Captain Picard's body is invaded by an entity from a nearby space-cloud which then takes control of the ship, has Picard enter the transporter, and beams him into nothingness. It turns out that Picard's consciousness has become energy and entered the ship's systems, the crew then use the transporter to recombine Picard's consciousness with his body from his most recent transporter scan and reconstitute him. This would seem to indicate that the transporters can make copies of people, but without their consciousness (which evidently can be scanned and locked on to) they couldn't simply use transporters as human replicators.

It isn't addressed directly, but the fact that the Enterprise crew was going to give him up as dead leaves two possibilities: it is viewed as unethical to essentially create clones out of the transporter (which begs the question why some of the far less ethical people in the Star Trek universe don't simply use transporters as a limitless source of clones from a willing participant like Jem'Hadar in DS9 who require cloning facilities in the Alpha Quadrant in spite of having transporter technology), or the other possibility that devoid of consciousness, it would simply be a useless vegetative empty body, which would imply that consciousness is indeed transported every time, meaning that the whole "maybe Kirk was killing himself every time he enter the transporter theory is incorrect, though "we transport someone's 'spirit' is hardly the scientific backing Star Trek was usually pretty decent for.

>> No.16546376

So then just make it yourself once, have it analyze the molecular structure, and then call it up whenever you feel like that thing. I feel like replicator would be fantastic if you forgot to buy an ingredient or just wanted a snack, but for real meals I would always go cook.

>> No.16546384

The only reason replicator are common is because they're on starships. On earth p much everyone cooks. It's weird for a family not to have one (as per O'Brien) but most people actually cooked their meals.

>> No.16546437

That's actually an excellent point. I want to try anomalocaris. Those radiodonts are probably full of awesome meat.

>> No.16546502
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>> No.16546524

>On earth p much everyone cooks
Wrong. When O'Brien told Keiko about his mothers home cooking, she was astonished that she "handled REAL meat? With her BARE HANDS!?"

>> No.16546530

Transporting a working body without transporting the consciousness doesn't really make sense. Tom riker is created by fucking accident, but noone in the entire universe transporterclones people. Bottom line, star trek tech does or doesn't what the plot demands,

>> No.16546535

>season 1

Who cares.

>> No.16546550

>good luck finding a real oven in the star trek universe
Just replicate one lol
>pan frying stuff on some bunsen burner type things
Because that's just sufficiently primitive to feel traditional while still simple enough to work for someone who has no idea how to stoke a fire. A bit like how pizza is sometimes made in wood-fired stoves these days, even though an electric oven would allow much simpler and more precise baking.

>> No.16546554

Whatever, socialist jew vision of the future. I want to hunt and eat aliens. Not the smart kind, but the animal-y kind

>> No.16546559

That frigid bitch should have handled his meat more often instead of talking shit about his mum.
The only time she showed any interested in getting laid was when she was in the body of a ten-year-old.

>> No.16546579

>This thread
>All of these turbo spergs going on about "nuh uh! In episode 23176, Spock's great aunt says that Klingons do XYZ!"
Stop watching a decades old show and get laid.

>> No.16546592

Yep that's true, the Tom Riker thing is in direct contradiction to the consciousness argument, since in that case, it's supposed to have been a duplication in the transporter beam leaving the planet he was on due to its irregular atmosphere, but if a single consciousness that couldn't be duplicated existed, one of the two would have just been a vegetable. I'd also imagine that regardless of transporter duplicates being vegetables, Dukat would have replicated several Kira clones just to hate fuck them. Hell, if you could clone with consciousness, he'd have manned that entire Klingon ship they captured with clones of himself...or better yet to make sure they were subservient to him, clones of Damar at every station. His entire hope to mount a resistance movement stemming from his captured bird of prey would have been greatly furthered by first replicating an army of several thousand Dukat and Damar clones to invade Klingon outposts and start capturing more weapons. They could have an endless supply of people to wage a guerilla war.

But nah. Like you said, the transporter replicates people when it needs to, doesn't when it's inconvenient to the plot. In reality, a universe with transporters and replicators would be a hellish nightmare once that technology fell into the wrong hands. It always struck me as odd how nobody in the Star Trek universe was using technology to create truly terrifying things. Take the Jem'Hadar for example. Oh, let's genetically engineer the PERFECT loyal killing machine and control it with drugs. But oh, let's not make them much stronger than the humanoids we'll encounter, or give them natural built in armoring to make them impervious to most weaponry. Let's also not make them tactical super geniuses that can't be beaten in battle, and have them fight essentially like humanoids.

>> No.16546597
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/ck/ is a TNG board, newfig

>> No.16546623

>if a single consciousness that couldn't be duplicated existed, one of the two would have just been a vegetable
And as I tried to say, that concept doesn't make sense. Consciousness is an emergent behaviour of your brain cells being arranged as they do and working as they do. If you copy a body, molecule by molecule, such that the body works as a body (and doesn't, for starts, have horrible genetic defects) then the brain must work the same, and the resultant being must have the same consciousness as the original.

>> No.16546791

Yeah, I wasn't disagreeing, it just means that the show is inconsistent with itself because in the S1 episode where Picard's consciousness is recombobulated in the transporter, as long as they had his most recent transporter pattern, they should have just been able to materialize a new copy of him on the pad. Same goes for anyone who has ever died in Star Trek, ever. Just doesn't make any sense.

>> No.16546837

Is there a star trek set during the 21-24th century or any flashback episodes? It seems like it would be an interesting spin off, but only if it was careful to avoid referencing the current state

>> No.16546849

The First Contact film and ENT. You also have a time travel arc in DS9 and Voyager.

>> No.16546868

I tried looking it up a while ago, but is there a specific point where I should be watching the TNG films? I'm on season 4 now and not sure desu.

>> No.16546896


>> No.16546914

the TNG movies are shit compared to the show. Watch the show first and then watch the movies because they give you a little bit more TNG even though it's not as good.

>> No.16546929

Isn't that basically every trek movie? I find star trek (specifically TNG) to be the most frustrating show, it has lots of great concepts and deepest (data) lore, but it had a bunch of d grade filler, especially early on and a lot of the impactful moments fell flat because of the weird directing some episodes had

>> No.16546993

Keiko was an insufferable cunt. Based trek writers dropping red pills on yellow fever.

>> No.16547005

It's not synthol, it's synthahol, a kind of synthetic alcohol that does get you drunk but the effects "can be easily dismissed if needed" which makes sense on a spaceship where there's the potential for random space bullshit at any moment. So presumably you can't get blackout drunk

>> No.16547010

The fact that there hasn't been a single alternative to star trek shows how shit and jewed the modern world is.

>> No.16547072

Yeah. Even if it mostly tasted the same or better. I just like the relationship people have with preparing food.

>> No.16547113

i only cook when i'm in the mood otherwise i eat like shit. i do enjoy cooking a proper meal now and then. i would still cook sometimes and i would never ever go out to eat again. i barely go out as it is, i fucking hate restaurants

>> No.16547126

Star Trek as a whole is a diamond in the rough, yes. Try to consider the flaws charming.

>> No.16547160

if done while unconscious you would never have lapse or break in persistence of consciousness

>> No.16547183

Just think how easy it'd be to dispose of a body..

>> No.16547192

A big reason why my favorite food is my favorite food is because I don't get to eat them often.
I would probably just duplicate ingredients or in last resort/emergency situations

>> No.16547202

I assume replicators would function like computer modeling software where the food it's making is only as good as the model and its resources. Basically if you want to get the most out of it, you should still make food to save into its databanks because some of the dishes it comes with probably aren't made especially good but you can make it better and save versions and shapes of dishes made to order.

I think I'd like to have one to cut down on prep work since sometimes I plateau on the best version of things I make at home but sometimes struggle to recreate that pitch-perfect flavor, color, texture and the like. I can also just try making new recipes to feed the replicator for future use, so I can go buckwild on premium shit like Wagyu and lobster to implement as variants for the presets.

Also would order take out or drop in snack foods for replicating because you can't trust the market to keep it around and hell, I'd even be a rebel and start torrenting Food Replicator files for experimental purposes. I'd imagine Replicator sharing would be a big thing on /ck/, especially some of you experimental guys that post their wacky but appealing concoctions.

>> No.16547229
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>not one of the shitters on the bridge

>> No.16547255

A shitload more veggies as i love them but hate having to prepare them with dirt, bugs and general prep.

>> No.16547408

Could you use the teleporter to remove the contents of your stomach, so you could just gorge on food non stop without ever getting full or fat?

>> No.16547420

how soundproof do you think those are or how good is the ventilation?

>> No.16547431

>no backup for turbolift to battle bridge
The absolute state of starfleet.

>> No.16547457

The non-numbered rooms on the sides of the conference room are "contemplation" rooms, also known as rooms for crying.

This is where the bridge bunnies go to vent after nearly dying every other episode and trying to hold their shit in while main cast does their shenanigans.

>> No.16547460

Wait that's where the conference room is?! Bruh that shit feels like its elsewhere. Also what are the ramps?
Also also, what actually is the battle bridge? I don't remember seeing it

>> No.16547470

>food replicator
its the same anywhere and everywhere
women get with men for weird reasons, its rarely about looks or even money
usually its about power
either a woman wants a man she has power over or wants a man she can respect who has power over her and it seems to be more about mindset than anything else
goes back to that whole concept of submissive / dominant, and thats where the deep sense of security lies with women seemingly
and by dominant I don't mean abusive either, I mean balanced, control over her but also self control. abuse is just overcompensation for a lack of genuine influence, have to get physical because you don't know how to get through to her mentally
this is the only consistency in relationships I can see really
doesn't really matter what the economic viability of a man is, or the looks, although they help, if he knows how to handle a woman mentally and is dominant thats more satisfying than the two former things combined on their own, and most relationships I've seen where a man is legitimately dominant but not in a toxic way last very long-term if not indefinitely
men I know to be submissive however, even if they put on a hard man front, are always in and out of relationships constantly

>> No.16547496

>control over her but also self control.
Yes. Self control is key. But this is true about any human relations with responsibility, includes children or underlings too.

If you want to be on top, and lecture people about things, you have to know your shit. If you want to tell people how to handle money you have to do it yourself. If you expect honesty from others you have to be honest yourself. If you want people to keep their word you have to start with yourself.

Women aren't stupid. They instinctively understand a good man is one that has the confidence to tell others how to do things. Sometimes that confidence is fake, but most of the time it comes from actually knowing a thing or two. Knowing yourself is the first step. Knowing your strengthts and weaknesses. And this ties into relationship. The key to be dominant and not abusive is knowing when you've overstepped your area and you're just milking respect you've earned in other areas.

Although some women really fail at choosing partners. But then again, something is better than nothing I guess.