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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16522796 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my dinner/10

>> No.16522798

Why is your kitchen so clean? You're a fucking loser. You know things don't have to be clean just because people tell you so.

grow a fucking spine

>> No.16522801

Not everyone is a nigger like you

>> No.16522802


>> No.16522804


>> No.16522824

You're wasting your life cleaning the stove. For what? If you had guests you wouldn't be posting your bachelor dinner on here.

No one cares.

>> No.16522833

i am also glad we saved the steelies.

>> No.16522842
File: 827 KB, 250x188, 1602792977543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even OP, you just a subhuman nigger upset people don't live like a subhuman like you. Go fucking necklace yourself you baboon

>> No.16522851

>my whole self worth revolves around clean stoves


>> No.16522858

>the nigger has subhuman IQ
Doesn't even occur to your subhuman nigger monkey brain that people can clean up their own mess. How many welfare programs you on, parasite shitskin?

>> No.16522865
File: 2.27 MB, 4032x2268, PXL_20210808_030657487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8/10 would eat but would pass on the fireball

r8 mine

>> No.16522868

This meal would cost upwards of $50 inside P.F. Chang's at the trop!

>> No.16522877
File: 212 KB, 1710x2048, 1628142722386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur a retard m8. I like a clean kitchen and living space more than you but the guy is clearly trolling your fragile and retarded /pol/rotted speckle of a brain

Lol retard

>Pic related yfw

>> No.16522880

I'm not even OP and thank god for that.

>> No.16522882

me too im proud as fuck to be a poster on here

>> No.16522904

looks similar in colour and consistency to the diarrhea that it will turn into

>> No.16522905

about 100 bucks with 2 drinks minimum

>> No.16522906

fat manlet/10

>> No.16522909

>warm steellie
you're a braver man than i

>> No.16522910

based as usual. the 211 doesnt look cold enough tho

>> No.16522913

it and the fireball bottles are just props and for show not consumption

>> No.16522914

Its chilled at best whatever ill soldier on I bought a bunch when i thought it was being taking from us put this in the fridge only 30 mins before opening it

>> No.16522918

already show the used bottles opened fireballs etc keep talking shit faggot

>> No.16522919

Hope you bought TP.

>> No.16522925

Its beef broccoli and some garlic sauce it shouldnt be that drastic

>> No.16522947

It's hilariously funny to me that you don't know how long it takes to clean a stove. Please, please keep going.

>> No.16522961

looks great

>> No.16522967

is this the guy who replies to his own thread all night?

>> No.16522970
File: 604 KB, 626x569, 1572719898173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the same two bottles of fireball from last week. You're not actually drinking them, you're not even an alcoholic!

>> No.16522972

I see your sev also started stocking those shrink wrapped 10 packs of fireball nips

>> No.16522983


>> No.16522986

I despise fakers of all stripes

>> No.16523013
File: 28 KB, 405x379, misery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100$ bucks this faggot lives in Missouri or Arkansas

>> No.16523017

Is that real fireball or the weird legal in gas station malt shit?

>> No.16523021

lol wut is this

>> No.16523024
File: 83 KB, 654x555, manletsneedattentiontoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah the little shrimpy guy live in NJ

>> No.16523029

dumb filthy nigger

>> No.16523045

Based Steel Reverse

>> No.16523055

this is advanced autism

>> No.16523066

are you in Florida OP

>> No.16523072

highly advanced schizo-posting

>> No.16523076
File: 20 KB, 400x302, 5424ef6827cd045cd8d3c16706e6f71a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you getting kinda old to be eating and drinking like this, still? You've been making these posts for a couple of years now. In that short time, I, for one, have grown from seeing these meals and thinking "hell yeah, radical, party on" to thinking "boy, that looks like a bout of bad heartburn waiting to happen". Couldn't you try to at least eat some real food while you drink your steelys and fireballs?

>> No.16523080
File: 124 KB, 1300x866, 54802922-man-in-his-mid-30-s-poses-for-a-studio-portrait-with-a-semi-white-background-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based matureposter

>> No.16523086

Kraft dinner and pepperoni sticks isn't real food, Ricky

>> No.16523090
File: 39 KB, 500x379, ccd0658f07b58f2967beda98d4a631a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about bread and ranch?

>> No.16523092

What happened?

>> No.16523097
File: 33 KB, 768x768, yt200b3sfpr51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homa Simpson

>> No.16523104

The megabrewery that makes steelys was going to stop making them, or something, that was the last thing I heard. From their posts, I'll guess that maybe enough white trash posters went out and panic bought enough steelys to make the megabrewery change their minds.
If that's true, then said posters honestly just fell for the oldest trick in the book and got jewed into spending a bunch of money on beer that homeless people drink.

>> No.16523114


we kept spamming them and they reversed decision 211 lives on

>> No.16523120

i refuse to believe /ck/ influenced megabrewery

>> No.16523122

not just us but the 40oz crew, 40oz.com etc all came together

>> No.16523124

I like chicken and broccoli more, but beef is still pretty good. 8.7/10

>> No.16523134

was gonna get Szechuan beef or generals but watching cals

>> No.16523142

There was this place in my town that used to make the absolute best sauce to go with the chicken and broccoli, I'm so pissed they changed management. I'd have eaten that shit every day.

>> No.16523149

what sauce was it? or just a nice random mix they did?

>> No.16523152

I'd eat it but I prefer cantonese dim sum

>> No.16523153

It's been a while, but I remember it being pretty similar to chow mein sauce. It was thin and white.

>> No.16523157

I just don't get the passion, there are other hobo beers that are better in all ways, cheaper, tastier, higher abv. Steelys taste like brake fluid.

>> No.16523177

steel is the most readily available 8.1 % 40oz ides is hard to find, hurricane hg is niche og hg is niche

>> No.16523183

Post hockey stick

>> No.16523195

Dude ... this is not a dinner

>> No.16524237

Top kek

>> No.16524554

no, its ingredients to a dinner

>> No.16525456

strong everything lmao

>> No.16525473

The protagonists of america.

>> No.16525628

thanks, OP. i wait all week to see what you're eating next.

>> No.16525638
File: 534 KB, 682x676, 1628435563794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chinese food always looks the same no matter where you go in America. It's the same sloppa everywhere.

>> No.16525655
File: 73 KB, 612x407, 108179131-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.16525659

only niggers drink steelies, especially warm

>> No.16526235

trashiest post on ck

>> No.16526858

based as fuck

>> No.16526864

>t. pajeet

>> No.16526869

For fuck's sake, fix your curtains.

>> No.16526989

Based and filthpilled

>> No.16527018

I get an urge to floss just looking at takeout beef. I can only imagine how tough and chewy that stuff must be.

>> No.16527022

>beef and broccoli


>> No.16527023

Go back

>> No.16527053

The slant eyes here get it pretty tender somehow

>> No.16527096

>hot dogs and beer
>not dinner

>> No.16527103

What the fuck is wrong with you. My kitchen isn't as clean as OPs (because I have no microwave and need to use the stove to cook everyday) but even I think you're stupid

>> No.16527587

there's no reason to be racist you pathetic piece of trash

>> No.16527746

What's racist about saying slanted eyed people are good cooks?

>> No.16528681

Looks delicious

>> No.16528691
File: 28 KB, 324x356, vzdt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lot of insults/and or compliments, I really only skimmed them.

The point is, there was probably not a single actual reason why stoves need to be clean, just the typical bleating of shepherds. please think before you speak unless you agreed with me then don't

>> No.16528724
File: 1.83 MB, 232x198, 1624862485992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hebrew national

>> No.16528732
File: 103 KB, 495x331, 1305388459210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is not a single reason you need to wash your hair and wear deodorant but everyone else still does it because they don't like being greasy and stinky. Stinky.

>> No.16528739

you know even though there are reasons for things I can still ignore them and do what I want

>> No.16528772
File: 13 KB, 319x320, 1611747482693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16529122

Post dog

>> No.16529954

is your dad still alive OP?

>> No.16530013

how are you still alive

>> No.16530071

yep and doing great

>> No.16530095

>having fireball with meals
Nothing wrong with washing food down with whiskey, but I don’t think I could handle doing it with overly sweet syrupy cinnamon whiskey.

>> No.16530105

Pulling out a cutting board to chop onion just for a couple hot dogs seems like an over-formality.
Why not just chop it on the plate you'll eventually serve the dogs on?

>> No.16530241
File: 257 KB, 960x1792, F3BD4F75-FDE4-431D-A729-529678C631D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast time for me lads

>> No.16530266
File: 345 KB, 599x846, neet_army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't because I'm a hikkineet that doesn't go outside and don't care. Sniff my pheromones normalfag

>> No.16530304

your alcohol will never be a vegetable

>> No.16530313


>> No.16530633

Your kitchen is beautiful and I love you for it.

>> No.16530917

>didnt read the comments
>still responds to them, innacurately
>le smug anime pic
anon yer a fuckin idiot. also youre dirty. good luck with the bugs you may attract, and the crap that might clog your burners (if you have a gas stove).

>> No.16530920

i wont get the opportunity because youre locked up inside your hugbox. maybe i can smell you from outside though.
yeah you can but then dont be surprised when people react the way they do