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16433415 No.16433415 [Reply] [Original]

is organic food a scam?

>> No.16433421

yes, no, maybe

>> No.16433422 [DELETED] 

Organic food is reddit

>> No.16433437

basically, yes
better foods probably are organic(locally produced, small scale, maybe even grown yourself), but when you buy something from the store thats labelled organic it just means that theres only certain fertilizers and pesticides that theyre allowed to use. same for anything thats says non-GMO
>oh lordy lord, heavens forbid i eat a drought resistant variety of wheat
its straight up greenwashing/appeal to nature, playing on peoples fear of science

>> No.16433476

I hate the natural argument when gmo is pretty broad, even meaning as much as just crossbreeding or whatever

>> No.16433593

some farm near me recently got sued because they have been selling organic food for 10 years that was really non organic food from another farm down the road.

>> No.16433607

Liberals want an easy label they can look for that says 'muh good, not bad' because they're brainlets that don't want to put any more effort than necessary into being faux virtuous when they could instead be getting STDs and complaining about only making $14.50/hr at McDonalds.

USDA Organic label means you have enough money to satisfy the letter of the law some paid off child molester in DC came up with and pay for the inspector to come out and say hur dur yup. It doesn't translate 1:1 into good farming practices or providing a good product/healthy eating. I'll buy local production from someone I know in the community without an Organic label over Monsanto USDA Organic every time.

>> No.16433723

Organic doesn't mean free of pesticides. Instead the pesticides used are plant derived, and are often more harmful to humans.

>> No.16433757


>> No.16433812

How you aren't implying Monsanto products are harmless

>> No.16433829

Only if it's made in China

>> No.16433972

Isn't the point to avoid ingesting traces or by-products of "normal" pesticides which is at least seen as worse than those controlled under the organic umbrella?
Most people seem to think organic means it has not been sprayed or chemically handled in any way so to them it would be a scam to buy organic.

>> No.16433988


>> No.16434024
File: 141 KB, 803x688, EC11E921-7E3A-4930-B0F6-F332AAEBDB5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant post, friend

>> No.16434038

People were freaking the fuck out over GMO’s and that label was made more or less to appease them. All thing considered its damn near the same thing it already was before, it just has a feel good label slapped onto it now. Obviously if you buy local at a farmers market or something thats an entirely different thing, but not everyone has steady access to that.
Pretty much this.

>> No.16434042

>Implying most of the people at the farmers' market aren't just reselling wholesale produce.

>> No.16434049

I don't know what shitty farmer's markets you and the other anon keep crying about full of indians selling fake shit but at mine you have to get a permit from the farmer's market, they interview you and do a visual check of your production area before granting you a slot. Random pakis don't just show up with bags of produce from walmart and start selling them. Lobby your local market to stop letting them do that if this is your reality.

>> No.16434051
File: 67 KB, 1200x675, FEF8B3E9-C43D-4896-908A-01A73476037A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw PAfag
Must suck having those shitty markets, as I have yet to be at one.

>> No.16434062

yes, take the rock pill

>> No.16434360
File: 65 KB, 750x747, △ ☆ 100101299_10158408163451963_4990506136844107776_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16434630

I will say this
I worked in a produce department.

A single case of organic apples at regular price (I wanna say 40 pounds?) Could take WEEKS to sell.

Towards the end we'd be throwing away more moldy apples than we were selling, so the quality of what was on the shelf was very poor.

For comparison most common apples we'll sell several cases per day.

Obviously depends on demographics in your area I guess.

>> No.16434726

taste the same spoils 5x faster

>> No.16434875

Real organic food which uses the implementation of cover crops and livestock to maintain and fertilize fields is not a scam. Most modern day agriculture is very unsustainable and will erode most of the natural soil by the end of the century. The use of synthetic fertilizers relies on fossil fuels and as a result is unsustainable. Tillage and chemical fertilizers are the reason the american dust bowl happened. Real farmers are soil farmers first and crop framers second. You need to maintain soil health in order for your fields to continue to sow crops many generations from now.
The benefits of cover crops cannot be understated. They naturally give nitrogen and deter weeds. The increase in natural insect fauna attracts many predators that keep pest populations in check (predatory wasps for example). The root mass that is kept in the soil undisturbed loosens the soil and holds water from rainfall. This is paramount for agricultural success. For one it prevents soil erosion and two it requires less water to grow crops which places that experience drought need to implement (california, the midwest, australia for example).

If the government actually was smart instead of subsidizing corn grown with shitty agriculture practice they would try and promote cover crop use.

Also livestock that eat cover crops as pasture help maintain and grow topsoil so we need to implement the use of animals like cattle in regular agriculture and move away from feedlots. The amount of land use to make a pound of beef would be similar but it would lack the same negative environmental negatives corn fed beef is associated with.

This is the only real organic method of farming that will allow us to keep farming the land a century from now.

>> No.16434969

>is organic food a scam?
of course it is.

>> No.16435123

now their customers can't buy organic food from them anymore, so they'll go buy organic from someone else who's doing the same thing

>> No.16435135

For vegetables, kinda. For animal products, no.

It makes no difference for the consumer, but organic farming guidelines have much stricter guidelines for animal welfare. For example, "free range" chickens have 0.11 m^2 per bird while EU "organic" chickens have 4.0

>> No.16435139

What are cover crops?

>> No.16435274

Yes but regular food thats has been approved by the FDA has marginal traces of that shit. Organic has less but less to negligible makes absolutely no difference. Mass produced organic food has the same quality control problema as regular food so also taste is not a given. Basically you are all fucking retarded.

>> No.16435391

in between cash crops (soy corn ,whatever you intend to sell for profit) You grow plants on the land that you just intend to kill and mulch. This functions in preventing the soil from eroding and keeping the soil biology alive. Crops like clover help add nitrogen to the soil for instance. Other crops like daikon radish are used as a natural tilling agent, able to break up the ground and control pests like slugs. Others like rye act as a nitrogen sink that helps sequester the nitrogen to be later slow released as they decompose when you kill them before your cash crop. It basically trying to mimic nature,since in nature soil is never left bare. Like in nature the greater variety of plants you grow as a cover crop the greater then benefit to the soil. Farmers who switch to cover crops save on nitrogen and other fertilizers since the plants sequester them and keep them in the soil.

>> No.16436747

Bless you.

>> No.16437704

No it doesnt you fucking retards
Selective breeding isnt GMO. Why cant Muttoids ever stop licking big pharma boots?

>> No.16437711

Probably the only good post in here, thanks anon. Cant stand the fucking incels who throw a contrarian hissy fit at everything they deem to be "leftist". They suck corporate cock but then go out and hate the vaccine made by these same companies.