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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16423162 No.16423162 [Reply] [Original]

Do onions count as vegetables?

>> No.16423163

They're quite sweet. I'd put them in the "Farts, Oils, & Sweets" category.

>> No.16423170

fuck else would they be?
even the sweetest onions aren't >5% sugar

>> No.16423215
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>> No.16423248

imagine following either of these without a shred of irony

>> No.16423259

Based on countless published studies of the allium genius - they are more aptly considered a cram it up my ass

>> No.16423262

Who is this allium genius of whom you speak

>> No.16423305

This is what they tell peasants to eat to make them stupid and less dissatisfied.
And onions aren't substantial food but they can add good flavor if they aren't bad.

>> No.16423321

well they have layers, so yes

>> No.16423370

>cram it up my ass

stop posting this in every thread you're not funny

>> No.16423381

>0-1 serving eggs
i eat 5 eggs a day, they cant do anything to change it
im very healthy too

>> No.16423600

This retarded pyramid is the reason the obesity and diabetes epidemics have run rampant in the Western world this past half century. They also don't seem to be slowing down.

>> No.16423629

Does an onion bear seeds?
It's a root vegetable

>> No.16423675

It's fascinating that they're putting ice cream and milkshake next to eggs and fish.

>> No.16423684

Do i count as a vegetable?

>> No.16423686

1 serving is 12 eggs

>> No.16423702
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>> No.16423707

This chart is so fucking stupid.
It should go:

Sweets & seed/vegetable oils (Use sparingly)
Fruits (1-2 servings)
Breads, cereals, rice, e.t.c (2-3 servings)
Milk, Yogurt, Cheese (2-3 servings)
Meats, eggs, beans, nuts, fish (3-5 servings)
Vegetables (5-8 servings)

>> No.16423713

Sorry, forgot to put healthy oils (EVOO) and fat/butter in the meat category.

>> No.16423719

Could probably put breads down with sweets and I'd 100% agree with you.

>> No.16423736

I'm no ketotard. I like my rice and I like my grains, but I don't think it should be eaten much - you should have 3x the amount of veggies and 2x the amount of meat you do of grains.
People who completely eliminate grains are just foolish.

>> No.16423768

Shit, when did they update it? I've been limiting myself to the old recommendation of 11 servings of grain a day, when I'm actually entitled to 12 servings, no wonder I'm always hungry. Also Soy getting its own sector concerns me, I'm probably soy deficient, as I didn't realize it was a dietary requirement. Should I start bulking on soy no to make up for lost time?

>> No.16423776

>It's a root vegetable
Do potatoes count as root vegetables? If I can get all my veg from potatoes and onions that would be convenient, as they're affordable and don't spoil quickly.

>> No.16423809
File: 193 KB, 324x324, 1555989053797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a potato bear seeds?
It's a root vegetable

>> No.16423810

>people who completely eliminate grains are just foolish.
people who completely eliminate grains are just *healthier.*
There I fixed your typo.

>> No.16423847

You're as bad as vegans.

>> No.16423855

he means healthier as in weight management, not nutrients or vitamins

>> No.16423864

Difference is the ketogenic diet has been shown time and time again to improve weight, reverse diabetes, improve blood lipids in hundreds of clinical trials. Also you can do keto and still be vegan its just more difficult.

>> No.16423869

Potatoes have fruit and seeds moron.

>> No.16423873


>> No.16423879

Or not its your choice but if you want to reverse diabetes through diet there is a clear option.

>> No.16423893

The potato PLANT also grows berries, but the actual part that you eat, the 'tuber', is a root vegetable. If you're implying the tuber is a fruit because the plant grows berries too, that's like saying the entire tree an apple grows on is a fruit.

>> No.16423894

Give it time. In 20 years it'll be widely known to reduce heart disease and cancer rates as well. The corporate-approved government dietary recommendations are already comical. I think it's going to get a little bit worse, but soon most practicing doctors are going to defect.

>> No.16423966

Nobody follows dietary recommendation charts. Maybe people are eating too many carbs, but if they are it's because carbs are easy, cheap and tasty.

>> No.16423979

This is false since people were told to increase carbohydrate and reduce fat and red meat since the 77 USDA guidelines they have indeed done so. Even if that wasn't the case these guidelines determine what is fed in hospitals, schools, to the military, WIC programs and more. The entire food industry shifted to providing low fat products because the official recommended diet became low fat. What happens when you remove the fat from products? They taste like shit so they have to add sugar and refined carbs to retain good taste.

>> No.16423981
File: 75 KB, 1148x936, 1614419641098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans and presumably the other countries these guidelines were exported too followed them and the ensuing epidemics of diabetes, obesity, and related chronic diseases followed.

>> No.16423990
File: 157 KB, 720x540, 1613099833930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to gaslight retard.

>> No.16424017

Based antimatter fat graph

>> No.16424027
File: 1.13 MB, 1022x731, 1599361365398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take the bait and explain that this is a relative reduction in total fats consumed not "antimatter." What his graph also doesn't show is the monumental shift in what fats we've been eating from natural animal fats to polyunsaturated vegetable oils.

>> No.16424060

How do I prepare onions so that I don't stink of them for 2 days afterwards?

>> No.16424120

I don't think the food pyramid is really so influential. The chart says to consume large quantities of "bread cereal rice and pasta" and only very small quantities of "fats oils and sweets". But bread and pasta consumption is not increasing, while sugar and oil consumption is. Sugar and bread are both "carbs", but it's not helpful to conflate them. I do think Americans are eating more rice, but overall the trends don't match up well with what the chart recommends.

The term "carbs" is too ambiguous. Soda is 100% carbs, and people are drinking too much of it, and that's reflected in graphs that show increasing carb consumption, but it's not what the designers of the food pyramid had in mind (I hope).

But the fact that this chart shows a breakfast cereal box in the bottom row is heinous. The muffin should be removed too.

>> No.16424127

>improve weight, reverse diabetes, improve blood lipids
Those are the same benefits you get from giving up processed food. I'm not sure if you'd get those benefits by technically doing keto while consuming a lot of low quality processed food, like cheap vegetable oil.

I'm not saying that keto doesn't work though, I'm just not convinced it's because carbs are inherently bad compared to the damage too much processed food will do. Like I stopped eating desserts with white flour and sugar and lost 30~ pounds, even though I still bake whole wheat bread and eat quite a bit of it every day. But it's also good that keto promotes the consumption of nutritious satiating foods like animal products, as I still end up getting most of my calories from meat/cheese/eggs/butter along with the bread that I eat. My weight stays right in the middle of what's considered normal for my height and I don't bother counting calories, I just eat until I feel satisfied.

>> No.16424130

God this chart gives me headaches, what a fucking shit show, no wonder everyone is obese and dying

>> No.16424133

>give the stupid goyim a confusing gay chart to make them malnourished and functionally retarded when it comes to nutrition

>> No.16424143

Most people aren't following that pyramid though. The average person in the USA consumes like 70g of sugar per day which is far from "use sparingly". People would probably actually be better off if they followed the chart, although the recommended amount of grain consumptions is still too high for most people but even if you ate that amount in whole grains you'd be better off than the people eating tons of desserts and drinking soda all the time.

>> No.16424182
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They really are much more influential than you think they inform what is fed to kids in schools, military personnel whom also have an obesity epidemic at the moment, in hospitals, and so on. Picrel is standard hospital food which conforms with the dietary guidelines.

You can get similar effects just likely to a lesser degree just by improving the quality of carbohydrate you consume which is exactly what you did. Keto diets are the extreme of a spectrum of carbohydrate restriction/modification and not necessary for everybody but the clinical trials show them to be a powerful tool for reversing many disease states.

>> No.16424185

no one knows what the chart means which is why no one follows it.

11 servings of fucking grains nigga? what the fuck does that mean, eat 11 bowls of cereal a day?
use fats sparingly but consume yogurt and cheese which is like 75% fat? not to mention that it recommends a meager 6 “servings” whatever the fuck that means of actual protein compared to the 20 servings of pure carbs and fiber. the food pyramid fucked me up as a kid and its part of the reason I became a hungry skeltal

>> No.16424199
File: 262 KB, 1365x1024, 1602318827253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to a T but the population has shifted their diet in the direction of conforming with the guidelines. Also reminder that the guidelines allow up to 10% calories from sugar so your argument doesn't really hold up.

>> No.16424215 [DELETED] 

horrible bait, i think reddit might be more of your speed pal

>> No.16424219
File: 400 KB, 1976x1452, 1619086463375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guidelines are extremely important.

>> No.16424226

Yeah you're right. There's no standard for what a serving size is either. Like some sites say 16g of whole grain is a serving, which would be fairly reasonable for 6-11 servings per day. But my bag of whole wheat flour says 30g is one serving, and my bag of brown rice says 45g is one serving. Obviously there will be a big difference between treating 16g as a serving compared to 30 or 45g.

>> No.16424230

10/10 deflecting from the real issues with these guidelines

>> No.16424242 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up you dumb asshole

>> No.16424244


>> No.16424250

hurr durr wHaT EvEn iS A SeRvINg?

All the while ignoring the rampant epidemics of diet related diseases. Congrats you're just another mindless cattle.

>> No.16424270 [DELETED] 

i bet you took the vaccine retard

>> No.16424278

+1 deflect/10
Did you inject your insulin today your brain seems to be running at low capacity at the moment?

>> No.16424287

That food looks horrible, but how can it conform with the guidelines? It doesn't make sense, that tray is like half sugar. Concentrated fruit juice is just sugar, rice krispies are obvious, almond milk is almost always sweetened. It's guaranteed that even that bagel has tons of sugar. Someone really fucked up if that was their attempt to create a meal in accordance with the food pyramid recommendations.

>> No.16424296

I'll cram you up there you mother fucker.

>> No.16424299

This is from a large hospital which does deals with industry to provide food that conforms to the guidelines. The same happens in schools, nursing homes, prisons, and more. As for the fruit juice that is likely due to the stipulation that some of the fruit requirement can be filled as fruit juice. But yes its an obscene amount of sugar and carbohydrate which is a main failing of these guidelines.

>> No.16424472
File: 67 KB, 730x569, USDA_Food_Pyramid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The food pyramid recommends avoiding both fats and added sugars. Swapping one for the other wouldn't do anything to get your diet closer to what the pyramid recommends. And people haven't reduced fat intake, they've moved away from butter and lard and toward refined oils (a type of food the pyramid highly discourages).

Also, the pyramid groups red meat and poultry together. Americans are consuming less red meat, but much more poultry. Total meat consumption is pretty stable, so what does that have to do with the food pyramid?

>> No.16424527 [DELETED] 

They reccomend reducing saturated fat (found in red meat and diary), we did, they recommend increasing fruits and vegetables, we did, more grains, we did. The guidelines stepped away from the language of a low fat diet but in reality they still recommend a high carb diet. Also allowing up to half of the grains to be in refined grains. Add on top of that the allowance of 10% calories from sugar and there you've just seen the most likely explanation for the explosion of diabetes, obesity, and more diet related diseases. And before yo saw we didn't follow the guidelines scroll up in the thread and you will see that is wrong.

>> No.16424529

Why do all these pyramids fetishize grains so much? They're convenient and cheap but I've never seen anything that suggests they're particularly good for you or anything. If anything, nomadic tribes always tended to leave taller and healthier skeletons than grain-eating sedentary civilizations.

That and all these pyramids hate meat for some reason and I'm not sure there's any basis for that, either.

>> No.16424547

They reccomend reducing saturated fat (found in red meat and diary), we did, they recommend increasing fruits and vegetables, we did, more grains, we did. The guidelines stepped away from the language of a low fat diet but in reality they still recommend a high carb diet. Also allowing up to half of the grains to be in refined grains. Add on top of that the allowance of 10% calories from sugar and there you've just seen the most likely explanation for the explosion of diabetes, obesity, and more diet related diseases. And before you say we didn't follow the guidelines scroll up in the thread and you will see that is wrong.

The anti red meat is because of the saturated fat content being "associated" with ill health. In reality the data was never of good quality but Ancel Keys got himself and his lackey on the AHA nutrition committee and began pushing this as a "heart healthy" diet and it got enshrined in policy and the rest is history.

>> No.16424565

>red meat is because of the saturated fat content being "associated"
*and weakly associated*

>> No.16424582

The most critical items to avoid according to the guidelines are added sugar, fats and oils. Do you think that Americans have done a good job of following that recommendation?

>> No.16424603

A serving of meat is 3 oz, but a serving of whole grain is only about 1/2 oz. Hunter-gatherers did eat grains too though, but more meat/fat and honey which provides a lot of calories.

>> No.16424677

No you are wrong once and dodging the point. When first introduced the top recommendations were +carbs, we did that, reduce fat and particularly sat fat, and we did. And they also don't advise against fats as long as they are polyunsaturated fats like vegetable oils or monos like what is mostly in olive oil. And to reiterate the other point you keep dodging is that they allow up to ten percent of calories from sugar. Surely you're a shill and not actually this gullible?

>> No.16424694
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Looks to me like we mostly did.

>> No.16424695

>a vegetable
Why are people so retarded?

>> No.16424714

>corn a vegetable
>potato a vegetable
12 servings of grain + 5 servings of corn and potato for your veg.

>> No.16424724
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What does it look like to you shlomo?

>> No.16424781
File: 103 KB, 1242x683, 52CC33B1-C05C-465E-AB45-C0011A94AFC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when we were much healthier

>> No.16424800

You refused to answer the question but the answer is no, Americans have not followed the food pyramid guidelines and reduced their consumption of added sugars, fats and oils.

You refer to some set of recommendations that does not discourage the consumption and oils. Meanwhile, every single food pyramid posted in this thread advises that oils be consumed less than all other foods. Weird.

10% of calories from sugar is clearly too high, that sounds stupid. I don't see that recommendation on the food pyramid though, do you? Maybe you could point it out to me?

>> No.16424830

These are the original guidelines my evidence ignoring friend.

Dietary Goals for the United States (“The Recommendations”) was published in January 1977, which were as follows:
1. Increase carbohydrate consumption to account for 55 to 60 percent of the energy (caloric) intake.
2. Reduce overall fat consumption from approximately 40 to 30 percent energy intake.
3. Reduce saturated fat consumption to account for about 10 percent of total energy intake;
and balance that with poly-unsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats, which should account
for about 10 percent energy each.
4. Reduce cholesterol consumption to about 300mg a day.
5. Reduce sugar consumption by about 40 percent to account for about 15 percent of total
energy intake
6. Reduce salt consumption by about 50 to 85 percent to approximately 3 grams a day.
The committee then went on to suggest specific changes in food selection and preparation to achieve these dietary goals:
1. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables and whole grains.
2. Decrease consumption of meat and increase consumption of poultry and fish.
3. Decrease consumption of foods high in fat and partially substitute poly-unsaturated fat
for saturated fat.
4. Substitute non-fat for whole milk.
5. Decrease consumption of butterfat, eggs and other high cholesterol sources.
6. Decrease consumption of sugar and foods high in sugar content.
7. Decrease consumption of salt and foods high in salt content.

>> No.16424836

You're right that we are consuming more sugar than is recommended but on nearly every other metric we moved towards conforming with the guidelines as I've shown.

>> No.16424842
File: 180 KB, 722x685, okinawadiseases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile the traditional Okinawan diet is >80% carbs and those who eat it are some of the healthiest and longest-living people on earth. You can't focus on macronutrients alone. Carbs aren't the enemy. If Americans replaced soda and chips with sweet potatoes and beans we wouldn't need to talk about any of this.

>> No.16424859

Pointless observation that shows no causal information is pointless. What can show causal information are randomized clinical trials which there are nearly a hundred of on carbohydrate restricted diets which consistently find greater weight loss, diabetes reversal, and more health improvements relative to controls or other diets. Keep on cherry picking dogshit data though I've probably seen it all already.

>> No.16424893

If you don't understand why your data is not relevant read below. Or don't I'm sure you're as wedded to your ideas as the next retard

>> No.16424894

whoa.............. it's almost like............. refined carbohydrates aren't good for you......

>> No.16424908

Or high carbohydrate diets refined or otherwise aren't good for you. One being worse doesn't preclude the other from also being harmful.

>> No.16424916

Yeah Americans have definitely moved towards conforming with the recommendation to reduce consumption of oils, as proven here in this chart which shows a larger percentage increase in the consumption of oil than for any other type of food.

>> No.16424926

of course not, too much of any food isn't good for you. That's why the aim is for a balanced diet

>> No.16424935

Balanced for whom? We are looking at majority diabetic or pre diabetic population in the US with similar numbers in the rest of the world. If you look at the recommendations they are still for high carbohydrate diets even though they have removed the "low-fat" language once common in previous guidelines. We have been getting sicker and sicker and the guidelines have virtually remained the same.

>> No.16424945

Are you being this retarded on purpose?
"3. Decrease consumption of foods high in fat and partially substitute poly-unsaturated fat
for saturated fat."
Substituting vegetable oils for animal fats was one of the recommendations idiot.

>> No.16424951
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>all these pyramids hate meat for some reason
You know the reason.

>> No.16424970

This entire thread and chain of comments originated from a post about the food pyramid, which very clearly tells people to reduce consumption of oils. Learn to read and follow a conversation instead of inserting your autistic personal vendetta against some other set of guidelines into a discussion that wasn't about them. Every single food pyramid image advises that oils be consumed sparingly. Americans have not taken this advice, just like they have not followed the recommendation to reduce sugar intake.

>> No.16425018

Cool but once again you are wrong. We have followed the guidelines in almost every way. More veg, more fruit, more grains, less fat, less saturated fat, more monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats. I literally posted the text of the original guidelines above and you ignore it because you're braindead.

>> No.16425040

The conversation wasn't about the guidelines that you brought up halfway through the thread, it was about the food pyramid. Do you understand this? Is anything getting through? There are topics besides your own bitter obsession. Maybe you should try to read through the thread again, as a learning exercise. The food pyramid advises that oil and sugar consumption be reduced to minimal levels, and this has not happened. You are also lying about trends in fruit and vegetable consumption, Americans do not consume these foods at anywhere near recommended levels.

>> No.16425042

no meat?

>> No.16425047

that's a vegetarian-specific version, hence the tofu

>> No.16425063

Your retardation levels are quite impressive. I wonder where this magical pyramid comes from? Less fat and more grains that sounds an awful lot like the dietary guidelines.

>> No.16425064
File: 668 KB, 1242x2208, B2967959-039D-4429-9AD0-4347FB951E55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And once again yes we did shift our diet more towards these guidelines but your stick head in the sand move is a powerful one I must admit.

>> No.16425074

That's all you could come up with to cover your pride huh? Next time practice reading a bit before you lash out with some stupid diatribe about your irrelevant little pet peeve.

The fact is, Americans have not adopted the diet advised by the the food pyramid. Oil and sugar consumption is very high, while the pyramid specifically discourages consumptions of these foods.

>> No.16425085

Yeah I'm glad people are incorporating more carbohydrates into their diets in the form of added sugars, exactly like the pyramid recommends.

>> No.16425086

Where does this magical pyramid come from? Surely it couldn't be the dietary guidelines? Once again the top recommendations being eat more carbohydrate, less fat, and in particular less saturated fat. Further down the list is eat more vegetables, more fruit, less red meat, less full fat dairy. We did ALL OF that. But clearly we're not following them as is shown in...
Are you actually this stupid or is this just a 10/10 bait?

>> No.16425093

Also eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables just as recommended. Less red meat, more fish just as recommended. Need I go on retard?

>> No.16425111

Americans haven't reduced their consumption of fat, they slightly reduced consumption of animal fats and increased consumption of oils. Overall consumption of fat hasn't declined, and refined oil and sugar consumption are still well in excess of food pyramid recommendations. Fruit and vegetable consumption remains inadequate. Full fat milk has declined, but cheese is being consumed more and more. American diets do not match the diet suggested by the pyramid.

>> No.16425115

But how else would we get baby potato bears?

>> No.16425118
File: 79 KB, 904x664, dFo3zit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally no one who could claim that Americans eat a sufficient amount of fruit and vegetables to be in compliance with any sort of dietary recommendations. You're hilarious.

>> No.16425119

Asia eats nothing but carbs. Their diabetes rates are greater than the united states but obesity is way way lower. Explain then how you can correlate carbohydrates with either of diseases?

>> No.16425296


>> No.16425402

because grain crops are heavily subsidised by the US goverment, that's why
Decades of lobbying brought you here

>> No.16425805

The problem isn't that the servings are ambuiguous, the problem is that the whole chart is fucked up
Carbs isn't the most important nutrient that you should eat, in fact, it's one of the lesser ones, and it's certainly should not be the most important part of your diet.
The biggest part should debatably be veggies, then protein in 2nd place, carbs is just retarded

>> No.16425810
File: 142 KB, 1215x581, 5D1F9BFB-89D8-4DD3-840D-6CE809542BB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The biggest part should debatably be veggies, then protein in 2nd place, carbs is just retarded
Vegetables are carbs you complete and utter fucking retard.

>> No.16425815
File: 32 KB, 817x891, 1606919024580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not carbs, they contain carbs, you god damned fucking brainlet retard, and they're also contain extremely low calories in contrast to volume/weight
Imagine saying veggies are carbs, for fuck's sake

>> No.16425826

You’re a moron, mate.

>> No.16425828
File: 319 KB, 881x661, 1607865960822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat 3kg of broccoli to get 1000 calories
>Eat 375g of white bread to get 1000 calories
Fucking retarded mongoloid

>> No.16425830

Eat more heavily subsidised refined monocrops, goyim

>> No.16425833

calories are bad?

>> No.16425837
File: 116 KB, 645x729, 1608046222632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but no wonder your brainlet retarded brain would understand that from my post

>> No.16426048

Onion plants can bear seeds, they are usually harvested in the first season before they go to seed

>> No.16427406

Any other takes on OP question? Consensus seems to be that onions do count as vegetables because they have layers and no seeds.

>> No.16427431

I guess the issue is arranging it by what's considered a serving size, which is why I've seen more using a plate and showing how much each food group should take up.

With the food pyramid, 6-11 servings of grain at 16g per serving is 96-176g of whole grain. 2-3 servings of meat at 84g per serving is 168-252g of meat. So it is actually recommending to eat more meat than grain overall, but the difference in serving size makes it seem like it's the opposite.