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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16421742 No.16421742 [Reply] [Original]

Channeling Edition

>What ya drinking?
>Where's it from?
>You getting any more?

Previous Thread:

>> No.16421756

Drinking a
Ketiara Co-op
Central Aceh, North Sumatra
1200-1500 m.a.s.l
variety: catimor, bourbon, typica
Processing: gilling basah/wet-hulled

Made an americano, this was my first shot with my new grinder (1ZPresso JE-Plus) so it was a bit under-extracted. Looking forward to my afternoon coffee to adjust and try again. I'll take a video of that one so y'all can see.

Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.16422244

Ok, everybody talks about colombian coffee. But, is justified? What other countries produce good coffee?

There was this girl promoting a brand of coffee from Bulgaria, and I'm like damn, I didn't even know that place could produce coffee. Do you think it would be any good?

>> No.16422412

Ethiopia, Sumatra, Indonesia, Bolivia, Mexico.

Also I'd be wondering if the coffee was roasted in bulgaria or grown in bulgaria. Probably roasted
The sky is the limit, chief!

>> No.16422435
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how can I replicate this? it's legitimately
very tasty and I usually turn my nose up at Shitbucks

>> No.16423371

I'd start by buying beans, grinding them, and letting them extract in cold water. Then tweaking the ratio to taste. What have you tried?
I enjoy the blog. I think I'm going to order the key later tonight. 10 left on the all in package and those glass bean tubes get my dick hard.

>> No.16423430

Currently drinking:

Country: Kenya
Farm: Chinga
Processing method: Washed
Varietals: SL28 & SL34 AB
Average rainfall: 1,200–1,500 mm
Altitude: 1,795 m.a.s.l.

Its ok. My first subscription from Hasbean. Have made a few nice V60 although having to dose slightly higher because it is a touch thin for my taste.

>> No.16423465

You can probably get Starbucks beans quite easily. Combine (roughly) 8 parts cold water to 1 part ground coffee. Leave in the fridge for 24 hours before filtering and drinking.

>> No.16423574

I've been thinking the best way to do cold brew would be to get your beans ground on the nice grinders at the shop, then immediately take em home and brew. Based or botched?

>> No.16423621

Based way to make coffee for the week without a grinder. For coarse cold brew, even the bunn grinders at your grocery store will work.

>> No.16423640
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That's nice but this is the one for me. I drink these like water .

>> No.16423659

Maybe im a tastelet but I think expensive coffee is wasted on cold brew. I normally buy supermarket beans or pre ground for cold brew. Its half the price of using specialty coffee.

>> No.16423740

You could go either way with it, but I think it's probably one of the most fool-proof ways to extract good coffee, especially if you can get a good grind.

>> No.16423745

>sugar & dairy
no thanks
it has a creamy flavour to it that i've never been able to replicate.

>> No.16423759

flair retard from last thread here. used a 1.0 setting on a kinu and it took me like 2 minutes to get it all out. then i went to 1.4 and i actually hit the "espresso" range on the pressure gauge with a decent extraction time. seems like my kinu settings are different from some of the guides i saw online suggesting 2.0

>> No.16423770
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>specialty coffee now up to $20 a bag

>> No.16423964
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Print this out for reference.
Roast your own. Just roasted an ethiopian I got for ~$6/lb.

>> No.16423996

A pound of green roasts up to about 12oz at round about city roast. Most of the time you'll wind up with something between $7-8/lb, depending on your roast level. That ain't bad though considering you can get premium shit for slightly less than middle-of-the-road grocery store coffees. The brand name roasters have pretty much all been bought out by one big corporation now. Prices are fucking shit for middling coffee at $8-12 for 10oz bags. It's "inflation" except it's not. They're just greedy.

>> No.16424048

just got 20 pounds brazilian yesterday, buying small quantities of something is for the shabbos goyim

>> No.16424086

Yeah. It's challenging to get into it though. The initial investments and not knowing what kinds of coffees you really like make it a long process. You can't really skip the trial and error stages.

>> No.16424090

There are no guides that can tell you what you like. Good luck, everyone.

>> No.16424135

Yes, I own a scale. I'm well aware of what the beans weigh before and after I roast them.

>> No.16424155

get single variety beans, as far as equipment not much is really needed the only improvement over stove top and heatguns are chaff collectors and mechanized stirring, which do not improve end result just reduce work, in any way you still have to babysit the roast for 10 minutes.
the process is just high heat until beans dry, medium heat until first crack, low heat until ready, then cool the beans (i use a vaccum cleaner, a frying basket and a cardboard box).

>> No.16424163
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Good evening /ctg/

>> No.16424251

I was helping noobs to understand the weight loss so they can make informed price comparisons.

>> No.16424263

You are noobs. That's not a contribution.

>> No.16424277

Great. I'll sit this thread out again.
Enjoy the gearfagging, youtube fagposting, and enlightened discussions on the merits of instant coffee.

>> No.16424313
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Don't worry, I'll flood it with sep graphs and artisan logs.

>> No.16425303


>> No.16425421
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How are you going to drink through it all before it loses its freshness?

>> No.16425509

Almost fell for 2020 Brikka meme until I found this video yesterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN_JOOgbpc0
Based boomer just saved me another 50 bucks

>> No.16425636

So I'm now rich, what do I buy to make the perfect coffee?

>> No.16425647
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>want to find a good kinu grind setting for flair
>practice pulling shots with shitty supermarket beans
>yields different grind size than expensive specialty beans
theres just no winning is there

>> No.16425653
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Indonesian "kopi" beans. Very fruity flavor.

>> No.16425660

Saw this video too and it deterred me as well. My regular moka is good enough.

I have a 3-cup but personally I’m liking my one cup more and more, I’m getting used to smaller 4-5oz drinks.

>> No.16425668

La Pavoni Europiccola
Good beans

>> No.16425682

A Nespresso original line. Unless you wanna spend 20 minutes a day cleaning and maintaining your various consoomer coffee apparatus

>> No.16425729
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I bought green coffee and roasted it on my cast iron. I'm afraid I've unlocked a new stage of autism where I'm going to get obsessive and spend hundreds of hours perfecting my technique. Why do I have to have autism. Why can't I be normal

>> No.16425782

roasting a pound at time

>> No.16425860
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It's ok fren, enjoy the good coffee, roasting it yourself is a perfectly valid hobby

>> No.16426349
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Is coffee addiction/dependency a meme? Recently I've felt so unwell and exhausted all the time and the only relief I get is when I drink coffee but it only lasts an hour until I need another. I've been drinking about 4-5 cups a day for a few years now I've always thought I managed fine but I think it might actually be a problem.

>inb4 'is coffee bad for you?'

I am honestly not trying to be annoying because I know how annoying 'coffee addicts' are I am struggling a lot right now and I need advice because it's affecting my life and mental health and I think I need to cut down on caffeine but I really don't want to because drinking coffee is genuinely the favourite part of my day

>> No.16426382

>Is coffee addiction/dependency a meme?
nah b, drinking 5 cups of coffee a day for years is perfectly healthy and won't affect any aspect of your life. decaf has gotten much much better tho, check local roasters for good options if you wanna wane off.

>> No.16426411

Ok that is kind of a relief but part of me was hoping it was actually the coffee its probably silly to think quitting caffeine would solve all my problems. Also I cant stand decaf I might try a nice one from my local place but idk I have never felt satisfied when I've drank decaf its not the same

>> No.16426434
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I didnt realize you needed heckin tone indicators *tips fedora* my bad b. It's not specifically the coffee, you're clearly going through caffeine withdrawal. You should quit caffeine for two weeks and see if you feel any better. I offered decaf as a placeholder to help you wane off, but going to tea/seltzer can help too.

>> No.16426483

Oops my bad lol I have autism and I now realise you were being sarcastic but thanks for the advice anyway I might try switching to green tea or something for a bit

>> No.16426516

god bless you, green tea has caffeine as well though.

>> No.16427015

A Nespresso machine is more expensive than any good home coffee maker(v60+kettle, French press, or moka pot) not to mention the pods are a good bit more expensive than just buying beans. Buying an expensive machine and it's refills so you don't have to do any work or develop any knowledge is peak "consoomer", idiot.

>> No.16427388

Weber key.

>> No.16427466

a coffee farm with enough sun to dry process beans, your first cup will be in about 3 years

>> No.16427703

Sipping on 33g I snagged from last night's roast. Osmotic, cafec light, origami. Unbelievably sweet berry flavor with a bit of a floral back. Almost jasminey.

>> No.16427839

>What ya drinking?
Decaf peet's coffee made in my french press
>Where's it from?
>You getting any more?

French press produces the best coffee: effort ratio. Prove me wrong. Siltfags need not apply, they're doing it wrong.

>> No.16428013

New attempt with moka pot. A bit more coffee, a bit less water and cold water, heating at medium-low. The stale taste is finally gone.

>> No.16428801

Huh, I just got some coffee grind for french press. But is finely grind, down to a point it almost feel like powder or talcum, I'm not even sure if I should boil it or sniff.

Anyway, is this the apropiate grind for french press? It taste nice, I guess.

>> No.16428884


>> No.16429504
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Picolo latte (tiny cafe latte) with chocolatey nutty flavored beans.

>> No.16429972

Was grinding too coarse since I thought the slow v60 drawdown was due to the bean instead of too many fines choking the brew. My Ethiopian anaerobic is much better now, feels bad having wasted a few grams due to dialing in.

>> No.16429975

french press is a bit coarser

>> No.16429979
File: 24 KB, 750x750, wilfa-uniform-coffee-grinder-silver-without-scale-614827_900x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I need a better grinder but why the fuck are they so expensive? When is this coming back in stock in the EU?

>> No.16430391

dug out my chemex and made a dark roast and it was really good. dark roast does not get the respect it deserves.

>> No.16430491

sorry I haven't taken a video. Trying to nail down ratios and my current scale is too big, so I can't get a good shot of the portafilter. Buying a new slim scale so that I can get everything in one shot
>inb4 consoom
My current scale doesn't fit under the flair well and is only 'precise' to the gram. Going to get one with .1g precision (for drugs)

>> No.16430557

Welp I complained about the last thread and here i am fucking again. What is this youtube shit posting, spotify links now? Milk in your fucking coffee? Where the fuck are the logs? Kinufag where are you? Screw this shit I'm going to reddit and home barista. Peace out
The only good post in this thread

>> No.16430603

reddit is far worse off, they still get shills for the timemore c2, even if the grinder sucks and people complain about one thread a week

>> No.16430610

which one? I shill the m47 every chance I get.

>> No.16430858

burr shortage

>> No.16431527

>Kinufag where are you?
Right there, posting the roastlogs breh. What else you wanna see? I'm the bozo with the m47p and the ngrrigged popcorn poppler.

>> No.16431543


>> No.16432536

bumping for french piss is ass

>> No.16432648

What's your grinder cost?

>> No.16432718

Half step above aeropiss if you ask me.

>> No.16433896
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Chill, man. Maybe have some decaf.

>> No.16433899

i mix 100g of coarse coffee into around 1.3L of water and leave it in the fridge for around 20h. why does my coldbrew not work? i don't feek anything after drinking it

>> No.16434357

Post grinder faggot

>> No.16434615

whats the cheapest manual grinder that would be acceptable for espresso

>> No.16434622
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>Folgers Columbian roast, the cold leftovers from yesterday
>drinking till the pot is dry

>> No.16434812

Porlex Mini

>> No.16434963
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Who /DF64/ here?

>> No.16435113

I had left out grinder because I figured buying pre-ground is most comparable to buying pods. $100 grinder, $20 French press or v60, and $30 electric kettle does put you at the same price as nespresso but gives you way better coffee now that you can have freshly ground actually good beans.

>> No.16435362

Does stirring pourover coffee in the cup make a difference?

>> No.16435398
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have any of you ever used a kingrinder? apparently the guys at 1zpresso launched a new brand. i'm looking at the k6 for around 100$ on taobao. it weighs 630g, 48mm 6-point burr, 60 steps to dial it in. seems insane for the price. i don't have a grinder right now and don't want to upgrade in the near future, what do you guys think about this?


>> No.16435861

probably. the water at the bottom drips through first, meaning the water at the top has been in contact with the coffee longer. essentially the first half of the cup will be less extracted than the second half. if you're catching in a carafe and pouring from there anyway I'd say that'd be enough, but if you're doing 1-cups straight into the mug a stir couldn't hurt to homogenize the flavour a little

>> No.16435900

>tamp medium
>fast shot
>tamp light
>choked shot
convince me that this shit isn't just voodoo

>> No.16436100
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getting into coffee, had a mr coffee but went out and got pic related instead, is it acceptable? it definitely tastes better than normal cheap mr coffee

>> No.16436109

Its unironically the best.
Don't let pour over cucks tell you otherwise.

>> No.16436157

it makes supermarket trash beans taste acceptable. if you use quality specialty beans youre missing out using an aeropiss

>> No.16437409

simple to use, hard to fuck up. a great entry point into coffee. espresso and pourover can net you a little more nuance/complexity from the coffee, but plenty of morons dive into that without knowing the first thing about it and end up wasting good beans anyway. As you develop your palette/knowledge I recommend upgrading but it's definitely really solid across the board

>> No.16437495
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9Barista and Nanofoamer. I don't care about muh latte art

>> No.16437574

Because its far too weak. Try adding about 800ml of water rather than 1300ml.

>> No.16437576

Aeropress is fine and lots of people like them.

Also, my coworker brought in her nespresso machine, are they any good? I'm tracking that they probably don't make "real espresso", probably because of lacking "9 bars of pressure", I'm just asking if they make a decent cuppa.

>> No.16437596

Nespresso is too weak for me because~6 grams of coffee per pod

>> No.16437618

okay then, so it's a glorified keurig, I guess.

>> No.16439375

coof in the nick of time.

>> No.16439396

>What ya drinking?
Store Brand Sumatra beans hand ground, then steeped in a French press.
>Where's it from?
Stop & Shop
>You getting any more?
I'll probably run through their other variations of whole beans first.

>> No.16439424

That's because it's infused with nitrogen before bottling/serving. Get a whipper like pic related and get nitrogen cylinders. Do not confuse nitrogen and nitrous oxide, both are available but only nitrogen works for this.

>> No.16439429
File: 5 KB, 166x304, whipper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot the pic, here it is.

>> No.16439774

Lewis is a cunt.

>> No.16440172

my new beans are 30% denser than my last, my moka pots brews are almost explosive. my turkish grinds will make me ascend

>> No.16440202

the creamy flavour you mean?

>> No.16440216

Yes, it gives cold brew a nice creamy texture. Look up "nitro brew" It's like cold brew but with nitrogen dissolved in it.

>> No.16441516

Agree. Should have been a drive through penalty at the very least.

>> No.16441638

>but only nitrogen works for this.
That is definitely not true

>> No.16441861
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Mornings are a rush. So I have a coffee chimney/parachute when I get to work.

>> No.16441884 [DELETED] 

Nitrous oxide is a strong oxidizing agent, it will give your brew a foamy texture sure, but the free oxygen is gonna ruin the flavor compounds in matter of minutes it also doesn't give the brew the nice subtle "sweet" flavor nitrogen gives. With nitrogen, you can infuse the brew and leave it in the whipper for a very long time, go ahead and try doing the same with nitrous oxide, post results. And finally, nitrogen dissolve quite well in water. Nitrous oxide is more miscible in lipids, and most of my fresh brews do not contain any fats.

>> No.16441949

Fucking oath

>> No.16441963

In using a flair signature with the naked basket.

When I pull a shot, the majority of the liquid pools into the middle and then trickles in to the cup as it should. But then I also get a jet of coffee firing out one of the holes in the bottom of the basket and going everywhere.

Anyone know whats happening?

>> No.16442002

>coffee chimney/parachute

>> No.16442093

same thing is happening to me. i keep going a little finer and it seems to be helping. it also might be due to tamping which for me is more difficult to control

>> No.16442146

Probably channelling - basically when you grind and distribute the coffee in the basket, if there's any pockets where coffee is not packed at the same density, it lets water through there easier, so the water takes the lazy way and runs through that "channel" and comes out with higher pressure, resulting in the spurting you're seeing.

As a starting idea you can try using a paper clip as a stirrer in the basket when you dose it with ground coffee, that's very effective at getting rid of clumps. You can also try "sweeping" in a circular motion with your finger to level the bed, or a couple of taps on a surface to level, all of this before you tamp.

If you hit up YouTube searching for "espresso channelling distribution" you'll probably find a fuckload of good ideas, ranging from free, to cheap, to expensive. The good news is that now you know that it's happening, it's definitely fixable and it's actually something that makes a genuinely tastable difference when you fix it.

>> No.16442350

So my boss likes to drink coffee and I have to pretend I enjoy this awful tasting liquid during my breaks with her
How do I make coffee taste good?
>Just add sugar
fuck no, makes it even more terrible tasting

>> No.16442378

Has anyone tried using milk powder in coffee?

>> No.16442382

No, that's totally unheard of.

>> No.16442387

You can get a similar creamy texture by putting the coffee with some butter into the blender.

>> No.16442390

Why can't you just ignore things that you don't like?

>> No.16442392

Never had it, what is it like?

>> No.16442396

I'm sure there's people out there who's tried it.

>> No.16442398

By brewing it yourself with better equipment.
What you're asking is like asking how to save a burnt, overcooked steak.

>> No.16442402

can I put some fancy thing it in? buy some different funny beans that make it taste something else besides bitter?

>> No.16442432


>> No.16442580
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Anyone else use this machine? Is there anything I should know?

>> No.16442582

i made a distribution tool from sewing needles and a bottle cork but im still getting some spurting. i think its because im not tamping evenly

>> No.16442586

cinnamon in coffee, yey or ney?

>> No.16443115

yay for sure

>> No.16443152

Well dang, I'm gonna try this tomorrow.

>> No.16443250

Get a heat sink. Don't open the boiler while theres pressure built up.

>> No.16444711

bumping for frenchpiss and aeropiss are ass

>> No.16445446

i didn't say texture mate, creamy flavour as in the taste of cream

>> No.16445548
File: 74 KB, 2048x2048, hand-held-milk-frother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I get better results from a 5$ milk frother stick vs a french press for a foamed milk steam wand imitation?

>> No.16445963

French press is by far the easiest way and the cheapest way to brew good coffee. You can even jerry rig it with a paper filter if you don't like the extra oils/silt in your cup.

>sorry I haven't taken a video of pulling a shot with my flair like I said I would. It's pure laziness that's preventing it at this point

>> No.16445965
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Also called drip bag coffee

>> No.16446112

no. those frothers are basically whisks - they don't create foam

>> No.16446358

My Kinu M47 Simplicity's zero drifted from actual zero to around 0.2 to 0.3. Is this normal?

>> No.16446378

Then add cream... Fucking retards I swear.

>> No.16446381
File: 78 KB, 532x532, 1626325048576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the difference between instant coffee and ground, in terms of it's composition? What does instant contain or not contain that ground does or doesn't? I'm serious.

>> No.16446387

Aeropress is the best thing I've bought this year. Need to try out V60.

>> No.16446399

instant is brewed coffee with the water removed, alsofor every batch to taste the same they use old coffee and overextract a lot.

>> No.16446458

What would you recommend?

>> No.16446472

french press is decent - the NanoFoamer is pretty good too.

>> No.16447612

Yes. Mine zeros out at like -0.3 after breaking in. Just make sure that spring is compressed and all parts are threading smoothly.

>> No.16447702
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But what compounds are present in one and not the other?

>> No.16447805

In one the oils have been roasted once. In the other, the oils have been roasted once, cooked once, and dehydrated once. Degradation of aromatic compounds, difference in the oil spoiling. Oil carries flavor etc etc. Its a simple drink, but its undoubtedly chemistry.

>> No.16448171

compounds not soluble in water, generally
cellulose is a big one

>> No.16448181

French piss apologist is also a flaircuck... Makes sense.

>> No.16448242

Has anyone else developed a caffeine intolerance despite drinking coffee for a long time? Yesterday I drank two cups of coffee instead of the usual one and spent the next 3 hours lying in bed covered in cold sweat, gripped by nausea and unable to do anything but close my eyes and do breathing exercises because I kept hyperventilating to the point of seeing stars.

I swear this shit is poison but I can't stop now, I've already sunk >1000 bucks on coffee equipment.

>> No.16448416

Ive got an f58 and won't drink the swill. Fuck aeropress too. Pourover/espresso or bust.

>> No.16448468

drink more water and don't drink coffee on an empty stomach

>> No.16448995

>You can even jerry rig it with a paper filter if you don't like the extra oils/silt in your cup.
how do i do this

>> No.16449736

Scissors + v60 filter or paper towel. Just jam it between the screen and the plunger. Normally wouldn't suggest the paper towel but I guess people have been using them below espresso pucks to help even extraction.

>> No.16449831

I've been getting like this. I thought I was just overdosing on caffeine, there's a lot more caffeine in ground compared instant which I'm fine with.

>> No.16450144

just had my first flair shot without any squirting. timing and pressure seemed good. think ive hit the spot boys

>> No.16450290

How'd it taste?

>> No.16450447

You could also just pour the brewed coffee through a paper filter into your cup

>> No.16450602

Ofc. I just assumed someone asking how to cut paper wouldn't have a v60. I'm about to order this weber key. Is it worth the extra 300 to meme on you guys with the bean cellars?

>> No.16450729

still a bit sour idk if its supposed to be but its better than my local coffee shops espresso

>> No.16450811


>> No.16450834
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x720, 20210721Flair.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was traveling for work I did a janky immersion brew in a measuring cup, then strained the result through a filter directly placed over my cup without support. Tried to follow the Hoffman technique so that most of the grounds settled in the bottom of the measuring cup before the pour. Worked pretty well for me!

You're probably just salty you can't do pressure profiling on your $$$ machine :^)
I used a distribution tool like that on the shot in the webm. You can still see the channeling, I think I need to work on my tamp or something IDK.
Here is a video, finally. Using this >>16421756

>> No.16450877

Looks good, but are you in the twilight zone? I just pulled a no look no measure shot on my flair for a breakfast affogato. Real fatfuck move, but I wanted to get the carton tossed instead of it sitting around with a single scoop for a week.

>> No.16451141

drinking this right now. why is it so good?

>> No.16451142

Trying to get the best angle with my camera balancing lighting, view of the portafilter, etc, etc. I went for lowest possible angel -> largest focal distance -> largest physical distance -> worst lighting. I tried to brighten it up with my phone flashlight but there's only so much that can do when you're relying on reflected light.

Today's shot still tasted a bit sour, so I'm gonna grind a bit finer and work on my tamping + distribution. Probably going to make an affogato in the next few days for a little afternoon treat

Next time I'll get closer and try to make it brighter

>> No.16451286

My jank ass plywood setup is going to have to go. Its finally flexing enough to affect my extraction. I'll build a nice bench soon and get some flair 58 shots. Probably better to spend the 300 I'll save by not getting the toobs with the weber on that anyway. Whats the goto for converting to webm these days?

>> No.16451290


>> No.16451791
File: 17 KB, 834x280, keyget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet thanks! Pulling some ethiopian beans I roasted a week ago and smoking wax to celebrate this dumb ass purchase. Pics incoming.

>> No.16451809
File: 68 KB, 1001x1001, funnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I need to work on my tamp or something IDK.
recommend a cheap funnel ring so you can shake the grounds in the portafilter without them flying everywhere, improved my shots a lot

>> No.16451851
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cold brew master race

>> No.16452393
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>> No.16452597

don't rush the brewing process and it still makes a good cuppa, it ain't perfect but it is convenient and efficient

>> No.16452820
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x2001, 20210713_162126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drank pic related. What did I think of it?

>> No.16453163

You thought it was roasted too light and what was supposed to present as "fruity" notes was too acidic and overall unpleasant.

>> No.16453246

>citycel cope
You will never be a real roast level

>> No.16453768

How come our parents would say "Coffee will stunt your growth" when we were growing up?

>> No.16453942

Cos they didn't want to waste it on a kid

>> No.16453996

What do you mean "explosive"?

>> No.16454067

After an eternity of drinking either french press or chemex coffee at home, I have pulled the trigger on a manual espresso press. Because I'm not that much of a hipster I opted to get one of the aeropress-style ones, the Cafflano Kompresso. I'm excited to try it. Any anons got one?

>> No.16454089

Why do people keep buying this meme shit? Please just tell me you're a shill so that I don't have to pity you for buying retarded crap.

>> No.16454128


>> No.16454332


>> No.16454352
File: 11 KB, 255x250, atla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This goes well with coffee; no churn olive oil gelato:

>> No.16454416

Anon probably means “highly caffeinated” because he fills his moka and turkish pot baskets volumetrically

>> No.16454513

>Over a week and hasn't hit reply limit
>Nowhere near image limit
You sure we need a general for coffee?

>> No.16454516
File: 635 KB, 1780x2048, Screenshot_20210722-132908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally caved in and ordered the black version with the scale after waiting for 3 weeks for a silver one to arrive with no updates. Found it for just $30 more though so almost worth it for the nicer color alone.

>> No.16454529

What would we replace it with? Your mom eats my dick, maybe that needs a general on /ck/

>> No.16455034

I think that's more because retards like
don't use the search function in the catalog before starting a new thread

>> No.16455085

why the fuck is nobody talking about the 1zpresso J max yet? also ordered a flair neo from amazon for £112 and the entire brew head was missing including the piston and the metal screen. They gave me a full refund and didnt ask me to return it so i ordered a new brew head for £60 and successfully scammed amazon and flair i guess

>> No.16455089

niggers haven't heard of a clever dripper and say a french piss is the easiest and cheapest brew method

>> No.16455198


>> No.16455468

Why not go for the Classic or Signature?

The J max sounds good, but I guess most people buying a grinder for home use would value being able to grind from French Press to espresso with 1 grinder rather than just focusing on espresso. I think that makes the JX Pro a better option.

>> No.16456344
File: 725 KB, 1443x810, dis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In terms of user experience this grinder is just amazing.

>I think 1zpresso here combined the best features of all their grinders:

>- Finest adjustment setting in the 1zpresso range with 8.8 microns per click and 90 clicks per rotation. JX-Pro and JE-Plus feature 12.5 microns and 40 clicks per rotation. I would say every click corresponds to 2 seconds in my shots. If I am not mistaken, this is the finest of all most popular portable hand grinders.

>- Convenient adjustment dial from the K models.

>- Magnetic catch cup of K-Plus and JE-Plus.

>- Very smooth grinding experience coming most likely from the coated burrs, which is a feature of the JE / JE-Plus models.

>- Compact body of the JX-Pro, even more so in fact.

>- Easy and fast to take apart without tools, like any other 1zpresso model.

>The J-Max burrs are a new 48mm titanium coated version developed by 1zpresso, unlike the 47mm Italmill coated burrs of the JE models.

>When compared to the JX-Pro, the J-Max is in my opinion better is many ways:
- Finer settings.
- More convenient adjustment dial.
- Smoother grinding.
- Lighter body.
- Equally fast.
- Easier to load with beans as there is more room for then to fall between the burrs
- Better ergonomics.
- Basically no statics, I am not using the brush anymore.
- Better look & feel.
- Convenient travel pouch.

>When it comes to taste, I cannot say if the J-Max beats the JX-Pro.

Ripped from facebook, so don't ask me shit. First review I've seen of it. Who knows if they're affiliated with 1z at all.

>> No.16456581

>elitist as fuck shitflinging about pointless shit in the thread
>not even any resources in the OP
Why are you like this? Coffee is literally one of the most popular beverages in the entire world, what is the point of attempting to gatekeep it with nonsensical posts?

>> No.16456636

My local coffee shop makes this "Espresso Tonic/Soda" where they take some sparkling water and put a double shot of espresso in it and I really enjoy it. I want to make it at home but the sparkling water they use is difficult to obtain in my area. They use Fever Tree Citrus flavor sparkling water.

I've seen recipes online just recommend using Topo-Chico or other flavorless carbonated waters and put in a squirt of lemon or lime for flavor, but I'd rather go for the flavored sparkling water.

Does anyone have any experience with making this type of drink or have any sparkling water recommendations that go good with espresso?

>> No.16456642

I have a 1zpresso, but not the max. It's definitely the best grinder I've ever had.

>> No.16456679

I saw that same post in the "Brew With Flair" group. Same wording and everything

>> No.16456837

There are no good tonics available to you in your area? Fever Tree is available on Amazon so it shouldnt be that difficult to get.

>> No.16456846

Thats what
>Ripped from facebook, so don't ask me shit.

>> No.16456894
File: 645 KB, 597x764, Screenshot 2021-07-23 at 00.17.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thing is fucking beautiful

>> No.16456945

They are available on Amazon, but my coffee shop uses the Citrus flavor and that one is always marked up like crazy on Amazon

>> No.16457002

Id just buy the standard version and add some lemon or orange peel to it.

>> No.16457020

No fucking shit retard, trying to see if we just saw the same post or if 1zpresso has a legion of paid shills

>> No.16457319

poormans cremina

>> No.16457618
File: 182 KB, 1280x1280, pilot-ana-sora-2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cup Pilot Ana Sora
>it's obviously very high quality, a natural that is fruity, sweet, clean with zero funk
>still a bit disappointed because it's not as intense strawberry as I hoped

>> No.16457859
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who else /bp/ here?

>> No.16458607


>> No.16458653

I but local, but I’m trying to branch out a bit, anyone have any recommendations for specific flavors? Medium roasts preferred.

>> No.16458775
File: 3.50 MB, 2048x2039, Screenshot_20210723-110743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out a new roaster and ordered a bag of ethiopian guji beans aswell as a bunch of "one cup drip kits" to try out their other beans/give out to people. Has anyone tried these kind od kits before? Do they produce a nice cup?

>> No.16458843
File: 87 KB, 1080x697, atla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this?

>> No.16458868
File: 341 KB, 2000x2000, df5c6a7f-dc01-4099-9ad6-c15cf20b317f.1c573ae465f1046b1e4a1967ef333255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a tablespoon of sugar and a hearty splash of half and half, just like the good lord intended

>> No.16458954

Some Gaggia they made in the 80s and 90s which they just decided to just call "Gaggia Espresso" so now it's almost impossible to search online. Can find it on some auction sites if you use search terms like "retro" etc. also seems to come up under model number 16002. Seems like like a good enough machine if you find it cheap.

>> No.16458981

In Studio Ghibli documentaries Miyazaki is always using something like these so I'm gonna assume they're based

>> No.16459030

just wanted a simple set up that worked with my wilfa svart but now that i got the refund i've decided to wait a few months and get a 1zpresso and a regular brew head (not the pressurised neo shit)

>> No.16459055
File: 892 KB, 836x1180, s1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ... NO

>> No.16459067

Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk is often sold like this and is popular in japan

>> No.16459070
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I get 5lb bags of this, I grind 4 scoops for a 12 cup pot, 2 for 6, 1 for 3 in a ceramic burr grinder by hand. I use a normal drip coffee maker

>> No.16459579
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x720, 20210723Flair.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a slow shot today 16.5 in 33 out. IDK but this one tasted better than the other ones, still acidic though. At this point I don't give a fuck about the timing, I'm just going to hit my ratios and grind progressively finer until the sourness is gone

>> No.16459584

Also the improved lighting is because I was retarded here >>16450834 and had forgotten how to change the ISO on my camera

>> No.16459595

Grind fresh beans, do a pour over brew, use about a third less water than you would for brewing and replace that with ice. Brew directly over ice.

>> No.16459747

That is very slow. Often when mine starts like that, it eventually finds a channel and then starts shooting out. Although I agree about timings. I dont see the point in chasing 30 seconds if I'm getting good shots whether that happens to take 15 seconds or 45.

>> No.16460138

what the fuck is this retarded shit?

>> No.16460967

alright. so light roast makes the best hot coffee, but what makes the best cold brew?

>> No.16461019

2 minutes of some chump leaning on a piece of metal for a failed espresso shot

>> No.16461095

I'm getting more of a seared bite on the Aeropress, than I'm getting on the actual V Six- no no no no no no no no.... No please don't say that no no no... No. Nonononono. No no nono no no. NONO NO NONO NO NO NOOOOO. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna trip. I wanted to come in a 100% hater.

I'mma tell you off the top. I wanted to take a sip of this and be like 'ehhh nah nah it don't it it'- I'mma just flat out say it; your Aeropress /ck/, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL V SIXTY /CK/. YOUR AEROPRESS /CK/ IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL V SIXTY /CK/. IT HAS A MORE SEARED TASTE.

IT'S MORE OF A BREWOUT FLEX. IT JUST TASTES BETTER. Get over here. You get back in the cabinet. /ck/. That sip is so flavorful my m- and the fact that it works so well, it literally compliments the aroma. Like I'm not even mad that I'm sippin' up, and I'm not even mad, that I'm sipping coffee right now with my breakfast.

You can really taste the chocolate notes because the sear, on this press based situation right here, it's so strong and you barely get nutty notes but the notes are there so you get a crunch off it, with soft fruity action with BPA? /CK/, YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING, AND I LIKE WHERE YOU, YOU GOIN' /CK/, THE AEROPRESS COFFEE SON!

>> No.16461894

when grinding with a kinu the last beans get launched up out of the top. does this happen to any other kino chads

>> No.16461921

Cold brew eliminates a lot of the off-tastes you might get with cheap coffees, so you're pretty much okay with anything. The beans don't make as much of a difference. I've been using a generic store brand Hawaiian roast and it's been fine. Wasn't a fan of light roast cold brew the one time I made it.

>> No.16462078

Yeah I get a little popcorning.

>> No.16462113

I can't stand anything besides cold brew in the summer. Is there a better method besides using a french press for cold brew?

>> No.16462217
File: 723 KB, 819x461, 1614129339435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Toddy. Leaves no sediment and takes about 3 minutes of total work to make coffee for the week, if you don't count the brewing time.

>> No.16462330

Is the hario skerton good?

>> No.16462385

Nah it's garbage get a 1zpresso

>> No.16462512

Is it worth it if I already have a french press and am a cheapskate?

>> No.16462526
File: 18 KB, 639x480, mmmmkoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys experimented using filter roasts for espresso? I've heard they're crazy delicate so if you're not careful it tastes like shit. Considering trying it for that sweet sweet fruitiness. Would appreciate input if anyone's tried it

>> No.16462539

I mean I have a French press too but it only makes about 2 cups at once, I wouldn't use it if I had the option. This makes 2L at once with a 12oz bag of coffee, which lasts me about about a week and I can drink a shitload of coffee. It does take a special big filter bag each brew, and filter pads that can be reused probably 10 times before needing a new one. Overall I think it's worth it. It saves you a ton of money vs. buying cold brew out, a week's worth of cold brew ($6) would be $35 if you bought the same thing out every day. Depends how much you make cold brew, but that's all I make anymore.

>> No.16463019

what's a good light roast that extracts easily that i can order online for espresso guys

>> No.16463616

Probably the worst burr grinder out there, seriously.

>> No.16463944

It's fine, just pull a longer shot if it tastes like battery acid