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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16395760 No.16395760 [Reply] [Original]

I made myself a comfy little stew. Sausage, potatoes and green beans with cream of mushroom and some cheddar cheese. Very nice on a cool rainy summer evening

>> No.16395776

Rice with ginger and shredded carrots cooked in dashi.
Baked chicken breast
Celery & apple salad
two cups of milk

A hard shift from my usual diet of sloppa, but it was nice to have different things to eat for a change.

>> No.16395842

>in the summer
should have grilled the sausage, made campfire potatoes and green beans, and threw the cream of mushroom in the garbage

>> No.16395903

sounds nice anon, although celery and apple salad sounds kinda funny

>> No.16395914
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This, and peach as a desert.

>> No.16395951

Slow shift tonight, made myself a meatball sub.

>> No.16395956
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Forgot pic

>> No.16395965

I had mushroom ravioli with tomato basil sauce and fresh grated parm, a nice crusty loaf of bread with olive oil and spices for dipping, and a ceasar salad.

>> No.16395969

I got sexually humiliated and beaten up by Chinese people under a bridge

>> No.16395981
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Looks really nice. I made double fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and "seared" corn and zucchini the other night.

>> No.16395986
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It was an experiment that came out pretty good. Chopped celery and thinly sliced apple with a dijon mustard and maple syrup vinaigrette, and tossed with grated parm. The only thing I would not do if I made it again was add salt. I figured a pinch of salt would make the flavor of the apple pop, but it just added the taste of salt which turned out to be unnecessary and distracting.

7/10 with salt probably a 9/10 without.

>> No.16396033

I think your meatballs have a hernia bro

>> No.16396055


>> No.16396068


>> No.16396071

Pan fried italian sausage with onions and two boiled eggs.

>> No.16396074

No but I do like him

>> No.16396086

I just scrambled some eggs with cheese and had a piece of toast. Not worth a pic

>> No.16396091
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Mapo tofu

>> No.16397358

hot dogs

>> No.16397379

Hate to say it, but even if my mom could nail presentation she was a dogshit cook. Is that why blacks are so bad at cooking? Even if my dad’s cooking was a pile of sloppa it was seasoned perfectly and tasted fantastic, comfy to the highest degree. Are women just generally shit at cooking? My dad’s fondest memories growing up were his dad’s pancake breakfasts.

>> No.16397400


>> No.16397415

I haven't used my slow cooger in awhile, I think I'll do one of these this weekend myself. Last time I did a very similar thing but with chicken thighs, was awesome over rice

thanks OP

>> No.16397536
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I ate a hookers ass then fucked it. Came in 9mins. Now this.

>> No.16397561


>> No.16397576
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Anon I don't think anyone should have Filet-O-Fish and a Big Mac/QP all in one day

>> No.16397592
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I tried making meatballs with ground up swinehearts (and a little fatty beef mixed in)
They taste fine but they look like something that came out the backside of a goat. I guess heartmeat, or myocardium if you're fancy, just browns differently.

>> No.16397593

Worlds ending slowly. Or at least the west is. Ill fast until dinner tomorrow..and thats a quarter pounder anon :)

>> No.16397596
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>> No.16397599
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yeah a QP

the filet o fish was what you are earlier

>> No.16397709
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>> No.16397730
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>> No.16397734

I'll make stew when I want to make stew, and I'll enjoy my stew, and you can sit there and seethe about it.

>> No.16397771

Looks amazing anon

>> No.16397802
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>leftover 12 oz baked chicken breasts, butterfly'd
>all chopped up with some celery, carrot, mayo, mustard in a bowl
A big fuck-off bowl 'o protein; washed it down with 5 cups of ice cold milk.

>> No.16397809

if that sounds funny to you your tastebuds will ngmi

>> No.16398848

Looks good to me anon. This looks like just the thing to eat next to the firepit after the sun has set and the chill moves in.

>> No.16398876

OP here, make sure if you’re making the same kinda stew you don’t put too much seasoning in it. Just a bit of salt and pepper to bring out the flavor of the potatoes and greens. Especially if there’s sausage, that shits already gonna be salty
>>16397734 isn’t me btw

>> No.16399149

How long did that "stew" take to cook? Cream of mushroom soup? In a stew?
That ain't a stew.

>> No.16399158

whats your issue here?

stew is just really chunky soup

>> No.16399186

a dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan.

It took me 5 hours but honestly it could be done in 3-4 hours

>> No.16399267

200g rice
1 spoon oil
400g chicken
200g tomatoes
200ml cream
100g cream cheese
100g mozzarella
1 spoon flour
some basil
salt and pepper
4 people

>> No.16399303
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Forgot pic from recipe site.

>> No.16399332

Did you add some sort of filter on that picture to make everything look like it's coated in a thin layer of jizz?

>> No.16399338

No and it looked better in reality but I don't take pictures of my food.

>> No.16399417

why does everything look like jizz to you people? get your fucking head out of the gutter.

>> No.16399432

top sloppa

>> No.16400288
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Check out this sloppa

>> No.16400310
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Mac n Cheese.

>> No.16400315

Why is there green shit in it

>> No.16400329

Macaroni cheese and microwaved pulled pork and barbecue sauce. I love Italian food

>> No.16400339
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Macaroni cheese and microwaved pulled pork and barbecue sauce. I love Italian food

>> No.16400360
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basic bitch sauteed chicken breast chunks in herbs and butter with rice.

>> No.16400380

stewing is the processes of rendering down tough meat to make it tender. takes hours.

>> No.16400389

Potatoes and beans stewed for 5 hours?

>> No.16400393

Chicken looks dry.

>> No.16400394

Eh, not terribly so, i like a bit of a crispy outside so i'm fine drying it out slightly to achieve that.

>> No.16400395

You already had a can of mushroom soup.

>> No.16400625
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Teriyaki salmon w poached egg on top of cabbage slaw and quinoa

>> No.16400634

stop asian hate

>> No.16400638

I still haven’t eaten dinner I’m poor and it’s nearly 10 so I like to roll over midnight so I can conserve food

>> No.16400654
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Making yogurt too, waiting for milk to come to temp before it cools and add in culture

>> No.16400657

Holy kek this was funny as fuck

>> No.16400701

I marinaded some pork in bbq sauce with a bunch of spices and cooked it with onions and garlic until nearly all the water was gone and it was a thick sticky mess. Ate it over jasmine rice with a fucking truckload of green peas because I enjoy shitting like a woodchipper in the morning at the office for the janny to clean up

>> No.16400738

Fuck I want meatballs now. It's gonna be a porkchop and some microwave mashed potatoes, then whatever steamer veggies I have in the freezer that sound good

>> No.16400757

black beans, rice, and some shake-N-bake chicken.

>> No.16400779
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Makes sense. By the time I got to the shops today for ingredients I was craving salisbury steak so I'm doing a slow cooker salisbury steak recipe instead.

>inb4 looks like shit
it's only just started in the slow cooker, will post real pic when done

>> No.16400827

>he doesn't have the jizz vision

>> No.16400829

Honestly this is my comfort food. Teriyaki fish is okay but upon seeing this I wish I had chicken. Mine is similar to this.

Cook chicken w salt pepper Thyme, garlic in butter and then add lemon, cream, tsp of cornstarch for sauce. Nothing special but very wholesome.

>> No.16400831

New Jersey Curry?

>> No.16400952
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And now we wait 24 hours for yummy, tart, vanilla bean yogurt which we will strain in cheesecloth to make a nice thick skyr :3

>> No.16400958

So far 9/30 of a rack of Coors Light, two fruit rollups, and Trident White gum.

>> No.16401026
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>Trident White gum

>> No.16401031

Didn't feel too hungry and just wanted something to nibble on. So I made some biscuits with a spinach artichoke spread

>> No.16401081

who hasn't? Get over it

>> No.16401163

you're an idiot bro some of the best food i ever had was from a black place in new orleans. just like you said perfect unpresentable sloppa that tasted amazing. also my grandma is amazing, she makes great pancakes and trad food, great pork chops and shit.

>> No.16401177

Kek based

>> No.16401181
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Had this a few days ago. Chicken thighs over orzo cooked in chicken stock, white wine, garlic, oregano, onion, red pepper, etc. browned the thighs then they were perfectly done when the orzo was done turned out p well.

>> No.16401188


>> No.16401212

You crowded the pan way too much and the heat was slightly too high
Genuine, not shitposting
If you don't put peas and other veg in your macca, you're ngmi
>Macaroni cheese and microwaved pulled pork and barbecue sauce
Cheese and BBQ sauce is disgustingly decadent but tastes so good
tasty and tasteful presentation

>> No.16401233

genuine question what's ngmi

>> No.16401240


>> No.16401246

It's Never Gonna Make It you dyel.

>> No.16401403
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Chuffed to report the salisbury steak came out awesome. Served over rice & barley pilaf and the fresh parsley (which normally does literally nothing) goes so well with this. Hint or garlic and nutmeg in the rice is nice too. 10/10 if I don't say so myself.

>> No.16401487


>> No.16402048

ßump for more dinnars

>> No.16402213
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>using freshly-cooked rice for fried rice

>> No.16402313
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fucking dyels ruining the internet day by day...

>> No.16402570
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Technically made this last night
>pan seared cod with a garlic, lemon and butter sauce
>brown rice garnished with coriander from my garden
>cod garnished with parsley
>mange tout for the side

I recently invested in some Vonshef cast iron pans and Wusthof silver point knives so I'm really enjoying cooking atm

>> No.16402584

Wow that looks fantastic lad well done

>> No.16402658
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I made chicken Marsala and it was very good!

>> No.16402690

gross! yucky!

>> No.16402805

>5 cups of milk
Are you fucking bulking my dude?

>> No.16402992


>> No.16404311
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Chile verde tacos. Could have used a couple more jalapenos but I only had 2 big'uns on hand. Sorry for the sloppa-esque flick.

>> No.16404328
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Had to use the last of the cilantro I grew so made some chile verde tacos. Could have used a couple more jalapenos but I only had 2 big'uns on hand. REALLY could have used some cotija. Breddy gudd all the same. Sorry for the sloppa-quality picture, frens.

>> No.16404339
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Had to use the last of the cilantro I grew so made some chile verde tacos. Could have used a couple more jalapenos but I only had 2 big'uns on hand. REALLY could have used some cotija. Breddy gudd all the same. Sorry for the sloppa-quality picture, frens.

>> No.16404436
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i made grilled cheese on my george foreman grill

>> No.16404443

You have to be above the age of 18 to post here.

>> No.16404445

What was his name?

>> No.16404448
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Some salmon in the pan with butter.
Some broccoli in a pot.
Some ~Greek~ salad.
Some stirfried shrimp with a curry-esque spice mix.
Some Senapssill with freshly harvested garden potatoes.
Some water.

>> No.16404451

What veggies do you use?
I can't spot many?

>> No.16404476

Yeah wtf??

It's fine if you make something you like, and if people shit all over it, ignore them, you have one more thing you enjoy in life than they do, so you ultinately win, but don't lie about how you made it, people who might want to give it a go will euin their food.

>> No.16404529

It appears it was done in a slow cooker so that's about right. On low a slow cooker takes about 3-4 hours to just begin to simmer

>> No.16404611
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i made General TSUUU's chicken for the copa america third place match

>> No.16404621

what's your ressipy if you don't mind me asking? I've never found a version that truly reminds of the chinese takeout I grew up with

>> No.16405897

>based portmerion dishes

>> No.16406743
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The usual: {grain} cooked together with {sauté articles, meat/oil, legume, distinctive spice, and umami source}. Today:
>drain oil from canned bonito {meat/oil} into pan, heat for a bit, then sauté fish until crispy
>then add {sauté articles} herb base (supermarket sofrito: garlic, cilantro, onion, culantro/recao) and black olives. sauté until done. If I wanted a {distinctive spice} like cumin I’d add it at this step to aromatize it but I was satisfied without it
>add {grain} today it is short grained rice. stir and toast a bit. Meanwhile measure liquid. (White rice:water 1:2 ratio) liquid today is half coconut milk half water. Salt added along with copious amounts of {umami source} bottled fish sauce.
>add water to grain, stir, add in precooked legumes (in this case soaked and pressure cooked pigeon peas, bring to boil, cover, reduce heat to minimum, simmer 30 minutes. Turn off heat. Leave cover on 10 minutes holding in residual steam. cover off. Fluff.
Brown rice, bulgur wheat, Pearl barley, short/medium/long/basmati white rice
>{sauté articles}
Herbal base (sofrito), herbs, onions, garlic, olives, sweetcorn, chopped sweet plantain, etc…..
Sausage, chopped chicken, pork, ground turkey/meat/etc, sardines, chopped fish
Always soaked overnight and pressure cooked (instant pot) in the mornings: pigeon peas, green peas, beans of all varieties and kinds, chickpeas, etc…
>{umami source}
msg (I use Sazón Criollo Goya packets), fish sauce, soy sauce, etc…

>> No.16406753

some left over potatoes and spinach pancakes.

>> No.16406773

As God wills, pilaf (which is in itself a form of sloppa) is accompanied with sloppa (stew/guiso/braise) or air fried meat. Boiled tubers or vegetables if available. A sauce may be concocted to accompany any sides

>> No.16407077
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>canned green beans
>frying canned bonito in jus
That must smell horrendous

>> No.16407113

How many bottles of soylent did you have with that, faggot?

>> No.16407135

instead of chicken broth I used the leftover juice from some braised country ribs I made previously, which had some carrots and celery in it
memes have rotted your brain

>> No.16408279

Canned soup? A stew? Fake sausages? Isn't this a student "chuck things in a pan and hope" sort of meal?

>> No.16408844
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I made beef back ribs, some white corn and mashed potatoes. Dry rubbed the ribs and then put some BBQ sauce on a couple times. Honestly, should have brined them they were pretty thick so the centers didn't have any of the rub flavor.

>> No.16408850

eating a salami and cheese sandwich right now with some amazing fucking scala bread

>> No.16408864

i ate not one but two buffalo chicken subs

>> No.16409326
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I was planning on making Asian beef and veggies but realized I defrosted chicken by mistake and made bootleg teriyaki chicken instead :(
Sauce was tangy and good but it’s definitely a chicken thigh meal instead of a chicken breast meal

>> No.16409427

I grilled a couple New York steaks. Made some mashed tate-os and sautéed some green /beenz/.

>t.basic bitch

It was very good though.

>> No.16409445

I make the vegetable soup with a soup twist!

I add MEAT.! Haha! Soup vegetable meat dish!! Ha!Ha!! Soup! It's vegetable but meat with dish soup! Hahah!

>> No.16410136

Mmmmm aspartame chew, yummy

>> No.16410171

why are you being so unpleasant

>> No.16410191

Awww,poor baby got scared at food that wasn't hotpockets.

>> No.16410197

Half a chicken and peri peri chips from Nandos.

>> No.16410304

Did you circumcise that hot dog?

>> No.16410445
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Hi, here e is what I'm eating.

>> No.16410825

Get help for your depression
Food looks good though, what is it?

>> No.16410873

post recipe

>> No.16410913
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linguini + clams fra diavolo
day before made dan dan noodles
day before made gobi manchurian (picrel)

>> No.16410947

it looks like buldak (fire chicken). cheese + chopsticks could only be korean

>> No.16411154
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Chicken roast. 14 euro fie the chicken. 4 euro fori the vegies

>> No.16411160

>14 euro fie the chicken
why so many?

A chicken here is like $8 for a decent size.

>> No.16411173

Where are you living...please say India...

>> No.16411176

top tier, lighting is fantastic. food looks greasy.

>> No.16411182

What's special about fucking a hoocker..?

>> No.16411196

total bill was 14 bought some thighs as well. Its from a local farmer. its worth it to buy a quality chicken imo. value for money is still great.

>> No.16412220

Mexican chicken stew MRE. Got it piping hot, wasn't terrible.

>> No.16412241

>Sausage, potatoes and green beans with cream of mushroom and some cheddar cheese.
is this cooking with jack?

>> No.16412306

Dumb girlfriend brought me some hot dogs and hamburgers from a bbq, but she didn't bring any buns or toppings. I'll just eat a bowl of cambells tomato soup.

>> No.16412585
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Vodka sauce
Garlic bread

Bretty good :)

>> No.16412654

Went to this place called So Gong Dong(Yes that's what it's really called)
Only thing I don't like about it is I get hungry again

>> No.16412661

omg I want fried chicken.

>> No.16412668

Leftover Mexican. We had a new place open up that shies away from the Tex Mex stuff. It was great (some things were a bit dry, but they sent a whole sampler of sauces, some had little notes like "Put this on the tamales, it's really good!"), but there's no way they're making money. Four meals for $40 including tip?

>> No.16412708

those combinations sound a little odd, and that looks horribly unappetizing, but I'd give it a try, could see it working

>> No.16412741

A little arugula and chicory, and you could sell that for stupid amounts of money.

>> No.16412763

I had chuck steak and slaw

>> No.16412765
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>> No.16412775

Philly cheesesteak hot pocket, and two packets of instant oatmeal

>> No.16412778

formerly sneed steak

>> No.16413520
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>> No.16413647
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chicken and corn soup

>> No.16413669

Lap Cheong & crispy shrimp fried rice.

>> No.16414870


I bought 1.2kg of liver from the butchers end of day clear for £1.90, doesnt go off until tomorrow

I don't like liver, that astringent after taste is awful, but that value and those macros are INSANE.

How should I prep it?

>> No.16414880

Put into pan with onions

>> No.16414897
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>> No.16414911

how to deep fry without instantly ruining oil? I started recently and homemade fried chicken is a game changer but I can never reuse the oil cause it instantly turns dark brown afterwards, and I don't wanna be spending that much money on fry oil.

>> No.16414913

just add poached chicken and walnuts and that's a great waldorf salad there fren

>> No.16414919
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>veg stew does not exist

>> No.16415020
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Where's your protein bro?

>> No.16415446

Pretty sure you can use a coffee filter and mason jars to preserve some, depending on how much you use.

>> No.16415521

I did not do that, the rice was a day old.

>> No.16415733

buy a coffee filter holder and a reusable metal mesh filter and strain that oil back into the bottle. yeah its gonna be brown, but its seasoned now. the chicken will taste a lot better when you re-use the oil, though it will smell funky if you dont fry food that often and let the oil sit.

>> No.16415743

if he managed to oversear it that badly the pan wasnt overcrowded

>> No.16415749
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I did too anon!

>> No.16415764
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I made a chicken yesterday. Baked with a homemade mix of herbs de provence (thyme, rosemary, lavender, oregano and basil since i must have dumped my dried terragon and some fresh marjoram). Stuffed it with red spring onion bulb and green bits and a lemon. Then steamed some boccolini and tossed it in with another onion and made a dijon dressing for it.

>> No.16415768
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This was while cooking, pre-starch slurry.

I added some leftover bamboo shoots and it worked pretty well

>> No.16415854

Now take a photo of your purse you tofu eating faggot

>> No.16415876

based poorfag

>> No.16415881
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Tofu is too delicious. There's no other food with the right taste and texture replace it.

If I show breasts for eating it, so be it. I FUCKING LOVE TOFU.

>> No.16415887

Ok faggot, I bet you like the taste and texture of your boyfriend's cum as well

>> No.16415899
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Why so aggressive? Maybe you should eat some tofu to balance your chakras?

>> No.16415909

Your idea of what constitutes aggression only further demonstrates that you are, in fact, a queer.

>> No.16415960
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I made myself some chanterelle pasta with white wine and parmesan, using chanterelles I picked.

>> No.16415966

Underrated, surprised no one commented on the innuendo.

>> No.16415984

>didn't call it jizzsion
Not Gonna Make It

>> No.16415995
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had grits for the first time and then made some peanut butter cookies

>> No.16416040

based chad

>> No.16416041

looks like a fucked up fleshlight on thumbnail

>> No.16416045

hearts are based, I use chicken hearts for patties sometimes
but you cooked it to fuck like the other anon said

>> No.16417042

Comfy af

>> No.16417098

Looks very good , honestly in my opinion should have diced the onions. Unless you were trying to cut the onions and prep as quickly as you can but even so if that were the case... everything and presentation looks good. I'm just so used to tacos having diced onions. Beaner fag here

>> No.16417746

Why would you serve bare penne with the sauce on top instead of saucing them in the pan so the sauce can go into the holes?

>> No.16418156

Looks good bro

>> No.16419686

Thanks Anon, I appreciate that. I diced half and sliced half of the onion. I prefer crunchy slivers, no idea why.

>> No.16419730

Making some vindaloo atm.

>> No.16419902
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wa la

>> No.16419919
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Mexican rice with a couple fried eggs and hot sauce. Turned it into an omelette for breakfast with some fried cabbage and cheese.

>> No.16421148
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bbq teriyaki steaks and wings. smores for desert.

>> No.16421162


>> No.16421233

I know I'm never going to make it, but what does NGMI mean?

>> No.16421239

Looks good but for the love of fucking god sear your tofu. A little oil or better yet a basic vinaigrette, high heat on a non-stick surface. Let it get that crispiness and then use a metal pancake turner, hold it upside down, make sure the seared piece stays with the tofu and doesn't stay stuck to your griddle/cooking surface. Sauce looks good though.

>> No.16421275

Probably the best looking dish on here. Well done, that chicken looks juicy and correctly cooked.
....did you sauce it before you deep fried it? Looks pretty dry, NGL.
What kind of chanterelles? Fresh forage mushrooms are great! Kudos or that. Those onions came out a bit slimy - make sure you're cooking them in oil until they have a strong aroma first otherwise you end up with that. Also, I'd opt to pair chanterelles with a pecorino. Maybe a burrata as well. Just my opinion.
Please sear your tofu.
Points for presentation, and you seared it well, but I'd definitely not want that as a dinner. Variety is the spice of life.
Looks great, but clean your kitchen walls brother.
Shrimp is over-cooked, though it looks seasoned properly. Zucchini is too. Otherwise, not terrible.
Good job on basting your steak but you definitely didn't get a thorough enough sear. Looks flavorful, but don't neglect texture.
I have a business plan for a food truck based around this dish. But done the right way (with mac salad) and everything actually made from scratch and properly smoked. The secret is in the barbecue sauce fusing together with the mac salad, which is also your filler. I'm rambling but it's a noble, dirty dish and it's fantastic.
You need a lot of help to learn how to cook, but I give you props for using nontraditional ingredients for making meatballs. A lot of modern day American cooking is wasteful of some of the tastiest parts of an animal. But you definitely need a nonna to smack the shit out of you with a wooden spoon for the sauce and the pasta being served like that. I'm also guessing jarred sauce.

>> No.16421288
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cool, i ate food instead.

>> No.16421340

I thought I was looking at someone's snatch in a vanity mirror

>> No.16421342

tell me about that chop'meat patty you got there

>> No.16421346

Egg on salmon sounds like a really gross combo

>> No.16421352

>deep fried

The steaks were marinated in a teriyaki sauce, which is supposed to caramelize on the grill. They were juicy and dark pink inside. The wings were a bit crispy (how i like them)

>> No.16421369

Half a pound of 95% lean beef, medium rare fried in butter.
>t. powerlifter

>> No.16421375
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Grilled chicken with some steak & cauliflower

>> No.16421386
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>mfw too dry to be authentic
Probably still tasted great though

>> No.16421395

>95% lean
god damn man I couldn't do it, it would turn to concrete in my duodenum and I'd have the send the doctor back in with the jack hammer

>> No.16421397

not with the 12 grams of fiber from picrel broccoli.
I used to eat 88% lean but it messed with insulin resistance with all that sat fat, replaced it with olive oil for dietary fats.

>> No.16421401

I would stick with the lean beef but would cut it with breadcrumbs and milk, or if you don't want the basic bitch carbs some ground chickpeas or something

I just have trouble with high concentrations of protein going in and not coming out

>> No.16421407

why'd i dilute my expensive beef with peasant grains? chickpeas are too heavy in isoflavones for me anyways

>> No.16421410

After shitting my pants and taking hours to clean the bathroom, I didn’t have time for much so just reheated rice, threw some salmon into the oven, and cooked broccoli in the microwave.

>> No.16421411
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i see

>> No.16421696

I made a mushroom and spinach quesadilla with peppers and onions and shredded cheese. Shit was bomb. OP did you simmer the stew with the sausage in it? I made a beans and sausage dish once but I felt like simmering sausage made the sass Ute mushy and lose its flavor.

>> No.16421804

Rice, duck, and fish gravy. Surprisingly not that bad, despite the fish gravy being tangy.

>> No.16422531
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An improv cheese-filled meatball, scrambled eggs, rice, sauce, veggies kinda thing.
I'd say 6.5/10 in taste overall. Perfectly edible

>> No.16423256
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>frozen chips (cooked in the oven at least)
>tinned stewed steak
>grated cheddar
have to go, Gordon Ramsey is calling me.

>> No.16423923

That's some prime sloppa. Ever done the same thing without cheese but with the tinned curry?

>> No.16423930

two rustler burgers

>> No.16423945

powerful stance

>> No.16424071

I've taken a note from a youtuber to deep fry in a wok, because you use less oil thanks to its shape

>> No.16425401

Very nice. Looks like what my aunt makes, which is one of my favorites.

>> No.16425410

where are you from

>> No.16426425

Based fellow Slav

>> No.16426593
File: 2.75 MB, 3120x4160, honhonhon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauteed veggies with bacon, saint marcelin and tome de savoie. First real dinner after months of delivery.

>> No.16427011
File: 3.27 MB, 4032x3024, 20210715_140105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the real deal would probably be drowning in oil but I wanted to go a little lighter

Today's dinner is baba ghanoush with a garlic flatbread

>> No.16427954
File: 2.22 MB, 3456x3456, 20210715_192238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having some slop up for din-din. Here we got some cheese rice quinoa buckwheat salsa avocado zucchini bell pepper. I'm honestly a rich fig but you'd never know. I just eat what I like

>> No.16429144
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>> No.16429588

Were you the first or second post? Because I replied to the second one by accident, that one actually looks pretty authentic in terms of wetness.
Also authenticity has little value and neither of the posts claimed it was authentic, so really just make whatever you prefer to eat. It still looked delicious.
Your baba ghanoush looks tasty too anon, good job!

>> No.16429589

>I'm honestly a rich fig
We don't care anon.

>> No.16429924


That does look very tasty. I've been depressed like that, it's a bad feel, trauma caused it. There can be a light at the end.


Okay screw this thread... ;_; Can I get this recipe?

>> No.16429931

Which camera and settings do you use!

>> No.16430584

I was the first mapo tofu post
It's probably the most unique tasting dish I've ever made - szechuan peppercorns and doubanjiang are fascinating

>> No.16430708

Women don't belong in the kitchen. You should do all the grocery shopping too. Let her give you sons, home school them and take care of you.

>> No.16430719

I had leftover chicken piccata, it was still tasty

>> No.16430785

If you liked it I encourage you to try some more authentic szechuan cooking. Their flavor profiles are just very different from ours which is always fun. If you haven't heard of it already Fuchsia Dunlops "food of szechuan" is pretty good. You can of course also always just use chinese cooking demystified as a reference. It's great to have cooked some of these dishes "authentically" just once to learn what you like or don't about them and then go from there to create your own custom fusion dishes.

>> No.16431177

can you tell me more of the stew?

>> No.16431420

From the distant land of the salmon vikings (norge), dear traveller!

>> No.16431423

same, would like to know. never heard of that before. good for camping?

>> No.16431455

lmao beans and rice slapped together with siracha?? I have those nights too, prefer them separated (fresh salsa for extra points)

>> No.16431474

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 camera
It was meatballs with ginger, green beans and jasmine rice with sesame oil/honey/mayo/sour cream sauce. Pretty damn tasty.

>> No.16431505

Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo, I bought a tub of fresh parmesan to add to it and I really enjoy it

>> No.16431513

>for the love of fucking god sear your tofu
Just chop your dick off now and get it over with

>> No.16431588

fries look raw

>> No.16432476

Does eating mushy unseared tofu somehow make you feel manly?