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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16410525 No.16410525 [Reply] [Original]

Post simply recipes that do not cost an arm and leg

>> No.16410590
File: 138 KB, 1200x800, authentic-goulash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16410604
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, recipe coq au vin deus ex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use recipes, but you can't go wrong with a nice stew.
Cheap cut of meat, in season vegetables... brown the meat, add veggies, add any liquid although preferably wine or stock or maybe a dark beer, simmer. Done.

Or just throw a chicken and some root vegetables in the oven like 45-60 minutes and serve that with some rice.

>> No.16410614

why does it use metric and american units?

>> No.16410616

Time to repost.
You like hot dish? You like green bean casserole?
Combine the two.
>canned green beans
>can or two of cream of mushroom
>1 onion of your preferred variety
>bag of frozen tater tots
>if you prefer blocks of cheese, as you should, grate some cheddar or grab yourself a bag of pregrated
Anything else is up to you, I usually add garlic, peas & sometimes broccoli. Mix everything all up in a baking dish, aside from the onion which you want to fry in some oil. Sprinkled cheese over and stick it in the oven.

I'm too drunk atm to bother with anything more in depth, additional ingredients and all that. Just look up green bean casserole and hot dish, I'm sure you can piece it all together.

>> No.16410637


is this a meme I am not aware of?

>> No.16410642

>is this a meme I am not aware of?
Nope. It's a picture of authentic goulash. Goulash is pretty cheap to make and you'll have leftovers for days.

>> No.16410672

>chicken thighs with skin on and bone in, salt and pepper
>put it into an oiled cast iron and fry the skin til it's crispy, don't worry about cooking it through
>take out the chicken thighs when the skin is crispy and chop it into slices around the bone and remove the bone
>put chopped green onions and regular onion into the cast iron and saute it, put the chicken back in and saute it with the onions
>put chicken and onions into warm tortillas and serve with a salsa verde and cilantro

>> No.16410689
File: 2.92 MB, 852x480, egg curry Rick Stein.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The recipe is found in Paris. Maybe it was written by a Yank expat or something. I don't remember.
I guess a real Frenchman wouldn't need to write down the recipe for coq au vin, actually.

I made it once, just for fun. It was good and not as bland as I expected. I usually spice my food more than what that recipe calls for.

Curried eggs is another really cheap and easy one. I recommend simmering the sauce longer than Rick does in this webm, though. That ginger must have practically been raw.

>> No.16410700

chili con carne, pasta all forno, kung pao chicken, bangers and mash

>> No.16410746

Vegan Noodlecurry

Recipe for 2 portions(i usually make 2 and refridgerate it for the next day)
>Get some noodles(i prefer fusili cuz they are easy to eat around 200g for 2 portions
>1 half Brokkoli thingy
>2 Medium sized Potatoes
>1 onion
>1 garlic
>Curry spice
>Coconut milk(can be from a can)
>if you want it spicy Chilipowder/ or a real chili
>Optional chia seeds and/or planed almonds that you add afterwards for optical& also some extra taste purposes
>Also optional: Lemons

Cook the noodles, while you roast the garlic and onion in the other pot. (dont overdo it just so the onion becomes more transparant) Add Coconutmilk and about 100 ml of water. Add about 2-3 full teaspoons of curry, add the chili, add salt and pepper. Add the Cut brokkoli and the potatoes(cut potatoes into small cubes) stir it, let it cook with closed top on low heat for approximately 10-15 minutes.
Once finsihed add noodles to the pot, mix it serv eit on plate. Add the chia seeds/almonds on top, situationally cut a lemon and pour a bit of lemon juice over all.

Its healthy simple, can be refridgerated for the next day. And in theory youc an add all sorts of ingredients. Be it chickenmeat, Tofu or other shit.

>> No.16410763

Almost every recipe cost much less than an arm and leg

>> No.16410768

My 2nd recipe that I often eat(its also nice because you need just 1 pot for everything:(2 portions)
>Fusili noodles 200g
>2Soup cubes(if possible healthy ones without Palm oil/fat)
>coconut milk
>Optional: chia seeds
>optional: Tofu or Brokkoli
>Optional Lemon

Roast garlic and onions to transparancy, add ~400-500 ml coconutmilk and 400-500 ml of water add the soupcubes and the noodles. Add other optional ingrediends(tofu or Brokkoli) Let it boil for 5-10 minutes until the noodles are almost finished. Add the spinach and cut the lemon in half and press 1 half of its juice into the pot. Let it cook for another 1-2 minutes.
Serve on plate, sprinkle it with chia seeds.

For americans: you could also add some melting cheese that shit tasts really well with the noodles.

>> No.16410787

>Post simply recipes that do not cost an arm and leg
Eat like they do in a monastery. Bake a loaf of bread daily, make homemade stocks and bean soups.
Eat like they do in the Caribbean or the Americas.
Beans and rice, or beans and rice together, flavored with smoked or fatty meats.

>> No.16410793

Bunker Chow. It's meant to be some good grub based off (mostly) nonperishable ingredients.
>can of your preferred spam
>can of mixed veggies
>canned/jarred garlic
>canned/jarred chunky salsa (the good shit with beans & corn)
>instant white rice
>eggs if you got em
Lightly brown the garlic in some oil real quick, add your slices of spam, get em nice and brown. Drain your can of veggies and toss em in, mixing them up the entire time so nothing burns or anything. Add your preferred amount of the salsa after a while, I like to be very generous with it. Let it simmer for a few minutes. If you have the eggs, crack them in before you add the salsa, mix em up, THEN dump it in. All you have to worry about is making sure the eggs get cooked while not burning everything else. Serve over your rice. I tend to dump some hot sauce over my bowl, but to each their own.
Not a vegan, but this sounds pretty good. I'd probably pan fry some seitan to toss in there though.

>> No.16410800

Also to note with the bunker chow, if you eat a lot of MREs or tend to get constipated, this'll propably help clear you out.

>> No.16410826

Yeah I varied this recipe when I was backpacking accross europe and stayed at a hostel, I cooked for me and a french girl(she was a volunteer at the hostel) I met, I took rice instead of noodles and turned it into a makeshift curry. I could have banged her that night. Still regret it, but I was just too fucking tired that day cuz I hiked a shitton and went to bed early.

>> No.16410876

Link to the recipe for OP's pic.

>> No.16410886

>I could have banged her that night. Still regret it, but I was just too fucking tired
Happens to the best of us bud