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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16389984 [Reply] [Original]

lmao get a load of these retards

>> No.16389988
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>> No.16389996

>sugars ending in-ose
Uhh...she's allergic to glucose?

>> No.16389997

If you were allergic to glucose you'd be dead. It's like those lunatics saying they're allergic to adrenaline.

>> No.16389998

This card was carefully crafted to optimally piss me off

>> No.16390000

Lmao is this real?

>> No.16390019

Hi, Megan, you should read the descriptions of foods and order accordingly or die

>> No.16390051
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>> No.16390302

Is she allergic to semen tho

>> No.16390309

that inconsistent spacing is giving me schizo vibes

>> No.16390313

>any bean listed after the other beans
>a space after cow milk before the comma
>periods used after bulletpoint items
even the formatting a shit

>> No.16390330

This woman is either an insufferable cunt, or really cute and precious and slightly autistic

>> No.16390336


>> No.16390408

Calling bullshit on being allergic to green beans. She just doesn't like them.

>> No.16390417

I had a guy with a shellfish allergy order lobster bisque before, don't assume people aren't dangerously stupid.

>> No.16390438
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Honestly, at this point, just die. It's clearly what the universe wants. And of course it's a fucking woman.

>> No.16390445

i once got an order for the most autistic pizza imaginable; i'm talking ordering something like a deluxe pizza and then asking for completely different sauce and cheese, and substituting a million different toppings. I wish i took a pic of the order but it was followed by a 'please take care of this pizza im on weightwatchers'

>> No.16390454

>lmao get a load of these retards
people with shellfish allergies can consume scallops...seems illogical, but it's true.
A warning to the kitchen is to avoid cross-contamination reasons from other shellfish on cutting boards shared by shrimp and reusing frying pans, etc.

The More You Know ™

>> No.16390480

Whenever someone claims to be allergic to more than 3 things, it’s usually a case of “I don’t like this so I’ll say I’m allergic to it”

>> No.16390498

Plenty of people with shellfish allergies can consume mollusks just fine; it’s crustaceans that give them issues.

>> No.16390515

if she were genuinely allergic to glucose she would have died in the womb.

>> No.16390524

So they made a custom pie? Idk sounds more creative than autistic
Captcha: sqsyy

>> No.16390632

The Nuremberg Trials were conducted by a kangaroo court.

>> No.16390729

i hope you shared those scallops, otherwise youre shellfish lmao

>> No.16390744

just the spacing?

>> No.16390767

It's like a vegan going to a steakhouse. Height of stupidity.

>> No.16390792

why is it always fucking megan

>> No.16390799

What am I supposed to see in this one? Did some jackass say they're allergic to shellfish but ordered scallops cuz they're retarded?

Knew a guy that did that crap at a corporate dinner a few years back, raised a stink about someone having fish at the table behind him. He was hollering that they were gonna kill him with his allergy (nvm that we knew the menu a month in advance) but ordered scallops and ate them without any issue. It was great seeing everyone call him on his bullshit.

>> No.16390834

Is it nut?

>> No.16390921

based dubs. i would serve her all of those ingredients

>> No.16390943

Semen contains fructose, so yeah?

>> No.16390965
File: 146 KB, 1200x675, https___cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_210310234250-01-abraham-lincoln-race-restricted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee beans

>> No.16390972

-ose is used for naming for any sugar in existence
Lactose, fructose, Glucose, sucrose, etc.

>> No.16390978

>fish at the table behind him. He was hollering that they were gonna kill him with his allergy
>ordered scallops and ate them without any issue.
>It was great seeing everyone fail to realise that scallops and bony fish are about as closely related as peanuts and kelp

>> No.16390999

Nature literally doesn't want these people to live, I don't know why we have to tolerate them as well.

>> No.16391357

Scallops aren't a fish

>> No.16391390

How are we supposed to tell all of that from the picture? Also, I don't understand what you are saying

>> No.16391392

i worked in a bar/restaurant from 2015 to 2020 and i will say the amount of people with gluten allergies took a fucking nose dive mid 2018

>> No.16391399

this is like the one upside of not being white
my mom has allergies to shrimp
never met a single non white person being allergic to something

>> No.16391403

They are a shellfish, yes.

>> No.16391465

>have a mild allergic reaction to bananas and plantains
>Immediate pain for hours and mild hives sometimes but not all the time
>No idea why
>Also allergic to penicillin
>Found this out after I was prescribed some antibiotics for strep throat
>Was a kid and grandma demanded I take double the dose to get faster better
>Nearly died because I overdosed on antibiotics for strep
I wish you knew how bad it was. I really fuckin like bananas too. They won't kill me but sometimes I can bullshit my way out of things with it

>> No.16391768

The worst part is that these faggots are lying about being "allergic" just so they get top of the line treatment and it's leading to the people who work food service not believing in allergies at all.

>> No.16392023

did you fucking retards not notice that it lists 3 beans and then any beans
also >etc

>> No.16392157
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>>Found this out after I was prescribed some antibiotics for strep throat
>>Was a kid and grandma demanded I take double the dose to get faster better

>> No.16392674

I feel bad for Type 1 diabetics who won't be taken seriously because of shithead white american women like this

>> No.16392685

t. shill for Big Peanut

>> No.16392898


>> No.16393052

>allergic to coffee beans

>> No.16393229

Bro, same thing but mild. I still eat them because they are delicious tho

>> No.16393266

She's a woman, so probably both depending o the day.

>> No.16393275

Milk, you dipshit.

>> No.16393279

no it's a seed

>> No.16393355

Yes, and without glucose, you would die.

>> No.16393358

They're a mollusk.

>> No.16393374

Just take off the shells. Problem solved.

>> No.16393394
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>> No.16393401

why are whypipo so fragile?

>> No.16393403

Yes but you can eat 0 glucose and still have a blood glucose level and be fine.

>> No.16393404

The formatting is a tip off she's fucking nuts, look how she puts a period after bullet points and is wildly inconsistent with the spaces before and after commas.

>> No.16393407

The mulatto reveals himself

>> No.16393412


>> No.16393459

how do people like this eat anything but Nutrition paste

>> No.16393473

also one of them isn't even a bean. its so thoroughly blatant bait that calling it bait is an insult to the "u mad?"s of the world.

>> No.16393547

By presenting the card and making their diet the chef's problem.

>> No.16393552

checked and i realy hope not.

>> No.16393648
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Which is considered shellfish, yes.

>> No.16394513
File: 257 KB, 1355x694, IMG_20210707_140215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it die! Let it die! Let it shrivel up and die!

>> No.16394697
File: 34 KB, 1024x378, 1624887022359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says right there 'mollusc' not 'mollusk' you fucking retard

>> No.16394754
File: 419 KB, 2048x1536, Autism test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same family of animal you chimp

>> No.16394761

>bean allergy
I kek'd

>> No.16394790

what are they, cousins? now you're just being silly

>> No.16394882

Wow, this is actually correct. I had no idea that there was a mollusk exclusive shellfish allergy.

>> No.16394888

And? Statists are lucky to get so much as a show trial.

>> No.16394912

Society and/or money protects these people. I once met a woman with some weirdass blood disease that required a daily injection costing something like $1500 per dose. She came from a rich family and also married into money. I knew her husband's family, real pieces of shit. Corrupt evangelists who took money from the poor & stupid to spend on boats and shit. One of their kids even made a point of stealing from people because he thought it was fun. I'm not talking peanuts, this dude once stole dozens of thousands of dollars from the owner of a golf course who later killed himself and he gave 0 shits.

>> No.16394920

would rather fucking die

>> No.16394961

Damn bitch just say you’re a picky eater
>allergic to coffee beans
>implying coffee beans are actual beans

Jimmy status
Unrustled [_]
Rustled [x]

>> No.16395078


>> No.16395156

>>Also allergic to penicillin
>>Found this out after I was prescribed some antibiotics for strep throat
>>Was a kid and grandma demanded I take double the dose to get faster better
>>Nearly died because I overdosed on antibiotics for strep
So you forgive your Grandma, it is absolutely the usual routine to double the first dose of antibiotics, or to get an injection before leaving the office to get you started. Knock down the infection fast, and then keep hammering it by taking the rest of the regimen on time around the clock, so it can't replicate everytime it tries. Grandma was right. You are allergic, not overdosed. Wear a bracelet and make sure all doctors are aware of it, as several other antibiotics are compounds that are half penicillin, fyi.

>> No.16395941


>> No.16395945

checked, and i suppose its just a troll card

>> No.16395950
File: 102 KB, 450x443, 1444865735593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even live like this

>> No.16395982

It's probably all made up Munchausen insanity to get attention.

>> No.16396024


Thats the worst part of this whole thing

>> No.16396354

Might as well just die

>> No.16396423
File: 960 KB, 284x223, dkw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugars ending in -ose

>> No.16396556


>> No.16396576
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 1607865091008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why even go out?

>> No.16396601

No, you can't. Glucose is derived from carbohydrates in your food, which are long chains of sugars. You can't get glucose from, say, protein, because proteins are composed of amino acids.

>> No.16397330

just fuck off megan

>> No.16397442

imagine walking down the block after a nice morning coffee and farting a coffebean style surprise in her direction. would it be like the stories of water melting witches?

>> No.16397457

This has to be irl b8

>> No.16397480

Look up what gluconeogenesis is.
That's middle school level biology and it's embarrasing how sure of yourself you are while being wrong

>> No.16397505

What a retarded comment.
Ever heard of Asians and diary?

>> No.16399043

Yeah none of my Asian friends are capable of writing about their daily lives, shit's wack

>> No.16399054

This was probably made for a child that is actually mentally handicapped. That being said, her diet is probably fucked due to genetic defects rather than simple allergies.