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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 679x860, 61-B2IkXGDL._AC_SX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16370812 No.16370812 [Reply] [Original]

To a happy digestive system.

Why aint you using it?

>> No.16370814

i like the capsules better than the powder

>> No.16370823

Capsules FTW. I crap a childs arm every day. Snaky go down the hooooollle!

>> No.16370833

I'll check it out, thanks for the suggestion fren

>> No.16370838

pretty good if you eat a weimerican diet of hamburgers and processed corn snacks etc but if you eat fibrous vegetables unnecessary

>> No.16370848

Fiber is a meme, it just makes you shit more. Its a bandaid on the gaping wound of digestive systems RAPED by processed food.

>> No.16370881

use a tiny amount with lots of water. you can get impacted poop with that stuff and actually die or seriously injure your colon.

>> No.16371072

it didn't do anything for me

>> No.16371124
File: 187 KB, 249x497, 383849-733739021984_1_g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now Foods™ is actually really good stuff, but I only take pic related.

It definitely keep me regular but also keeps my energy up and blood flowing to my brain, plus my dick has never been more angry and criminal

>> No.16371434

Yoh bro this shit actually works? Bro? Wow!

>> No.16371444

Lentils bro and they taste better.

>> No.16371453
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it has horny goat weed

>> No.16371464

i had to go hospital because i didnt drink enough water with a spoonful of husks and my intesties got blocked

>> No.16371537


Do indians really....?

>> No.16371548

I do though. Helps me stay clean for sigmoid play with my horse dildo.

>> No.16371563

I only ever used it to make keto stuff.

>> No.16371778

why did I laugh so hard at this?

>> No.16371790

Awwwww yeeeeeeuh

I know this anon fucks

>> No.16371798

I have such shitty IBS I can eat 6 spoonfuls at a time and still shit fluids the next day. They just leave my ass more smoothly

>> No.16371805
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My bowels hurt so much taking this stuff. Never again.

>> No.16371814

because I eat veggies and greens every day and have solid shits already.

>> No.16371839

You need to drink mucho water with it dumbass

>> No.16371863

>that image

Touristy places are only like that during the summer, when every boomer with kids decides to take a vacation and go on a family trip.

>> No.16371867

i'd rather eat bugs

>> No.16371883

The visual's pretty great. Guy should write a book.

>> No.16371898

Still hurts

>> No.16372079

I have a phobia of pushing too hard to take a complete shit so this stuff is a godsend to me. When I get the urge I just need to sit down, and in under 5 minutes my colon is totally cleared with next to zero effort on my part. I also drink an average of 4 gallons (yes, gallons) of water a day so that probably helps.

>> No.16372172

But you weren't blocked up afterwards, right? See. It works!

>> No.16372174

that's not a phobia, pushing is a great way to prolapse your anus.

>> No.16372241

Not only that, but also a way to get hemorrhoids. It's all fun and games until your ass hurts and is bleeding.

>> No.16372248

bruh i hecking love my bidet

very clean buttholes in my house

>> No.16372251

Chubbyemu says hello.

>> No.16372259

i dont know what that means

>> No.16372265

A serving of this stuff has only 2g of fiber. Meanwhile one serving (100g) of broccoli has 3g. Just eat vegetables, you fucking children. Jesus Christ.

>> No.16372275

not relevant bruv dial it back a little

>> No.16372478

Because I get my fiber from a balanced diet that has enough fiber from rye bread, vegetables and fruits instead of taking shitty supplements.

>> No.16372536

Seriously I was just thinking about this today. I have had a nasty hemorrhoid for like 3 months, painful bloody shits every morning and the sting in my ass ruins the rest of my day. I think it would get better if I stopped having such hard shits but OTC stool softeners aren't working.

>> No.16372659

I have a 20 pound sack of this shit.

>> No.16372672

Do you eat a lot of food low in moisture? I had a similar problem when eating a lot of dark chocolate. So anything else like chips, cookies, crackers, etc. you might want to avoid. Vegetable soups might help instead. I'm not sure how much supplements would help if you're regularly eating stuff that causes a problem.

>> No.16372693

>we discovered we could process shrubbery and sell it to idiots

>> No.16372699
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I just eat a single fruit piece a day, enough to make my turds solid, before that I was continuously shitting liquid.

>> No.16372727

I eat fairly healthy. None of the stuff you mentioned, very little junk food in general, lots of vegetables, recently started eating a bran muffin at breakfast. I drink lots of water too.

The most unhealthy thing I do is drink too much beer, but even that is only on weekends.

I want to avoid going to the doctor and having him take a scalpel to my anus, even then I think the fucking hemorrhoid would come back with these hard shits I keep having. If the shit were just a bit softer I think this problem would go away

>> No.16372844

I know a lot of people have issues after drinking beer but it's usually diarrhea rather than hard poop. Some people actually improve when reducing fiber intake instead of increasing, so maybe you could try that for a little bit to see how it goes.

>> No.16372847

>Why aint you using it?
Why aren't you using it?


>> No.16372882

>I also drink an average of 4 gallons (yes, gallons) of water a day
Why? Are you constantly profusely sweating for some reason? I'd think after a certain point you're just diluting the electrolytes in your blood too much.

>> No.16373000

You ever had hemorrhoids then eat spicy food? Pretty sure I'd rather give birth.

>> No.16373008

Shut the fuck up

>> No.16373133

this shit is great. weirdly, i only shit every 4 or 5 days now, but it's fine.

it's a youtuber that makes videos about people who eat too much of something/eat something they shouldn't have eaten and had to go to the ER and shit. recently made a video about a guy that ate a metric fuckton of psyllium husk and got an intestine blockage.

>> No.16373149

>I crap a childs arm every day

>> No.16373830

Nervous tick. Also I'm always thirsty. Its not diabetes though, and I don't piss as often as you'd expect. I've also fasted for a couple of days while maintaining my water intake and my heart didn't stop, so I guess I don't need to worry about that either. Who knows

>> No.16373840

The real secret to a happy digestive system is fermented foods. Natural and healthy.

>> No.16373867


Chia seeds are even better

>> No.16374530

kidney disease

>> No.16374542

it makes my oatmeal look like boogies

>> No.16374570

you are a faggot and should leave this board

>> No.16375249

Natural food is a bandaid for unnatural food? Seems legit

>> No.16375255

psyllium capsules used to give me perfect shits, then I took vyvanse for a few years and it wrecked my digestion to the point where even this stuff doesn't work anymore. I'm so fucked, don't know what I'm gonna do.

>> No.16375262

the real secret is dark chocolate. it's slightly constipating, so you can use a controlled amount to keep shit in your gut a little longer so it has more time to turn into nice well-formed turds. don't overdo it though or you'll regret it.

>> No.16375279

I eat a normal diet of meat, eggs and fat. A take a 2' shit 3--4 times a month, and barely need to wipe.
Y'all're shoveling truckloads of shit in yer gobs, and then more indigested shit with to attempt to (with sufficient ammounts of water) take a giant runny shit.

>> No.16375298

How much are you supposed to take?

>> No.16375305

I just snap off a row of pieces and call it good, which I guess is like a fifth of the bar. sometimes I have more just because I have no self-control but it's probably better not to, and I don't eat it every day, I go by how my gut is feeling and how I'm trying to time my shits. it's lindt 70% which I can get for $2 at the discount grocery store.

>> No.16375315

Interesting, I'll see about giving this a shot. Thanks anon. I do Metamucil right now because of what I suspect is IBS from anxiety, but this sounds like a worthwhile experiment.

>> No.16375320

the only correct answer i've seen so far. kombucha, kimchi, kefir seriously look into it op

>> No.16375330

stuffing yourself with fiber like some barn animal doesn't actually solve the problem. your gut flora is fucked and you have to unfuck it

>> No.16375345

you’re welcome anon. I googled it though and apparently there’s some controversy over whether chocolate is really constipating, I guess different people respond to it differently. all I know is that dark chocolate is constipating for both me and my mom and milk chocolate isn’t, even though some people claim that the milk and sugar are the culprit which wouldn’t make sense in my case.

cheese is also constipating but it sometimes gives me nasty shits instead of good ones, and it takes larger quantities to do anything either way.

>> No.16375349

flaxseed helps with this, it's a prebiotic. I read that artificial sweeteners can be bad for gut flora too, might have to cut those out.

>> No.16375367

Give this to your girlfriend and she'll be farting like king kong

>> No.16375568

colon cancer in 10 years

>> No.16375575

Chia is what you need

>> No.16375698

High fiber irritates my digestive system.

>> No.16375702

>That picture
Holy fuck I'm glad I'm literally surrounded by backcountry.

>> No.16375725

It's expensive. There's a sign in the fiber aisle in my local CVS about how there's a country-wide fiber shortage.

>> No.16375776

Chocolate has fiber and it's low in water content which is why it can be constipating. Milk chocolate typically has a much lower amount of actual chocolate so you'd have to eat way more to get the same effect.

I was eating a lot of dark chocolate and pooped out a pretty big turd that made my ass bleed though, so you really do want to limit your intake. Chocolate is also fermented which might be another reason why I stopped having diarrhea even when no longer eating chocolate though as it helped my gut flora.

>> No.16375865

Mah nigga.jpg

>> No.16375875

No no and no again. Where do you get this complete-ly incorrect data?

No capsules for beginners though... So easy to OD.

>> No.16376156

Do you have any evidence to support that claim? I have that no hunter-gatherer tribe around that world experiences cancer of any kind at the rate of nations eating refined carbohydrates and vegetable oils, if at all. Then there's also the fact that a vast majority of cancer types thrive on carbohydrate. Unless you're taking shit out from your ass, I'd reckon you read some redditor, some propaganda article or some other falsity, as there exists no data to support your claim, neither empirical, nor physical.
Try me, I'm willing to give you a shot, 'mah nigga'.

>> No.16376175

Also, unless you're making a guess or prediction, the arbitrariness of 10 years is massive - you don't know my age, history of health, anything really that that one sentence. How much would you have to extend, were you to know I've been doing an ever stricter ketogenic diet for some 8 or more years? Colon cancer for suresies, probably by cancer has cancers of its own, woe is me, fore absense of fucking tree bark I must perish, woe!

>> No.16376191

>timing your shits
this never works for me and always backfires

>> No.16376196

jesus you are quite defensive over an internet quip, must be your ass cancer acting up, go get yourself check

>> No.16376199

kek't and booty-rekt

>> No.16376207


can confirm. i love making my gf shit herself in public, i buy her a nice dark choco milk shake with lots of whipped cream, sprinkles, cookie dough etc. then we go for a drive and 15 min later she's begging me to find a rest stop. the face she makes and the gotta-go dance make me rock hard, i'm tempted to push her shit in with my cock like that one hentai

>> No.16376209

cook something

>> No.16376213

veggies destroy your dick

>> No.16376338


>> No.16376348

Firstly, as Roman lawyers would've said: Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat.
burden of proof lies on the claimant.

Second, shitting out the first two results from a basic pubmed search might be evidence of something, but it's extremely weak on inspection, and I'm not going to be n-th person to go through every study with a fine-toothed comb pointing out the funding issue, religious ties, extremely bad control groups, bad statistics and else.

Also, those are reviews about red meat and some people over some years. They do not explain in any way how the aforementioned tribes of the past millenia didn't suffer by cancer. You'd think the navajo, cherokee, etc. would be singing song handed down from their elders' elders' elders about how bison meat causes bloody shits and subsequent death. You find that nowhere.

>> No.16376355

>a chemically extracted sample of something from nature
might as well be eating potato chips while talking about the health benefits of eating potatoes.

>> No.16376539

did get to read all of it, but can confirm a bit retarded. Probably an over educated primary school teacher guys.

>> No.16376570

Just eat our delicious and easy friends, the Lentils.

>> No.16376597

Caps can fuck you up and end up adhering to the intestinal wall causing obstruction tho. Better to mix the everloving shit out of the powder before you chug so you don't end up at the ER.

>> No.16376613

>in under 5 minutes my colon is totally cleared with next to zero effort on my part
Bitch if you're taking a tablespoon of psyllium daily that task should take you 5 seconds, not 5 minutes. You just unclench, hear a 'whoosh' sound as three metric tons of rectal residue instantly migrate from your colon down the toilet drain, then you stand up and the bowl is clean as when you started. If you're doing it right, you probably save more on water by not flushing than it costs to take psyllium daily.

>> No.16376624

not my problem

>> No.16376701

Isn't it the opposite at some point, where too much fiber just clogs you up

>> No.16376716

I like the powder better. The pills recommended to eat 3-5 pills 3 times a day. So one bottle would last for 2 weeks.

>> No.16376723

You need to ease yourself into using it.
Start with a teaspoon one a day for 2 weeks. Then move up to a tablespoon.

>> No.16376861

Was actually planning to get some, but realized that adding broken flax or chia seeds adds tons of fiber too and also omega 3 and other useful stuff, so it's much better.

>> No.16376906

I got this for my cat's hairballs and it doesn't work.

>> No.16376966

Death coming in 3 , 2 , 1.

Dude a tablespoon. A TABLEspoon. No a teaspoon a day maximum.

>> No.16377007

Ch ch chia the pottery that sneeds

>> No.16377037

>Tongkat Ali (Root) (Eurycoma longifolia Jack Extract)
>Organic Maca Root (Lepidium meyenii)
>Epimedium Extract (Horny Goat Weed)
Tribulus terrestris extract (Fruit/Aerial Parts)
American Ginseng Root (Panax quinquefolium)
Panax Ginseng Root (Panax ginseng)
Muira Puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides)
It's the same shit that Chinese traditional medicine has been peddling for centuries. All it's missing is the endangered rhino horn and the tiger penis.
>doesn't even contain zinc
come on.
>horny goat weed
contains phytoestrogens.

>> No.16377042

No a rounded table spoon is the recommended amount.
It's fucking fiber. Chubbyemu made a video on how much you have to take to "OD" on it.

>> No.16377218
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That's right, you can also easily make your own sprouts with it. Nice with salads.

>> No.16377234

Sorry I don't view Youtubers as a source of authoritative shit on shit. pun intended.

>> No.16377241

Is this the bottom thread?

>> No.16377243

I have this problem with probiotics

>> No.16377249


>> No.16377420

Chubbyemu is a medical doctor

>> No.16377580

I apologise if the is an actual medical doctor - just that YT is the home of quackery. There is a video about some american student acting american and going to the ER. Real good laugh. Thanks!

>> No.16377652 [DELETED] 


>> No.16378034

no they don't.

>> No.16378236

brain tumor

>> No.16378401


>> No.16378472

How many spoonfuls are you supposed to take a day?

>> No.16378780

You're actually into that? I like to pretend that my gf doesn't shit, and she knows to keep it well hidden from me. If she ever farted in my presence, let alone stank up my bathroom, I would sew her goddamn asshole shut.

>> No.16378798

I get my zinc elsewhere

Also L-Argenine once or twice a day is sort of the angeldust

>> No.16379396

1 or 2 (whichever ends up being best for you) with around 400ml of water.

>> No.16379463

Okay. Thanks.

>> No.16379466

Because I don't trust anything Regis Philbin tells me to take.

>> No.16380717


>> No.16380734

Hell is other people

>> No.16382473

>L-Argenine once or twice a day
Try citrulline malate. It has your body synthesize its own L-Arginine and is considered more effective than directly taking L-Arginine

>> No.16382556

Americans hunk fiber gives you diarrhea

>> No.16382567
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>you can get impacted poop with that stuff
This happened to me :(

>> No.16382573

eat your vegetables

>> No.16382599

it absolutely can

>> No.16383793
File: 108 KB, 700x1050, 208B2341-0512-427A-9E90-B5F170ADE714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based lads

>> No.16384062

Please explain in graphic detail....

>> No.16384065

Causes cancer if you use it too much

>> No.16384075

is there reason to avoid flax an emphasize chia in my life?

>> No.16384096

>waaah other people exist it's supposed to be for me only

>> No.16385453

based. i just order these a couple days ago actually

>> No.16385489

What the hell kind of trash are you guys eating that you even need psyllium powder? That shit is for 70-year-old boomers who eat nothing but frozen TV dinners and cookies.

>> No.16385610

thanks anon i'm gonna look into this

>> No.16385628

It's good for what it is, a starch, a thickening agent. It's good they are going around rediscovering forgotten old ingredients. It's bad they market it as a superfood and raise a price to the stars.

>> No.16385679

take a tiny bit with lots of water
I ripped my rectum using this stuff improperly.
took a year to heal
during that year. every bowel movement was bloody and painful.

>> No.16385781

How would ancient hunter gatherer tribes know about cancer? They weren't doing autopsies or anything. They'd just put it down to a sickness or something, and they wouldn't associate it with meat because why would they?

>> No.16385800

We have decades and decades of colonial and missionary physicians studying traditional populations. They all report the same thing. Virtually no apparent cancer, diabetes, obesity, and all the what we call Western diseases.

>> No.16385801

It can. Just don't be a dumb fuck and just take the recommended amount.

>> No.16386046

>ripped my rectum
Dude please don't do that. Its unnecessary

>> No.16386055

I tried baking with this stuff and coconut flour... absolute garbage, but I crapped out things I thought were lost and forgotten in my digestive tract.

>> No.16386070

Should I try this if I have hemorrhoids or will it do more harm than good?

>> No.16386105

based chia fresca imbiber

>> No.16386114

I think aloe vera and a digestive enzyme is better

>> No.16386283

It is a meme that was popular on /ck/ ten years ago when moot still loved us

>> No.16386304

I don't need to because I'm not a fat retard.

>> No.16386314

I'm pretty sure it was all the sodomy you were doing that ripped your rectum.

>> No.16386368

>You kids better not be doing the Sodomy down there!

>> No.16386440

What does aloe vera doe?

>> No.16387113

is this the latest product that the industry shills to get people to buy? it used to be collagen.

>> No.16387598

>go innawoods filled with like dead wood and bugs and snails everywhere
>no five minutes later some faggot shows up and starts talking to me

>> No.16387725

i eat enough veggies that i don't need a spoonful of sawdust to shit healthy. literally only fatties eat this stuff

>> No.16387770

>What the hell kind of trash are you guys eating that you even need psyllium powder?
Frozen TV dinners and cookies

>> No.16387777


>> No.16387927


I have ibs and if I don't take chia/flaxseed/psyllium I might as well kill myself anon

>> No.16387964

just greens and coffee for me, king

>> No.16388012


>> No.16388254

tastes yummy like jell-o

>> No.16390133

>Whitey discovers something browns have been using for thousands of uesrs
>Whitey will now claim that they are the first to do so
Many such cases from the most foul of races

>> No.16390137

The capsules made me throw up, never tried anything like it again.

>> No.16390159

Based IBS bro

>> No.16391228
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I've done so much reading on IBS and there really is nothing that can be done. IT's not even treated as a real disease, rather one that you have if you still shit yourself but don't have crohns or colitis. Fuck my bowels.

Unironically, I've had the best shits in years after eating taco bell for an entire week. Why?????

>> No.16391293

I started taking it in college because I knew I wasn't getting enough soluble fiber and it was like night and day. I swear to god it lowered my blood pressure too. I used it religiously for years. Now I'm pretty on and off with it but have two servings at least once a day. It's a quality of life thing at this point. I don't want to have a messy ass. I run out of it and I think I shouldn't be so dependent on it but then I have a week of bad shits and consider whether or not that's what everyone else normally experiences. I don't have ibs or anything and my diet is significantly better now but still, it's amazing.

Chia seeds come out whole whenever I have them. I really do not like that experience.

fiber intake is different from your gut flora though. you can have the best gut flora but if you're not getting the proper amounts of fiber it's moot.

>> No.16392771

I've been taking capsules for 2 years now and I've had the best poops of my life in these 2 years. I've also learned to achieve the effects of a squatty potty by just leaning over all the way and let me tell you, you've never felt satisfaction like you do on a full release. I'm talkin a FULL release, the kind where you feel top heavy and unbalanced because your colon is completely empty. life changing.

>> No.16393042
File: 116 KB, 1080x1080, dbf3d475-8f62-4ef4-b9d7-516ef2ce04b9_1.c8f930402a462e0074860917fdc792da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know /ck/ had some many gays.

>> No.16393061
File: 599 KB, 508x513, 1625040121467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>magic mushroom powder is good fibre

>> No.16393092

a fellow 'criminal as an adjective' user, good to see ya brother

>> No.16393114

>not buying the supplement that has both for maximum boners

i also didnt enjoy taking zinc supplements, they fucked with me

>> No.16393123

>it just makes you shit more
what the fuck do you think I'm trying to do here? I live to shit. If there was something I could eat that was 0 calories I would stuff it down my gullet every waking moment so I could SHIT more. I'm a 27 year old SHITOOMER

>> No.16393207

Dunno how widely available it is, but Franz Keto Buns are packing 17g of fiber in a 50cal hamburger bun. That's been my go to fiber supplement.

>> No.16393312

>eating seed foreskin

Lots of jews in this thread

>> No.16393419

what happened?

>> No.16393426

you're buying the wrong bottle. try one of those GNC stores - those fitness/health stores. They're likely to have supplements that go against basic Walmart/Kroger/Pubix minimums on supplement fractions that only require you to take 1 per day by 60 capsule bottle as opposed to those 2/3 a day 45-90 capsule bottles.

>> No.16393429

they're actually women, a lot crosspost from /an/, but keep it on the DL

>> No.16393435

>Snaky go down the hooooollle!

losing my god damn mind

>> No.16393846

Pure.. what?

>> No.16393876


You need to soak chia seeds for a good 20 minutes or they don't release their gel as they're supposed to. If you do it right, they'll stick to the rest of the food you've eaten.

>> No.16393882


I tried this and it was expensive garbage. Flaxseed and chia are widely superior, not to mention psyllium interferes with drugs (prep) absorption.

>> No.16393913

Konjac noodles

>> No.16394257

Yeah, he's unironically a doctor in a hospital.
It's also confirmed at least in the past he would go to 4chan. Not sure if he does now, but I have the feeling he does occasionally.

>> No.16394266

I tried those capsules and they suck.
I took em and they didn't work nearly as well.
I took a look at my shit and I could see this white clumps in my shit, which I'm positive were the fiber just clumped together. And I would drink a lot of water with them.

>> No.16394272

If you get nausea from zinc, half the dosage and take it twice a day, don't forget to take it with food