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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16334586 No.16334586 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck would you ever dine-in anywhere? Are you retarded? Do you enjoy not being able to enjoy your meal? Why not just take it to-go and return to the comfort of your home and watch some comfy kino like Fear and Loathing while you eat?

Why the fuck do people dine-in?

>> No.16334591

they do it to make you seethe

>> No.16334594

Eating food at a restaurant is supposed to be a treat. You get out of the house, have someone else serve you, get hot food.
I totally understand the lards who eat out twice a day, 7 days a week not understanding that whole dynamic.

>> No.16334614

because the food gets cold while you drive home

>> No.16334617

Based and food truck pilled

>> No.16335139
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>Hmm yes, back to my big stained sofa, time to perch my big behind down and devour my beautifully soggy ham
>Those plebs eating in the slop house don't know what they're missing out on
>Not a minute to loose, time to consoom more Disney +

>> No.16335153

I just have bad social anxiety and can't relax dining in. Not OP btw. I wish I could enjoy it. Covid was nice because there wasn't a choice of dine in, and I felt like a normal person for once.

>> No.16335159

Back in my day we just called you nerds or a loser, I guess now the term is incel.

>> No.16335197

If you have friends and family, maybe you too would enjoy dinner conversation, and could separate yourself for some period of your day from your television and social media. You aren't bored of dining in front of your TV yet? You've had a whole year and a half of it now.

>> No.16335528

To support "local business"

>> No.16335547

>clutching sustenance with grubby paws and scuttling back to the dank darkness of their dirty little lairs and burrows
That's what animals do, bud

>> No.16335557

this basically.
Dine in is basically just a quick fix anyways.

>> No.16335656

imagine being this mentally ill.

>> No.16335674

Ambiance, laziness, interacting with a hot chick who's nice to me.

>> No.16335687

>he doesn't know how to spend quality time with friends and family without the boob tube
Dine in is not for Mcdicks or BurgerCucks. Sit down at a diner, and share a cup of coffee with a friend, treat your kids to some junk food at a family place, or take your partner to a fancy restaurant

>> No.16335696

>GenX trying to keep up with slang
nerd and loser are perfectly fine insults; no need to update them

>> No.16335699

>Why the fuck would you ever dine-in anywhere?
don't have to set a table
can pick ANYTHING I want to eat.
don't have to make it.
don't have to serve it.
can eat all I want or not.
can drink from large selection of items.
have some one wait on me.
don't have to clean up the mess.

I would eat out every day if I could for every meal.

>> No.16335706

>Do you enjoy not being able to enjoy your meal?
Wouldnt they be enjoying it then?

>> No.16335723

what about eating at those fancy movie theaters with good food?

>> No.16335747

you can do literally all of that except cleaning up at home dweeb

>> No.16335792

but I don't have to.
I get in to one of my 4 cars, go to the restaurant of my choice ANY restaurant and order ANY item on the menu. price is no obstacle.

>> No.16335958

Come on dude. He would have been called a fag, given a wedgie, and stuffed in a locker

>> No.16336214 [DELETED] 

Driving is for faggots. If the food isn't within walking range it isn't worth it.
And then you sit there at a gross ass fucking table full of bacteria that some child probably just sharted his pants at, instead of your own kitchen table. Great idea.
I have no family. My parents are both dead and i have no siblings. And why would I want to go out to a restaurant with my friends? Are you fucking gay? That's called a date, nigger.
>movie theaters
Imagine not being part of a private tracker, thus getting all your kino for free instantaneously at home. Why would you spend money on the movies and TV you watch? Ya know you're supporting jews when you do that, right?

>> No.16336282

These are correct.
The food is hottest and freshest when eaten at a restaurant.
Any mistakes, omissions, or additions can be addressed immediately.
Portions and quality are better when plated for restaurant dining. The staff typically tries a little harder than just throwing sloppa in a bag.

You don't need to be stimulated on every sense at all times, you retard. You probably smoke pot before eating dinner, drink a beer with dinner, put a TV on while eating, and shove a dildo up your ass too for good meaure.

>> No.16336336

Yeah you're right, you don't need to enjoy your food. You will eat around people you're uncomfortable being around, you will eat the bugs, you will only nothing, and you will like it.

>you probably smoke pot before eating, drink a beer
No, I'm not a degenerate. I don't do drugs like you, faggot. (And yes, beer is a drug)

>> No.16336352

>Yeah you're right, you don't need to enjoy your food. You will eat around people you're uncomfortable being around
why the fuck would I be uncomfortable in public? Are you ordering embarassing amounts of food? I'm not some deformed mongoloid lacking even the most basic social skills like you just be.

I don't smoke, drink, or do any drugs. I also don't use food like a drug like you, fatty. Now we know why you have to rush home to eat in solitude in your own private little crack den.

>> No.16336370

>My parents are dead
Fuck off Batman

>> No.16336381

Im actually very much so underweight. I eat one time a day, because it's the Chad thing to do. And I always eat out for convenience, typically ordering in from GrubHub if not walking if it's within range.
>Are you ordering embarrassing amounts of food? I'm not some deformed mongoloid lacking even the most basic social skills like you just be.
If we ignore the several spelling and grammatical mistakes you just made, you're still retarded. No, I don't order "embarrassing amounts of food", but being around other live human beings is inherently always uncomfortable. This runs this risk of being randomly stabbed or shot 100% of times. A human being could literally do anything. Why trust them.

>> No.16336384

>he denied the drugs, but not the dildo in the ass
Something you want to tell us OP?

>> No.16336387

why get food somewhere else just to bring it back to your home? why not just cook a meal yourself at home?

>> No.16336390

I like to watch the wagies beg for a tip. dance like a monkey wagie dance for your tip. That's worth 12%, is that all you've got? Etc.

>> No.16336397

Man, them grubhub niggas could be sitting in yo burgers nigga

>> No.16336400

Because it's faster this way?
Nah, just buttplugs

>> No.16336404

You have autism, we get it. You didn't need a thread to tell us that.

>> No.16336442
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Im living the best life possible. A life of convenience and neethood. I get most things for free and I don't even have to stand up for it.

>> No.16336445

how is it a "treat" to leave my safe house where no one bothers me and go out in the general public where I get screamed at for where I put my ketchup

>> No.16336450

This. What's up fellow chad

>> No.16337519

The best food is made at home so yes

>> No.16338699

no you cannot choose from 40+ meals with exotic ingredients at home, but you can at a restaurant.

>> No.16338731

You fucking can unless you're poor and don't know how to cook / stock up on ingredients.

>> No.16338803
File: 1.20 MB, 3024x4032, Hot Sauce fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Must consoom Star Wars sequels
>Those proles will never know the joy of my hot sauce collection

>> No.16339031

Can't bring myself to hate anyone that has some fuqqin el yucateca up front & center

>> No.16339044

I said kino, not star garbage.

>> No.16339247

I do it in large, open restaurants so I can fart as loud as possible and ensure everybody else enjoys it from the echo.

>> No.16339403
File: 123 KB, 417x531, 1623638883484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I enjoy going outside and live in an actually nice area where I don't have to live in paranoid fear of strangers? Can't even imagine how much it must suck to live in whatever favela you do

>> No.16339516

I live in Burlington, Vermont.

>> No.16339519

Sounds like white country
At least you don’t got to worry about the darkies right?

>> No.16339555

I'm a server
you guys tip me too well and too much too often
making twice what I did at as a cashier, and that's before my hourly. work less, make more, actually meet people to talk to for more than two minutes if they're interested. my boss is foreign and the only interest he has is having a reliable worker to cover him, he leaves early every time he can.

always dine out, get to gos, it's cheaper. I do everything from sweeping, bussing, dishes, orders, mixing drinks, and have a tolerable fucking time. personally I only dine in once a year for my parents sake, I take them out, and I do tip. we make goddamn bank for being a job 16 year old girls can do.
since I do love my job, I do try and please even the repeat no-tipper, because if I don't, our restaurant might start losing sales, easily the best job I've had and want it to last.
my coworkers are female, unreliable, and they make more than I do. go get a job serving

>> No.16339609


I can't believe someone like you could call someone else retarded. Calling yourself a chad while being some underweight paranoid delusional idiot who thinks someone is going to shoot you for eating out? Die alone and sad, brain worms.

>> No.16339685

Because sometimes having a meal is about actually savoring and enjoying what you're eating and not just shoveling something into your mouth while you stare at a TV show, and having a nice ambient surrounding with other people also enjoying their food enhances that.

>> No.16339919

Not a black person in sight for months where I am

>> No.16339934

Sounds like cope and seethe

>> No.16340000

getting the best out of a good company dinner parties usually suck when they go on for to long eating out you can just go home after.

>> No.16340014

>letting delivery subhumans touch your food

>> No.16340270

OP is saying order from the restaurant and eat it at home retard. read

>> No.16340323

here are you eating? no one disturbs you the place is clean and you get food handed to you by fine females you have to pretend not to look at while you girlfriend eats her slop

>> No.16340507

Post your paystub and I’ll come work for you

>> No.16340519

The point is to save you time, effort and mess.

>> No.16340547

The weak value subservience; the strong value self-reliance.

>> No.16340617

Just go to small places or act like you are addicted to your phone.
I’m an expert in this subject.

>> No.16341642

You forgot your oxford comma, retard. Can you go be a brainlet somewhere else?

>> No.16341793

>not pretending your a big lion whos been starving

>> No.16342383

pay stubs? I don't work. I stopped working in september of 2018 and will never need to work again. You already work for me. in 12 years when I start taking Social security.

I can read, OP is retarded because what moron goes to a nice restaurant and says throw that shit in box so it will be nice and cold when I get home. I guess he just microwaves it back to hot eh?

>> No.16343448

do you think microwaves cant reheat food or something

>> No.16343465

mmmm delicious lead adds to the spiciness

>> No.16343622

Microwaves exist for a reason, dumbass!

>> No.16344149

Why are niggas always sitting?

>> No.16344358

Possibly from being broken in

>> No.16344376

>do you not enjoy being able to enjoy your meal
It's the exact opposite, I only enjoy meals when I'm dining in, any type of other meal is effectively sustenance.
The first reason is when you take food 'out' you have to take all your courses at the same time with you, which means almost certainly if you're eating 3-5 courses half of them will be cold and stale. This same issue applies to cooking. When you dine in at a nice place, each subsequent dish is prepared after you finish the previous one so the whole experience is satisfying beginning to end.

>> No.16344452

>in the general public where I get screamed at for where I put my ketchup

where do you get screamed at? Where do you put your ketchup, up your ass or something?

>> No.16344481

>his meal has courses
Why. Are. You. Fat.

>> No.16344513
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My BMI is 21. What I consider 'dining out' is usually at those kinds of restaurants that serve multiple small dishes. The reason for this is that 26 days of the month I eat oats, fruits, chicken breast, and rice. So when I go to a restaurant I want to really experience as many flavours as possible. I'd much rather have 4-5 tiny courses over a two hour period, than stuff myself with some generic piece of fried meat that is typically seasoned to death.

>> No.16344672

OP's talking about takeout you nimrod

>> No.16345777

I know that you can't fucking read.

also reheating your food ruins it morons.

>> No.16346014

if reheating food in general ruins food then you’d also have a problem with all reheat methods such as oven, pan frying, steaming, etc. but you only said microwave as if you’re afraid of technology.

but reheating food doesn’t ruin food, unless if you are using a really loose definition of “ruin.”

>> No.16347562

Dining in is a thing of the past

>> No.16348340

Main problem for me is just food going cold.

>> No.16348369

I envy you

>> No.16348385


its all about cooking at home now and buying 2 milion scoville hot sauces

>> No.16348600

I said reheating food in a microwave because OP is a savage and would rather eat dried out cold food then enjoy a nice fresh meal in a restaurant you turd sorter.

>> No.16348635

If your food is cold by the time you get home then you’ve probably ordered food from somewhere that is like a 30 minute drive away from your house. and if you’ve dried out your food in the microwave then you microwaved it way more than you needed to. or just pop your food in the oven or use a hot pan to reheat if microwaves scare you

>> No.16348637

>watching a movie while trying to experience good food.

Yikes. OP is a boring mf

>> No.16348848
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Most foods are simply best when eaten right away and deteriorate quickly upon transport

>> No.16348921

What? Getting drive-thru tacos and eating
them in your red apple fire convertible is way superior.

>> No.16349355

>Why the fuck do people dine-in?
because some people like going outside

>> No.16349457

A seriously underrated comment

>> No.16349460

40+ meals from a restaurant, unless made from mostly the same pool of ingredients, would make me suspicious of the restaurant

>> No.16349463

No it fucking isn't unless you're an incredibly talented chef. Maybe the best in your shitty small town in your flyover state. Get over yourselves.

>> No.16349467

Nice trips. If you’re not autistic, serving is based. Biggest complainers of any position of any industry ever though.

>> No.16349472

>backpedaling this hard

>> No.16349479

So every restaurant that you go to exclusively employs incredibly talented chefs? No.

>> No.16349507

If you're uncomfortable merely being in the presence of others in a building with you, you may need professional help.

>> No.16349551

Move to Burlington

>> No.16349581


I'm with OP, the only time I can eat out is when I'm loaded on opiates and valium. I swear the confidence on normies is absurd.

>> No.16350828

>I swear the confidence on normies is absurd
Some of them are still nervous in some way, sometimes you can tell. I see it in a restaurant I frequent.

>> No.16351438

I hope you dont like tuna

>> No.16351457

How dose it feel to be on a level of a literal ape you cant mix bunch of powders leavs and protein and not make it taste like shit? Wow how do you function with less skill than literal niggerapes in kongo jungles
Why are you on this fucking board are you literally retarded?

>> No.16351466
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Some of the comfiest meals I've ever had were at 8am right when the cafe opens. I'm usually the only customer for at least a half hour. I can sip black iced coffee, take my time enjoying the meal, and just relax.

>> No.16351651

where do you tards get the idea that microwaves scare me.

the point is (vagina blood fart) that what idiot would waste time bringing food home just to reheat it when you can eat it at the restaurant in comfort and lesiure.

damn you people are stupid.

>> No.16351722
File: 177 KB, 1300x1123, 3706583-two-pairs-of-fried-bacon-rashers-isolated-on-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as HELL.

I take my mom to brunch, and while it's not early (around 10 or 11), it's always fun.

inb4 degeneracy but I like these with brunch since she drives, at the cafe I usually get a mimosa or an iced Irish coffee (w jameson and baileys), and go out to the car for a sec to hit my dab pen while we wait for the food.

Usually if they have something good on special I'll get that, they had huevos rancheros a few weeks ago. If they have nothing I want on special, I'll get two chocolate chip pancakes, two eggs sunny side up, and bacon.

pic related, not from the restaurant but this is what irish bacon is

>> No.16351851

What restaurant do you go to that is so far away that your food gets cold when you get home? You're going to the wrong places.

>> No.16352063

Post body

>> No.16352082

I go for flavor, not heat

>> No.16352559


>> No.16353483

Are you a flyoverville resident or something that you can't get food that's still hot?

>> No.16353886

I live in a moderate sized city and all the restaurants I like are more than 10 minutes away. but that does not matter only morons go to fine dining restaurants and then bring it home.

are you poors? I don't talk to poors.

>> No.16355536

>what is autism?
>what are delivery services
>are you poors? I don't talk to poors.
>fine dining
There is nothing better than having a lovely top notch meal from a reataurant in your own home, watching footie or whatever you want. Why would you want to stay in the restaurant? For the "atmosphere?" For the "tipping"? Those are faggy reasons, why do you think things like UberEats exist? If you cant wrap your head around the concept of eating at home without reeing we shouldn't be talking bud

>> No.16355541
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>why the fuck do people dine-in?

For the free refills, faggot

>> No.16355561
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>I'm a server
>always dine out, get to gos, it's cheaper
I see what you are doing Mr Goldstein

>> No.16355665
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dig in deeper moron.

>> No.16355706
File: 14 KB, 320x320, 10363339_248397582017844_3187636757309170142_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice non reply, go reee some more over people doing things you don't like

>> No.16355732

Loose vs lose. Learn the difference. LOSER.

>> No.16355757 [DELETED] 

What if they live few minutes down the road? Would it not make more sense then to take it home? It wouldn't be cold, and all you need to do is wash your dishes, which isn't hard

>> No.16355760

What if they live few a couple of minutes down the road? Would it not make more sense then to take it home? It wouldn't be cold, and all you need to do is wash your dishes, which isn't hard really, it would only be utensils and a couple of plates unless you've let them pile up.

>> No.16355762

I bet your anus is looser

>> No.16355805

Some restaurants actually have a pleasant dine-in experience unlike the backwater sloppa canteens you have been to, anon.

>> No.16355815

Dear Lord that is the most s0y thing I've ever seen