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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 610x395, CEAC815A-95C2-4831-9AD7-0F7795A144E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16330441 No.16330441 [Reply] [Original]

In euroland, we do school lunch a little bit different, (looking at you US & UK)

>> No.16330451

they all look pretty good

>> No.16330467

what the fuck france

>> No.16330481

American lunches aren't nearly that good

>> No.16330512

France is going full vegetarian/vegan for lunch meals, from nursery day to highschool, doesnt matter, kids are being drastically reduced meat intake.
t. frog

>> No.16330627
File: 80 KB, 610x395, tossed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed that for you, red circles are what kids throw out in each country.

>> No.16330643

projecting a bit there

>> No.16330644

>looking at you US & UK

BritLord here. Every single school day from the age of 11 to 17 I got a bag of chips from the chippy at lunch time.

>> No.16330653
File: 59 KB, 840x668, Hpck9kpTURBXy9jZjlhMTM4NmY1OWRhOGQ1ZjQ1YTczM2M1ZWJkODU4Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that photo is a promo for a healthy school lunch workshop

>> No.16330658

Kids don't throw out cheese in France.
And if your parents raised you correctly you're not a picky eater.
I always finished everything when I had to eat at school.
If you're over 6 y.o and not finishing your plate because you don't like this or that, you are a failure as a human being.

>> No.16330662

But theres a huge horse steak on the french plate

>> No.16330664

usa looks the best out of these

>> No.16330666

Dafuq is Binland eating?

>> No.16330668

no, I just know how children eat, plus actual statistics and studies of what kids don't eat in schools.

given a choice most vegetables go straight in to the trash. even with kids that don't mind eating them they usually toss them.

>> No.16330669

Oh my, you’re surely not implying OP cherry picked an image? Why would she ever do that, what purpose would it serve?

>> No.16330671

>raised you correctly
no such thing
>I always finished everything when I had to eat at school.
the road to being fat starts here.

no kid will eat moldy cheese.

>> No.16330675

>Stale cookie
>HFCS fruit cup
>Instant mashed botatoes
Diabetic hands typed this post

>> No.16330776

the best way to know how a country's rulers feels about it's plebs is to look at (public) school lunches

>> No.16330924

if my kid didnt eat those foods i would give em the ol brick bag river

>> No.16330990

Frenchies really get prime rib for school lunch? Can anyone confirm

>> No.16331007
File: 86 KB, 800x533, pausenbrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every country in this pic fears the pausenbrot.

>> No.16331064

lmao good luck raising your kids to be fat retards for pharma companies to farm revenue from if they are eating like that

>> No.16331081

Huh, only fat I see is some brie. Obviously not counting U.S. Of failure

>> No.16331090


>> No.16331111
File: 47 KB, 400x600, 3BB91572-6128-4DBC-84D6-52A13C0612B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, lil' girl.

>> No.16331117

>no kid will eat moldy cheese.
Just because you or your friends in your shithole country don't, doesn't mean it's true everywhere. Why are you projecting this hard? I'm guessing autism.

>> No.16331139
File: 101 KB, 693x513, 1607277223476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's her @?

>> No.16331250

and here in eastern yurop we serve lunch to kids on plates, instead of prison trays

>> No.16331352

I am Greek and that pic is absolute horseshit,we don't have school lunch (at least not in Athens),that must be some expensive private college

>> No.16331391

I'm German and I never once ate a school cafeteria.

>> No.16331459

Looks like
>a crepe-like dessert
>spinach soup
>some kind of beetroot salad
>no idea what the orange chunks are, sweet potato isn't a common food in finland
>rye bread

Though it doesn't look like that in the school cantina kek

>> No.16331467

>a ham and cheese sandwich on rye
>inspires fear
Only in Israel.

>> No.16331478

Italy is far and away the best of that lot, then Spain then Greece. Ironically, France looks as shitty as the US.

>> No.16331503

I'd pick Italy if I could replace grapes for kiwi and get the french cheese too.

France is probably the healthies all over though.

>> No.16331504

UK isn't on that pic.

>> No.16331506

god I miss pausenbrot

>> No.16331684

Das ist überhaupt nicht wahr. Ja wir essen gesünder. Ja wir essen besser. Aber deine Bilder sind sicher nicht aus europäischen Schulen. Das ist fake.


>> No.16331691

Ul is NOT IN THE EU! they want to worship you nuclear fuckers.

>> No.16331704

This is an english speaking board, bitte scön.
No fake. I bet you love currywurst at imbiss.

>> No.16331723

>"free"(taxpayer money) breakfast up until 4th grade
>a slab of doug with some sprinkled white cheese
>tea or milk
guess the country

>> No.16331748
File: 171 KB, 934x1283, hgfdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh yuro you and your food ok

>> No.16331986

>some gay soup
>beets and carrots
>a soft bread
>crepe with berries
lmao no. Pea soup, sausages, chicken in creamy sauce, fish sticks. Those are some of the basic school lunches we had. Carbs were served in form of potatoes and rice, salads were often of the shredded variety and pannukakku was served with shitloads of jam.
I guess these buzzfeed dimwits are too lazy to actually verify their bullshit claims

>> No.16332022

>slab of doug

>> No.16332024

That picture is such massive horseshit. Yes, I'm sure french children get a massive block of brie with lunch very often.

>> No.16332043

Peas are sweet as fuck. No one but demented kids throw them out.

>> No.16332060


>> No.16332082

6 pictures taken on the same table and plate are from 6 different country's? retard tier thread

>> No.16332086

>go to the richest private schools in other countries
>"wow these kids are getting great lunches"
>go to New York Municipal 53rd Street High School #4 cafeteria
>get served chicken nuggets and a fruit cup from behind the bulletproof glass separating the feral children from the ex-con cafeteria staff
>"wow other countries are so much better lol lmao"

journalists should just be hanged, it would be easier to justify than having to DEBOONK every single one of their bullshit articles

>> No.16332088

Totally fake
t. Finn

>> No.16332089

We're gay, btw. Not sure if that matters. Please send more men or we'll go extinct, preferably sub Saharan Africans. Thanks.

>> No.16332101
File: 492 KB, 590x447, French_nuggets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These pics are always bullshit
Here is what your standard French school dinners looks like (aside from some really posh school or special 'healthy dinners' project.
The same goes for all other countries in Europe including UK

>> No.16332162

Do french schools have free or paid lunches?

>> No.16332223
File: 85 KB, 811x811, 1590545039350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Free, if you're Muslim.

>> No.16332258

but you're not there to make them.

second only to broccoli peas are most hated.

>> No.16332262

no child will eat moldy cheese.

>> No.16332283

You must be an autist.

>> No.16332338

They pay way more in taxes in yuroland. It's never free.

>> No.16332403
File: 48 KB, 474x474, angry mob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talking about taxes in a Euro vs USA thread
uuuuhhhhhhhh why is the ground shaking??

>> No.16332463


Looks like a standard issue Sodexo meal, still good enough to eat though. Hell the pasta salad and broccoli look like they come from a gfs truck

>> No.16332498

This is a standard ration of cheese in a french school.

>> No.16332575

Expected, paid school lunches seem to always gravitate to the "nuggies, fries and some crappy dessert" -meta.

>> No.16332837

nuggets and tots swimming in ranch. thats all i ate every day during middleschool and my life turned out awful.

>> No.16332904

Upon receipt of that tray, I would immeditately pick up my cookie and get it the fuck away from those awful goddamn green peas asap.

>> No.16334331

What Greek kid would throw out fucking stuffed grape leaves? They are built to be tasty

>> No.16334339

do kids in spain really eat half a lemon for lunch?

>> No.16334340

Meanwhile in Poland my school lunch was mystery meat in a brown sauce served with overcooked rice and an optional apple (whole unpeeled ofc.) to go with it

>> No.16334351

>No kids will eat moldy cheese
nigga this is france. I literally started eating bleu cheese and stuff like roquefort at age 3

>> No.16334354

This, there was no school cafeteria

>> No.16334356

We did though
T. french
That's not massive either, just regular portionned cheese

>> No.16334388

They literally made up all the other school lunches, not even bothering to see what schools actually served in those countries. As pointed out earlier in the thread, Greece doesn't even serve food in their schools. Everything in the image is fake. It's actually part of an ad campaign for a consulting service.

>> No.16334404

it's called orange you fucking moron

>> No.16334424

Why not make some anon?

>> No.16335219


Here's what we would get in Ukraine (Europe)

Options for the first meal (you don't choose, depends on the day):
> borshch (actually ok)
> rice (edible but not good. I don't even know how do you fuck up rice)
> buckwheat - DRY AS A PRISON FUCK. Again, I've cooked buckwheat without butter and it's NEVER that fucking dry.

> super shitty fucking cutlets that tasted fucking disgusting
> bread and butter

> shitty apple patties with horrible fucking dough.
> Cookies (surprisingly alright)

> tea (as shit as it gets)
> compote (decent and a great thing to get instead of a fucking tea)
> NEVER juice.

>> No.16335223

None of those portions screem school lunch to me, OP. Schools love to show portions that are realistic.

>> No.16335230

>no such thing
I see, so that mentality is what has lead the USA to be the way it is today

>> No.16335321

Lmao not even France will give away that much cheese to a dumb kid that might be lactose intolerant

>> No.16335325

finnish kids like beetroot

>> No.16335327

>that big ass honking slab of cheese
I don't believe this is real, French people don't eat that much

>> No.16335512

> oh no somebody's gonna fart a couple of times
Fuck off, pussy, le brie is delicious

>> No.16335549

Why would the kids in spain throw out the bread?

anyway this image seems like bullshit. In school we mostly got stuff like lentil soup or some rice + random protein dish.

>> No.16335604

Parents at schools are very anal about this kinda shit nowadays

>> No.16335613
File: 161 KB, 1300x943, forest-gate-london-forest-gate-comprehensive-school-children-eating-A4BG7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chips 'n cheese m8

>> No.16335823

Dude that like 200g of brie. Thats almost the entire caloric intake of a child's lunch in cheese. Its too much.

>> No.16336460

>if your parents raised you correctly you're not a picky eater
This. Never capitulate to a child who doesn't know what they want in the first place. No kid with a meal in front of it ever went hungry.

>> No.16336515

had a grandfather who was janitor & he would tell me all the time how much kids would throw away perfectly fine food that wasn't even open yet, he one time gathered all the lunch trash & and opened it all up and gathered the closed milk cartons, in bag cookies & from breakfast in the morning containers of cereal & cereal bars & straight up drove me to the shelter & families where he donated it all, its honestly sad to know he's gone now

>> No.16336704

The notion of a school having to provide your child lunches seems to foreign to me. If you're too poor to feed your child, don't fucking have one.

>> No.16336707

You don't become the tallest and baldest population on the planet through gluttony. Make way for the dutch school lunch, accompanied by milk that has gone somewhat off in its plastic beaker. I have a strange nostalgia towards those lunches.

>> No.16336747

peas are good
you are a retard

>> No.16336871


Ah so the Dutch arent the only people who bring bread from home to school. Probably the reason why our two economies are a few of the stable ones in Europe.

>> No.16337023

Pausenbrot is German you mutts.

>> No.16337028

that's a lot of food for little pipsqueaks

>> No.16337032


>> No.16337037

You must think it's cool to make fun of people that have higher spatial intelligence than yourself

>> No.16337099

In pussy `murrica they are.

>> No.16337125

do all those places actually eat from the tray like that, or is it all for size comparison so americans can gauge the size?
In my country you get plates and silverware and shit

>> No.16337146

I'm Italian and I've never seen such a good meal in a school

>> No.16337161

That is a suicidal attitude, if it's adopted by a whole national or international culture: guess what's happening now to the Abendland

>> No.16338139

Don't know where the fuck they pulled this out from. Greek schools do not serve lunch.

>> No.16338173
File: 394 KB, 600x720, 1623611920670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, i'm certain france has four vegetables and fruits, fancy cheese by itself and a slab of steak with no carbs for school dinners. Yep nothing wrong here.

Have you seen paris's demographics?

>> No.16338228

We get plates in France too. The guy who took the picture really went out of his way to make our lunch look extra retarded.

>> No.16338241

With the exception of Italy the rest look shitty to say the least.

>> No.16338247

Pro-tip; it's because you act like kikes and are cheap bastards.

>> No.16339077

Do you really expect me to believe that the average French elementary school serves prime rib and and 1/8 of a wheel of brie cheese to their students for lunch?

>> No.16339114

It's roast beef and cheese is a human right, this is the least they can serve without getting sued

>> No.16339278

I imagine most public schools in the US get served way worse shit than what’s in that pic.

Still looks alright.

>> No.16339847

manc retard

>> No.16340057

That pic is fake as fuck though, show actual pictures of actual plates of school food

>> No.16340069

Jesus fuck that's a lot of carbs.

>> No.16340076

Steak and brie are vegan.

>> No.16340099

You either misunderstood or you're lying.
Some cities want to push one vegetarian meal per week, and even then the government is against it
I never had a lunch like that in france

>> No.16341081
File: 50 KB, 1545x961, 1537792861282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at you UK

I had a bacon sarnie, a sausage sarnie, a bag of roysters, 2 malboro and a pint every lunchtime at school

>simple as

>> No.16341090

now post one from a post-soviet country, looking like a prison meal and made with vegeta and maggi based on 50y/o commie recipe books

>> No.16341137

>not getting battered sausage and small cod because chippy chips are always mushy shit without exception
for me it was that or a ginsters or potnoodle from the local shop

>> No.16341491

paris isn't france

>> No.16341665
File: 9 KB, 271x186, 23w5rt6t7yguoij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he sounds like a good man, anon. rip

>> No.16341938
File: 190 KB, 1300x975, 536a73cceab8eae513187ab4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they really serve in Spain

>> No.16342194

In Germany we don't do school lunches at all. It's your kid you fucking feed it

>> No.16342207

based donatin gramps

>> No.16342210

>I never had a lunch like that in france
Yes we had but with lesser quantities and it doesn't looked that good. Canned legumes and slice of meat drown in cheap gravy

>> No.16342212

>Have you seen paris's demographics?
What does demographics has to do with that?

>> No.16342213

I always liked Kalbsleberwurstbrote but it has been years now since the last time I hab one. Maybe I make a stop at the butcher on Monday and just buy some.

>> No.16342232
File: 289 KB, 1080x740, Screenshot_20210626-203225_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16342235

Let me try to explain.
France vs Paris
Paris is a capitol in a country called France, situated in Eorupowerzone.

>> No.16342245

Я чepтoвcки нeнaвижy aмepикaнцeв

>> No.16342344
File: 337 KB, 1280x960, F13F8B43-D8CD-4711-BE20-0AB73ADC7CDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School lunches always interest me a lot, since there weren’t free/fixed meal plans where I went to school(there’s a canteen, buy what you want), and when I moved to leafland the only thing they sold was pizza and fries. Do people really line up to get their daily allotment of food in the West? Does anyone make you eat it?

What if your parents didn’t pay into the meal fund or whatever?

>> No.16343791

I think it goes well beyond the photo too. The food chain and quality level of ingredients I think is much different.

>> No.16343814
File: 926 KB, 2048x2048, 5B15FC0F-5216-45E9-B0DC-1C1596C56D61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

France wins this round

>> No.16343824

No protein at all stateside? Sheesh.