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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16319201 No.16319201 [Reply] [Original]

>hot sauce

>> No.16319211

When did 4chan start hating hot sauce? it this a /pol/ psyop?

>> No.16319243

They hate it cause they’re big of spicelet faggots to actually enjoy it

>> No.16319248
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>> No.16319256
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one single autismo addicted to anal sex apparently

>> No.16319303

It's /pol/tards who can't handle the heat

>> No.16319318

It's both the /pol/ fags and soy boys getting into a feedback loop. Really hot sauce is ok, not my thing but faggots who collect hot sauces are pretty fucking lame and the people who constantly bitch about hotsauces still think zion don is president.

>> No.16319319
File: 4 KB, 125x125, hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excuse, my dear waitress, but might I perchance take a gander at your hot sauce menu?
>...yes, "hot sauce menu." That is what I inquired about.
>You... don't... have one? Well, while that is truly disappointing for an establishment as esteemed as this, thankfully I always carry a choice selection of my rather vast collection with me at all times.
*loud SCRRRTCCHHing of velcro as a fanny pack is opened*
>Hmmm yes, let's see... Perha some "Napalm Diarrhea" for this meal? No, I think the garlicy twinge of "Captain McGoober's Ass-Ripping Lava Fatter Sauce" would pair quite well with my entree. Or is it finally the day that "5 Alarm Anus Melting Hot Sauce" will make it's debut...?
>Ah, the dilemma of a connoisseur! Be that as it may; what are your IPA offerings, my sweet?

Like anything, a thing can become manifestly reddit and poserish. You would understand this if you were not a buttmad newfag.

>> No.16319327
File: 36 KB, 400x350, 1613737194115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, see he has chronic ass damage, that's why he can't handle the sauce

>> No.16319332


>> No.16319395

Its not about the thing in itself retard, its about making fun of a type.

Why are people so retarded.

>> No.16319401

wtf i hate hot sauce now

>> No.16319406

soijak posters should be hung from trees

>> No.16319407

too spicy for you, h'white boi?

>> No.16319413

probably came with the popularity of hot ones

>> No.16319421

Nobody hates hot sauce. But everyone hates the numale patch beard bugmen that make collecting hot sauce part of their lifestyle/identity.

>> No.16319424
File: 8 KB, 600x800, benevolent-soyjak-2kztrzs6gm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black coffee
>medium rare
>only turn once
>hand tenderness method
>cast iron
>pineapple doesn't belong on pizza
>animal style
>hot sauce
>raw fish
>I'll take a number ... easy on the ... and no ....
>whole milk
>real cheese
>flamin hot
>mouth feel

>> No.16319427

I thought h'white boys like it because of that?

>> No.16319441
File: 177 KB, 697x768, 1562190867305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gringos that have tons of hot sauces in their house seem to like it to "show off" or something, as if saying "heh, yeah, i eat really spicy hot sauces that a normie would hate, i'm manlier"
but their hot sauces all taste like shit, just vinager with some chilli
at least mexican salsas have actual flavor + you don't see mexicans showing off their collection of hot sauces or whatever

>> No.16319449

yeah we get it fucktard it's just not funny

>> No.16319453
File: 469 KB, 1080x1439, 1610485779264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.16319468

didnt seem like it. and do you honestly not find >>16319453
even a little funny.

>> No.16319474

4chan's culture is based entirely on mindless contrarianism

>> No.16319479

You forgot also contra-contrarianism ad infinitum as well.

>> No.16319488

I don't understand why you'd collect those. I'm a hot sauce gringo too but I just have a bottle of the stuff I like in my fridge and use it till its gone, then buy another one. It's not like they're going up in value if you keep them? I don't get it.

>> No.16319511

This is the most objectively true post I’ve ever seen

>> No.16319532

Yeah but it'll never happen because they're the majority now. 4chan's destiny was decided the day that the dumb frogposters outnumbered the animefags. When I've gotten really sick of 4chan in the past I've left for years at a time, I'm tempted to do it again but I feel like I'll just come back to the exact same shit. Even the more underground imageboards are infested with Q retards and tranny obsessed cuck posters who spend all day pretending that other people ruined 4chan.