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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16310808 No.16310808 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16310816

I don't eat or make sweet desserty type shit so I literally never have a reason to use the word savoury because everything I make is umami.

>> No.16310823

Umami has that extra little hint of dick sweat in it.

>> No.16310826

umami means savory savory means salty. wrong you prove can't me.

>> No.16310933


>> No.16310948

Savory already had a perfectly good meaning, "anything not sweet"
There's absolutely no need to conflate the two words

>> No.16311141

If they mean the same thing, then it doesn't matter which one I use.

>> No.16311145

If I see someone say umami in real life I will put them in a chokehold

>> No.16311152

>savory means not sweet
maybe to fat fuck amerisharts that eat donuts for breakfast

>> No.16311157

but it means it in a really epic way that you can't understand without studying japanese culture for a lifetime

>> No.16311158

Sure you will

>> No.16311206

>sell "umami essence"
>it's just MSG but 10x the price

That's how you game the wankers who say umami

>> No.16311330

A lot of Japanese green tea has umami flavor but it isn't savory.

>> No.16311350

Holy fucking lol.
It’s umami as fuck just how badly this word triggers the mong cu/ck/lets.

>> No.16311373

on the surface level yes, savory is a "ohhh... i want to enjoy this slowly" sensation and umami is more of a "AY YO THIS SHIT BE POPING" sensation

>> No.16311417

Umami is a basic taste.
Savory is not.

>> No.16311470

Well yeah it's a buzzword/marketing term to appeal to foodie know it alls who need their own special secret language.

>> No.16311540
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>> No.16311566

Your version is you hold their nutsack while you choke on their cock.

>> No.16312981
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>omg anon, this dish is like... so uma-

>> No.16312992

Imagine believing savory is the same as umami

on /ck/ of all boards

This world is going to hell in a shit-basket

>b-but I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.16313004


1. I was just memeing along with the crowd.

2. I actually don't know what umami all about. I know it's commonly described as "mushroomy" for some reason. Don't really understand it.

>> No.16313016

What's the difference egdelord instead of shitting on everyone? It's a discussion board - most are here to learn. If they were experts they wouldn't be on here taking advice from random, dickfaced muppet.

>> No.16313019

Well one's a fucking herb for starters

>> No.16313071

did you get your degree in culinary arts from the hood?

>> No.16313112

is the taste of glutamate
saying it's one of the essential flavors is taking it too far, but you do have receptors on your tongue for it

>> No.16313126

Yah, I agree. But who cares.

From a purely aesthetic pov I prefer savory, as its weird having the staple flavors being germanic/romance in english, and one being a straight take from Japanese. Its just jarring.

>> No.16313140

you really don't know what those words mean do you

>> No.16313148

always thought umami was that feeling of ahhhhh
like long day and then a nice hot shower or bath
or a cold drink after cleaning up the backyard on a summer day
that moment of refreshing
or is umami just mean delicious?

>> No.16313154

the tree does look nice tho

>> No.16313168

The paint wouldn't be flaking off in Japan

>> No.16313179

isnt it like, anything msg tasting?

>> No.16313183

It's hard to put into words but when you eat something with either type of flavor you know exactly what the difference is

>> No.16313308

Glutamic acid
Inosinic acid
guanylic acid

>> No.16313330

Faggot and OP means the same thing.
But that doesn't mean they both don't have a place in our lexicon.

>> No.16313347

lol so what did everyone call it before japan?

>> No.16313370

fucking buzzwords

>> No.16313374

Isn't this one of those retarded shit like when those fucking One Piece faggots tries to force Nakama instead of friends/family?

>> No.16313375


>> No.16313377

You can't make that first syllable in Japanese.

>> No.16313381

Every "umami" thing is 1/3 savory, 2/3 salty.

>> No.16313388

umami literally just means MSG-flavored

>> No.16313421

WhAt'S tHe DeAl WiTh SyNoNyMs? They mean the same thing! What's up with that!?!!??

>> No.16313550

Savoury has two extra letters and is not understood internationally. Just use Umami.

>> No.16313557

>reading comprehension = 0

>> No.16313626

"meatiness" is a better word
chemically it's free glutamate which can be enhanced by about 7x with inosinate. inosinate is a breakdown product of ATP and you find it in a lot of fish products like bonito flakes. You ever wonder why dashi is kelp + bonito? Kelp has glutamate in it, bonito has inosinate, so it is like some kind of umami bomb
You also get inosinate during the aging of beef
Enzymatic action in cheese releases the glutamate from casein and that's why parmesan and other aged cheese tastes so good

It really is different from the word "savory" in the sense that it's more specific and has a chemical explanation behind it, whereas savory is British for food that is "not sweet"

>> No.16313632

>It really is different from the word "savory" in the sense that it's more specific and has a chemical explanation behind it, whereas savory is British for food that is "not sweet"
this is false

>> No.16313646

I don't see the point in comparing an abandoned place vs a populated place

>> No.16313647

I can not believe the levels of mental gymnastics being performed in this thread.

umami = savory*

*Unless you're talking about the herb

>> No.16313675

you don't even mean anything to anybody
Why should I care about your fucking asinine statement in an obvious shit stirring shitpost, you dumb cunt?
get fucked

>> No.16313729

This is accurate. there's a lot of plant based foods that are definitely rich in amino acids that you'd probably never describe as savory, eg dried tomatoes, Gyokuro tea, etc.
Personally as someone who has spent a certain amount of time in japan the use of the phrase in english speaking countries does kind of annoy me because in japanese usage it doesn't actually mean "has high amino acid content/ is savory," it's a lot more broad than that. in japan, the "umami" of an ingredient consists of much more than how savory it is, and also encompasses stuff like scent or flavor, often in the context of something that can be passed into a dish in the form of a broth. the english usage of the term can still be useful, but it's just kinda needlessly confusing.

>> No.16313734

>actually believing this shit

What the fuck is wrong with /ck/

>> No.16314130

sencha has umami but it doesn't have any salt in it

>> No.16314534

Maybe the Japanese should adopt "savory" for "has a lot of glutamates".

>> No.16314590

so you're actually retarded and not merely pretending?

>> No.16314598

Fuck specificity in cuisine lol

>> No.16314618

The difference is easy to determine.
1. Date/marry a Japanese girl
2. Lick her feet and armpits at the end of a long day
Her feet are savory. Her armpits are umami. It’s quite simple.

>> No.16314622

This thread has ran it's course guys. We are well beyond the "hurhur I trol u" bullshit.

They mean the same fucking thing unless "savory" is referencing the herb.

>> No.16314657

No, anon, your one post doesn’t finalize anything.
You are the retard.
And nobody uses the term as an adjective to reference the herb, you autistic little chucklefuck.
Now go on and get mad and post your soyjack collection.

>> No.16314673

>on /ck/
>still can't grasp umami = savory

This world is going to hell in a shit basket

>> No.16314680
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you can always just post a screenshot of the definition. anon is just being a faggot.

>> No.16314683

>a fringe board of fatherless zoomers who don’t actually cook and hate everything they don’t like, don’t own, or can’t afford
>a bastion of cooking knowledge
lol you can’t be serious, Brayden.

>> No.16314687


>Savory means not sweet


>> No.16314693


Where do suppai and amai for into this conversation?

>> No.16314748
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What would you consider this flavor? It's definitely very umami but there's no hint of salt in it at all

>> No.16314754

You answered your own fucking question anon.

>> No.16314768

I was asking the people who insist on it having to have a salty element present.

>> No.16314976
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>> No.16315103

Not an argument

>> No.16315118
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>> No.16315127

Not an argument.

>> No.16315134
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Obviously this is not an argument, you have not provided any to refute, there's no need for any argument right now.

>> No.16315136

Good to know you admit that you have no argument

>> No.16315137

>t. kiddy who doesn't understand rhetorics

>> No.16315150

Good to know you admit that you're rhetorded

>> No.16315164

Not my problem.

>> No.16315173

Underage people, OUT!

>> No.16315175
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>> No.16315213

savory = lots of taste.

As in: mayonnaise is more savory than cream.
As in: a ketchup carbonara is more savory and has more flavor.

savoury = has a hearthy, meaty, even earthy flavour component.

Learn the difference.

>> No.16315264

they're related but not the same.
"Savory" just means something plaesant to the taste but not sweet, and it can even be subjective, meanwhile "umami" is one of the basic tastes along with sweet, sour, salty and bitter and has specific receptors on the tongue activated by glutamate in food.

>> No.16315307

They are the same fucking thing you god damn waste of space.

>> No.16315327

Then why do we have two words for it? There aren't actually synonyms. They always are a little different. Like in this case.

>> No.16315330



>> No.16315385

I would call those all savory.

>> No.16315388


Savory is one of the basics tastes along with sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.


>> No.16316005

i fucked yah mammi

>> No.16316404

savory = salty + umami

>> No.16316410

Exactly as explained in >>16314618

>> No.16316454

cope and seethe harder, weeaboo