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16286335 No.16286335 [Reply] [Original]

going in for a interview for my first job ever working in a pizzeria. any tips?

>> No.16286423

Have fun with it and be a person they'll love to be around. Don't take yourself too seriously.

>> No.16286435

going in to commit suicide for my first time ever in a pizzeria. any tips?

>> No.16286444

make sure you are good at whatever they do at pizzerias

>> No.16286447

look clean
be polite
have fun

>> No.16286458
File: 70 KB, 400x388, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks guys i really appreciate it.

>> No.16286505

Just be pleasant and easygoing. However they want you to do it, no problem, and you have no problem with feedback either.
>If I screw it up, help me understand where I went wrong
You got it.

>> No.16286506 [DELETED] 

>san diego

>> No.16286517

If the pizza is going to a white family, well..

Remember George Floyd.

>> No.16286537

This anon gets it. Remember that with regards to the job you’re taking, that worthless violent felon never had one in his life. He was a net drain on every productive and hard working man and woman of whatever race in our country. Also don’t forget he passed out behind the wheel on fentanyl, but if the care were in motion RIP mom & kid at the crosswalk. Also, it’s great how the mother who GF put the gun to the belly of has to live with half of this stupid country pretending he’s anything but a criminal turd and making Harambe-inspired murals in high-crime neighborhoods.

>> No.16286613

Probably not if you're working in the back.

>> No.16286628

when you speak bring all of your fingers together and shake them while pointing them up to look authentic

>> No.16286630


>> No.16286639

Dont cum on the pizza

>> No.16286646

If you just had a single case study for the concept of injustice:
>be me
>be minding my own business
>shit is stressful b/c preggo
>some dude points a gun at my pregnant stomach
>steals everything from me
>dude relocates from Texas to MN
>up to the same exact shit
>karma takes its toll
>half of America declares him a saint
>the party of tolerance delivers again
>victim twice
>once by the crime
>again by St. George the Virtuous
>have to live with it
why do they do it?

>> No.16287456
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>> No.16287559

if your young, and you have an interview at a fast food chain then congratulations your already hired

>> No.16287655

bravo, lad, cause for celebration

>> No.16288533

Be good with a broom and standing all day. Gonna be a lot of shit to sweep up.

>> No.16289403


>> No.16289408

That sucks, now you have to work at a pizzeria. Slave for me wagie

>> No.16289935
File: 169 KB, 880x670, 5bu-pphtpee-tp-cli225-5ps-uaru549-a80m38_916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice going anon

>> No.16289966
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>> No.16290063

Best tip yet

>> No.16290074

I worked at a pizza shop some 20 years ago. One of the best jobs I've ever had.

>> No.16290156

I demand a picture of the first pizza you make.

>> No.16290339


>> No.16290381

Put on an italian accent so he knows you're qualified. Make sure to move your hands and say "mama mia" as much as possible.

>> No.16290403

If your kids are even part black I'll run them down in my car. I'm sick of it.

>> No.16290410
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>> No.16290572

That's right, put some fentanyl on the pizza and show people what Floyd laid down for.

>> No.16291934

Bump for op's first pizza

>> No.16291954

just off yourself don't include any innocent bystanders. also, post results.

>> No.16291972

Try to aim so that your brains splatter onto the dough like a pizza topping. It will be lighthearted fun and the employees will really appreciate the bit of humor you brought into their day

>> No.16291977

Cum on all the pizzas

>> No.16292059

You having a rough Thursday?

>> No.16292189
File: 29 KB, 679x516, apu_tp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats fren
we should eat some pizder to celebrate

>> No.16292223

No thanks I don't want to touch dicks you cartoon posting and speaking weirdo.

>> No.16292253

Tell them your favorite pizza is Banana Pizza, that is sure to impress them.

>> No.16292959
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Be polite.

>> No.16293366
File: 36 KB, 780x670, 1561744577132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats fren

>> No.16293385


>> No.16293485

name one good thing about Floyd.

>> No.16293592

Bump in to a customer and say " I'm walking here " in your most inner Guido voice.

>> No.16293601
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>> No.16293654


Remember your italian accent and use a lot of italian expressions 'mamma mia' etc.

>> No.16293910

umm based?

>> No.16293915

yeah im thinking based

>> No.16294073

well yeah, you have a pulse and a driver's license
Now do everything exactly as they say. Pizzerias have very exact ways of doing things and questioning them will get you booted

>> No.16294091

don't kys when they don't give you the job, keep your head up and keep searching harder than before