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16283054 No.16283054 [Reply] [Original]

Can't drink beer anymore, just makes me feel bloated and I need to drink a shitton to get properly drunk.

Should I buy wino or jsut straight out switch to liquor? What liquor? Whisky? Vodka?

>> No.16283057

Reach out to Christ for salvation, brother. With The Lord God you can reach paradise.
Reject the alcoholism and come home.

>> No.16283063


>> No.16283065
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This. Don't drown, anon.

>> No.16283070

drink port. its cheap, sweet and delicious

>> No.16283092

How do you avoid blue lips and teeth and not signal to everyone you are fucked on red wine?

>> No.16283093

Read a story on here about this womans 40 year old husband and Alchoholism. One day his liver just quit working proceeds to shit blood out of his ass all over the bedroom all over the house. Died same day. Drinking can kill you.

>> No.16283097
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You're looking for the alcohol poisoning to get you drunk, so naturally you should choose the strongest, most potently proofed beverage that is a mere shade below rubbing alcohol.

After you realize how damaging all of this shit is to your liver and kidneys, you could probably start the journey of going sober, or better yet, trip on weed edibles instead.

>> No.16283113

support local business. find out what grapes grow well locally and join a wine club of a grower that does it well. find a local distiller and get into their spirits. fun, community oriented, and makes it seem less like alcoholism

>> No.16283127

I know that it's not healthy.
>trip on weed edibles instead.
I don't like weed just makes me thirsty and dizzy.

>> No.16283129

Drink distilled liquor. Wine and beer is for faggots. Distillation > Only Fermentation.

Disagree? Enjoy your shitty outdated drink full of garbage that only exists because they didn't know how to distill shit 5000 years ago.

>> No.16283144

I will, and I'll drink whiskey and beer in the same night, just because i can. Keep on whining

>> No.16283150

Stock up on water before seeing Jesus.

>> No.16283155

>I'll drink whiskey and beer
what a faggot

>> No.16283208

Being redeemed by Christ is the better choice. I waited too long and am very sick and the last few years of my life will be torture. Good luck.

>> No.16283209

Jesus loved the wine lol

>> No.16283216

Drink it more quickly and eat less.

>> No.16283246

I'm on day 4 of being clean after a 2 week bender. if you're gonna do it, I'd say vodka. It was my go-to.

>> No.16283292
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Or drink Natty Daddy

>> No.16283416

Try wine.

>> No.16283427

>shitton to get properly drunk
Also youbteally shiuldn't be getting drunk. I fully realized at around 30 that nothing good ever comes out of getting shitfaced.

>> No.16283447

it's not really available everywhere, but I really like portwine
it usually has around 20% of alcohol and tastes pretty sweet, really nice
if you can't find that I'd try some italian wine for 2-5 bucks
In case you like juice get rum and mix it 50/50 with your favourite juice

>> No.16283509

switch to weed
if you're drinking THAT much beer and it's not doing anything, then switching to liquor is just gunna burn a $50 a night hole in your pocket, or switching to wine will fuck your liver and give you nasty hangovers.

>> No.16283530

>I don't like weed just makes me thirsty and dizzy.
same bro. I don't get the appeal at all

>> No.16283546

Vodka if you're just looking to get shitheel plastered. Source: my crippling alcoholism. But I'd stop while you're ahead if you're not already a full-on drunk. It stops being fun.

>> No.16283568

>or switching to wine will fuck your liver
Recovering alcoholic here. Everything will fuck your liver, booze is booze.
OP, quit while you're ahead. You will regret it down the line. It might take years, but you will and it will catch up to you.

>> No.16283577

Hi OP, I'm familiar with this problem. I switched from standard 4.5-5% alc beer to stronger 6.3% stuff, and that helped some, but I've since switched to drinking straight vodka. The benefits are obvious, the downside is that as a habitual drinker I like to constantly have a drink to sip on, with beer drinking too much could only happen deliberately, but with straight vodka it's hard not to drink too much over the course of a day.

>> No.16283701

Based port enjoyer.

>> No.16283823

>trip on weed
how can you think that weed makes you dizzy compared to alcohol?

>> No.16283846

Vodka is the cheapest and stuff like Popov is actually palatable for the price. You can chase it with water or drink it straight outta the bottle.

>> No.16283847

It's just my personal expirience I do not like how weed makes me feel? I you like it it's good for you I guess.

>> No.16283856

if you switch to liquor, you'll eventually end up with alcohol withdrawals, seizures, hospital stays, etc

similar can happen with wine but it's harder. only buy wine instead.

>> No.16283894

>nothing good ever comes out of getting shitfaced.
getting shitfaced is its own reward

>> No.16284167


wine's gonna be the way to go, 13% +

>> No.16285038

you're getting a lot more drunk than you think you are on beer, you're just not getting buzzed anymore because your tolerance is too high.

stop drinking for a month and then go back to beer.

>> No.16285076

Good vodka+ fresh lemon juice + salt. Serve over lots of ice.
No gut issues, just a solid drink to get ya buzzed.

>> No.16285096

I'm in a similar boat.
I love just about all the different types of beer, and the right brew with a high ABV can still get me off my ass in 2-3 of them.
However, it's given me a beer gut since I starting drinking a lot in college, so I probably should switch to liquor.

>> No.16285106

Wine in ice is how i go about it. makes me drink really slow because its to ocold, and i just ride the buzz as it builds up. With pure liqour i drink way too much and don't realize it until the entire bottle is gone and i just raised my tolerance through the roof in one night.

>> No.16285213
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Ha, that's the opposite of my journey. I actually switched to Miller 64 because if I'm going to be downing 20+ beers a day regardless, I may as well be semi functional. The problem comes that now there's another can shortage like last year. I only have four cases left which is about a week supply.

Just buy a handle of bottom shelf vodka like the rest of the end of the road alchies. If you want to get fancy, you can make DIY whiteclaws with La Croix and Mio.

>> No.16285618

buy a treadmill and citruline malate and improov your health

>> No.16285750
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>> No.16286468

Drink less beer and drink spirits in between.