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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.95 MB, 4032x3024, 20210609_111415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16256856 No.16256856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I made some more salads for the homeless yesterday. Well, I didn't actually make them myself. I had some Boys and Girls Club volunteer teens make them.

>> No.16256874

I think they did a pretty good job for 14 year olds. They only did ~600. We also sent some bananas and these little 4oz vanilla ice cream cups I bought from a local dairy for $0.24 each.

>> No.16256879
File: 242 KB, 2048x1529, 978030_457082931050116_1872730213_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some other photos as well. This is a nice shot of my kettles.

>> No.16256887
File: 64 KB, 720x960, 390103_468731729885236_1007501175_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a photo of me utilizing child labor. That's me in the background.

>> No.16256911
File: 134 KB, 720x960, 12115503_905973652827706_4969697254087964981_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some goofball shit.

>> No.16256915
File: 120 KB, 1143x857, 857805_445138008889534_469386687_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all the people last time telling me I should poison the homeless, if I were to do it this is what I would use.

>> No.16256939
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x3024, 20210610_091937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more photo. I purchased a used 40 gallon steam kettle the other day, and it shipped to me with a surprise inside.

>> No.16256959

Are you the person who posted about making meals for the homeless earlier this year? I think you had made some rice or noodle dish if I am correct. The conversation kind of devolved into people arguing about the merits of charity.

>> No.16256995

she's hot
the waifu of /ck/

>> No.16257022

why are there 600 homeless people in your neighborhood?

>> No.16257031

I don't think so. I posted last Friday. I've also posted very rarely on here over the last 5 years or so.

>> No.16257035

My friend's daughter. She decided she was going to make smoothies for everyone. My friend is taking the picture and also was the one who cut up the fruit.

>> No.16257043
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There's not any homeless people in my neighborhood but there are huge camps downtown.

>> No.16257065

Is the girl homeless?? Where are her parents

>> No.16257073

Behind the camera.

>> No.16257077

you own a catering business or something and just do the homeless stuff on the side? also cherry tomatoes make we want to vomit

>> No.16257078
File: 629 KB, 2272x1704, McDonald's_McChicken_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some more mcchickens for the homeless yesterday. Well I didn't actually make them myself. I had some boys and Girls Club volunteer teens make them.

>> No.16257087

A NPO, we mainly do free and reduced school lunch and specialty stuff (gluten-free, vegan, etc).

Gearing up right now to supply meals for summer feeding sites.

>> No.16257097


>> No.16257161

Are you Grimace?

>> No.16257172
File: 74 KB, 600x450, 1617533717450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homeless people
>Eating salads

>> No.16257180

I'm pretty sure you could kill at least dozen homeless people with a single one of these. I've seen one kill a horse before when I was a kid.

>> No.16257187

Salads were overwhelmingly requested by the homeless people I interviewed.

>> No.16257190

Then you aren't talking to real homeless people but vagrants by choice

>> No.16257203

What do you think "real" homeless people like to eat?

>> No.16257233


>> No.16257239
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>> No.16257247


>> No.16257258

Yes, we all love McChickens, but what else? A person can't subsist on booze, heroin, and McChickens alone.

>> No.16257272

The biggest things requested by the homeless people I interviewed were salads and high quality proteins.

I do surveys of school kids, too. The high quality protein is always requested. Everyone wants steak and lobster.

>> No.16257273 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 220x165, 220px-Mchickenjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just eat more mcchickens.

>> No.16257288

That's not even a McChicken. 0/10

>> No.16257299

OP, however well intentioned you are, stop posting creepshots of children on 4chan

>> No.16257306

How the lizard kill the horse?? he bite him?

>> No.16257314

Get your mind out of the gutter.

>> No.16257325

It's a poisonous salamander. Yeah, the horse ate it. I've actually heard stories that some animals will swallow this same species of salamander, die from it, and then the salamander will emerge still living from the dead animal. I'm not sure if I believe that.

>> No.16257357

American horses eat lizard! my horse he eat hay.

>> No.16257364
File: 25 KB, 480x461, dfdhzd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16257368

Horses and cows will eat all sorts of stuff. Birds, lizards, mice, etc.

>> No.16257371

>encourages shit tier behavior
>but not in their neighborhood
classic limousine liberal. how about you invite them over to stay in your neighborhood instead of putting food out for them in mine?

>> No.16257372

Are you my grandma?

>> No.16257384

different anon but absolutely don't post creepshots of children on the internet, you fucking retard.

>> No.16257387

Can a horse eat ANOTHER horse??

>> No.16257391

A lot of homeless are physically disabled or mentally ill and don’t have any family or resources. Many are veterans and have done more in their life than you ever will.

>> No.16257394
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No, but it can eat a mcchicken.

>> No.16257397

Another pervert. Are you warning me about your uncontrollable urges anon?

>> No.16257402

>Can a horse eat ANOTHER horse??
Probably, but not in 1 bite.

>> No.16257409

don't post pictures of people online without their permission, it is rude, how hard is that for you to understand?

>> No.16257411

why dont you just move to a better neighborhood

>> No.16257413

Does your friend know you are posting pictures of his child on 4chan?

>> No.16257423

>encourages shit tier behavior
What behavior would that be?
>but not in their neighborhood
They don't set up their camps in anyone's neighborhood. Usually it's in a park downtown which is a commercial district.

>> No.16257434

This is not my experience from living among them for 25 years and knowing many homeless
Most are drug addicts who destroyed any support network they had with their infantile behavior
There is a reason they are homeless and it is usually themselves

>> No.16257439

Ok ok ok, but can a chicken eat a mcchicken in one sitting??

>> No.16257442

I have permission. I still think it's highly suspect that you would call that innocent photo a "creepshot".

Normal, non-perverted people don't think that way about children.

>> No.16257449

>posting pictures of his child on 4chan?
Her child actually. Yeah. She is monitoring this thread.

>> No.16257456

Your friend also posts on /ck/?

>> No.16257458

Hey anon, do you own this establishment, or are you just the chef for the owner?
Either way, kudos for feeding the hungry. The food looks pretty good (better than I was given for jury duty, lol)

>> No.16257462

Thanks! I will try to get some big batch photos posted soon. It's harder to take those photos during production.

>> No.16257470

Technically I don't own it, since it's an NPO.

>> No.16257472
File: 170 KB, 597x387, DontFeedThem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What behavior would that be?
throwing all of your little plastic containers everywhere but a trashcan, harassing people and businesses, committing crimes, causing a public health problem by shitting everywhere etc.
somebody lives near where you feed them and is hating you for putting food out. have them camp in your backyard if you are feeling so generous

>> No.16257478

She(he)'s the one posting about mcchickens right now.

>> No.16257486

Sure that's all my fault. You're welcome.

>> No.16257489

Why don't they just move away from the soup kitchen anon? What, are they too poor to live in a nicer area?

>> No.16257500

This better be bait. You're on 4chan, you absolute mong. The first reply was someone calling her "hot." Every board on 4chan is full of degens and any picture of an average person posted here is a creepshot

>> No.16257501 [DELETED] 

>pedo apologist
Get some help, fella.

>> No.16257515

Ok, turbo retard. Nice reply to the guy who said she was hot. You deserve the wall

>> No.16257518

you make the problem worse
are you saying that the homeless should be limited to living in certain areas? OK. perhaps instead of being diluted across a wide area they could be concentrated into camps

>> No.16257521

No, and if you could read properly you would know that. At least fucking try

>> No.16257534

>you make the problem worse

I know, I'm doing it on purpose just to piss you off.

>> No.16257541

Then what are you saying? That it's OK for them to be forced upon some people and not others? That the people least impacted by them should be allowed to decide for those who are the most impacted?

>> No.16257545

OK Karen. Have fun with your outrage.

I'm going to be ignoring the indignant secret perverts starting now.

>> No.16257557

I think that you think you are helping, and for the homeless who eat salad, you are. But you enable the much larger problem and make it worse for the people who have to live among them
If they lived in your neighborhood you might feel differently. That's why you are a limousine liberal

>> No.16257580

Why would you waste food by feeding the homeless?
They should be euthanized or forced to live in the woods for everyone's benefit, they're smelly and gross to look at

>> No.16257585

Sarcasm aside, I'm OK with people like you being upset. I'm not sure what your stance is, but "don't feed homeless people" sounds rather extreme to me, and nothing in my experience would suggest that starving them would alleviate any problems. In fact, I think it would create more problems.

Also it's funny that you think I'm a liberal.

>> No.16257590

>live in the woods
An island maybe, if you're going that route. Pretty authoritarian solution, there.

>> No.16257603
File: 101 KB, 864x717, 1601519641742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I'd put a bounty on them, every dead hobo gets you $50

>> No.16257613

>thinks there are more perverts on 4chan than other places on the internet

People post pics of their kids all over the internet. Do you give every one of them the same spiel every time you see it? I'd argue there are more pedos on Facebook and Instagram than /ck/, and those are not anonymous platforms.

>> No.16257618

Or I could poison them with salamanders and render the corpses down in my 60 gallon steam kettle to feed them to other homeless people.

>> No.16257624

>homeless people will starve
Homeless people aren't starving. They don't regularly starve to death, they overdose. There is plenty of cheap food in the US. All you are doing is making their drug fueled lives more convenient
You have the hypocrisy of a liberal, but there is plenty of hypocrisy among conservatives as well, because both groups are retarded

>> No.16257625

What would be the point of poisoning and butchering the homeless only to feed them to more of the hobos keeping them alive?

>> No.16257626

the term creepshot just means "picture of someone taken without the person knowing". not really related to the intrinsic creepiness of the photo.
of course it's different if you had permission to post it. but I still wouldn't post photos of anyone I know on 4chan. there is no upside and only the possibility of weirdos.

>> No.16257627

Removing the evidence, duh.

>> No.16257631

Nobody cares about a dead hobo, people go missing all the time as long as it's not a white kid you won't get caught

>> No.16257646

They aren't starving because people feed them. They don't starve to death because people feed them. I'm only currently supplying a single meal a week, with the intent to give them something that will be healthier for them then what they normally get, which I've been told in a lot of cases is Little Caesars pizza 4-5 times a week, other fast food items and donated restaurant food. Apparently some BBQ joint is giving them free ribs every Sunday.

>> No.16257652


Technically hobos are the dudes who ride trains around.

>people go missing all the time

1 or 2 people go missing nobody notices, a few dozen homeless people leave dead corpses behind and people will definitely notice.

>> No.16257672

>gatekeeping homeless
grow up, chud.

>> No.16257675
File: 264 KB, 736x960, 1614442395544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uppity buck

>> No.16257722

And if people didn't feed them, or they don't like the food, they get food for themselves. Assuming that they are all incapable is prejudiced
How many homeless people have you really known for a long time and hung out with outside of your interactions during your feedings?
I have known a lot. And I'm not sure you are helping and concerned that you are making things worse for them by enabling their infantilism
Keep patting yourself on the back and think you are going to a great reward for your deeds, but keep your eyes and mind closed because you may not like what you find

>> No.16257789

>wrapped but not shelf-stable
You really just hate homeless people, huh?

>> No.16257825

>thinks there are more perverts on 4chan than other places on the internet
Lurk moar faggot

>> No.16257876

>they get food for themselves

That's exactly what I mean when I say that if you leave homeless people to starve it will actually cause more problems. You seem to think they're gonna "pull themselves up by their boot straps", get a job, and start providing for themselves. I think they'll turn to potentially violent criminal behavior.

>keep your eyes and mind closed because you may not like what you find

I cringed.

>> No.16257884

Dont you have that foodstamp scheme in USA?

>> No.16257896

Yes, and also free housing that a lot of people qualify for.

>> No.16257898

Many such cases

>> No.16257915

Cant they eat their fill on foodiestamps?

>> No.16257927

Good job anon, I'm proud of you.

I do the same sometimes, and I like to put extra ghost peppers in all of the dishes, just to make them feel a bit of pain so they can be sure they are still alive :)

I recommend you to do the same!

>> No.16257948

>I think they'll turn to potentially violent criminal behavior.
They already do that to get drugs. If you weren't feeding them, they'd have to spend more time acquiring and preparing food and less time getting fucked up
Face it, the only one you are helping is you

>> No.16257949

I have a brother who is schizophrenic who has spent time living on the streets on multiple occasions. At one point I helped him get set up with a foodstamp card.

At a certain point they will just stop giving you foodstamp money. If you qualify for Section 8 housing, it's really easy to get tossed out for breaking rules, or so I've been told. My brother during a bad spell had his foodstamp card cancelled, tossed out of Section 8, and apparently lost all of his ID somehow. It took 8 months for him to recover (ID, Housing, funding), during which he just lived on the streets.

I dunno what everyone's situation is, but if the system worked well I'd have to assume there wouldn't be so many homeless.

>> No.16257955

>If you weren't feeding them, someone else would

Fixed that for you. Little Caesars, etc.

>> No.16257998
File: 113 KB, 1079x897, IMG_20210606_143817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these incels against feeding homeless people.

>> No.16258001

>Little Caesars
does it for tax purposes and image
You and your NGO are a part of the problem. Why end hunger and homelessness when it is so profitable?

>> No.16258011

>all of these kids with no experience with the homeless thinking their opinion isn't worthless

>> No.16258024

>does it for tax purposes and image

Nah. I don't put branding on anything, and I have no need of any tax relief. The number of salads I've distributed to homeless people represents less than 1% of the meals we serve.

Just out of curiosity, what are your thoughts about Meals on Wheels?

>> No.16258051

wow a twitter screencap from a phoneposter that really made me think about things in a different perspective
i wonder if this would qualify as a low quality post

>> No.16258054

i love homeless people, they smell so good and don't attack anybody and don't leave drug paraphernalia and trash everywhere and bother everyone around them for handouts and free food

fuck off

>> No.16258055

Meals on Wheels killed my grandmother so you can imagine my opinion.

>> No.16258062

when I was in college I gave the homeless booze

>> No.16258089

>Meals on Wheels killed my grandmother

Please elaborate.

>> No.16258138

She was ran over

>> No.16258140

The truck hit her lol

>> No.16258147

Post more cunny faggot.

>> No.16258149

Says you...

>> No.16258165
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 44A6D0E5-95F9-4524-9685-2DF7F6A27DF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16258168

You're a fucking pussy shut up. Ooooo the scary anonymous gang in the cooking board has a picture of a child! Ooooo now they're gonna masturbate to the young Chef! You're so pathetic go back to /a/ where you can project your pedophile behaviors and be accepted. This is a family friendly Christian board.

>> No.16258203
File: 155 KB, 480x640, 1615530930723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

>> No.16258209
File: 514 KB, 1600x1067, 1619217796848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's really kind of you anon, wish this wasn't necesary

>> No.16258253

Wow, that's a bummer.

>> No.16258313

i will never forget her last words

>> No.16258390

Wew at home now I'm gonna crack open a whiskey.


>> No.16258399

What would 5 be considered?

>> No.16258413

"ow ow ow they got me! FUCK meals on wheels!"

>> No.16258423

Well, especially because I'm at home now, I don't have any more pics to post. All I can offer is:

>Food Industry AMA

>> No.16258429

Your grandmother sounds like quite the woman, lost too soon. RIP

>> No.16258451

We fucking hate salad asshole

>> No.16258469

Why do they keep telling me how much they love tossing salads then?

>> No.16258674

Anyone have any ideas for meals for the homeless? I can make good ideas happen.

I'm not going to do a salad next week, I have planned teriyaki chicken thigh skewers with brown rice. Nothing is set in stone, however.

>> No.16258806

I've seen porn that begins like this.

>> No.16258814

Reported to the FBI

>> No.16258926

Buy ur own food lmao

>> No.16259132

Like many symptoms of a sick society homelessness will never be fixed. You can feed the bears all you want to make yourself feel better. And I'm not even saying you shouldn't. I feel great sympathy for them I was one of them for a short time. However if the OP and people like him were truly interested in helping the homeless beyond tomorrows meal they would attempt to address the root causes for the current high rate of homelessness.
But most of those causes are not pc and can get you silenced or worse if you even mention them. So I also don't blame the op for not wanting to be a sacrificial hero.

TLDR: Mass homelessness is just a symptom of clown world and op while being a nice guy isn't doing anything to help fix the problem he is just putting a tiny bandaid on blown off arm.

>> No.16259192

I recognize the wisdom behind this post. My intention was never to make myself out to be some sort of morally superior entity.

I've been a regular on this board for a long time. I'm just tryna contribute the only way I know how. This is all OC.

I'm pretty open-minded, too. If someone could actually convince me not to feed the homeless, I wouldn't. I have that power of discretion. I just haven't heard a good argument why not yet.

I'm a food industry dude. I feed people; that's what I fuckin' do. I feed lil' 4 year old kids and meth-addicted grannies. It doesn't matter to me. I'm not sure everyone on this board understands this drive.

I'm more than OK with tiny bandaids. And, quite frankly, I think a lot of jaded motherfuckers underestimate the potential power of giving a shit about people that I know feel invisible to the rest of society.

Man, I've worked with at risk youth, I've mentored dozens and dozens, people don't think I know what I'm talking about. Even a little indication that someone gives a shit about you can go a long way for some people I believe that shit like I breath my brother.

>> No.16259194

Crack is my food

>> No.16259222

This dude time travelled here from the 90s

Does anyone even know where to get crack anymore lol?

>> No.16259227

You're a good man and I think you should keep doing what you are doing.
On a purely logical level if we stopped giving homeless any help sure they would either sack up or die out. And that sounds good on paper but again as long as the systems that create them are still in place they would just be replaced by a new generation very quickly.
So it isn't exactly like feeding the bears, humans also have the potential to come back from circumstances so you can potentially be doing a true good unlike feeding a bear which is never a good.

>> No.16259237


they dont give a fuck about you or your charity, they, they get food everywhere. thet forget you as soon as you gib. ironical

>> No.16259247

>thet forget you as soon as you gib
I promise you they don't. I'm not trying to claim that some salads changed peoples lives, but they know who I am.

>> No.16259291

Homeless people are attracted to food and shelter because they are unable or unwilling to provide for themselves, and wherever they go, they attack people. The other anon is right. Move them into your backyard instead of helping them live in mine. Maybe then, my wife will be able to walk home from work safely. She has been attacked several times since the govt in Toronto has begun turning a blind eye to homeless encampments in municipal parks.

>> No.16259317

You're projecting. I ain't trying to fight you bro, but I don't fucking live in Toronto.

These people are not setting up tents in other people's back yards. The homeless camp is in a goddamn commercial district. There is not housing there. I mentioned this already.

I'm don't think any of that even matters anyway. Feeding hungry people does not cause them to attack your wife. I'm not convinced that feeding hungry people food that is healthy for them has any negative effects whatsoever.
>Move them into your backyard
Somehow in your fucked up mind the fact that I give a shit about homeless people translates into I should personally be responsible for them? Bro, I don't have that big of a back yard. If I did, I would solve the motherfucking shit out of the homeless problem they could all come stay in my back yard.

>> No.16259327

American plebs have a cruel take on helping each other out it’s built into the American mindset
Somehow someone else getting help is going to hurt me even though it’s the 1% who have everything and are exploiting the rest of us clinging to our crumbs.

>> No.16259356

Why you blame the homeless for being bums when it’s your pussy ass that can’t provide safety to your wife?
Why don’t you take responsibility faggot?

>> No.16259383

Welp I'm drunk. 750 ML whiskey down the hatch. Sorry if I'm getting too belligerent. Please don't be offended. I love you all actually.

Also I'm not gay or a tranny.

>> No.16259396

It's ok anon, you provided more oc discussion than this place gets in a week. Have a good night and I hope your efforts make a real difference for some people.

>> No.16259405

love you too

>> No.16259411

oh yeah when i'm homeless and depressed and at rock bottom, first thing i want to eat is some cold wet leaves.


>> No.16259425

if you're hungover, strungout, lounging in the sun all day instead of looking for work, at a time when there is a record shortage of workers, maybe a nice salad is just the thing to get you back on track

>> No.16259477

no forks?

>> No.16259485

I actually went out and into the homeless encampment and talked to a bunch of them. I told them that I was going to serve them a meal but I wanted them to let me know what they would like to eat.

I handed out some surveys too. Something I learned from providing lunches for school children. It may not seem like a huge thing, but when I started my NPO like 75% of school kids were throwing food in the trash; nobody even bothered to ask them what they want to eat.

(Michelle Obama is a cunt and her school lunch reform was a disaster. Nobody likes whole wheat pasta you fuckin bitch.)

So many of them made it clear that they felt that the food that people were providing for them was unhealthy. A huge majority of the feedback that I got was that they just wanted a salad, they were craving it.

The coof has changed the way that homeless people get fed. Soup kitchens don't exist anymore. They are getting whatever is convenient as as hands-free as possible, and that, in my neck of the woods, was fast food constantly and specifically they were really tired of people dropping off boxes of Little Caesars 5$ pizzas almost every day.

They practically begged me for salads. And salads I provided.

>> No.16260171

maybe they should just die instead of complaining about people giving them free pizza, ungrateful druggie fucks

>> No.16260185

That person was an arrogant pos this person is more humble

>> No.16260195

Did they mean that or were they just saying it? Then again a salad with meat eggs and ranch like the pic in OP is pretty good. I can see why a homeless person might like that.

>> No.16260215

>done more in life
More drugs

>> No.16260233

The Golden Temple in India feeds thousands on lentils, beans, curry, rice, naan, etc. There are some Sikh temples here that do similar things. Not sure if regulations would ever allow something like that in the US, but it definitely seems to work.

>> No.16260495

Who's the #1?

>> No.16260553

what's wrong with wanting a good salad when cheap greasy meat is all you eat?

>> No.16260599

fresh veggies are fantastic when you’re strung out and recovering to be honest. much better than greasy meat.

>> No.16260612

casey anthony