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16222249 No.16222249 [Reply] [Original]

Had my first drink yesterday. Was this a good choice?

>> No.16222255

>not smirnoff ice

>> No.16222257
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Should have had this instead. More fitting.

>> No.16222259

shoudlve went with a 211

>> No.16222270
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>> No.16222480


Look at it this way - you can only go up from here.

>> No.16222494

Are you gay?

>> No.16222581

No, also stop drinking.

>> No.16222809


>> No.16222825

How did you feel? My 1st time i was 14yrs old drank 3 bottles of wine coolers, I could barely feel my legs. Ah the 80'S

>> No.16223607

I was a little dizzy

>> No.16224128


>> No.16224137

Only if you're a teen girl.

>> No.16224140


That looks good. Wood drink.

>> No.16224150

my first time was three heinekens at 14. wouldn't have puked if i didn't honk on a cigarette immediately after. good christ that was terrible.

>> No.16224160

I first drank some cheap whiskey when I was maybe 14, this was, uhh, in the 90s sometime. Then when I was like 18 or 19 I drank for realsies, chugged a few beers (I was a serious lightweight) and then someone gave me a huge spliff that I smoked.
I ended up on the couch and it was like my vision was permanently shifting in one direction over and over again and I could barely function
woke up 16 hours later and felt like death
man good times. Straight edge for over 10 years now though. Not even coffee.

>> No.16224163
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>straight edge

>> No.16224166

Yeah, I gave up all drugs. Alcohol, narcotics, coffee, cigarettes (which I never got into anyways). Not interested in any of that shit anymore, I had my fun, though the hardest I tried was lsd/shrooms.
Now I just want to have a family and be chill. Alcohol makes people fat too, most of my friends just keep drinking, getting big noses and big guts. Its sad.

>> No.16224249
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Follow this chart, you want to get buzz/drunk stage. I generally drink beer because it's very hard to get to the point of no return where you just a mess.

>> No.16224252

paging doctor faggot

>> No.16224254
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you're too young to even know what a pager is zoomie

>> No.16224357
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not him, i was the original paging doctor faggot poster, but i remember my parents had a car phone back when i was a wee lad