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File: 1.34 MB, 2816x2112, McDonalds-Beer-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16205732 No.16205732 [Reply] [Original]

I would really like it.

>> No.16205749

Can't have underage workers serving alcohol

>> No.16205756

>Employees under the age of 18 (21 in some states) are not allowed to handle or sell alcohol
>Restaurants need a different license to serve alcohol which is more difficult and expensive to obtain and keep

>> No.16205758

make it self serve like the soda

>> No.16205763

Last time I tried ordering beer at a McDonalds in Germany they didn't serve it. Not sure if that was a one time thing (late new year's eve 2017 in Hamburg) or if they've phased it out.

>> No.16205766

This. Alcohol loicense is a bitch

>> No.16205767

Just bring your own malt liquor and drink it in the parking lot like everyone else at McDonalds

>> No.16205769

>not getting your 'nalds to-go and then stopping at a convenience store for some tallboys and enjoying your food and beer in the comfort of your home

>> No.16205771
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>> No.16205816

there are already too many drunks at mcdonalds.

>> No.16205829

ever seen all those total chimp out scenes set at McD's? now imagine how much more often that shit would happen if they served alcohol

>> No.16205834
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What kind of shit holes do you fuckers live in where drunks are at McDonald's?

>> No.16205863

McDonalds in the US is fine with BYOB, bring your own bear for those of you who don't know.

>> No.16205875

Not sure how it's in the US, but McDonalds is a common late-night stop after a night of drinking over here.

>> No.16205889
File: 880 KB, 1280x720, Waffle House Nights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live in the Southeast US and you might get some rough McD's in the ghetto, but nay white neighborhood the McD's is clean and safe to bring your kids. Drunks go to Waffle House.

>> No.16205909


>> No.16205919

>Drunks go to Waffle House.

Mostly coons

>> No.16205928

I've sat in town meetings where they decide who gets a license it literally is old people in their 60's arbitrarily deciding who gets one and who doesn't.

>> No.16205938

>I would really like it.
Why? Does getting drunk in a McDonalds actually appeal to you?

>> No.16205956

What kind of middle of nowhere shit hole third world country do you live in where there are no drunks at Mcdonald's?

>> No.16205986

Alcohol laws in the US are fucking retarded. Echoes from the prohibition.

>> No.16206015

mcdonald's is a pvp area here so adding alcohol to the mix probably isn't a good idea

>> No.16206028
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>getting drunk off beer

>> No.16206048

Why is being a lightweight seen as a bad thing anyway

>I am superior because I have fatty liver and it costs me three times as much to get a slight buzz

>> No.16206056

What else would they brag about

Also you are a pussy if youre a lightweight anyway

>> No.16206114

I drink to celebrate/to get drunk and I don't do it often. I ain't celebrating shit in McDonalds.

If you need to drink in McDonalds you have a problem.

>> No.16206116

Going to McDick's piss drunk is a time honored tradition

>> No.16206125 [DELETED] 
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Because fat fucking niggers get into fights at McDonalds all the time. We don't need to fuel their monkey fights with alcohol.

>> No.16206127
File: 265 KB, 631x595, mcwojak-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol and stupidity rarely goes well. Imagine you not only having to deal with McDonalds customers but now they are also drunk.

>> No.16206148

People all around the world have beer as just a beverage without getting drunk. It's not necessarily about the alcohol. I drink on average 2 beers a day, one at lunch when I'm at work, but it's so normal that in my office it's common to see workers having a beer at their desk. Only in America is beer considered a vice or something to get drunk from. If you want to get drunk, there's wine or liquor, why would you drink 10 beers?

>> No.16206158


>> No.16206169

Your obsession with America makes you look like a mindless dog.

>> No.16206189

Do you really trust the average mcdonald's worker in America to pour a beer correctly?

Also this >>16206125

>> No.16206193

Liquor laws.

>> No.16206220

Chipotle has beer

>> No.16206235

retard, buy beer from the grocery store instead, leave it at home, get your fat ass in the car you probably dont have, drive to mcdonalds, bring it back home, now you have mcdonalds and beer in the same place. fucking retarded kids

>> No.16206273

Average American McDonalds

>> No.16206277
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shit fuck

>> No.16206425
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>>I am superior because I have fatty liver

>> No.16206513
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Fast food in the US is already littered with low life degenerates, you want to add alcohol into the mix?

>> No.16206544

>I'm better than you because I'm more susceptible to toxins
Weird thing to be proud of

>> No.16206623
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>> No.16206627

Macca's customer base is literally 90% drunk people getting food on the way home from the bar.

>> No.16206631

Based and retard pilled

>> No.16206719

>mentions America once when talking to an American
>Why are you so OBSESSED with us??!? OMG

>> No.16206726

Why is this

>> No.16206988

I had a beer at a mcdonald once, one of the worse of my life

>> No.16207005
File: 79 KB, 742x699, 0A6237C9-8D94-4F27-B92E-9814CA260AA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I lived in that reality. God it would feel good to have a few refills with my Big Mac.

>> No.16207008

This is an excellent way to have a shitload of fights and vomiting in your location.

>> No.16207011

thats not fair
fuck you

>> No.16207033


>> No.16207035
File: 105 KB, 1128x1002, F2D6A1AB-B871-4621-8BC5-65D27A1CC425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds entertaining to me. Watching drunks fight it out is hilarious.

>> No.16207045

What if I want to eat in my car while I listen to audiobooks

>> No.16207292

Because licenses are 'May issue" not "Shall issue" in most places. If you don't know the right people or grease the right hands then you don't get to do business in that town.

>> No.16207434

Funny enough, a lot of the Mc D's in the hoods of DC and Maryland just employ off duty cops instead of using bulletproof glass.

>> No.16207475

then drink in your car and drive home
simple as

>> No.16207560

>mcdonald's is a pvp area here so adding alcohol to the mix probably isn't a good idea

You brilliant bastard I needed this.

>> No.16207627

Not buying a handle of your favorite liquor and getting a soda from the drive through.

>> No.16207680

Seriously? Last time they would only let me bring in bear arms. They said it was the only thing covered by my rights

>> No.16207688

In my state there is a single state board and all the members are Mormons

>> No.16207702

Honestly most businesses in America would fire or write you up for having a beer at lunch

>> No.16207744

You are talking about a country where half the population thinks the world is flat, and that Donald Trump was a force for good.

>> No.16207749

>Can't have underage workers serving alcohol
Why not?

>> No.16207751

yup. McBeer. that would make for a very happy meal

>> No.16207756

People would just bitch about how the beer there is awful. Just like they bitch about the food, but yet they keep going. Liars.

>> No.16207837

Does chipotle hire underaged workers or serve "food" that costs less than $5 that can cover the cost of loiscenses.

>> No.16207915


i am sure the breakfast rush is terrifying in upside-down land

>> No.16208944

Wish I could order a mcbeer as my drink with my meal so I can chug it at the drivethru window while speeding away

>> No.16209105

i didnt mention breakfast, but sure whatever bro

>> No.16209138


>> No.16209179

>beer at McDonald's
Do Americans really?

>> No.16209189 [DELETED] 

It would be a disaster in America because of African Americans.

Poor impulse control, fried chicken and beer would cause thoroughly baboon like behaviour.

>> No.16209205

American McDonald's doesn't sell beer? That's odd.

>> No.16209210

Do burgerland not hire underage workers as waiters at restaurants where they serve drinks?

>> No.16209215

Nevermind, I read some of the other replies that explain it. As per usual, american tards allowing 16 year olds to get into car crashes and school shootings, but no drinking until you're 21...absolute clownworld

>> No.16209227

the guy who made mcdonalds what it is intentionally designed everything to discourage people hanging around at the resteraunts, in contrast to what hamburger places were like at the time where teenagers and bikers would sit there all day chain smoking and scaring off customers with more money, serving beer definitely wasn't part of the vision lol

>> No.16209243

liqour license is expensive in USA.

>> No.16209251

McDonalds is the crappiest food available in America, nobody wanting to enjoy a meal and a beer would eat there. Also liquor licenses. Only places offering a decent restaurant experience buy liquor licenses the McD's customer will stop by the liquor store to buy their 4loco after they pick up the McNuggets and fries.

>> No.16209308

How much could 1 beer really do? I doubt these people are getting shitfaced at a fast food restaurant. Also if you've ever worked nights at a place like McDonalds then you've already dealt with the worst of the worst.

>> No.16210764


>imagine thinking learning a skill in your teenage years is a bad thing. try living in a country we're people are drunks from their teenage years and often get drivers licence in early to mid 20's. oh also we have some of the highest mortality rates for drunk driving in the world haha yeah those stupid muricans amirite.

>> No.16210771
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>> No.16210774

Because you live in a free country, so you have the freedom to not be allowed to buy alcohol at fast food joints

>> No.16212254

>"The world needs more alcohol"

>> No.16213099

Theyve created an entire hierarchy around their addiction

>> No.16213124

You need more alcohol to chillax. Chillax bro. You are tense. Drink a beer or two and chillax.

>> No.16214731

>cope and seethe

>> No.16214738

Too many middle easterners.

>> No.16215550

incase they drink it, that would be illegal

>> No.16215573

It makes more sense when you are drunk

>> No.16215586

I don't know why it's the law, but it is, and corporations in particular take it deathly seriously since it's a liability thing that could open them up for massive lawsuits

When I was young and worked retail, being 17 and on the clock and even touching a case of beer could be grounds for a write-up if the manager went by the book

>> No.16215622
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i think i speak for all americans when i say that we wouldn't be able to handle it and drunk driving would spike an insane amount

>> No.16216014

Is it possible for Amerilards to become any fatter? Imagine what beer + Mcdonalds would do.

>> No.16216027

Bullshit, restaurants like TGI Fridays and Applebees hire employees as young as 16 and they serve alcoholic drinks to your table

>> No.16216028

Oi, you got a loicense for that loicense m8?

>> No.16216038

Idk about McDonalds but you can get beer at Shack Shake, Chipotle and Moe’s Southwest Grill

>> No.16216040

thats against the law and a 2nd server, of age, is suppose to serve that beverage.

>> No.16216050

Surely that's up to state law.

>> No.16217532

I pound a beer every friday at mcD's... they dont care.

>> No.16217550

you've been blacklisted from the local bars haven't you anon?

>> No.16217772


>> No.16217816
File: 234 KB, 1195x770, IMG_20210602_223723_602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go overdose you junky bitch we need less of your kind