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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 1229x1160, confess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16153282 No.16153282 [Reply] [Original]

It's time to confess /ck/, tell me your sins.

I buy food my roommate loves and leave it in plain view but won't touch it for extended periods of time.

>> No.16153299
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I ate candy bars until it gave me a stomach ache as an adult. Then after my stomach stopped hurting about 30 minutes later, I ate even more until my stomach started hurting again. The candy was Reeses, Snickers, and Kit Kat bars.

>> No.16153305

raped a pringles can once

>> No.16153315
File: 22 KB, 725x720, marla-mathers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pretty balanced diet, but every so often there'll be a day where I'll just eat a whole candy bar, drink a can of soda and then binge drink for the rest of the day.

>> No.16153324

I don't think I love my family.

>> No.16153338 [DELETED] 

I raped and murdered a girl in 2007. And since then, I’ve regretted that since I had already done it and gone so far that I didn’t try to eat some of her. I’ll never get another chance. I wish I knew how human flesh tasted. Maybe someday I can eat every nigger in America and discover how fucking disgusting they taste

>> No.16153346

I'm sure the feelings are mutual

>> No.16153504

I know how to cook my food exactly how I like it, but I let other people cook for me because I'm lazy.

>> No.16153579

I used to put cheese on pulled pork sammys

>> No.16153680

I served a cobbler that splattered all over the floor to colleagues

>> No.16153720

I have never cleaned my oven. It's been 10 years since I got it

>> No.16153741

I don't know how to cook.

>> No.16154107

I genuinely hate cooking.

>> No.16154135
File: 645 KB, 460x358, 1619407478950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time i accidently ordered "wings" from dominos instead of the glorified nuggets they call "specialty chicken." when i realized they were yucky bone-in wings instead my tasty nuggies i just threw it right in the trash while it was still hot. god i was fucking angry that night.

>> No.16154294

I have an entire greenhouse in my living room filled with fresh herbs, and I still reach for dried because I can't be bothered to walk 15 feet

>> No.16154732

I've masturbated in a public changing room at my local mall. Left my smellies on the carpet floor.

>> No.16154798

I've had a carnitas chimichanga and a dulce de leche cheesecake

>> No.16154865

i'm tired of food

>> No.16155340

The only reason I eat anything is because I dislike the liquid shits I get when I spend the day drinking alcohol instead.

>> No.16155370

For two weeks the only thing I ate for dinner was dino nuggets and steamed vegetables with duck sauce.

>> No.16155373

I always get chicken parmesan because its just a giant chicken tender but better

>> No.16155434

I hate drinking alcohol, it tastes horrible, but I like the drunkness

>> No.16155447

What brings a man to this level of depravity?

>> No.16155453

I used to cum on my female cousin's toothbrush when I was a teen.

>> No.16155475

Does he deserve it?

>> No.16155481

I've been trying to lose weight, I'm down 35 lbs and sub 200 but I can't drop any further because I keep drinking alcohol and then binge eating while I'm drunk.

>> No.16155541

Are you me? That’s my trio

>> No.16155574

I need to know more. What kind of floor did land on, what kind of cobbler and did the colleagues sense anything

>> No.16155602

This isn’t food related

>> No.16155614

Fuck. Where from?

>> No.16156066
File: 26 KB, 474x474, 1612249544426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make oven fries despite owning a fryer.

>> No.16156082

When I tell my husband I'm going out to get ingredients for dinner I already have those ingredients purchased ahead of time sitting in a cooler in the back of my van and I just go around backroads lighting forest fires instead, it's a good alibi.

>> No.16156089

Just ate a pound of pulled pork on six slices of toast.
Not actually here to confess, I'm here to brag. I ate all three servings at once lads. I feel amazing.
Probably better OMAD a bit this coming week so I don't get fatter, though.

>> No.16156095

I only use salt and pepper.
I manage to get a decent taste out of pretty much everything with just these two seasonings.
I don't feel like buying a whole bunch of spices, it's complicated to get shit right with them.

>> No.16156107

I can one up that, the gas station by my work sometimes serves cheesecake chimichangas

>> No.16156119

That's why you buy the mixes, dummy. Star with season salt for ground meat. You still need to add pepper with that one though.

>> No.16156138

You're right.

>> No.16156526

Are you a trap

>> No.16156549


>> No.16156985

I believe in you, anon.

>> No.16157067

based. what inspired it?

>> No.16157098

I don't really know how to make pizza, everything about me is a lie.

>> No.16157202

I prefer two spirit

>> No.16157221


>> No.16157226

I weigh 185 lbs and work out 3-4 times a week but I still drink a couple cans of soda per day because coffee and tea taste like dogshit

>> No.16157234

Oven fries are healthier

>> No.16157238

Based. People that add 10 spices, a glaze of unknown origins and a bunch of ground up herbs to everything they cook have dulled taste buds from years of sucking cock and ingesting semen. That shit doesn't make your chicken breast automatically fancy, it just makes it taste like shit.

>> No.16157452
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Tfw I order mcdonald's multiple times a day
My order (never changes unless breakfast, tfw no fries during breakfast)
>2 McDoubles
>2 baskets of fries
>1 diet soda(need to go light on calories ya know)
This would be the exact same meal for every meal except breakfast

>> No.16157465

>hard day at work like 2 days ago
>only salavageable point was I knew the Taco Bell naked chicken chalupa was back
>it’s my all time favorite fast food item
>pick up beer before the drive thru
>order 5 NCC
>takes a little bit cause they only had 2 ready or something
>get food and get home
>get a nice buzz going
>eat all the food
>wake up and take the smelliest shit of my life

I fucking love Taco Bell

>> No.16158050

Last night I ate white castle until I felt sick, woke up farting and then ate the rest.

>> No.16158051

I watched UHF and got it into my head to try and make a 'Twinkie wiener sandwich'.

You know what? Not fucking bad tho. Though I grill my wieners in a skillet and don't microwave them.

>> No.16158060

lol. That sounds like me.
I woke up with a hangover and decided I would have 15 White Castles and an order of cheese sticks delivered. That was 'breakfast'. No regrets.

>> No.16158064

Fuck I would eat it. I would eat it repeatedly if you did that to me. If you got pissed I'd still do it. I'd try to ask from time to time but usually I'd eat it.

>> No.16158079

I eat the same thing for breakfast, at the same time, every day. And if I can't eat it, I skip breakfast.

>> No.16158106
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I like gas station food
I use metal utensils in non-stick pans
I eat other peoples' leftovers if they don't eat them within 24 hours
I prefer drinking mixed sodas than regular sodas, my favorite is sprite, strawberry fanta, and dr. pepper
I will sometimes go to 2 different fast food places to satisfy a craving, such as getting a burrito from Q'doba/Chipotle then buying fries from McDonald's and putting them inside
I refuse to do dishes
Sometimes I will eat nothing but fast food, and yes I will drive out to get my food 3 times for 3 meals, sometimes at the same place, and yes the employees know me by my orders
I think Little Caesar's is the best fast food pizza place, no joke

>> No.16158125
File: 721 KB, 2016x1512, 20210506_215137_copy_2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to confess that I like dominos bone in wings

>> No.16158147
File: 604 KB, 2016x1512, 20200816_210034_copy_2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tasty

>> No.16159247

are you cute

>> No.16159252

what do you eat anon

>> No.16159393

I dislike onions

>> No.16159548

Once i opened a caramel can and ate it all with a spoon
Same for a tube of condensed milk (without the spoon tho)

>> No.16159563

>twist and fold the bread and throw the twist tie in the drawer
>>leave the empty carton of eggs in the fridge
>microwave scrambled eggs and hot dogs just because it's faster
>prefer jarred or powdered garlic in some recipes over fresh because fresh can be too spicy

>> No.16159672
File: 10 KB, 360x293, 1621690229045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat food cold like half the time because I'm too lazy to heat up leftovers

>> No.16161274

i never season anything

>> No.16161853

I love getting 711 potato wedges and eating all the fried batter stuff on the outside, and leave the actual potato behind like a pizza crust

>> No.16162026

ill buy a pizza, eat one slice and forget it on the counter till the next day when its bad. really expensive pizzas too

>> No.16162043

ah yes, the post the "extra mild for white people hot sauce" comic was made for

>> No.16162267

>I don't like mayo it's too spicy
It's one thing to acknowledge that simple spices work, it's another thing to say whatever the fuck you just said.

>> No.16162408

I sometimes put ketchup on frozen pizza

>> No.16162416

I’m this anon again. Hadn’t had Taco Bell in a few days. Today I got
>3 Doritos locos tacos
>2 naked chicken chalupas
>one steak quesadilla

Gonna be kino

>> No.16162419
File: 117 KB, 470x512, steelfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made mac and cheese with extra cheese last night for my kid because I was too tired to cook up something healthy.

>> No.16162432
File: 46 KB, 720x736, 1614927540861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anytime I eat fast food I fart non-fucking stop, and it literally smells like a rotting corpse covered in shit. I then spend all night Dutch Ovening myself while I play games and read

>> No.16162436

its probably not that bad for you. not great, but yeah

>> No.16162466
File: 25 KB, 476x353, lifeinhealthcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a good time anon

>> No.16163496
File: 1.31 MB, 284x261, 1621376233840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't stop eating out and i can't control it. i can lose weight just fine (went from 253 to 196.7 lbs this year so far) but i really need to stop eating fast food. it's like a fucking drug. i prep food constantly but i still eat out at least twice a week

>> No.16163502

forgot to say i'm usually 180 lbs, but i decided to go full bloatmaster last year

>> No.16164078

I always get high before having an expensive meal out so that I can appreciate the flavours more. I'm not a stoner either, this is like a once every 2 months thing

>> No.16164096

/ck/ is a bigotry-free board. Please take your hurtful and baseless stereotypes elsewhere.

>> No.16164149

when taco bell removed the chili cheese burrito permanently i cried for almost an hour
i'm in therapy now because i clearly need it

>> No.16164157

as long as you're being smart about your orders and not going completely crazy with it, eating out a couple times a week is OK. try to go for the healthier fast foods until you can taper off (lettuce wraps at sandwich places, grilled chicken, stuff like that)

>> No.16164173

You can lose more weight if you stop drinking and eating, just a thought.

>> No.16164283

I've cooked burgers from scratch in the microwave before.

>> No.16164677

I did intermittent fasting 7 hours fed/17 unfed, for about 2 months. Was pretty strict about it, ate normal-small portions, only cheated 2-3 times. The results were convincing: I gained about 2kgs of weight.

>> No.16164683

Semen doesn't taste very spice tho. Must be the cock.

>> No.16166645

i order pizza without cheese just sauce and pep

>> No.16166688


Fucking prove it

>> No.16166988

Once I bought an expensive pizza from a place a friend recd. They send it without cheese literally pepperoni and sauce. it was like 30 dollars withc is very expensive in my country

>> No.16168541
File: 334 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Pizza_marinara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely fucking based.