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16141724 No.16141724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can I drink alcohol every day?

>> No.16141730

ya, I do

>> No.16141738

is this real?

>> No.16141747

Yes but if you care about being attractive, limit the amount or else you'll get fat. I put on 20lbs last year just drinking more casually due to COVID, thankfully lost it all dieting this year, but that was just from drinking on weekends.

>> No.16141748

I don't know, can you?

>> No.16141749

What do ya lads do when your stomach says enough?
Can't go longer than 4 days without wanting to vomit at that first sip

>> No.16141761

By not being a faggot
t. Spudfucker

>> No.16141765

short answer is no

>> No.16141771

Not OP but I have a fast metabolism and exercise a lot so I've been drinking heavily for three years without any weight gain at all. I will say however that it has noticeably aged my skin. I'm 22 but have wrinkles, dark circles around my eyes and a red nose and cheeks.

>> No.16141777

you just won't have as many days as most

>> No.16141783


>> No.16141821

Yes. If you’re talking about a reasonable one or two standard sized drinks. If you mean can you drink a sixer or more everyday, then no.

>> No.16141831

alcohol kept me thing actually because it stopped me from overeating. I'm almost 8 months sober and gained 40 pounds and probably in worse health than drinking 3 steel reserves a day.

>> No.16141888

You were on your way to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, you dumb alcohol. Congrats on quitting. You DON’T want WKS. Any oldfag O&A fans remember Lady Di?

>> No.16141890

Sober sixty is a thing, the body substitutes the chemical response it was relying on from alcohol with the one from food. It's ultimately better for you in the long run, alcohol abuse can and will ruin your fucking life and so many retards assume through sheer force of will they can magically overcome the health impacts and risks involved.

t. worked at an addiction treatment halfway house for a few years

>> No.16141930

Retard here. I drink about 750ml of vodka a day. I know I need to quit but having trouble. Any tips?

>> No.16141981

I do, have done for the last 8 years. I recommend sticking to beer since it's hard to drink enough of it in one sitting to really fuck yourself up.

>> No.16142000

Accept that addiction is real and not purely mental, the mind/body divide is useful but ultimately artificial and your body is processing need for booze like need for water or sleep - it has become a compulsion that your lizard brain governs. If you really, truly, genuinely WANT to stop you can but it's going to be a long haul and you might make mistakes, take backsteps, but you have to learn to forgive yourself if you do and just stay focused on the end goal of taking you life back.

I would recommend speaking to some specialists in your area, consider some sobriety programs - just try them out and get a feel for them. See which ones work for you and which ones are off-putting. Your life likely has a lot of compounding factors that can exacerbate the drinking and just being in the same mindset and physical setting can push you back towards addiction. Having a social network that is invested in your getting better and is doing it alongside you can be very helpful. Focus on small steps and learn to forgive yourself. Addiction isn't an issue of inner strength, it's about being honest to yourself that you need help.

>> No.16142010

Until you die of cirrhosis, sure.

>> No.16142050

yes, is that how she died?

>> No.16142104
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>Just drink everyday bro

>> No.16142110

Honestly based and nice digits anon. I've never seen better harm reduction advice on 4 chan.
>Can I drink everyday
It won't destroy your life as fast as doing heroin everyday that's for sure.

>> No.16142177

>just being in the same mindset and physical setting can push you back towards addiction
>physical setting
Man, whenever I leave home I can stop drinking for maybe a month or two without any issue...I hate drinking or being sober...

>> No.16142192
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You can overeat/drink and still be sexy.

>> No.16142208

If you stick to one or two a day you'll be ok. youre gonna be fat and digusting with two a day though so id stick to one.

>> No.16142236

Dad get the FUCk off my site!

>> No.16142619
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I'm definitely honest with myself, and I know I have a problem.

My biggest hurdle is being honest to those around me. No one knows about my problem because I'm essentially a high-functioning alcoholic. I drink about 750ml of vodka per day, 4-5 days a week. I'm essentially drunk all the time, but no one knows. Hell, even right now I'm sitting in the park with vodka in my cup (pic related).

I want to stop but I'm also ashamed of my problem and I'm scared to ask others to help.

>> No.16142624

I apologize for the sideways picture. Phoneposting is fucking gay.

>> No.16142639

i’ve been on staycation for a week and got blackout drunk the first five days and i’ve done nothing but eat sleep and shit the last two because of how awful i feel. wouldn’t recommend

>> No.16142649

Christ, what do you drink it with?

>> No.16142658

Baking soda 1 tbsp. Eat a bunch of food to soak up the shame

>> No.16142662

They know

>> No.16142666

Nothing. Just watching the ducks and turtles and drinking straight vodka.

I know, I need help.

>> No.16142669

Rehab and AA get ready to spend 5 months in rehab. If you have trouble getting into rehab hit a pedestrian after drinking half a litre of UV Cake.

>> No.16142681

>high functioning
>isnt at work on a weekday.
Anon I dont know how to tell you this but you are not functional.

>> No.16142703

Yeah, maybe they do. If they do, I would hope they would say something to me. I dont want to make anyone at work uncomfortable.

I work in hospital administration, I'm off on Wednesdays.

>> No.16142709

Sorry, off on Wednesdays and Thursdays, lol.

>> No.16142716

I feel for you anon, have you tried smoking, chicks dig it

>> No.16142727
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can you live with the consequences

>> No.16142746

worst was a fifth of liquor a day on the job in an office. boss used to give me props when I was 10 deep. I'm a fit guy and so it's not super obvious. Last night I tanked a fifth and my tolerance was pretty low and I alienated myself from 3 women through ridiculous texts and calls, and this is three weeks after ruining a budding relationship through something similar. Drink up lads

>> No.16142783

>He thinks he's hiding it, no they can smell it coming out your pores, they just don't care enough about you to confront you about it, that's they're happy to ignore it

>> No.16142794

only if you want to become an alcoholic and fuck up your life irreperably
unless by "drink" you mean "one beer or a glass of wine" and not "get drunk"

>> No.16143454

How long did you drink a fifth of liquer a day and how old are you? Any health complications?

>> No.16143483

dont get into drinking if you can avoid it, you will age tleast 10 years faster in the long run, and im not talking about living ten years longer, i mean at 45 you'll look 55. dont make it a habit.

>> No.16143528

Yes. But not forever. I was a heavy drinker, would drink 3 - 4 nights a week. I would exercise and run basically 5 times a week a lot so I'd never get fat but I felt like shit at work and it started to effect me mentally.

Now I limit myself to once a week, doesn't matter if I have a blow out as long as I eat healthy 6 days and make sure I keep the calories in check the other 6 days of the week.

Also, as much as I love beer, I love being productive better.

>> No.16143571


>> No.16143763

No, but she’s been in a nursing home for like 5 years because she got WKS and thinks she’s a commander on a US Navy vessel. It’s fucking sad.

>> No.16143769

Everyone knows. Either you're in a position where replacing you is more of a headache than confronting you about your clear problem, nobody really cares enough to deal with you, or you interact with so few people on a daily basis that they write it off.

>> No.16143863
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Yes, but in doing so you will JUST your whole life up in ways you'd never have imagined. It's not really interesting though, just a very boring and painful way to live.

t. 11 months sober

>> No.16143959

stay clean for at least two days in a row per week

>> No.16144035

based im not op or that guy drinking half a handle a day but im very nearly at his level drinking 1/4-1/3 of a handle per day. pretty well sick of myself and my behavior, and really frustrated with how many years my life has been put on hold because of this stupid beverage. most times after a few days sober i dont want to go out and buy vodka and then when i pour a shot i dont want to drink it, but after i've had one i'm going all night. i'm beginning to become concerned for my health, been drinking this way almost every day for ten years. nearly 40. i drink mostly to drown my anger but trouble is i live in a hateful place with a person who triggers my rage every single day.

dont start, op.

>> No.16144085
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At the risk of sounding like a fag, don't be ashamed in asking for help. I've been going into counseling for a few months now, usually once a week just to talk about coping mechanisms and other gay shit to replace with alcohol.
It's not a niche issue. Alcohol is so widely available and ingrained in our culture that a tremendous deal of the population don't have the means or will to use it responsibly. If you're serious about getting help (and you have to genuinely ask yourself if you actually want to be sober), then there a tons of different avenues to pursue.

>> No.16144355

>My biggest hurdle is being honest to those around me. No one knows about my problem because I'm essentially a high-functioning alcoholic.
>I drink about 750ml of vodka per day, 4-5 days a week.
>I'm essentially drunk all the time, but no one knows

Fucking lol. When I was a practicing alcoholic, people only expressed concern when my drinking inconvenienced them. "never pet a burning dog" and all that.

If/when you decide to quit, keep in mind that you almost certainly can't do it on your own. If you're drinking a fifth a day, you've probably already rewired your brain to regard alcohol as something you need instead of just something you enjoy. What this means is that you're gonna drink whether or not you even want to.

Alcohol is a big part of your life, so maintaining sobriety is going to have to be a big part of your life as well. The best thing to do is get into some kind of recovery program, and find a sponsor/mentor/whatever that you click with. I still don't enjoy going to AA meetings but getting a sponsor and working the steps changed my life. Also you will probably fuck up and relapse along the way, but don't view a relapse as a reason to just give up, sobriety is mostly an endurance contest.

>> No.16144366

I forgot to add: you can worry about coming clean to your friends or loved ones later. Get help first.

>> No.16144507

I haven't seen foul bachelor frog in ages

>> No.16144617

I put on 60-70 lbs in 6 months when I quit a heavy benzodiazepine habit

>> No.16144630

Yea but unless you have alot of money it's gonna be rough. You'll get diminishing returns having to drink more and more to get drunk. Until you're either going thru a couple 5ths a day or just drinking cheap disgusting malt liquor 40s

>> No.16144735

28. It's hard for me to estimate the time. I look fit but my body is probably hurting. I would actually put last summer's 3-4 steel reserve tall boy habit as being worse on my body even though it was less standard drinks. It's like drinking a loaf of bread

>> No.16144760

Switch to beer it's more manageable.

>> No.16144763

Not OP but I drink a beer every day, occasionally with a little bourbon after. I just genuinely like the taste of what I drink. Is it really going to fuck me up if I drink so little?

>> No.16144798

Nah, one or two drinks a day is perfectly fine.

>> No.16145264
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>> No.16145380

Yes. You can drink a 33cl of beer and a shot of whiskey or whatever without any health effects if you are a man.
If you are a woman you can drink only one of the two

>> No.16145387

Most classic memes bob up at least once a month.

>> No.16145459

you need to eat. I can go 4 days with just beer and I always forget to eat the whole time. always wake up feeling sick and like my skin is saturated in solvents. 2 meals a day

>> No.16145465

that's more than reasonable

>> No.16145470

Do you eat when you drink like that?
you must be drinking water or something how?

>> No.16145799

Can you? Yea.

Should you? Yea.

>> No.16145917
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yeah, but they took it down immediately