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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16117712 No.16117712 [Reply] [Original]

leftovers for breakfast

>> No.16117720

why not? if you enjoy it

>> No.16117739
File: 61 KB, 720x631, 1618945608524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did, it was delicious

>> No.16117745

Pretty much begging for dogbreath.

>> No.16117749

>so poor he has to eat his slop twice

>> No.16117801

not really

>> No.16118746

Is that paneer korma

>> No.16118831

butter paneer

>> No.16119228


I inherently dislike and distrust people who discard leftovers. It suggests something deeper about their character as a person

>> No.16119233

yes it's paneer korma
ignore >>16118831 please

>> No.16119319

People who curate the remains of thier past meals obviously have deep emotional problems. The whole concept of leftovers is rooted in childhood poverty, parental failure to provide adequte living conditions and personal failure.

>> No.16119329
File: 2.29 MB, 4128x3096, 20210516_093648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like some good proppa sloppa

>> No.16119368

I grew up in an upper middle class home and was never once denied a meal in my life.

I was always taught to value the things I have in life and be mindful of my consumption, whether that be of the food I eat or things I buy like clothing, technology, cars, etc. Every phone or car I've owned I've used into the ground.

Having some wasteful boomer mentality is only a virtue for first generational wealth insecure about the perception of their conspicuous consumption.

>> No.16119382

I'd like to add to this, many delicious foods exist purely as a way to use up leftovers. Fried rice, croutons, bread puddings, soups, pies, burritos, curries, etc. Making due with what one has has led to countless innovation in the foods we eat

>> No.16119401
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1472638913313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making due
Why are you like this?

>> No.16119402

>The whole concept of leftovers is rooted in childhood poverty, parental failure to provide adequte living conditions and personal failure.
What the fuck kind of projection is this

>> No.16119411

That whole comment? That's just you feeling your guilt at having had it better than others while growing up..

>> No.16119450

Precooked food curators will understand. All their parsimonious little tupperware containers, frozen ziploc baggies and saran wrap covered plates littering up the fridge.

Prepare the food in the correct amount, eat your meal, throw out the scraps, compost them if you must.

>> No.16119453

Making due is the primary cause of sanctimony. It turns desperation into a virtue.

>> No.16119460

Do people really throw food away simply because they didn't eat it all during a meal?

>> No.16119468 [DELETED] 

Christ, what a fucking moron. Get cancer you poor nigger.

>> No.16119508

>Anon reads an opinion he does not immediately understand. Lashes out in a predictable manner.

I'll bet the garbage disposal unit in my sink eats better than you do.

>> No.16119522

Why am I like what? Are you implying that for large stretches of history, people didn't deal with food scarcity and thus have to repurpose ingredients into new dishes?


>> No.16119583

Except that we are not dealing with food scarcity at all today. We have surpluses so massive that corn alcohol is blended into our gasoline in order to prop up the price, and to virtue signal our supposed eco-friendliness The only people who must eat every rice grain they glean, are the poor. If you aren't poor, there is no need for any of that. So all you are doing, by saving your leftovers, is turning your success guilt into a minor virtue.

>> No.16119602


That's what I did. Stuffed shells. Was good.

>> No.16119659

>Except that we are not dealing with food scarcity at all today.

Utterly irrelevant to the point I was making, you fucking clown. Past few scarcity led to food innovation that we still enjoy today in a time of plenty.

Your babbling rant about virtue signaling is also irrelevant. I don't know a single person who goes around bragging that they eat leftovers. They just do it. It is a subtle, unspoken aspect of their character.

American corn subsidies are purely political and do not represent the larger issue of food waste, which makes up about 40 percent of food purchased in the united states. Higher waste means a higher demand, which places greater stress on the environment to produce these foods (in addition to more of your taxes going towards subsidizing these farms), which matters particularly for developing parts of the world, such as the cartel-controlled avocado trade in Mexico. As I said before as well, this mentality extends far beyond food. Your entitled wastefulness for the sake of ego-driven status is what has placed us in the current disposable consumption economy we find ourselves in.

>> No.16119683

We're charged for waste collection past a certain volume or weight, and despite pre-separation, that charge includes organic waste. To make use of yesterday's food saves money twice - as much as the extra $2/wk on tags, and wasted $10/wk on food wouldn't make or break me, I've got better uses for $600 than waste disposal.

>> No.16119695

>I don't know a single person who goes around bragging that they eat leftovers

You did it yourself right here in this thread. You are nothing more than a guilt addled virtue signaller and cooked food curator, riddled with angst to the point where you must rely on personal insults as you try to make your points.

>Imagine having to rely on food parsimony in order to feel good about yourself.

>> No.16119703

>He is taxed on his garbage.

Taxed on your income, taxed on your expenditure and taxed a final time on waste you have already earned the money to purchases, have purchased and now seek to rid yourself of.

>The fucking state of your country, and you personally for allowing it.

>> No.16119711

If you think you're not taxed to the maximum your government thinks they can get away with, you're deluding yourself. Better start making that guillotine sooner than later.

>> No.16119717

>the maximum your government thinks they can get away with

Obviously they can't get away with nearly as much here as they can over where you live.

>> No.16119726

>You did it yourself right here in this thread.
No, I said that wasteful cunts were untrustworthy, not that the natural making use of leftovers is something to pat yourself on the back over. Every post you've made in response has been a tremendous cope with this fact.

>> No.16119734

Nice projection cooklet. Some food tastes better the next day

>> No.16119749

There is nothing to brag if you eat left overs, but if you don't, at least when they are still edible, you are just a moron. You bought and cooked the food put effort and/or money into it and just because it's a bit old you are going to throw it away?
It doesn't matter what you CAN do, I COULD order 30 different take outs for a meal eat a single spoonful of each one and throw the rest away, doesn't mean doing that is not retarded.

>> No.16119753

This, at least soups usually do.

>> No.16119760

Reheated pizza is unironically better than fresh pizza. Sometimes i order pizza and leave it for the next day just so i can reheat it and improve the taste.

>> No.16119769

No food tastes better "the next day". If a delay between preparation and consumption improves the taste, then it means that you are eating that dish before it's properly ready.

You can drink a bottle of wine the day it's produced, or you can drink that same bottle of wine two years down the road. The older wine will likely be better.

You make a stew and serve it at once, or you make a stew, set the pot on the fridge overnight and serve it the next day. The second example is likely better. But what you don't do is take the half cup of stew you did not eat the second day, put it in a tupperware container, freeze it for three months and then try to do something with it... Unless of course poverty was a key element in your upbringing.

>> No.16119775

>ut what you don't do is take the half cup of stew you did not eat the second day, put it in a tupperware container, freeze it for three months and then try to do something with it... Unless of course poverty was a key element in your upbringing.
>moving goalposts this hard
wew lad.

>> No.16119782

This thread reeks of a low born cunt who is acting retarded now that he has got bit of money, this is why poor people need to stay poor.

>> No.16119788

>I said that wasteful cunts were untrustworthy,

And because you claim that you are not wasteful, mentioning your love for antiqued electronics, clothing and vehicles for example, (which have nothing to do with food by the way) you virtue signal by default that you are trustworthy indeed.

>> No.16119791


>> No.16119796

Our garbage tags are implemented by the local waste collection company to fund their HOA cleanups, probably taxed, as all things are, but approximately $1.50 would be going to the waste collection company, assuming a 15-25c/tag production cost.

>> No.16119798

If they don't get the point in the course of regular discourse, sterner measures and exaggeration are called for.

>> No.16119800

Throwing away any food is the ultimate admission of failure.
1. You're admitting you're a shitty enough cook to not want to eat your food the next day.
2. You're admitting to not being able to cook the appropriate amount of food properly
3. You're admitting to being a selfish fuck who is environmentally fucking over the world.

>> No.16119802
File: 53 KB, 407x480, 1615262008877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the whole thread
this guy >>16119726
was in the right and this guy >>16119788
was in the wrong
My decision is final

>> No.16119803

Stay hungry, my friend.

>> No.16119809

Amazing. Here we pay a flat collection fee of 25 dollars a year, which funds the collection and recycling program. That program is a complete scam of course, as very little of the plastics we segregate actually stays out of the landfill. I would prefer it wasn't so, but there you are.

>> No.16119821

Throwing away food is merely an example of having a surplus. Your numbered list is merely a cope and probably matches the numbered baggies in your freezer.

As I've said before, I'll bet the garbage disposal unit in my sink eats better than you do.

>> No.16119838

Why are Americans like this? What kind of an upbringing do you have to have in order to behave like this?

>> No.16119870

You know, I wonder if there aren't Mukbang style videos out there involving sink disposal units.

Turkey dinner.... Brrrrrrrkkkk
Lasagna dinner for 6 ....Brrrrrrrkkkk
12 Big Macs with friees and drinks....Brrrrrrrkkkk

>> No.16119993

They exist.


>> No.16120038

It's "make do", not "make due". You just think it's "make due" because you Americans pronounce "due" incorrectly.

>> No.16120056

I suppose I am just old fashioned.

>In conclusion, make do is a two-word verb phrase that is acceptable in modern English of today's world. It means to make the best use of whatever is provided in the unsuitable situation. Make due means the same however it is just an old version of the word that is no longer accepted.

>> No.16120062

American culture is disgusting.

>> No.16120084

>No food tastes better "the next day".
lol this faggot has never made chili, soup, stew, gumbo etc in his life. Go microwave some tendies kid.

>> No.16120111

American culture is peak culture. The entire rest of the world wishes it could do exactly as we do. We have the cheapest food, energy, and the most opportunity on the planet. There is literally no place on the planet that has it as good.

And because of this, we have envious people, envious nations and even within our borders, envious groups who would like nothing better than to see it fail, fall apart and who delight in hearing about times when things don't go as we would wish them to. That's just human nature, and should be pitied.

>> No.16120119

Idiots like you, who read the first line of a post, do the HURR DURR thing and fly to comment, instantly reveal themselves to be what they are.... Idiots.

>> No.16120129

I don't want to see your country fail, calm down. I just think you should eat your leftovers and not be wasteful.

>> No.16120135

you made a factually false statement, i don't care how you justify it you are wrong.

>> No.16120140

The rest of your post is a gigantic cooklet cope dude. lol you can't make chili.

>> No.16120152

No point having a discussion with you then, so why don't you fuck off while I enjoy the soup I made yesterday, and stored in the fridge til it was ready to eat today. I didn't feel compelled to eat half of it when it wasn't at it's peak.

>> No.16120158

You didn't make any soup, tendie. Post a picture of it and prove me wrong.

>> No.16120197

I'll take two

>> No.16120198
File: 44 KB, 543x343, brocoli soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my balls.

>> No.16120232

Looks like canned slop.

>> No.16120237

Whatever dude. Suck my balls.

>> No.16120243

Probably is, makes sense he would throw most of it out after, it's barely edible from the get go.

>> No.16120827

t. poverty dweller

>> No.16120836
File: 85 KB, 1000x444, homeless-T3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he eats leftovers

>> No.16120842

>t. pauper

>> No.16120860

>you will never escape the bottom 1%

>> No.16120871

>neetbux and subsidized housing