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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 643 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_0666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16098693 No.16098693 [Reply] [Original]

what did you guys make for dinner?

i kept it simple with a grilled ny strip steak, au gratin potatoes, and a balsamic salad

>> No.16098719
File: 204 KB, 1536x2048, burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good anon
I had a meme burger and a chili dog from some fast food place thats been open since the 50s, it was alright I guess.
I made some form of bastardized california burrito yesterday though, picrel

>> No.16098734

jesus fucking christ. steak is bottom tier cooking knowledge. how many of you spergers are going to post the same fucking shit over and over before you realize nobody is impressed you put a meat on a grill or cast iron???

>> No.16098735

he's just posting his dinner. What are you upset about anon? The mans allowed to cook a steak if he wants. What did you cook? nothing? fast food again?

>> No.16098736

Currently preparing stuff for steak tacos with rice and beans

>> No.16098744

you are a dick but yiu are right lmao

>> No.16098750

naw, i made sausage and pepper pasta, it was fine. it's just every fucking dork posting their shitty steaks and bragging. come on, we get it, you cooked meat.

>> No.16098770

You're on an image board about food and cooking. People are going to upload images lol.

>> No.16098780

and I'm allowed to criticize... or is mommies special lil' lad gonna get upset :(

>> No.16098910
File: 613 KB, 3016x1960, 20210511_182311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken amd ribs with homemade sauce and fries, yum.

>> No.16098949
File: 445 KB, 1731x1847, cubanoinspired1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made cubanos, the brine and marinade was a long process but turned out good. Was starving so cheese didnt melt completely. Lacto pickles I made with some kettle boys

>> No.16098966

I'd like to see your food anon, the fact you cook at all puts you above the 65% of americans who don't. Coming from an amerifat

>> No.16099035

No pickles on the sandwich?

>> No.16099043

Steak unironically looks like shit sorry OP

>> No.16099049

I had a pretty big bowl of chicken and Kumara curry so I'll probably just have boiled eggs and brussel sprouts.

>> No.16099054

>homemade sauce

>> No.16099056

FUCK, I knew something was off. Goddamn it

>> No.16099065

i cook to eat, not to get internet pats on the back. i come here to make fun of nerds who like getting thumbs ups from strangers on the internet.

>> No.16099066
File: 53 KB, 657x339, Dinner51221c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast beetroot (roasted in duckfat infused lard underneath a duck carcass), duck eggs, broccoli, and 2 types of mushrooms, and potatoes cooked in butter, freshly cooked rice steamed with a bit of duck fat infused lard, with a side salad with greens and radishes from the garden.

>> No.16099072

post your meal or shut the fuck up

>> No.16099080

or what big boy?

>> No.16099082

Pan fried salmon with black garlic, garlic peas, and buckwheat noodles. Simple and quick.

>> No.16099083

I can respect that

>> No.16099095

You blew it anon, you'll have to do it all over again now.

>> No.16099104

interesting you say that confidently as if its something to be proud of and not pathetic.
Have sex, learn to have some passion and pride in your hobbies and learn to feel comfortable sharing it with others.

>> No.16099122

I ate 3 big macs

>> No.16099139

Based nutritionally dense poster

>> No.16099171
File: 351 KB, 596x441, My meal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16099186

what the hell did you do to that chicken? Did you boil it? Whole thing looks pallid and sad.

>> No.16099199

You don't need to cover your food in a million different seasonings. Try actually enjoying the natural flavor of food instead of just covering it up.

>> No.16099204

i have sex with my wife, sir. also, i'm pathetic? i can accept validation from myself and don't need the comfort of others to feel good about my accomplishments. what about you?

>> No.16099208
File: 3.05 MB, 3840x2160, IMG-42e739db1e5e06bfb2d8daefe6598a02-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffalo chicken ceasar

>> No.16099229

Welcome to the internet, you must be new.

>> No.16099230

lmao at the spergs
steak is fat loser equivalent of all 'artistic girls' only drawing shitty eyes over and over again

>> No.16099242

The only sperg is the person complaining about what someone else ate for dinner. You're pathetic, get a hobby outside of posting on this website you trog.

>> No.16099245

i literally said i kept it simple you miserable fucking loser

>> No.16099251

sorry people weren't nice to you on 4chan.

>> No.16099255

nice meme image faggot.
have sex seriously, you're wasting your time doing this, you're seriously not going to make it.

>> No.16099256

lol you've been in here for hours talking shit. get a life.

>> No.16099266

You're obviously not old enough to be here, you sound like a child. If I have any advice, leave this place and never come back before you shoot up a school or some other fag shit

>> No.16099268

holy shit how new are you???????
go back to fucking reddit if you think one person has been roasting this thread.

>> No.16099277

>Calls someone else a newfag in the same post as using shitty newfag memes
This website has really gone downhill since /pol/ blew up hasn't it.

>> No.16099281

you call everyone spergs in your posts, it doesn't take a genius to realize you are the only loser with enough time on your hands to talk so much shit.

>> No.16099285

I made air tacos. Make the shape of a taco in your hand and pretend to bite it

>> No.16099298

Seriously stop posting steak

>> No.16099308

imagine being this daft and thinking only one person in the world thinks you're a fucking retard.

>> No.16099314

stop posting in this thread you fucking retard

>> No.16099317

:( get out of my thread, only cool kids can come in here. i'll tell my mom.

>> No.16099318

all of this rage.. on a board for posts about cooking. you are a sad strange little man

>> No.16099319

Why do steak threads always devolve in the most toxic, hate-filled, insecurity-projecting cesspits?

>> No.16099337

Simple baked salmon with garlic/shallot mashed taters and some sautéed green beans. Briddy gud miid-week dinner.

>> No.16099346

retard kids who learned about this website from stupid reddit memes and think its all about being a degenerate instead of communicating anonymously

>> No.16099363

sounds dank anon, haven't had some green beans in a while and you've got me cravin'

>> No.16099368

so you think people making fun of other people is a new thing... because people came here from reddit? you are legitimately a fucking idiot.

>> No.16099378

Thank god that it wasn't another steak. Wow you can heat up meat let's drop everything because you did something cavepeople did thousands of years ago.

>> No.16099380

dude you have to be a teenager. if not i feel absolute sympathy for you.. how much of a pathetic cunt do you have to be to waste hours of your life roasting people who you think care

>> No.16099405

Low quality bait

>> No.16099410

i personally haven't been here for hours, and watching you seethe and being a weak grumpy little butthole is not a waste of anyones time. this is comic fucking gold right here let me tell you.

>> No.16099416

this makes you laugh? damn your life sucks

>> No.16099421

not just him.

>> No.16099441

>He said seethe
leave, no one wants you here you newfag kids.

>> No.16099446

stop samefagging child, do you really think its not obvious? There's no better way to tell how young you are.

>> No.16099460

How was that bragging again??

>> No.16099465
File: 1.63 MB, 4032x3024, 20210505_202836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mac & chz w/ sautéed veg and some diced up sirloin that I had prepped day before

>> No.16099471

In the early evening coming home I had whole fat greek yogurt with a packet of jam and leftover soup. After some time to digest and hydrate I did my daily calisthenics.
(I'm not completely out of shape but I've been doing Scooby's Rotisseries with wallsits and really enjoying the results in core strength, for postural health more than vanity).

After that and smoking some bowls, later in the night, I made a skillet of food and prepared a whole new batch of a soup similar to what I'd had leftovers of earlier.
in the skillet: preheated and greased with a lil baconfat. two slices off a large frozen pizza, as in pre-cut-for-portion-control. Meat Lover's and I put slices of colbyjack on top. in the pan next to the crust I put a slice of thick-cut bacon, last of a package needed to be eaten tonight or chucked tomorrow. Bonus.
lastly that soup, basic frozen veg broc carrots peas beans etc. in a pot with water, mix in powdered soup mix and simmer, cheese, Immersion Blender. This one I got months ago never touched, I expected it'd be rinkydink because it was a great deal. But it's heavy duty. Now I love creamy broccoli peasncarrots soups. Made in a big dutch oven, many servings of effortless tasty nutrition. Need to eat.

>> No.16099473

A proper sloppa
what's the salad there you have with it?

>> No.16099479

looks comfy

>> No.16099480

I hope thats the only meal you eat in a day anon, sounds heavy.

>> No.16099484

Don't worry, if you made a whole ass pork shoulder like you should have you'll be eating them for a couple weeks, plenty of chances to perfect it.

>> No.16099488

Uh. It's called enhancing the natural flavors of food. I like raw and unseasoned meat and veg, but by seasoning and frying it I'm showing some respect.

>> No.16099493

looks good, more cheez sos tho

>> No.16099496
File: 2.10 MB, 4032x3024, 20210505_202828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was great. Salad is also sirloin over spring mix/arugula, tomatoes, bell pepper, avocado, strawberries/raspberry with a dijon balsamic dressing and some grated parmesan. It looked nicer before I tossed it

>> No.16099505
File: 2.28 MB, 3019x3521, ribs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil lamb riblets!

>> No.16099508

NGL, that probably tastes fucking good.

>> No.16099519

A truly proper meal, sounds both frugal and quality anon.

>> No.16099540

are the brussels sprouts only steamed though? Brassica cultivars are best roasted anon, you'll have to try it if you haven't.

>> No.16099597

>chewy farts
Be honest, anon. Do you really like them? I've found that the only way I can stand them is if they're prepared so you can't taste them -- heavy balsamic galze, or lots of bacon, or whatever to cover their natural flavor.

>> No.16099605

I admit I've been indulgent lately, those munchies. However, yes, I've actually been going lean between breakfast and dinner, no real reason why just not eating during the workday. I actually think I do better with a BreakfastLunchnDinner structure but so it goes lately.

To clarify, though. I didn't eat any of the new batch of soup tonight, just purely so I have something for later. Maybe 4-5 portions of the stuff.

I don't restrict my diet one bit at the moment, though I have as many good habits as bad. Active enough lifestyle with youthful enough metabolism to get away with it for now. I eat my vegetables, at least.

>> No.16099606

Good point anon, gonna munch on that awhile and gave the other half to some friends

>> No.16099620

don't worry about it anyway I love eating a bite of sandwich and then biting into a good pickle spear. Practically makes a Reuben to me.

>> No.16099622

As long as you aren't gaining weight anon, you're in a good place, not here to judge unless you're damaging yourself with your choices

>> No.16099632

Whenever I make cubanos I usually end up making split pea soup with some of the extra pork, it different than it is with ham but very fucking good.

>> No.16099637

I don't dinner. I only have breakfast, lunch and maybe a snack if I'm hungry which is very rare

>> No.16099662

>t. backwards intermittent faster

>> No.16099669
File: 996 KB, 1512x1512, Resized_20210512_191229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbecued some chicken skewers, not pictured was a bowl of rice that I cracked an egg and put said chicken, some avocado, and hot sauce in

>> No.16099701

sounds pretty good anon, protein and energy rich. You been lifting?

>> No.16099783

Is that sweet potato plain? how do you do it anon, disgusting.

>> No.16099888

Been lazy these past 2 weeks, but usually yeah. Mainly just cause I like to eat it

>> No.16099901

thats fair, keep those gains going friend.

>> No.16099909
File: 3.34 MB, 4032x3024, 8271A759-1142-4895-9872-A21B90540EBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice steak anon.
I pan fried a few of these the other night with butter, garlic, thyme and rosemary.

>> No.16099994

Looks dank anon, I'd have some mayo or sour cream with the potatoes but otherwise very dank.

>> No.16100246

I oumb just because your ideas are decent and "modern" food threads are more concerned about fast food than triality, this is what any faggot should be concerned about.

>> No.16100257

This is literally not what any normal man is concerned about, Its more than any food you've ever put into you're entire life, god you fags are stupid.

>> No.16100263

>T. A pathetic euro-poster
what more do I have to say? It's sad that you garbage humans can't comprehend reality.

>> No.16100264
File: 3.29 MB, 4072x3054, TB 5 12 21 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had kind of a busy night, so just picked up some Taco Bell.

>> No.16100337

Did you arrange the steak into a funny face on purpose

>> No.16100612

Made a steak of course

>> No.16100615
File: 798 KB, 1079x943, Screenshot_20210513-015552_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot pic

>> No.16100630

lol you're giving him shit for steak and you had sausages and pasta? it's not even possible to fuck up sausages and pasta, kids make it ffs. id like to see you find a kid that can cook a decent steak.

>> No.16100635

idk what happened to the chicken but hey at least they got the protein to veg rations right.

>> No.16100655

The fries look really good. Double fried?

>> No.16100665
File: 348 KB, 1536x2048, 186255514_391656821944366_7374533214074844220_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks tough, like the intramuscular fat has not properly melted. I like blue rare, but only if the meat quality supports it.

I made chicken soup out of leftover roast chicken and duck.

>> No.16100814

looks great, what cut of steak is that?

>> No.16100816

not to trigger that autist but i made steak au poivre, no photo though

>> No.16101018
File: 2.35 MB, 3024x3024, 26695CFC-88A2-4A2F-8CDA-50C231291EDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this for lunch

>> No.16101023

what is this? are those bones or leeks? this doesn't look appealing at all.

>> No.16101028

never seen white asparagus?

>> No.16101043

nope. we don't get that stuff here. doesnt that seem like a little too much asparagus? your piss is going to smell for weeks

>> No.16101052

Just three stems, cut into thin slices of 4 each. In Germany, this shit would net you six to 8 full stems in a restaurant, which is way too much for me, so I did it this way, Every slice was good for one bite, basically.

>> No.16101087
File: 3.07 MB, 4000x3000, 20210513_200229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the using up leftovers part of the week, so I just had a fried omelette (seasoned with fish sauce and birds eye chillies) and cabbage stir fried with garlic on plain white rice. I added some lao gan ma but it didn't need it, the egg was very salty because i added too much fish sauce. Simple and filling though.

>> No.16102143

australian bolognese
almost burnt it too but in the end i was told it tasted good

>> No.16102211

that with snakes and gatormeat?

>> No.16102280
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x1536, F0B62219-CB86-4519-949F-42770A015225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made steak on my BBQ rather than my grill, so searfags wont cry.

>> No.16102288
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>> No.16102326
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>> No.16102682


Yea I loved any vegetable steamed, were delicious.


Salt n pepper


There is butter hidden inside, along with salt and pepper.

>> No.16102729


bruh cook ur fucking meat

>> No.16102868

Groaty Dick


>> No.16103930

Everytime I come on this board and I see that you’re not dead yet is another day I lose a little more faith in God

>> No.16103955
File: 3.19 MB, 4160x3120, 20210513_171209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My go-to half assed meal.
Store bought meatballs (chicken and mozzarella) and a buttery wine sauce with pasta

>> No.16104108
File: 682 KB, 1788x1462, 20210513_183825_copy_1788x1462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauteed chicken liver and onion

>> No.16104147

Never had chicken liver but looks good. I feel like it should have a salad or something on the side

>> No.16104205

It was a heavy meal and you're right it could have used some fresh vegetables but I didn't have much of anything on hand

>> No.16104217

Undercooked. Fail. You are worthless.

>> No.16104236

pretty impressive that it looks like a real dish

nice mood lighting too

>> No.16104246

what's the red stuff on top there

>> No.16104264

Nice, 1st anon

>> No.16104268


>> No.16104419

my guess is tomato or red pepper

>> No.16104472
File: 488 KB, 1169x935, 10218D6D-1FCD-40EE-8985-21716E1DCC1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet potato topped with pulled pork & caramelized onions with cheese curds on top

>> No.16104482

I eat steak quite a bit. It's good and super easy.
I usually accompany with a baked russet and sauteed spinach.

>> No.16104879
File: 3.24 MB, 4032x3024, 20210506_190248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woking it up!

>> No.16104898

now thats a steak

>> No.16104904

Only if you're bragging about it. Steak is yummy.

>> No.16105887
File: 3.48 MB, 4233x3175, TB 5 13 21 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and that's a good thing

>> No.16105897


>> No.16105919

what is it with this fat fuck and his sauce packets? either USE THEM or THROW THEM AWAY. people that do this are 2 steps away from being a full blown hoarder.

>> No.16105931
File: 2.73 MB, 4233x3175, TB 5 13 21 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both? I've seen people complain about them being stingy with the sauce, but they ALWAYS[!!!] give me more than I ask for - and I always ask for exactly how many I plan to use.

>> No.16105935

Habanero Oil with chunks.

>> No.16105943
File: 3.32 MB, 3175x4233, TB 5 13 21 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I cooked for dinner, by the way. Just my old standby burger; a nice medium rare.

>> No.16105962

Looks tasty, but what is under the lettuce layer? spring onion or celery?

>> No.16105987
File: 3.20 MB, 4233x3175, TB 5 13 21 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, no. When I flip the patty I add a little goat cheese crumbles, a little crispy bacon, a bunch of diced scallions, tonight I added a few slivers of charred jalapeno, and then I put on some secret sauce - it's just an aioli with some added citrus and fresh herbs - and top that with a slice of smoked mozzarella. Then it's arugula, tomatoes, and dill pickle, with more secret sauce on the top bun. It's not something we sell, but has kind of become my go-to after trying every possible variation (I literally told my boss that if he wants to put it on the menu he has to include a caveat that it wont be served over mid-rare, and he said, "no thanks").

>> No.16106086

Did not think it was, just look wise, it reminded me of that. Do you normally go for a meat to "other" ratio of 1 to 4? If we included the buns it almost looks more like 1 to 5/6?

>> No.16106154
File: 2.98 MB, 3175x4233, TB 5 13 21 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go for a meat to "other" ratio of 1 to 4
I've honestly never thought about it in that very specific way. It looks like the meat isn't the main player, but it is. It's a ~1/3 pound patty, and then there's bacon, two different kinds of cheese, and a very rich mayo based sauce (the beef, the scallions, and aioli are honestly the main combo; everything else is just gravy). The bun is brioche, which I'm not usually a fan of, but this one is pretty good (not stupidly flaky), and would look 2-3 times bigger if I didn't put it all in a little take-out box and squash it down.

>> No.16106540
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x3024, EB70B2B7-D26B-4BE3-90EC-3CAA43E8480B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its seared? No pleasing the idiots on here.

>> No.16106559

based liverchad, hope it was fresh
this looks a bit light on sauce, hope you kept it spicy anon

>> No.16106579


>> No.16106588


>> No.16106592
File: 79 KB, 600x600, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16106593

That steak looks depressing as fuck.
Hot pan, dry meat.

>> No.16106594
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x1836, IMG-20210514-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made paella but with botifarra, because I had no chicken or rabbit on the freezer. Pretty tasty.