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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 704 KB, 1125x1143, B9629D59-D602-481C-8CC7-FB0F16643BA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16077086 No.16077086 [Reply] [Original]

Mediterranean diet is the chosen chad diet. Anything else and you’re literally poisoning yourself.
> Forget lasagna, pizza, spanakopita and lamb souvlaki -- they are not on the daily menu of those who live by the Mediterranean seaside.
> The true diet is simple, plant-based cooking, with the majority of each meal focused on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and seeds, with a few nuts and a heavy emphasis on extra-virgin olive oil. Fats other than olive oil, such as butter, are consumed rarely, if at all. And say goodbye to refined sugar or flour.
> Meat can make a rare appearance, but usually only to flavor a dish. Instead, meals may include eggs, dairy and poultry, but in much smaller portions than in the traditional Western diet.
> However, fish, which are full of brain-boosting omega-3's, are a staple.

>> No.16077152
File: 42 KB, 630x493, 1603740151948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fish are a staple
Nigger, if we keep eating fish like this, the seas will be empty in <30 years.
The Chad Romans
>eat whatever delicacies they can get from all over the empire, including weird shit like flamingo tongues.
>rule Europe, North Africa and the Middle East for thousands of years
The virgin modern Italians
>stick to a "Mediterranean" diet
>constantly get fucked in the ass by Germany, Britain and France
>are the fail child laughing stock of modern Europe
Enjoy your olive oil, fag.

>> No.16077194

>doesn't link actual journal article
>thinks CNN's science reporting is valid

>> No.16077201

This diet is a fiction. Anyone with a decent knowledge of the Mediterranean knows this. The only fish my mountain-dwelling ancestors were eating was salt cod. Pork fat was extremely common until the latter half of the 20th century.

>> No.16077259

This shit is so fucking stupid. As if poultry has more of a place in the traditional Mediterranean diet than fucking pork or lamb. You and every other retard with "Mediterranean diet" on their lips has no clue what the fuck they're talking about.

>> No.16077272
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>> No.16077347

>This diet is a fiction.
No, it's not, ameritard.
t. Spaniard

>> No.16077354

They always fail to mention the suet these people ate

>> No.16077369

>Forget pizza -- not on the menu of those who life by the Mediterranean seaside.
Where is Naples, faggot? Where is Sicily?

>> No.16077400

Insidious Ancel Keys bullshit that has intentionally conflated a high-carb fad diet with the traditional high-fat/fresh foods diets of people living in mediterranean countries by calling it The Mediterranean Diet. Crap, crap, crap. He threw out the truth just like he threw out the frecnch paradox.

>> No.16077406

Lies, lies, lies. Fabricated reality to simplify the control of humanity's diets by corporations.

>> No.16077454

Fucking Mediterranean and plant based... like wtf.

They have cheese that was made by fermenting it in the stomach of a newborn goat. They have Jamón Ibérico. And remember, the acronym for Mediterranean countries is PIGS. Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain.

Maybe there isn't much cattle there, but tons of goat, lamb, poultry, and seafood.

Olive oil is great but most people who cant grow olive trees are shit out of luck. Most olive oil sold overseas is heavily adulterated. Its incredibly difficult to get the real stuff. Some testing found some store bought oils advertising as healthy oils like avocado and olive were up to 100% soybean and other cheap shitty oils.

It's not plant based. The diet may be more provincial and have more whole foods, which is the real key to keeping people alive longer.

>> No.16077455

Coping lardass Americans. If anything threatens their daily quota of corn byproducts and 5lbs of beef they go into a sperg rage.

>> No.16077467

nice try CIA

>> No.16077498

"mediterannean" nations in general consume considerably less beef and somewhat less butter than northern european nations
other dairy and meats (especially in recent decades) are consumed very regularly.
Fish is common but not THAT common and wild caught fish can be expensive. Many urban families are eating more pork (or lamb for muslims I guess) and chicken than seafood.
The olive oil part is pretty accurate, however. Most people have their family olive orchard or at least a connection to someone that can readily provide them with cheap, quality olive oil, and it's also quite cheap at the store.
Fresh vegetables are commonplace too, it is expected to have a salad, usually from raw or fresh veggies and there are quite a few dishes based on fresh vegetables.
But I always say you should use your local and traditional ingredients as much as possible.

>> No.16077525

> But I always say you should use your local and traditional ingredients as much as possible
Is this why amerifats eat only corn, factory farmed beef and processed foods?

>> No.16077551

>fish is a staple
treating fish as something separate from meat seems silly. it's like people saying they're vegetarian because they only eat fish and not beef/chicken/pork.

>> No.16077563
File: 2.87 MB, 640x360, beansontoast.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop obsessing over us you silly bong. Go learn how to invent salt.

>> No.16077581

I don't really care what americans do t b h
their contemporary cuisine, and culture in general, is like a cacophony

>> No.16077585

Corn is a local, traditional ingredient for Americans. The traditional American diet (not the modern one) is more similar to the traditional Mediterranean one than it is different.

>> No.16077610

Eating isn't supposed to be an enjoyable experience. Our ancestors invented foods that combined necessary nutrients out of convenience relative danger close by. Their health started deteriorating when they added salt/spices and had to introduce phenomena like fire to cook

>> No.16077633

Fire literally made us who we are. Without it we would still be animals

>> No.16077642

even fire couldn't help you

>> No.16077649

I’m pretty sure GMO’s aren’t traditional

>> No.16077669

not even half of the italian population eats what foreigners determined to be ""Mediterranean diet"". Both meat and fish are eaten rarely because they can be quite expensive. Our diet is mostly vegs and carbs. This one wouldn't be that big of an issue if we still used to work like farmers did 50 years ago

>> No.16077732

There's literally nothing wrong with eating meat

>> No.16077735
File: 176 KB, 618x673, 61FB1818-5717-412A-BA96-2F6A28057ED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amerifat copes when their way of “life” is challenged

>> No.16077774

It's not challenged. They state blatantly in the article that meat is still a staple in the healthiest diet we know of

>> No.16077776

It’s clearly stated that it’s not a staple

>> No.16077782

However, fish, which are full of brain-boosting omega-3's, are a staple

>> No.16077785

>Mediterranean diets
>high fat
Ketocucks are so blatantly dishonest they're hilarious

>> No.16077790

> However, fish, which are full of brain-boosting omega-3's, are a staple.

>> No.16077798

Fish aren’t meat. They’re fish.

>> No.16077808

It's flesh from an animal. That's meat

>> No.16077861
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yeah we know we love science here

>> No.16077876

So fish are plants? Or are they fungus?

>> No.16077883

turkey has one of the highest rates of dementia

>> No.16077898

they're fish

>> No.16077926

nobody does the mediterranian diet here

t. med

>> No.16077938

I do the med diet
R. American

>> No.16077944

So are they animals or plants?

>> No.16077956


>> No.16077965

This is what the mediterranian diet looks like.

>> No.16077967


>> No.16077974

i meant, only grannies do it, most young people tend to eat fatmerican alike

>> No.16078122

I hope I get dementia so I can forget how gay this thread was

>> No.16078616

If I had a dollar for every time some shitty epidemiological survey gets publicized and pushed around as proving some effect I'd be Bill Gates rich (post divorce).
tl;dr for retards epidemiology can only show correlation NOT causation in all but the most extreme cases
smoking and lung cancer being the exception where the effect size was about 15-30x increased risk for smokers vs non smokers whereas in these shitty diet "studies" you usually have about a 15-50% increased risk which is essentially nothing
if you really want to test these hypotheses around diets you need clinical trials preferably randomized
in fact the few times this has been done in large expensive studies testing red meat and ill health effects (red meat causes colorectal cancer, red meat causes heart disease) the hypothesis FAILED i.e. not true

>> No.16078620

When they say a staple, they mean you eat fish 2 or 3 times a week.
>The Chad Romans
Average height 5'2

>> No.16079075

>Meat can make a rare appearance
> Instead, meals may include eggs, dairy and poultry,
poultry isn't meat now?

>> No.16079129

Literally the healthiest foods.

>> No.16079157

This. Fish is actually seen a sub-par food in the Med zone. There's a great amount of vegetables used in the proper med diet.

>> No.16079159

fake and gay fuck off and kill yourself

>> No.16079161

>Olive oil is great but most people who cant grow olive trees are shit out of luck. Most olive oil sold overseas is heavily adulterated. Its incredibly difficult to get the real stuff. Some testing found some store bought oils advertising as healthy oils like avocado and olive were up to 100% soybean and other cheap shitty oils.
This is why I limit all oil usage, even olive oil. I don't trust any labels/packaging.

>> No.16079163

depending on what the subject is meat can refer to specifically red meat or mammal meat, its fattier and cause more health issues than leaner meats

>> No.16079165

damn now im paranoid
i dont care if i pay for shit and get shit, but just tell me its shit so i can only eat a reasonable amount of it

>> No.16079175

Smoking is also way easier to self-report. How many kilos of meat did you eat this month? How many kilos of vegetables? How much oil? Yeah, exactly. Meanwhile any smoker knows exactly how much a pack lasts them and you have a large group of people who don't smoke at all

>> No.16079197

her nails are so hot
imagine her bent over on your bed ready to take your cock in doggy
tapping her shaved pussy with those nails

>> No.16079204

Fish is meat. Mediterraneans are swarthy subhumans. These are facts.

>> No.16079223

>Investigative journalist Tom Mueller is author of the whistleblowing classicExtra Virginity, which blew the lid off the olive oil trade by exposing how rampant it is with fraud. Mueller shocked America when he claimed to 60 Minutesthat "around 75 to 80 percent" of extra virgin olive oils sold in the U.S. are fraudulent.

>> No.16079247
File: 665 KB, 1200x451, salumi-italiani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mediterranean diet

>> No.16079262

Yeah this
Wasn't it based on the observations of an island that was literally doing a religious fast at the time and in a post war economy at the time?
So the idea that you can just invent a diet and call it 'Mediterranean' is ridiculous

>> No.16079264
File: 84 KB, 961x638, cotechinoconlenticchie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mediterranean diet is good for you.

>> No.16079265

just eat what tastes nice lol
your body knows what's good for you if you listen to it properly

>> No.16079266

and yet you can quite easily avoid that by buying quality brands

probably 50% of all olive oil sold in us is that bertolli shit. you can buy something like california brand and be fine.

>> No.16079277

>So the idea that you can just invent a diet and call it 'Mediterranean' is ridiculous

why? why is that ridiculous?
it doesn't matter what something is called, or if what it's called is meaningful or accurate. it matters if it works, which it does

>> No.16079279
File: 38 KB, 587x367, Chianina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunch in Florence

>> No.16079286

Show me studies that show that the diet that he observed was representative of the traditional diets of ethnicities living on the coasts of the mediterranean from 1960 to say, the time of the introduction of the tomato please

>> No.16079288


>> No.16079290
File: 59 KB, 570x380, paella-valenciana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you find out actual paella is made with meat

>> No.16079294

>Snails in food
fucking barf. guess you can't expect much from a country that spawned a diaspora of 500 million people that all can't make any meaningful scientific discoveries in several hundred years.

>> No.16079296

Why is an american labelling his conception of what the diet of the Mediterranean is 'the Mediterranean diet' when he hasn't done statistical analysis on the entire Mediterranean?
Why are we throwing authenticity and tradition out of the window?

>> No.16079300

because names sell things or determine their success and the name was good
if you don't understand this critical fact of the world you are probably named Decklan or some retarded shit like that

>> No.16079305

Only ethnographers should be making claims like the one ancel keys did

>> No.16079307

nobody cares. nobody respects greece dude you are a third world country in disguise

>> No.16079311
File: 212 KB, 600x800, Tagliatelle-alla-bolognese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th highest life expectancy in the world, they live 5 years longer than Americans

>> No.16079317

yeah, probably all the lack of work.

reminder, 40 million population, highest ranked university is around 250th in the world. least scientific/medical/technological discoveries of any people in the world per population during the 20th century.

lazing around drinking wine your whole life and eating out with friends is good for longevity. we consider you abjectly pathetic though.

>> No.16079329

Ok retard
It's fine if you're so totally disconnected from your ethnicity that you're ok with eating rootless food

>> No.16079333

>shitalian reading comprehension
It's a Mediterranean diet, not an Italian diet, Giuseppe. Go be effeminate somewhere else!

>> No.16079387
File: 21 KB, 514x296, cuina-catalana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those jimmies

More healthy, wholesome Mediterranean diet. Barcelona style sausage and beans.

>> No.16079417
File: 60 KB, 615x461, grigliata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A typical Italian summer dish

>> No.16079457
File: 2.45 MB, 3024x3029, Pastissada2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Veronese prefer horse meat.

>> No.16079461
File: 72 KB, 700x1038, bigoli-ragu-anatra-Veneta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Venetians do it with duck

>> No.16079493
File: 74 KB, 1024x683, ossobuco-di-vitello-alla-milanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veal leg with saffron risotto - Milan

>> No.16079517
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Comfort food from Croatia

>> No.16079546
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Turks call their pizza "pide". They can be vegetarian of course.

Usually they aren't.

>> No.16079558

This post really got the red meat shill going huh

>> No.16079565

Meds eat nothing but meat, cheese, bread and oil. How is this advocating for veganism?

>> No.16079568
File: 103 KB, 850x478, Gigot d&#039;agneau à la provençale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thigh of lamb Provençal

>> No.16079569

Did you even read OP Mr expert or are you just pulling stuff out your ass?

>> No.16079572

I’m Mediterranean faggot

>> No.16079590

Well clearly not as I have a second home in Greece and they dont eat "nothing but meat, cheese, bread and oil." you pathetic lier

>> No.16079596

No. It is you who lies, because my first home is in Greece.

>> No.16079597

Guess I'll just eat a lot of duck then since it's not meat apparently.

>> No.16079615

Nobody threatens me, you limp dicked femboy.

>> No.16079621
File: 178 KB, 1024x979, trippa-alla-milanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to eat Mediterranean you're going to eat red meat 3x a day.

Pic related. It's Milanese style cow stomach.

>> No.16079634
File: 129 KB, 665x908, med2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a photo of your view outside then as I have no idea where in Greece you are
Pic related is a vegan Greek quinoa salad, guess all meds must be vegan then you fucking sperg

>> No.16079640

Why don't the Jews want us eating meat and animal products lads?

>> No.16079651
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Unless whatever peepeepoopoo shitass diet you're trying to sell is literally gonna make me immortal and immune to any kind of disease i don't want it

>> No.16079658

They fear the hunter gatherer bvll

>> No.16079662

Obviously not because American non Jews genocides the native americans

>> No.16079664

it's probably due to all that healthy smoking they do. nicotine is a more potent mental stimulant than caffeine.

>> No.16079685

that's really fucking gay

>> No.16079796

and they eat A SHITTON OF CARBS. do you know how much of my family is full of beetus type 2 in all the old villages, literally ALL OF THEM.

t. turk

>> No.16079810
File: 955 KB, 1046x793, image_2021-05-09_155708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my salad i'm eating rn

>> No.16079813

It was even wrong for smoking. It was commercial cigarettes that caused the cancer. People smoked all the time before you bought them in packs. Pipes, cheroots, hand rolled cigs were everywhere. Then after WW1 they switched to "modern" pre-made cigs with who-knows-what in them, and voila lung cancer.

>> No.16079828
File: 230 KB, 553x425, image_2021-05-09_160400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know bro but if we compare the country that eats the least meat and has a giant vegetarian population, India. they are literally the diabetes capital of the world. compared to hong kong where they supposedly eat the most meat. and have the highest life expectation in the world lol

>> No.16079833

>MAY prevent

>> No.16079837

There is so much retardation going on here I can't even begin. Do you know how big the population of India is compared to the USA? And why do you designate Hong Kong as eating the most meat (red meat were talking about here) or did you pull that out of your ass?

>> No.16079886
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May?....let me know when it's proven, otherwise take this nonsense back to "reddit."

>> No.16079985

>compared to hong kong where they supposedly eat the most meat. and have the highest life expectation in the world lol
What a dishonest comparison. Eating red meat in Hong Kong is a fairly recent phenomenon. Check back in 50 years.

>> No.16080052
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>small statistical samples are better than large statistical samples

>> No.16080066

They are probably fat and sedentary. Around 90% of people who get type 2 diabetes are either overweight or obese.

>> No.16080076

Jews don't give a shit about you.

>> No.16080078

Do you not understand the concept of "per capita" you retard?

>> No.16080082

>t. Every obese amerifat

>> No.16080099
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>> No.16080103
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Correlation doesn't have much meaning. It is causality what you want. Also stop reading shitty "news" articles like that.

>> No.16080110

>correlation isn't causation xDdd
Love how you retards say this as an epic gotcha as if scientists didn't know about confounding factors or as if scientific studies ever used language like "X food totally causes Y disease", it gives away that you don't read scientific studies.

>> No.16080124 [DELETED] 


Glad to see the Spanish are still retarded.

>> No.16080129

>ignores the “may” on studies that “own” liberals
>disregards studies with “may” when they challenge the obese amerifat ways
Damn, red meat shills are actually mentally deficient

>> No.16080237

and you know what has been suggested for eatings for hundreds of years if you wanted some fat over your muscles?
carbs. it just works.

>> No.16080261

It's not carbs' fault you can't eat normal portions. Athletes eat carbs, thin people eat carbs, people in countries with low obesity rates eat carbs. Not to mention that only the last few decades of the thousands of years people have consumed carbohydrates have overseen huge obesity rates.

>> No.16080287

Scientists are aware of the flaws, that's why the flaws become less meaningful? Doesn't make any sense. Correlation with these nutritional studies is only useful for deciding where to look for causality.

>> No.16080298
File: 356 KB, 1280x719, Rosner-Fast-Food-Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh liberals vs conservatives
Noone mentioned any of this. Sounds like you are a rent free retard

>> No.16080300

I think its less the fault of carbs and more the abundance of refined carbs, sugars, and seed oils.

Like... 200 years ago if you wanted bread and there was no baker nearby you'd fucking grow the wheat, scythe it, dry it, mill it, grind it, and then finally you'd make some bread with it (given you had yeast to rise it). Sugar came in the form of fruit and honey, refined sugar was reserved for royalty, as for plant fats, unless you lived somewhere there was plenty of coconuts, palm, or olives, then you probably never even heard of plant fats. You'd eat lard, tallow, suet, caul, and butter.

We created a consumption based society where money and technology will get a human whatever they desire. And then to make matters worse no matter where you look there is an ad for food. Also most people have alienated one another. Machines are replacing us, those who fail to thrive only get comfort in the form of addiction.

>> No.16080309

When they ADJUST for the confounding factors, they remove those flaws, retard. And again, no study will say "X food causes Y disease", you're clearly not familiarized with the lexicon employed in this type of studies.

>> No.16080321

Not true at all. You can't create causality from a purely correlational study. By using confounding factors you can narrow down the correlation.

>> No.16080556

It’s implied, you retards out yourselves worse than vegans

>> No.16080665

>Mediterranean diet
pasta n shit?

>> No.16080692

that's not how it works stanya

>> No.16080766

You just need to be careful. If you know what you're looking for it's pretty easy to find real olive oil in the US. And once you know how to tell the difference it's easy to verify if what you bought is: pour a shot glass and taste it. If you have an italian grocer that you trust, you could try there. I usually buy mine at a place near me that sells Caroli oil. If you don't have a source that you trust, what you should be looking for is oil sourced from one specific place. If it is a mix of oils from Greece, Spain and Tunisia it isn't going to be good. If it identifies a country that's good, but a sub-region or town is even better. Caroli oil is from Apulia. Recently I bought an oil that is from a specific town in the Peloponnese at a health food store. People say the California Olive Ranch or whatever it's called is good, but I haven't tried it. However, if you buy theirs make sure it's NOT the Destination series, it has to be oil from California. Oil should be in a dark container, but it's not necessarily correlative to the quality.
Olive oil should have a sort of peppery burn to it and taste bitter. Some oils are fruity (Apulian oils tend to be), some aren't.

>> No.16080785

>Average height 5'2
Not an argument. Hang yourself lanklet retard.

>> No.16080793


>> No.16080799

>My ancestors who didn't live on the Mediterranean coast didn't eat a Mediterranean diet!


>> No.16080807

the virgin plant eater
the chad omnivore

>> No.16080820


>> No.16080825

Post Fin butthole

>> No.16080889

I can't do fish. They taste horrible no matter how I do them or you have to overload it with strong sauces. Shrimp and lobster are as far as i'll go.

>> No.16080916

Properly raised beef and poultry have a good amount of omega-3s, and that carries over to eggs and butter even. Yes, eat these things sparingly, but pay more for quality product.

>> No.16080917

this strong reaction when "they" 'come for our meat' is not just limited to 4chan fascists but is likely a popular, going on unanimous with humanity as a whole. given that continuing to produce and eat meat will soon cause enough ecological destruction to make earth uninhabitable for humans and cause us to go extinct and given that most people will continue to politically defend the existence of meat no matter what, i'd say it's light out for us.. which is only fair really, given the enormous unprecedented scale of our moral crime, causing all this suffering for absolutely no reason. it might be a good thing too, if humans are incapable of behaving themselves then maybe it is morally preferable that they don't exist, rather than having them put others through the most excruciating suffering not even out of necessity but out of pure needless gluttony

>> No.16080934

The average height of a Roman Soldier was 57

>> No.16080935

>continuing to produce and eat meat will soon cause enough ecological destruction to make earth uninhabitable
YHVH is not going to flood the earth because of eating meat, Chaim

>> No.16080940

>schizoid ramblings

>> No.16080969

Yeah not sure what's with vegos and thinking people wanting to eat meat is like conspiracy theory

>> No.16081053

vegoons are drooling retards that think natural instincts are indoctrination

>> No.16081098

in digiti maybe

>> No.16081115

When exactly has a vegan claimed that?

>> No.16081122

Also when have vegans ranted about "(((them)))" or the "NWO"?

>> No.16081124

pardon, 5´7 = 170cm

>> No.16081129

Also when have vegans ignored all the studies showing how vegetables affect health? Oh, wait, they don't need to because science shows they're right.

>> No.16081169

More vegan meme bullshit and fashionable buzzwords to jerk of to: https://www.oneplanetnetwork.org/sites/default/files/outcome_document_3rd_global_sfsp_conference_sfsp_final_3dec2020.pdf

>> No.16081199

>may prevent
lmao vegan intelligence

>> No.16081205

That's the terminology employed in this type of studies, retard...

>> No.16081247
File: 259 KB, 1680x623, danesin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mediterranean elite delicatessen.

Cured meat, cheese, wine, liquor, pasta, bread.

No fruit or veg, apart from the olives, capers and sun dried tomatoes in the center.

They're fooling you guys.

>> No.16081266

everyone here eats some meat for lunch and dinner retard

>> No.16081593

200 years ago was 1821 and it was quite easy to acquire refined sugar by then. the steamboat had already existed for 14 years

>> No.16081604

what is soil erosion and how does monocrop agriculture cause it

>> No.16081636

300 years ago then. Why cherry pick?

>> No.16081654

>This diet is a fiction
t. Spaniard

>> No.16081692

>meat eaters are so retarded they can't distinguish between the name of the place and the diet type
The study was done independent of location and was focused on the diet. I really like how you guys are sperging out about how Mediterranean dishes can include meat completely avoiding the point

>> No.16081696

You eatin my beans nigga?

>> No.16081848
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>this entire region follows the same exact diets

>> No.16081902

Speak for yourself, zoomer lardass.

>> No.16081946
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>> No.16081957

if veganorexics cared about public health they would protest against tobacco or alcohol, or any drugs for the matter

>> No.16081962

>plant-based cooking

lmao meds eat goat and lamb. In Italy and Spain they eat pork as well.

>> No.16081983

Even retards know these studies are useless lmao.

>> No.16082007

Fatties are the no. 1 reason for healthcare costs going up in the states, alchies and smokers kinda sort themselves out by dying.
Fatties continue to leech of the system and only increase their weight and environmental impact. Doctors are legally obligated to keep the fatties’ “bodies” going, which is getting more manageable as healthcare improves. So we would like to deal with that first.

>> No.16082028

Poor people can either be fat and compliant, or starving and rebellious. Take your pick, anon.

>> No.16082035

>starving and rebellious
Sounds more interesting desu. Compliance causes stagnated evolution.

>> No.16082042

It doesn't sound interesting to the elites who want to control us.

>> No.16082045

Once a year this meal is fine. Perfect 1st January meal.

>> No.16082051

>Meat can make a rare appearance, but usually only to flavor a dish
What this means in reality is that most of their dishes are cooked in animal fat or with animal stock.
Also which fish are plant-based again?

>> No.16082055

Fish are fish you fucking idiot

>> No.16082073

>What this means in reality is that most of their dishes are cooked in animal fat or with animal stock.

nope, most people arent using animal fat for cooking, we cook in olive oil and eat chicken/pork at lunch and dinner, finding someone that eats more fish than meat is extremely rare

>> No.16082075

The also lie about their age in a systemic pattern of pension fraud because they’re lazy subhumans and didn’t have robust record keeping systems until the post war era. A lot of these “90 year old” guys on the magic Mediterranean diet are 10 years younger than they say but due to the shit Southern European economy lied about their age so they could retire at age 50 and live the superior NEET life(the true secret to their longevity)

>> No.16082081

Many “vegans” make exceptions for things like sushi and oysters.

>> No.16082098

no need to reply thrice son, now sit down and eat your burgers

>> No.16082124

Vegans lie

>> No.16082219

>vegan Greek quinoa salad
Lol what’s “greek” about it? Quinoa is from South America and didn’t enter European diets until a couple decades ago max

>> No.16082277

Only in veganoid fantasies do shitalians survive on a diet of 10 lbs of broccoli per day.

>> No.16082293

Actually fatties save the healthcare system. Turns out dying of a heart attack at 50 is cheaper than the long slow decline over 30 years that oldfags undergo. Even when you factor in shit like heart surgeries and cutting of limbs for the ‘betus fatties just can’t add up to the cost of elderly people.

>> No.16082297
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Plant based fish? I don’t buy it.

>> No.16082309

Nobody has eaten the mediterranean diet in Spain since the 1980s.

>> No.16082343

Yeah, all those fatties without health insurance are why health insurance prices doubled. It has nothing to do with insurance companies, pharma, or private equity firms.

>> No.16082678

what about obese vegetarians/vegans ?

>> No.16082955

This. The Mediterranean has a bunch of different cultures with different diets and none of them really even line up with this made up shit.

>> No.16083356

Is that an Italian child?? Lmao looks like a Peruvian.

>> No.16083366

Nobody really gives a fuck about its historical accuracy you autist

>> No.16083381

Cut sugar and grains to avoid dementia. The meat part doesn't matter. Also,
>implying the people who live by the seaside do not eat FISH THAT IS PLENTIFUL

>> No.16083392

idk about milk and definitely not the bacon

>> No.16083630

>The French live longer, healthier lives than Americans - eat lots of cheese and wine!
>The Mediterranean live longer, healthier lives than Americans - eat lots of olive oil and beans!
>The Japanese live longer, healthier lives than Americans - eat lots of fish and rice!
Or maybe instead of some "magic" diet it's the fact that these countries have socialized health care along with cities built around people instead of cars so you don't have to drive everywhere.

>> No.16083642



>> No.16083665

It's also the levels of physical activity. Fucking Americans, always looking for a magical diet to solve a conundrum that could also be solved by simply GETTING THE FUCK UP AND GOING FOR A WALK

>> No.16083667

Has nothing to do with healthcare, it's the fact that Americans eat processed shit out of a box instead of natural foods.

>> No.16083723

The point isn't about eating meat every day the point is about labelling a cuisine inaccurately
I eat red meat 2-3 times a month yet the idea that they could just label it as a mediterrean diet and then you have these obnoxious arrogant americans who make jokes about how the people who literally live in the mediterrean aren't eating the 'Mediterranean diet' and that it's not authentic food is so ridiculous

>> No.16083737

dont forget:
-food quality
-portion sizes
-physical activity
-not working 80 hours a week until your fall over and die

>> No.16084054

Or maybe it's just no niggers and not being around niggers

>> No.16084062

I don't know if it was religious, but the food quantity/quality was very poor because it was post war. Ansel Keys just really liked being a rich American in a poorer part of the world and getting comped to go visit.

>> No.16084104

>alchies and smokers
They plow a fuckton of money taxwise to negate it as well. An average pack a day smoker will pay about $60k-$70k in direct taxes in current dollars over their lifetime smoking, on top of things like higher insurance premiums and indirect things like federal tobacco lawsuits which get passed on in the form of higher prices

>> No.16084342

>for protein, fish is the only healthy choice
I guess everyone not living in a coastal area is supposed to get fucked. IMO the "land meat is inherently bad for you" narrative must be astroturfed by the vegan-meat-alternative companies. I could see Omega-3 deficiency being a problem in people who can't eat fish though.

>> No.16084386

>I guess everyone not living in a coastal area is supposed to get fucked.
Yes. The human population should never have migrated inland. It is not our natural habitat.

>> No.16084424

Dude, where are you from? In Italy we usually eat more pork (in the form of ground meat but also ham, salami, speck, sausage) than chicken. Chicken is generally seen as a diet food for women who needs to lose weight, unless it's fried (but then again, fried chicken is much LESS common than fried veal, which is fried in guess what: clarified butter, sure not olive oil...).

>> No.16084430

It's also the fact that they have to walk up and down stairs everyday too

>> No.16084434

And poultry

>> No.16084443

bacon is one of the worst things u can eat
hormone and antibioitics milk
meat only grass fed
butter only in moderation

>> No.16085010

Yeah probably this lmfao

>> No.16085188

>Meat makes you fat
Literal retarded nigger

>> No.16085228

you are a fucking loser. get a job you fucking worthless piece of trash

>> No.16085258

For me? It's gotta be Thomas Jefferson's macaroni and cheese!

>> No.16085278

>plant-based cooking

>> No.16085476

>forget food people actually eat around the mediteranean sea
>let me tell you about dishes and traditions nobody has instead
clickbait shit

>> No.16085485

spain food culture is full of fat, eggs, meat and rice, nice try, "I'm 0.0002% European according to my israel corporation dna test" amerilard.

>> No.16085489

This. I hate living in lardland

>> No.16085492

this nigga eatin' beans lol

>> No.16085499
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>fake and gay fuck off and kill yourself
>all news is fake news if i don't agree with it

>> No.16085514

Yeah the Mediterranean diet can prevent memory loss and dementia because it’s anti-inflammatory. It’s anti-inflammatory mostly because it gets rid of refined flour and sugar though, not because it gets rid of meat.

Also anyone who thinks this is some kind of globohomo environmentalist propaganda is retarded because overfishing is extremely destructive to the environment

>> No.16085528

A news director there literally admitted to pushing fake news stories for money

>> No.16085791

ah yes, the "fish dont count as meat because i dont think theyre cute" vegan meme, seen this one many many many many many many times before

>> No.16085828
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>> No.16087250

That post is agreeing with what you said. Putting "as if" before the statement implies that it's false.
I'm not an expert but I don't think chicken has ever been a staple anywhere in the Mediterranean

>> No.16087344

Real mediterranean diet has a lot of bread, cheese and charcuterie
t. Spaniard

>> No.16087403

> Poultry isn't meat
Okay what ever you say

>> No.16087425
