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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16048483 No.16048483 [Reply] [Original]

What is the blandest food you've ever eaten?

>> No.16048490

Every home made stir fry.

>> No.16048514

>that hand
based mom knows what shes doing

>> No.16048632

You mean the gay motions or the off whiteness of the skin?

>> No.16048635

Figuring out how to make tasty food was a mistake, I got real fat

>> No.16048640

no, i mean >>16048635

>> No.16048652
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>Humiliating your parents on social media for clout.

>> No.16048655
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the body of christ

>> No.16048666
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It tastes delicious to those who have not sinned. This is very bad news for you.

>> No.16048678
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>It tastes delicious to those who have not sinned. This is very bad news for you.
just look at these digits

>> No.16048682

Based Satan

>> No.16048684

mixed messages here

>> No.16048685

I've been on a retardedly restrictive diet because eosinophilic esophagitis and lately I've been eating sous vide chicken breast and brown rice.
No added oils or spices. Just salt.
It sucks.
Oven roasted whole sweet potatoes have been my saving grace though

>> No.16048751

>those who have not sinned
no one is without sin, beelzebub

>> No.16049058

my druggie brother's favorite food to make is any kind of noodles, with only parmesan cheese sprinkled on top

>> No.16049064

Satan up to his old tricks again

>> No.16049262

Almost any dish from Eastern Europe with something smoked in it.

>> No.16049264

>mom takes time and energy out of her day to prepare a meal in an age where 'convenience' of take-out and prepackaged, preservative-laden meals are culturally normalized as acceptable for every meal
>ungrateful piece of shit mocks her on social media for the amusement of internet strangers and attention

I legitimately feel nothing but loathing and disgust for people like this.

>> No.16049276

i call it susan's pecan pie. it's the most disgusting pecan pie and i have no idea why it turns out like that but every store bought pie tastes like this so nobody complains but it's so gross that store bought shit is nasty... so much msg and preservatives.

>> No.16049304

My dude, dump soy sauce into that shit while it's frying. Instant flavour.

>> No.16049310

No. Then the meat and veg will be boiling, not frying. Who wants that? You’re confirming my original statement.

>> No.16049460

The paper shit my pollock family made us eat on Christmas.

>> No.16049469

While I generally agree with this sentiment, any married woman who would prepare and serve that dish deserves to be publicly shamed and humiliated.

>> No.16049473

Oplatki? I can only assume you gorged yourself on pierogies afterwards like we did.

>> No.16049479

Some sort of Chinese cookie/biscuit many years ago. Looked like a normal shortbread cookie but it tasted like sand.

>> No.16049493

I don't remember pierogis but I would have been pretty picky back then. There was definitely polish sausage and sauerkraut but it was mostly typical American Christmas stuff like ham. But we flew to Chicago for these so at least I'd get at least one Italian beef sandwich in during the trip and probably some vitos and Nick's pizza too.

>> No.16049518

A domino's pizza. Tasted like cardboard, literally.

>> No.16049545

You're saying he's fat? In that case she apparently doesn't know what she's doing since he's still fat dumbfuck.

>> No.16049546

did you take the pizza off the cardboard bottom when you made it?

>> No.16049554

average stove can't hit the heat a restaurant wok stove can, it'll never be as good

>> No.16049557

>Plain pasta and ground beef
This didn't require time or energy. It's tasteless, bland garbage, and just because it was made by a family member doesn't make it good.

>> No.16049564

Fuck, now that you mention it I'm not sure.

>> No.16049567

scrambled eggs when I first had them at school they were just eggs that were scrambled.

not made the way we had them at home with salt pepper and velveeta cheese.

>> No.16049578
File: 39 KB, 474x474, 1F214F6B-A829-486B-80F4-05561850B3BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanksgiving food
>turkey and gravy
>mashed potatoes
>green beans

>> No.16049600

>that hand motion
is this stamper

>> No.16049612

Bounties pasta with ground beef and watered down meat juice.
Women fucking suck these days.

>> No.16049628
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>> No.16049653

Cafeteria peas and carrots.

>> No.16049724

Any american fast food chain.

>> No.16049824

If it was stamper he wouldve been the one to make it. I wish that faggot didnt ruin his life with drugs and alcohol

>> No.16049863

I made a chicken and rice casserole from an old family cookbook when I was still in highschool. It was pretty much just rice, chicken stock, and chicken breasts in a casserole dish. When it came out of the oven it smelled alright, but man did it look and taste like grey mush.
No flavor whatsoever, and a wretched texture that was both overdone chicken, underdone rice, and soggy starchy goo.

>> No.16049885
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thanks satan

>> No.16050042

It's really a shame how poor the average person's critical thinking skills are

>> No.16050062


>> No.16050363

Maybe if a white person prepared those things.

>> No.16050384
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>any american fast food chain

>> No.16050390

I'm kind of envious that I'll never understand Thanksgiving from an African Americans perspective

>> No.16050393

Well, get put in prison in November and you'll find out.

>> No.16050435

Fat retard zoomers have no respect while living with their parents.


>> No.16051468
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since my kidneys are fucked everything I eat is bland
just fucking end me already

>> No.16051474

Anything cooked by Anglos.

>> No.16051475

What is the meat? Why is the water gray?

>> No.16051484

>not draining it and salt/buttering it up
Free meat and noodles and he doesn't even know what to do with it.

>> No.16051485
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You're just not doing it right.

>> No.16051489

It is the same shit except that we add seasoning to our food.

>> No.16051521

I never understood why an edgy athiest would do that, it's completely inoffensive until that has become the Eucharist. If you're going to offend people at least learn about them so you can do it properly.

>> No.16051564

shh, let them think they're pissing everyone off.
Don't tell them about Petrine crosses either.

>> No.16051574

Pasta with cottage cheese

>> No.16051581

Are you fucking stupid? The image is supposed to be funny, not meant to be edgy.

>> No.16051592

ITT a rare style of picky eatery

>> No.16051601
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>posting it to social media complaining about how bland it looks and tastes
>not spicing the dish up yourself
Humiliating your parents for cooking something up for you is pretty shameful in and of itself.
They tried. It may not be good, but it's something. Instead of improving on it, the kid just insults it.
>devil's trips
>It tastes delicious to those who have not sinned. This is very bad news for you.
Interestingly coincidental.

>> No.16051624

I have been there, I'm back on a semi restricted diet. I use to eat nothing but broth, potatoes, rice, rice waffles, rice cereal, yogurt, eggs, , and shrimp or salmon. I did that for a year and a half, most of that time was just broth and ri ce. When I tried raspberry jam my sister made I cried. I have ibs and cannot tolerate fodmaps, esp garlic and onion without being hospitalized. I also have a hard time digesting meat. I'm basically going back to a restricted diet now. I know where you're at. It's hard.
. I wish the best for you.

>> No.16051628

why is it funny?

>> No.16051630

Hurr durr wyte ppl don't be using no seasininin fuck off nigger

>> No.16051637

people who find it funny do so because it's edgy / controversial

>> No.16051642

>Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Wheres my rock at? Youre going down!

>> No.16051650

Do you think this kid has ever given any cooking tips to his mom, or does he just post videos like this and complain?

>> No.16051690
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My mom's cooking, same as this kid. She hated cooking and my dad loved pasta so that's usually what we ate. She wouldn't even put proper sauce on it or make meat to go with it, literally just plain pasta with ketchup. I know I sound like a shit for complaining but other kids, most of whom were from low income families had moms who were bomb cooks. When we moved into that neighborhood in 2004, our neighbor gave my mom a super fancy spice rack with like 30 different spices and last time I visited a week ago she still has the same spice rack with most of the original spices still untouched because she can't be bothered to use anything except salt. When she finally gave up cooking and started serving us boxed rice/pasta and frozen fish sticks I was actually excited.

>> No.16051693

Prove them wrong.

>> No.16051700

>literally just plain pasta with ketchup
Fucking hell
>I know I sound like a shit for complaining but other kids, most of whom were from low income families had
Exactly. There is no fucking excuse to make such shitty food for that many years of your life

>> No.16051717

>until that has become the Eucharist
>implying it literally becomes the flesh of Christ
gtfo, cathocuck. Quit poisoning Christianity

>> No.16051718

Some more of her masterpieces
>chicken breast with salt and pepper
>pasta with poppy seeds and butter
>toast with ketchup
>pasta with sausages, scrambled eggs and pepper
>bread with a single slice of cheese
My friends never asked to stay for dinner growing up

>> No.16051735

Paneer. It makes tofu seem flavorful.

>> No.16051739

it's like she cooked 1/3rd of a Beef Stroganoff and just decided to give up at the part where you add the flavour.

>> No.16051906

>humiliating anyone on social media
I feel ashamed even if i think about sending something on snapchat and the face of whatever random person is covered

>> No.16051913

a fish sandwich from mcdonalds

>> No.16051964

Is this a retarded American thing? Because plenty of protestants churches practice communion and so do the orthodox.

>> No.16051968

British food

>> No.16051971

i always thought spaghetti was bland until i figured out i can season the noodles too.

>> No.16051996

When i visited family in the US and they made turkey.

>> No.16052018

hating it is fine, maybe even talking bad about it behind her back to other family members, but sticking it on social media is nothing but a faggot move

>> No.16052024

Wow, that's truly ghetto

>> No.16052025

at my thanksgiving the turkey is always dry and unseasoned.

>> No.16052034

The only difference is niggers don't practice proper hygiene when cooking and the "spices" they brag about is just brown sugar and cheese dumped on everything. Most don't even know what produce or actual quality meat tastes like

>> No.16052041
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>> No.16052061

Maybe your shitty post-schism orthodoxy that got bogged and watered down by degenerate catholics. But proper Eastern and/or Greek orthodoxy do not celebrate Mass in the same way, they do not do communion, and they have none of this transubstantiation which is a fucking pagan ripoff of celebrating the Earth and Bounty by mixing grass with water/fermented alcohol and drinking it like a tea.

>> No.16052069

Cats are really hilarious

>> No.16052071

Orthodox certainly believe the real presence of Christ exists in the Eucharist. It is not a metaphor or memory. Not sure where you get your information from.

>> No.16052077

Black people food is just Southern food with a fuck ton of salt and hot sauce. The most dangerous thing to a black man, other than another black man, is salt.

>> No.16052079

The Greek and Eastern orthodox do practice communion you obsessed retard.

>> No.16052089

They warned me Satan would be attractive

>> No.16052099

My Mum was like this. She'd make spaghetti bolognaise but she'd add too much water, then wouldn't reduce it down. Nor would she drain the spaghetti enough. You'd be given a plate of mince and spaghetti in a puddle of water. Tip the plate even slightly and a slosh of water would spill onto the floor.

And she never seasoned anything. She'd make burgers and they'd be bland lumps of overcooked mince. For someone who spent so much time in the kitchen she seemed terrified of seasoning anything.

>> No.16052112

Biggest myth perpetuated by left twitter.
I brought friggin' bonchon into work one day and all the black people were bitching about how it was too spicy and how I should have went to Popeyes instead.

>> No.16052156

That's just a cracker, stupid Catholic

>> No.16052163

Grits. And I don't fucking care what you put into them, the grits themself are still flavorless.

>> No.16052168

Beef and beef broth? Looks like it would be loaded with flavor.

I've eaten plain rice. Bland, but still nice. Bland isn't the same thing as bad.

>> No.16052200

>the real presence of Christ exists in the Eucharist

Not the other anon, but the catholics I've met say it literally turns into christ's flesh and blood. Which would be different from what you said. I'm curious which is it?

>> No.16052203

How many times have you had grits? Shrimp and grits or real creamy grits have a lot of flavor.

>> No.16052215

What the fuck even is that?

Farfalle with walnuts?

>> No.16052220

I said I don't care

>> No.16052224

And I didnt ask if you cared I asked how many times you've eaten grits. If you were in the room I'd shove my cock down your throat and give you a little of my cream... bet youd like that GRITS BOY

>> No.16052236

The Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican and plenty of reformed churches believe the same thing when it comes to the real presence. The ones you met were probably poorly catechized.

>> No.16052705

>the body of christ
you're not wrong, communion wafers taste like air

>> No.16052733


>> No.16052742

Looks like she's just as bad at making food as she is at raising a decent human being.
The probably deserve one another.

I've made nutriloaf before to see what it was like. That was some bland stuff, but I guess that's the point.

>> No.16053117

> shit out child
> can't even cook because i'm a useless fucking burger

>> No.16053243
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>> No.16053248

what kind of a junkie cooks something like that for a child to eat?

>> No.16053260


Orthodox practice communion in nearly the same way, there is only a very slight difference of doctrine in transsubstantiation.

A sect that does not do communion is certainly not Orthodox

>> No.16053270

Yeah why is this

>> No.16053369

>He goes around with a belt of spices adding them to every dish he doesn't like
Touch grass, kick a rock

>> No.16053376

Rice conghee

>> No.16053381


>> No.16053434

deenz and all canned fish, but that doesn't stop me from eating them by the boatloads

>> No.16053453

That plus the obese hands

>> No.16053459

>a fucking pagan ripoff
Christianity in a nutshell

>> No.16053464

Lack of heat. Wok pans need industrial strength burners or an actual fireplace to supply them with enough heat to stirfry food. Vast majority of domestic stovetops, electric or gas, can't produce enough heat to make up for heat loss when the food hits the pan. As the pan cools, the liquid released from the ingredients doesn't evaporate and instead of frying them, you end up boiling them which is completely different texturewise.

>> No.16053465

when I lived in my dorm and I was a total schizoid trying to make gainz, I would eat sticky white rice and protein powder shakes as the majority of my diet. I would flavor it sometimes with taco bell diablo sauce, thats about it

>> No.16053470

>birth a child
>feed it slop akin to a warcrime
>lol be grateful

You are beyond retarded yet you deserved a better youth, Cleetus

>> No.16053515

My wife's snatch.

>> No.16053675

Should I take the deenz pill? Do you feel the benefits?

>> No.16053709

lol dude epic comment!

>> No.16053739
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still don't understand why people lost their shit over this. pic related is sold in bong supermarkets

>> No.16053786

What is it with /ck/ and ancestor worship?

>> No.16053799
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Do you have to make everything political?

>> No.16053891

its just funny cause its weird. like who pours monster energy drink on those lol. you people gotta stop getting offended over some random dudes joke

>> No.16053931

When i was a kid i had this friend who's mother was afraid of salt.
Those were the most boring meals of my life. Pity those raised by crazy single mothers.

>> No.16054004

Now that's Flavortown

>> No.16054130
File: 265 KB, 1344x840, 1234234561346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's this chinese buffet in my hometown that we used to love going to as teenagers, i suppose because puberty metabolism and we were all playing sports so unlimited food was appealing. have gone back a couple times in adulthood and its not even bad, it's just incredibly bland. pic related is a yelp review of the place that nails it.

>> No.16054468

based townsend poster

>> No.16054483

There is a china buffet in my shithole flyover town that is flavorless as fuck. It's truly awful but since everyone here is a tastelet, it has been going strong for over 25 years from a customer standpoint.

>> No.16054502

>hehe i am going to pour some noodles and meat into a tray of water and post it online
>that will get me tons of upboats and likes!!!
Why do zoomers do this?

>> No.16054542

>training with a few other neighborhood kids for the first communion ceremony at age 9-10
>first a sip of wine, then the cookie
>for the training we get them still unblessed
>someone fucks it up every single time
>takes the whole evening
>every single time we get wine
>by the time the priest notices that we're getting way too much wine, we're already plastered

Best church day I ever had.

>> No.16054657

stop seething so hard, go drink some more grape juice at Pastor Bob's True Bible Church (Now with Gay Marriage)

>> No.16054670

>so much msg
nigger what

>> No.16054683

my wife once told me my spaghetti sauce "had no flavor" after making it from scratch (crushed homegrown tomatos) and simmering it on the stove all day. I pretended to get upset about it and now it's a joke we bring back up every once in a while. I think what she meant was it needed salt, which is fair. Ha ha, am I right guys?

>> No.16054692

You're literally coming off more offended in your post then the creator likely even intended bro

>> No.16054975

When I was an acolyte I snuck in to the back room to eat a few since they were good during communion but they kept tasting progressively worse. This is all making sense now though.

>> No.16055073

where did you find this?

>> No.16055092

my own cooking, particularly baked goods
it always smells great before i bake it, but it tastes like nothing.

>> No.16055134

Satan's lies!

>> No.16055260

>still don't understand why people lost their shit over this

because despite them constantly mocking "the left" as outrage culture, they're the main proponent of it themselves.

>> No.16055271
File: 19 KB, 555x312, youtube-18th-century-cooking-and-all-around-wholesome-dude-jon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still don't understand why people lost their shit over this.
It was an obvious political snipe.

>> No.16055320

My brother only has one kidney and he won't stop eating fucking slop and drinking energy drinks. I'm worried for him.

>> No.16055773

Stop him before its too late

>> No.16056330

if you're a fragile orange fool, that is

>> No.16056352

Satan is active this week

>> No.16056438

they use alot of weird seasonings to hide the flavour of whatever cheap ingredients they use.

>> No.16056443

Anything cooked by whites

>> No.16056454
File: 20 KB, 480x342, 1550750393926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason food gore threads are funny, it's an unusual combination of foods/liquids

>> No.16056936

jesus fucking christ i hope your friends did the opposite assuming they had family that could cook.

>> No.16057050

It looks like she just browned some beef and cooked some pasta so anyone could add whatever they wanted to it. I bet the guy who made that gif is such a picky faggot eater that she just let him throw butter and cheese on it if he wanted to but he's too fucking inept to figure that out.

>> No.16057155

If anything she's gonna make him snack more

>> No.16057179

Not the blandest ever, but I had supper with some friends of mine last fall that was rather interesting.

They are both vegetarians and cooked a number of dishes. The only problem was that there was no seasoning in anything!

I used to be a vegetarian for health reasons and I lived by seasonings. I probably learned more about seasonings as a vegetarian than I ever did with meat because the blandness of the food screamed for seasoning.

>> No.16057184

No, this is the only time it's acceptable, because they're specifically talking about white Americans. You people cannot cook.

>> No.16057188

>I know I sound like a shit for complaining
No? What culture do you come from? It's normal to complain about shitty situations like that. What, d'you think you owe it to your parents not to complain when they fuck up?

>> No.16057193

Luckily i have a shitton of gas pressure in my house, I heard it fucks up your appliances but idgaf. I can just take the top part off my burner and turn it into a jet stream that absolutely chars the shit out of my rough chopped veggies
the taste of slightly burnt oil from a well seasoned wok is absolutely god tier. i reccomend anyone with gas burners that they try the jet thing, i promise it's not gonna blow your house up, there's a kenji lopez video explaining how to do it

>> No.16057412
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>> No.16057417

You superstitious bastards worship your magic crackers in any form. You love them more than Jesus.

>> No.16057419

Only true if you're bad at cooking. Otherwise it's the best meal of the year.

>> No.16057422

You fucking lunatics are fun to read about as a history aspect, other than that, you're just weird sheep herding fuck ups that haven't figured out that the Bible was written by sheep herding idiots that needed to explain their lives to themselves. 2000 years later, you're that idiot that lives back then.

>> No.16057434

On 4chan, it's an old meme.

>> No.16057932

>white Americans
No such thing.

>> No.16057962

In your fantasy world sure, cuck

>> No.16057965

It's not edgy or controversial though?

>> No.16057974

Isn't that just redneck Bolognese?

>> No.16057978

Keep seething mutt.

>> No.16058161

Its funny because you are an autistic.

>> No.16058217

I got a really bad bug in Indonesia while on work and had to survive of rice congee for a week or so, with occasional thin broth with some tea occasionally with some milk. If I could have had some AC and a hot shower, it might have not been that bad.

>> No.16058262
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checked indeed, satan-sama

>> No.16058402

Ah, damp meat pasta, a classic

>> No.16058407

In grade and middle school, my parents sent me to some lady's house who ran an in-home daycare on top of having around 10 kids of her own. The lunches she'd serve during summer vacation were the cheapest, quickest meals you could make for 20+ kids. She'd make things like boiled hotdogs (sometimes without buns) and boxed macaroni and cheese with powdered milk, spaghetti with super watery sauce, and occasionally, would bake fish sticks or chicken nuggets but never salted or seasoned any of it.

For the longest time, I refused to eat hotdogs with macaroni and cheese no matter how they were prepared because it reminded me of those summers.

>> No.16058430

Why are /pol/dditors so easily offended? The image isn’t even supposed to be edgy. Stick to your echo chamber

>> No.16058440

there is meat in bolognese. my man was eating ketchup noodles. God belss my mom and dad for teaching me how to cook because they liked good food. Shame my bitch older brother refused to learn and my nephews ask my to come over every time he tries to """""barbecue""""" to help him aka actually cook.

>> No.16058460

>that hand at the end
You just know he ate that whole plate and then got seconds.

>> No.16058506

I don't believe in gay 4chan numerology but how do you explain this shit

>> No.16060171
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I see, I see..

>> No.16060245

ur dick game bro

>> No.16060369

Dont do this, it creates mustard gas!!!

>> No.16060373


>> No.16060407
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>> No.16060415

seething virgin detected

>> No.16060422
File: 411 KB, 1600x1200, 1069211D-9C82-4CBE-9889-28755CA8AD60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Virgin wafer vs the Chad artos

>> No.16060437

Nigga the orthodox believe its the literal flesh and blood of Christ. Every single Christian believed this for like 1500 years.

>> No.16060452

ikr i laughed good at that

>> No.16060453

How? Just put on soy sauce and add carrots or apples.

>> No.16060455

Neither can niggers, hence them dumping six gorillion spices on everything to trick themselves into thinking they know how to cook.

>> No.16060458


>> No.16060461


>> No.16060493
File: 3.89 MB, 1680x2535, Alfonso-Ribeiro-as-Carlton-Banks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bluh bluh niggers can't cook
>fried chicken
>jerk wings
>shrimp and grits
>Fried okra
>barbecue ribs
>Po Boys
There are worse racial cuisines

>> No.16060496

100% chance this didn’t happen because they give you grape juice during the practices since it’s unblessed. At most, they might practice with highly diluted wine that’s 10% wine 90% water and you get one small sip.

>> No.16060505


>> No.16060590

Catholic who went to Jesuit schools lifelong here. Christ’s real, literal presence in the Eucharist = the wine and water converting to the blood and body of Christ. Those things are not opposed in any way. I’m guessing you’re interpreting it as the wine literally being blood, as in blood cells containing hemoglobin being present and similar for the flesh?

>> No.16060599

Why are the most aggressive ones always the most completely incorrect in their views?

>> No.16060633

Bullshit. White Americans can cook well, and there are plenty of famous chefs among them. The only ones who don't are black Americans. Do they have even one famous chef?

>> No.16060635

What is the lore on this innocent looking British food item?
t. American

>> No.16060650

You wrote that didn’t you, no normie could come up with /ck/ tier autism and wistfulness like that

>> No.16060652

Sounds awful and shit.

>> No.16060656
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>> No.16060667

That guy took forever to say the food is bland and unremarkable. What a dumb review.

>> No.16060669

I can tell you've never had shrimp and grits then.

>> No.16060684

lmfao bro African-American cooking outside of actual chefs among them is simply abysmal

>> No.16060703

That guy is a retard but come on dude--if you're trying to claim that's exclusively black people food, you shouldn't post dishes Louisiana cuisine. Louisiana cuisine is a melting pot of different influences. Etouffee is a French word for fuck's sake.

>> No.16060710

Townsends made a video on a fruit fool, specifically orange, because of the fact that washington's favorite fruit fool was an orange fool. Trumpfags wildly interpreted it as some sort of zinger against the president despite Townsends never espousing modern politics at any point in his show.

>> No.16060715

Of course it's a melting pot, I'm not saying black people were the only ones who invented all that shit, but you notice trends in African culinary tradition all across the south. Just because etouffee is a French word doesn't mean it wasn't influenced by mixed creole people. Lots of southern staples came out of slave run plantation kitchens or cultural exchanges in NOLA between acadian, black, french, and native groups. It's honestly incredibly beautiful and the "niggers can't cook" meme is gay.

>> No.16060727

Yeah, soy sauce and apples. You solved it.

>> No.16060735

Yeah, it's a dumb meme but I think it's annoying when I see tons of black people online post Louisiana cuisine as solely their cuisine when like you said--it's a mix of traditions. It just annoys me because I'm originally from there. Having said that, most of the best home cooks that I've ever met are black.

>> No.16060743

>soy faggot hand motion at the end
Fuck that guy

>> No.16060751

My mom had a black friend who would cook us all gumbo and shrimp and grits and it's some of the best home cooking I've ever had

>> No.16060774

Be careful, if you're in Norway they might take you away.

>> No.16060847

probably wouldnt hurt to add some salt and tradional sauce herbs like basil and rosemary.
Im sure your sauce was dope, and would make an amazing pizza or calzone.
Pasta sauce needs a little more umph.

>> No.16060990

Famous chefs? Are you about to start saying British people can cook too now just because they have a bunch of famous chefs?

>> No.16061129

This i cant remember what the statistic is exactly but high blood pressure is a leading cause of death among african americans

>> No.16061138

did oregano, basil, salt, pepper, lots of garlic. just not enough salt I guess

>> No.16061256

Angry people call accusatory man angry

>> No.16061313

what the fuck

>> No.16061512

Tofu sandwich at zupas so bad

>> No.16062169

The only "people" I ever had say my cooking is too spicy were niggers. The whole wypipo ain yoos seesunin is just a retarded meme.
It's already been pointed out that niggers think whites eat the same shit that niggers get fed in school and prison. Don't know what else to say other than what more can you expect from people too stupid to stay out of prison?

>> No.16062358

I just made a Szechuan pork stir fry and that shit was baller

>> No.16062382
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>white people

>> No.16063623
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I"m scared

>> No.16063637

Posting to social media
Disparaging family
Faggy mannerisms
Fat as fuck
Should kill himself/10

>> No.16063670

>don't add ANY seasoning (aka salt)
>your food tastes like shit
>think your wife is wrong

>> No.16063683
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Just pour the excess liquid in a pot and thicken it with a flour slurry. Throw some spices and herbs in there maybe.
Shaming your parents on social media is so incredibly shitty.

>> No.16063684

Grow some tastebuds, mineral dependent.

>> No.16063697

i love you.

"damn son, where'd you find this" is a common phrase to use. at least in trap music.

>> No.16063701

>That hand movement
Guarantee this retard owns a fedora.

>> No.16063704

You have no taste buds if you don't salt your food.

>> No.16063979

>Grow up with American TV and movies
>Develop fascination towards American culture
>Have a dream to travel to the USA and experience the culture firsthand
>Learn about the trashy but delicious foods
>Go on the trip
>Arrive at Austin, Texas
>Famished, ask receptionist for recommendation for food
>Tells me about the diner next door
>Go there
>Order hamburger with chips, buffalo wings
>Assume they called the fries "chips" because hamburger and fries are a staple
>Chips are American chips, what brits would call crisps
>Buffalo wings are the most sour thing I have ever tasted
>Tastes like some ingredient was replaced with acid
>Hamburger is the blandest hamburger I have come across in my life
>No taste whatsoever
I don't get it. Who eats crisp-chips as a side for a meal, not exclusively as a snack? What the hell was wrong with those buffalo wings? What's with that blank dish that is the hamburger they served? Quite an awful way to open my American culinary experience.

>> No.16064094

Holy newfag batman.
It's funny because it combines the typical christian boomer stereotype, the "boomers can't cook" stereotype and the boomer sipping on white monster meme. It's not making fun of christians, it's making fun of boomers

>> No.16064102

That pic hits close to home... Damn...

>> No.16064210

And did it work, did you make gains?

>> No.16064246

I'd eat that just put some pasta sauce on it.

>> No.16064251

what happened?

>> No.16064262

like I responded before, I added salt, black pepper, oregano, basil, olive oil, and lots of garlic.

>> No.16064278

Sushi. Literally it’s just rice and vinegar, fucking peasant food made to look bougie to wannabe Asians.

>> No.16064280

Fuck rice
Bland ass garbage

>> No.16064289

Yes, mothers that can't cook should be ashamed.

>> No.16064347
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some steaks I made the other day.
I had seasoned them with salt and pepper and had them sit for about 10 mins. I thought I over seasoned them to be honest. Then I fried them in the pan and they looked the part. I easily sliced through the tender flesh, mouth agape anticipating the lush flavors. Alas, when the delicate meat met my tongue coiled in disappointment.
Anyone got some tips?

>> No.16064435

Diners are for when your drunk at 3am. Or when you want a giant Omelette for breakfast. The burgers are usually meh. But the waffle fries are where it's at. Those wings sounded atrocious, and I apologize on behalf of my countrymen.

>> No.16064444
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>overseasoned food
>mushy pasta in mac n cheese
>mush pasta in mac salad
>all food is dry as my ass
I've banned cookouts

>> No.16064450

If the spaghetti and noodles kept happening, why did you not just drain it more? Fuckin children can use a strainer so don't want some excuse

>> No.16064469

this is some X Files shit

>> No.16064471

Probably not, you ever see super big asians? I dont mean bruce lee i mean like Schwarzenegger

>> No.16064639

Why don't you be a little more manipulative?

He constantly talks politics in his older videos, and it was uploaded July 4th

Trump wasn't good but giving bullshit answers like this only reinforces bias.

>> No.16064700

I went to a hipster brewery in hawaii and got a burger and it said fries and it came with some shitty potato chips and the burger was like 3 inches of meat and the bun was just soggy as fuck. Best burgers are at the shitty looking diners like dumb n dumber

>> No.16064705


>> No.16064710

Lmao angry Christcuck

>> No.16064715

Was your mom a drug addict or alkie? These sound like the kind of meals you make just so CPS doesn't take your kids away

>> No.16065034

Fucking kek

>> No.16065079
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Someone who's willing to give you free food and who's taken the time to cook you a meal deserves respect, no matter how bad do you think the food is.

>> No.16065212
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Microwave hamburgers. All the juice and fat leaks out, leaving a flavourless patty. In hindsight, I should have made a roux and added the fat for a sauce.
>tfw I did a cook-along thread

>> No.16065394

Underrated post.

>> No.16065672

>Oh shits going down, let me spruce up a bit - and I'm ready.

>> No.16065688

You cant do any kind of spices?
Offending Christtards is easy because most of the time they don't actually understand their religious canon at all.

>> No.16065752

Being bad at something is never worth respect.

>> No.16065764
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>> No.16065772

it can only be explained with gay-4chan-numerology

>> No.16065779

>Consumes the flesh and blood of brutally tortured god
WTF why do normies see no issue with this

>> No.16065780

I'm sorry your dad's in prison Tyrone.

>> No.16065784
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>> No.16065790
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literally triggered

>> No.16065857

whats the problem? fruit fool is delicious.

>> No.16065868

Put me in the cap

>> No.16065894

I tried it once and the force of the gas would just blow itself out, not enough oxygen mixing

>> No.16065909

Actually I've been going to communion for a year and sneaking them into my pocket just for this very purpose. I'm pouring monster energy on jesus's body and there isn't fuck all you can do about it you mad little christcuck kek.

>> No.16066010

made me laugh

>> No.16066268

i feel like the bad food is disrespectful, unless someone truly does not have to skills or intelligence to make adequate food

>> No.16067097

Depends. Taking a chance at trying something new and being bad is commendable. Being shit at something you do daily is an expression of no effort.

>> No.16067120

>Gay Motions
>Fat hands
>Weird pale bitch complexion
Boring food is too weak of a punishment, put some rat poison in it next time.

>> No.16067127

That looks basic as hell, it could be easily saved with a nice sauce though. Fuck that disgusting obese zoomshit faggot for acting all uppity about the meal his mother prepared for him, fucking disgrace.

>> No.16067237

it would have taken an equal amount of time and energy to make something that's not tasteless slop

>> No.16067513

there are probably as much preservatives in those box noodles as there are in a can of spaghettios.

>> No.16067635

>Arrive at Austin, Texas
Found the problem. Texas food is dogshit.

>> No.16067654

Your mom sounds like a fucking wretch.

>> No.16067691

fucking hell spock its funny because it's illogical and stupid.

>> No.16067706

>>mom takes time and energy out of her day to prepare a meal
she does this for a lifetime, but not fucking once does she use that time to learn how to cook. It's mean to post that publicly but fuck people who insist on cooking but never on learning how.

>> No.16068159

My stepmom provided for us and for that I am grateful. I really am. But looking back hooo boy.

Such treats like tuna casserole which was just tuna, peas and cream of mushroom soup. You could NOT make it taste like anything. Young me tried. Then there was lots and lots of hamburger helper beef noodle flavor. She also liked ham and cabbage. When I look back I remember our cupboard having like jars of spices but they just kinda sat there.

tl;dr Grew up eating Harry Potter shit every day.

>> No.16068493

I feel bad for the people in this thread that grew up eating wet sawdust but also people who would mock their parents for social media vermin deserve to die.

>> No.16068500

Go to a white persons house for thanksgiving one time instead of looking at black twitter memes you dumb nigger

>> No.16068504

Black people think white people thanksgiving is plain because they're served plain thanksgiving food in prison by the white prison guards

>> No.16068998

They don't though
They cook like fat southerners except they also put sugar in everything, like sugar on corn on the cob type "wait, what are you doing?" cooking
It's twitter mulattoes just making shit up

>> No.16069017

>brown ground beef in a pan
5 minutes
>boil noodles
8 minutes
You can even do both at the same time. This is an under 10 minute recipe. If that’s “time and energy” to you then I wonder what you’d call an actual recipe.

>> No.16069061

yeah, thanks to my mom's shitty cooking I now know how to cook for myself

>> No.16069075

I made a pot of chili some time ago that was aggressively bland. I have no idea what went wrong, the recipe wasn't new or anything. Nothing I did could impart any sort of flavor, it was sort of a marvel.

>> No.16069466
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Alright I can see how it's kind of disrespectful to poke fun at your parents on social media but I feel like that isn't as bad as serving zero-effort garbage to your kids. All these comments getting hung up on muh respect but frankly I think it's a little disrespectful to bring life into this world while refusing to learn basic cooking skills for the sake of your own children. What kind of mediocre mother thinks it's acceptable to serve unseasoned chop meat with plain noodles in water?

>> No.16069575
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Looks like I brought the ungrateful little shits out of the woodwork.

>> No.16070814


>> No.16070828

looks like you're just now realising how white trash and worthless your mother was and taking it out on us

>> No.16070838
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Many people ITT were not beaten enough as children.

>> No.16070894

t. a cuck who takes pride in getting beaten by another man

>> No.16070912

>t. ungrateful and entitled little shit

>> No.16070923
File: 84 KB, 900x691, csdfbvef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in a religion created by a norf fc king so he could get a divorce and not the based and europilled bastion of western civilisation

>> No.16070924

you should just kill yourself

>> No.16070943

>fat yank hand
>yank brand in background

>> No.16070955

make your dad go somewhere else that day and add a cup of sugar to every dish

>> No.16070958

>Here's a literal plate of shit, now eat it or else you'll upset some retard on a Uzbekistani water-tasting website

>> No.16070988

>t. stockholm syndrome abuse victim
show us on the doll where daddy used to put his pp

>> No.16071201

Is this the mom of Aaron the King Wizard ?

>> No.16071233

This. It was about the timing. The guy dipped his toes into politics, didn't like it, and all but cried to pretend he didn't mean it. He's a pussy.

>> No.16071265

the food at resorts in Cuba is notoriously bland.
its like they've never heard of salt. I liked the food just zero salt.

>> No.16071272

Welp, time to sell my soul for infinite money and power then.

>> No.16071290

rude, we have no timeline here

>> No.16071326

That dish had the same work put into it as a bowl of cereal. And at least cereal would taste like something. If some one gave me that and expected me to eat it id laugh in their face. Especially if it was my mom. The real problem is that kid hasnt picked up the slack took the fact that his mom cant cook as inspiration to make his own food for himself or family.

>> No.16071481

>t. Dam Son

>> No.16071662


I agree the niggers can't cook meme is gay. It's the fucking Mexicans that can't cook with all their regurgitated shite. Beans, ground meat, tomato salsa and a variation of maize prepared several different ways. Its pure disgusting.

>> No.16071690

based retard

>> No.16071924

It's such a weird thing to see people online defending other people parents as if they were their own. You do not know those people. Why defend them as if you're morally obligated? Especially on 4chan where you're no doubt posting racist nonsense and sexist diatribes constantly. I'm sure you'll acknowledge that there are people in this world who are lazy. I'm sure you'll acknowledge there are people in this world who are stupid. I'm sure you'll acknowledge those people have kids. So, why then, when the spawn of those people you would acknowledge exist mention anything negative about their stupid, lazy parents do you feel the need to defend those parents? It boggles the mind.

The full n-word was used 11 time, as of this post. 4chan is not some wholesome safe space where we must only say positive things about our parents. There are more than 7 billion people on the planet. Some of them are bound to have been raised by worthless idiots. It's such a weird thing to do to deny reality. Take the "red pill" on parents. Some of them suck. Some of them deserve derision.

I truly want to understand what is going through your minds. Are you just so in love with your own parents you refuse to believe anyone else can have an inattentive mother? Is it the opposite? Are you projecting your need for parental affection onto those who are making harmless comments on 4chan about their idiot parents?

This behavior is so strange. It never is prevalent in any other discussion on 4chan. You do not know those anons parents. You do not need to defend them.

>> No.16072046

Because people who like to humiliate their parents are, at minimum, immature brats. If they're much older, they're insufferable narcissists.

>> No.16072088

>parents are retarded and suck ass
How cutely adolescent of you!

>> No.16072109

this pasta must be gluten free because it's shit

>> No.16072136

>everything is pasta because I'm too scared to evaluate my shit life

>> No.16072161

That only stands for the retard in the webm and I haven't seen anybody at all defending him, simply calling the meal shit which it is. That is an attempt at making hamburger helper, an already easy meal, that has failed at just about every level we can observe. Yet people are trying to defend the meal and its cook just because they perceive the critics of it as entitled for wanting basic competence.

>> No.16072237

I honestly think frying steaks ruins the flavor. I don't personally like a crust on my steak and I think frying it dries it out too much. I'll throw a ribeye in the oven at 200F and cook it for about an hour. It comes out super tender, medium rare and the fat tastes awesome. If I'm not doing that I'll just grill it.

>> No.16072242
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>> No.16072264

meant for

>> No.16072275

meant for

>> No.16072335

here ya go

>> No.16072368

>parent does something humilating
>it's the child's fault
The parent should have actually tried while cooking, simple as.

>> No.16072410

meant for >>16072368

>> No.16072430

No. All parents are perfect.

>> No.16072447

Damn, all it would take to make that edible is to drain out the dirty dish water and add a jar of sauce

>> No.16072451

I'm Frustrated :|

>> No.16072540

>christcucks are so easy to anger
>says at least ten angry anons responding to a guy they don't even know is Christian

>> No.16073569
File: 54 KB, 225x537, 1597239273681.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all these seethin' heathens lol

>> No.16073587

>who eats crisp-chips as a side for a meal
church potlucks mostly but in your case they were all in the back going: "dunno maybe it's a british thing, just give him the chips"
the buffalo wings were sour because they were trying to be clever with some meme "hot sauce" instead of just using frank's and butter
the burger was bland because you didn't go to whataburger

>> No.16074028

My own lasagna with diy sauce.