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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16010464 No.16010464 [Reply] [Original]

shouldn't a pizza have as much cheese as possible?

>> No.16010472


>> No.16010474

No. Some people enjoy a variety of flavors as opposed to cloying, cheap fat.

>> No.16010528

Sometimes when you just want some greasy, super heavy, mondo fat kid mega cheesy pizza, sure. I would try that.

Otherwise, much like a sandwich the true genius comes in balancing every flavor so that each may be tasted and savored in every bite.

>> No.16010532

no, too much cheese will make it heavy and wet. and when you can taste the cheese on the back of your tung it's disgusting

>> No.16010552

>cheat fat
just use better cheese there are a ton of them
>balance flavor
eat a real meal instead of a cheat food like pizza then
yeah the thing you cover in sauce is wet lmfao

>> No.16010562

ur mum tasted my cheese on the back of her tung

>> No.16010571

shut the fuck up you ugly baboon

>> No.16010576

water is wet, cheese is greasy, what a moron.

>> No.16010578

In fact, the best pizzas have no cheese and extra sauce.

>> No.16010599

if it's not solid it's wet you dyke

>> No.16010710

>electricity is wet

>> No.16010722

Technically speaking, this is correct.

Gas for example is considered wet heat, as opposed to dry heat from electric ovens.

"People" on this board will not understand it tho.

>> No.16010727

the more cheese the better. italians just can't make pizza.

>> No.16011055

best pizza I ever had was made by a guy who opened a restaurant to put his kids through college. he made pizzas that had an inch of melted cheese on top (after cooking).

>> No.16011087
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>> No.16011515
File: 298 KB, 1200x900, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The complete opposite.

>> No.16011527

My girlfriend complains when I put too much cheese on my pizza, but I ignore her and do it anyway.

>> No.16011529

that's just bread with sauce

>> No.16011548

And it's perfect.

>> No.16011554

you probably think microwaving some sliced white bread with tomato sauce from a jar is a treat

>> No.16011765

Pizza Marinara is a lot more flavorful than you think. It's all in the seasoning and the pizza oven.

>> No.16012272

I've always wanted to make a 100 cheese pizza

>> No.16012292
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>> No.16012294
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I have fat free cheese so I can put a ton of it on my pizzas, but i've noticed that sometimes the fat free cheese doesn't melt as well as fatty cheeses do. Aside from that it's great.

>> No.16012297
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>> No.16012306

There's a ratio of ingredients. I wouldn't want to eat a bowl of melted cheese. I wouldn't want to eat a pizza that is more than let's say 50% cheese.

>> No.16012458

how many blends of cheese can someone taste at at time before it just all turns into a mess?

>> No.16012463


>Anorexic Posters
Guarantee you weigh less than 200lbs. You should try a real mans pizza. deep dish, thick sauce, grease drips down your chin and onto your bib

>> No.16012473

I weigh 185lb and yes I do wear a bib, thank you.

>> No.16012608

I want to say yes, but I've had pizza with too much cheese; there was grease all over the fucking place.

>> No.16012669

No idea but my idea was to grate a small amount of each cheese until I got through then all

>> No.16012766

>real mans
imagine hedging your masculinity on a food lmao

>> No.16012785

t. anorexic and never tasted a deep dish pizza, atlantic bighouse style with all the juice

They put everything. They put the grease from the fryer on it if you ask. Try weighing more than 200lbs you anorexic skinny little freak

>> No.16013504

>go to pizza restaurant
>while we wait for our pizzas, they give us each a slice of that
>pretty damn good
I wont eat a whole pizza like that, but as a snack it was great

>> No.16013545

I weigh 115llbs

>> No.16013670

if you weight more than 200 lbs and you arent a bodybuilder, you should lay down the pizza, fatty

>> No.16013701

pic is best amount of cheese with moderate to small amount of sauce