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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15968690 No.15968690[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15968697

i'm not sure what's worse, petty cunts or fatties

in any case they're all awful

>> No.15968703 [DELETED] 
File: 437 KB, 748x489, 1594372457122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lefties worship the statue quo and authority, nothing new there. If you put grave on your pasta you will be #cancelled sweetie.

>> No.15968707

>it's another video of an italian chef reacting to Gordon Ramsey's carbonara episode
They're a stupid and petty people.

>> No.15968711

What the fuck does this have to do with politics? It's just Italians being snobs.

>> No.15968722


>> No.15968729

Take your meds

>> No.15968736

>not making any sense whatsoever
name a more iconic duo

>> No.15968738

How is this "news"?
How are these people employed?

>> No.15968776

I'm from a country that doesn't do gravy. I studied in the UK for a while and one day brought back some gravy granules. My dad put the gravy on pasta. He didn't know better.

>> No.15968778

It's the Daily Mirror. It really isn't news.

>> No.15968781
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Why not? Sausage gravy on pasta is great.

>> No.15968796

Imagine being this absorbed in the /pol/ meta that you think anyone with a blue checkmark isn't real news. Those people have probably saved more lives with their tweets than you could ever hope.

>> No.15968810

Mix it with a bit of garlic, sour cream, and parmesan and you have a decent stroganov

>> No.15968855

bruh pasta, gravy, and beeftips is the fucking bomb and if parmesan niggers cannot cope then let them be plebians.

>> No.15968865
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>saved lives

>> No.15968869

Ig Italians don't even know what fucking stroganoff is somehow according to this article

>> No.15968873

Nothing to do with checkmarks. The DM is just a rag, that's all. Really don't understand why you're bringing /pol/ into this.

>> No.15968874

That's true, I don't have the slightest clue about what that is

>> No.15968876

an entire generation weaned from the womb on the internet never learned the most important rule: the internet is srs bsnss

>> No.15968878

That reminds me.
I've been lamenting the loss of the Flip Carbonara for so long, and just the other day I ran into a guy who had a link.
Keep in mind that it's unlisted so don't make it blow up on Reddit or anything.

>> No.15968879 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15968884

That's a nice picture you've taken, may I ask what mobile phone have you got?

>> No.15968894

no u

>> No.15968901
File: 58 KB, 634x628, 1617150853389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg thats actually horrendous
I can't believe I sat through 4 minutes of that autism
And she even forced her sad sack of shit husband to eat that shit

>> No.15968918

A Redmi Note 8

>> No.15968920

The taste test dis the best part.
The dead look in his eyes.
The fact that he can't bring himself to say something actually nice about the slop.
The way he puts down the tupperware bowl the second he has fulfilled his duty and taken one bite.

That man knows very well that if he offers any critique on her food that horizontal punani will slam shut for weeks.

>> No.15968965

lost at the man trying it at the end

>> No.15968981
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He like:

>> No.15968990

Jesus fucking Christ. I've seen stills of this video and assumed it was a standard butchering of carbonara with hotdogs, cream, etc, you know, not good at all but something a drunk bachelor could cook and eat without vomiting. Didn't expect it to be so viscerally disgusting. How did it not thicken even a little? It looks like baby vomit.

>> No.15969140


Is this not a little child cooking?

>> No.15969311

I thought they ate pasta with gravy; I watched The Sopranos

>> No.15969324

but why

>> No.15969325

This right the fuck here.
Homemade sausage gravy on elbow macaroni is god-tier.

>> No.15969334

It's cancel culture

>> No.15969365

That sounds like it would be pretty good for a quick meal if you happen to have some gravy, though.
Who fucking cares what Italians think about it anyway? They didn't invent pasta and they don't get to tell people how to eat it.

>> No.15969382
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>> No.15969397

whoever did invent pasta still doesnt get to tell me how to eat it. fuck everyone

>> No.15969402

I agree. Sorry if that didn't come across well enough in my post.

>> No.15969417

Gravy on noodles is legit good. Toss a slab of butter on top, let it melt, and you're golden. Fuck Italy.

>> No.15969418

> amerilard like fast food tier dish
How is this news?

>> No.15969425
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gravy on everything is good

>> No.15969465

Pasta and gravy go well together, I wouldn't have it as a meal on its own but sometimes I have pasta instead of fries with a meal, like pie, pasta and gravy.

>> No.15969527
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imagine giving a shit about what other people cook, what other people do in their own homes.

you can eat shit straight out of a diaper for all i care. it doesn't mean anything to me.

i don't know what is more unbelievable: that someone cares enough to make a post about someone else's funny cooking, or that someone gave it the green light, or that people absolutely commented on the tweet.

people are free to partake in whatever masturbatory self-indulgence they please, but it's an unfortunate shame that they choose to do so, and people profit off the back of it.

>> No.15969678

Greaseballs take food very seriously.

>> No.15969694

Americans are completely fucking incapable of realising that not every single fucking British newspaper is a broadsheet

>> No.15969778

>They didn't invent pasta

>> No.15969859
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>> No.15969980

why do people have a problem, it sounds fine. gravy is just a meat based sauce after all.

>> No.15970211

Pasta was not invented in Italy.

>> No.15970251

what the fuck hahahaha

>> No.15970260


>> No.15970276

yes it was.
Marco Polo's story about importing pasta from China is a fabrication.

>> No.15970283

China made noodles,thats where the pasta came from

>> No.15970287

Italians are awfully arrogant, you would assume a nation of such arrogant people would be, how do I say, relevant nowadays. They also aren't white.

>> No.15970294

pasta was eaten in china and the middle east long before shitalians.

>> No.15970301
File: 127 KB, 1024x1024, pasta gremlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody fucking cares, you fucking dago.
YOU didn't invent it at any rate so how about you go do something for yourself to be proud of instead of?

>> No.15970342

>the guy who made this robot once hunted down a senile old man and harassed him in his hospital bed with the direct intention of triggering some sort of mental breakdown
>also organized satanic orgies and public displays of filthy, sadistic excess in college


>> No.15970365

Italians are truly the worst.
>mama mia! thats not how I like my pasta!
Unironically no one cares.

>> No.15970382

Pasta with gravy is good. What's the problem?

>> No.15970445


>> No.15970465

oy vey

>> No.15970471


>> No.15970484

Ironic that a muslim is making something that you'd only consider eating whilst drunk.

>> No.15970816

nobody fucking cares but you give me (you)'s, funny how that work
>racism outside of /b/

>> No.15970927

Yeah, I think it's a kid cooking and narrating it, but there can be heard a female giggle during the taste test, so it's kinda wholesome

>> No.15970932
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gravy's good tonight

>> No.15970962

hold shit, this is good bait. Got me!

Also, don't the WOPs call all sauce gravy?

>> No.15970975

She's Italian

>> No.15970989

>Also, don't the WOPs call all sauce gravy?
No, only Americans who larp as Italians do

>> No.15971181
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>racism outside of /b/

>> No.15971202


>> No.15971214

look at that fuckin shnoz

>> No.15972098

Never thought of putting brown gravy on pasta. I would be willing to try it.

>> No.15972102

>pasta with gravy

I want her banned from life.

>> No.15972195

When does an Italian stop being an Italian and instead become a LARPer?

>> No.15972542

pasta and gravy is pretty good, why get mad about it

>> No.15972574

think of how dumb/loud/stupid etc. the average wop or guido is, then realize that's how italians turned out after being civilized in america

>> No.15972881
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>Hot dogs and a bottle of water with cheese flavored dairylike product

>> No.15972894

Beef gravy and rotini noodles with slices of steak and portobello mushrooms would be really tasty. I hate pasta snobs. Italy didn't even invent pasta. Italians are such queefs.

>> No.15972897

Pasta with gravy would be nice if it was good gravy.

>> No.15972899

>the bomb
>Using idiotic nigger phrases that make you sound like low IQ trash.

>> No.15972902

Kys, mudshark

>> No.15972916

would be?

>> No.15972962

>sucks so much nigger cock he can't comprehend basic concepts
Yes. Would be. As in, I've never made it, but I know enough about the culinary arts to know it would be.

>> No.15972968


>> No.15972974

Holy stupid, Batman

>> No.15972982


>> No.15972983

beef stroganoff already exists you dumb faggots

>> No.15973021

Daily Mirror's a joke, mate. The story is almost certainly untrue.

>> No.15973041

Strokenoff has sour cream and onions in it retard. They're talking pure beef gravy and shrooms.

>> No.15973074
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>> No.15973114
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pasta with goulash is fucking great.

>> No.15973488

Worst pasta choice after spaghetti and anything thin and long like it.

>> No.15973560

>thin and long
You're supposed to break it into suitable lengths before cooking it, dummy.

>> No.15973637
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>> No.15973661
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I made this today, just because of this thread.
thanks for the idea guys, it was great.

>> No.15973665

I even break my maccaroni before cooking...

>> No.15973706

>When does an Italian stop being an Italian
as soon as they weren't born in Italy and never lived there long enough to adopt the Italian way of life

>> No.15973762

>only jews may inherit their family identity no matter where they're born

>> No.15973770

nobody was talking about the jews you schizoid

>> No.15973974

Weak bait

>> No.15974004

Why is this weird? Isn't bolognese basically gravy but with a bit of tomato in it.

>> No.15974138

>adopt the Italian way of life
being a lazy greasy drunk and arogant slob makes me italian

>> No.15974153

only if you act like a lazy greasy drunken arrogant slob in italy

>> No.15974324

The last line turned this from possibly decent bait into an obvious play. Know when to stop goading when baiting.

>> No.15974593

Idk why but it seems pretty based.

>> No.15974605

this desu
tabloids are just low-brow shit flinging to entertain your local junkie