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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15968934 No.15968934 [Reply] [Original]

I never understood the whole "al dente" deal.
Why do italians eat their pasta undercooked?

>> No.15968939

According to what referential? They view it as the perfect cooked stage of pasta

>> No.15968945

itsa because we a retarded eh!

>> No.15968950

Pasta is better when there is a texture to it instead of being mushy. It's very simple isn't it?

>> No.15968953

It's snobbery. In China for example they don't do this with noodles. Italians are just being jerk

>> No.15968982

'al dente' literally means all teeth, referencing a time when pasta was made from the teeth of the swine which lived near rome. That pasta of course had to be cooked longer than modern flour-based pasta. Many italians still prefer the tougher texture of yore.

>> No.15968983

someone had an overcooked noodle once and went full retard the other way
I can't believe europeans used to be considered "exotic"

>> No.15968989

You're fucking retarded. None if that is true.

>> No.15968993

"This place does this!"=Jerk
Anon atleast try to hide your autism

>> No.15969031

This an an ad hominin attack (latin for 'towards a monkey'), so I have reported you to the administrators.

>> No.15969034 [DELETED] 

Fuck off you stupid nigger.

>> No.15969071

verissimo it's all true and i'm from rome too so i know better than most itt, don't listen to this retard here>>15968989

>> No.15969072


>> No.15969074

I like pasta al dente too, but my best friend for example likes it well cooked(in my opinion it's disgusting)

>> No.15969079

You didn't even write it correctly

>> No.15969082

The hominem in "ad hominem" means "man", not "monkey".

>> No.15969097

Because it's better than having a mouthful of soggy mush

>> No.15969107

fuck off filthy notherner

>> No.15969135

ima from-a di Sicilia and you are-a in wrong-a, issa totally true-a

>> No.15969157

Well, they like it that way, tastes are tastes.
There is a specific point when it goes from chewy (7 minutes) to proper, after that it's mush.

>> No.15969196

that time is a pointless reference because it's affected by shape and brand

>> No.15969211

Because they’re retarded faggots. I’ve always cooked them right, why would I like to eat hard as fuck pasta

>> No.15969406
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They used to make pasta out of teeth?

>> No.15969446

Why do foreigners eat their pasta overcooked?

>> No.15969450

based history anon

>> No.15969493

It's not undercooked retard.
Pasta is fully cooked when lost the white spot or white ring in the center, depending on the shape of pasta. From that point is like cooking a steak, you can have
> Al chiodo
> Al dente
> Normal
> mushy american/filipino shit

>> No.15969650

I graduated high school, and this is what I was taught too. Doubters can go get fucked.

>> No.15969677

It's because you're supposed to chew your pasta. This way you'll feel full before overeating. In fact, if you overcook your pasta you probably overeat too. Do americans really

>> No.15969966

No, he’s trolling you

>> No.15970047

You know what fucking gets me?
Italians don't even eat it al dente! That's just one of the styles. They eat it other ways too. Wtf.

>> No.15970127

Very based lore

>> No.15970168

They must cope with the fact that they are too poor to afford the gas to cook their pasta thoroughly, so they try to convince themselves and the others that eating it raw is the right thing.
>the absolute state of shitaly

>> No.15970172

It's hard to tell these days.

>> No.15970421

but I'm a woman

>> No.15971353

You tell him

>> No.15971408

Why do Italians live rent free in American brains? Why do Italians make them seethe so much? The only logical explanation is that Americans become insecure and feel inferior when exposed to real culture.

>> No.15971425

To develop their chad muscular jaw line with chewing. As opposed to weak slack-jawed anglos and g*rmanics that prefer to eat baby-food tier things. Unlike a cum-craving anglo g*rmanic they don't need the pasta to dissolve into a creamy alkaline mess reminiscent of precum.

>> No.15971445


>> No.15971449

this might be the first manly italian food related post i have ever seen. Very based

>> No.15971452

Best /ck/ shitposting I’ve seen in awhile

>> No.15971460

>Why do Italians make them seethe so much?
italians are the biggest bitches on /ck/. Try making a thread about carbonara and you will habe autistic parmageneniggers shrieking like a stuck pig

>> No.15971520

Look at every Carbonara thread. It's mostly Americans seething about imaginary "autistic parmageneniggers shrieking like a stuck pig" and a few people calmly explaining why Italians see it the way they do.

Sure Italians get passionate about food, but the "autistic parmageneniggers shrieking like a stuck pig" is some kind of American invention.

Why do Americans constantly invent lies about other cultures? It can't be ignorance alone. No, even though America is the worlds leading economic and military power, they can't stand not being best in everything. That's why they become so incredibly insecure about for example Italian cuisine. So they invent lies to themselves because so they still can believe that they are best in everything.

>> No.15971542

lmao all the "shrieking pigs" are just americans larping as "le ebin angrey italians xd" because no one falls for their shit bait threads anymore
Your post is probably bait too

>> No.15971549

its not other cultures. i respect french spanish portugese west slavs, east slavs, even good ol sanbros have one or two fine ideas. But italians are the only ones willing to curse you for moddifing their shitty sacred cows

>> No.15971573

Italians learned how to properly cook pasta over thousands of years.
The debate on how to cook pasta ended 2 thousand years ago.
Im sure if your interested you can read all about it in the archives by those who spent lifetimes discovering what pasta was, how it must be made and with what tools it must be cooked with.
The french have mushroom brushes, so right there you know how much thought went into how to clean a mushroom.
Same with Italians and pasta.

The short is your cooking and eating pasta wrong. As you will never spend a lifetime in thought on how to properly cook and eat pasta.

>> No.15971644

A seething pastanigger wrote this post.

>> No.15971658

Rent free

>> No.15971690
File: 10 KB, 180x258, garrisoncap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the Italian, "al dente" means "little death." The same meaning the French use for "orgasm."
God, I hate Europe.
Okay, there was that war, too.

>> No.15971741

Because most Italian recipes involve continuing to cook the pasta in some sauce or fat so it's ingrained to cook it al dente as to not overcook it when it's added to a pan.

Dumb Americans don't get this when they cook the pasta, drain it, then dump a jar of cold Ragu over it

>> No.15971748

>But italians are the only ones willing to curse you for moddifing their shitty sacred cows
Italians aren't worse than Americans debating beans or not in chili, or if a grilled cheese can been made with cheese instead of pasteurized processed cheese product or can have any additions.

Americans just don't get Italian cuisine. Just like children they want strong overpowering flavours in everything, that's why they add tons of garlic to their American-Italian cuisine. They have the palate of children. Only want strong flavours, can't appreciate subtle flavours.
Not Italian.
Someone discussing America doesn't mean that Americans live rent free in their head.

>> No.15971805

based shizo poster. I laughed so hard.

>> No.15972183

"Al dente" is not undercooked. It's completely done but still with a firmer bite.
If there's a white section on the inside when you cut a piece of pasta, that means it's still raw. As soon as the white disappears, the pasta is perfectly "al dente". Cook it a little more and it starts becoming softer.

>> No.15972514
File: 75 KB, 586x580, 06E1429A-0F45-4A28-94F1-463908CF9D6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15973305

I had a couple of roommates from North Vietnam years ago.

One of them would cook macaroni fairly often. But he didn't cook it like most of us would cook it. It was in there simmering away for like 30 minutes or more.

I think that he mainly used it as part of a soup or something.

>> No.15973315

>al dente
>when the noodle is cooked through

>> No.15973321

That's because Asian noodles have way higher gluten content

>> No.15973702

The "trol" in "troll" means "troll".

>> No.15973737

Lying Italians in this thread bc anyone who's eaten at Italian restaurants in Italy can tell you that they are such snobs about the pasta being not soggy that they serve it borderline crunchy. There's basically a game of chicken going on between Italian chefs and food critics to the effect of "How long can they go on calling our pasta overcooked until it's served just straight up raw?"
If you complain to an Italian you're dining with about this they will RELISH the opportunity to look sly down their Saracen noses at you saying "It's better this way." Meanwhile there is a noise coming from their mouth that sounds like rocks being crushed.

>> No.15974174

>Accuses Italians of lying
>Obviously lies a lot in his post