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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15954866 No.15954866 [Reply] [Original]

Grocery store thread.

Post stories or just things you like or hate about grocery stores.

>> No.15954871

I know people will complain about this, but what's objectively wrong with it?

>> No.15954884

It's easier to recognize what you want to buy rather than a picture of what you want to buy that doesn't even show up until you walk infront of it.

>> No.15954890

Seems like a waste of money.

>> No.15954901

Food keeps fresher in the dark.

The money you spend on the screens, you'll save on electricity to keep the food fresh.

>> No.15954915

Nigga wat. The screen doesn't make it cooler, if anything it will make the food hotter, making it harder to keep it cold.

You're a fuckinf retard.

>> No.15954919

Negros will get confused and punch the screen

>> No.15954926

Is this the new fligu gigu?

>> No.15954927

What the fuck is the point of this shit? What possible advantage does it have over just having glass?

>> No.15954932

Stop and Shop's Produce sucks.

>> No.15954936

They could potentially pack a bunch of insulation between the screen and the fridge/freezer which would more than offset the costs in electricity and small amount of heat from the LED backlit display. The glass on regular fridge/freezers in stores is a really terrible insulator compared to other available non-transparent options.

>> No.15954937

Why aren't you allowed to kiss the cashier? It's not fair. You should be able to pay a little more for a kiss with the cashier. It's just a kiss, it's not like I'm grabbing her boob or anything.

>> No.15954961

>What possible advantage does it have over just having glass?
Because people will look at the screen and make their decision instead of opening the door to stare, because someone just before them held the door open and it got too fogged to see through. This cycle can repeat for very extended times in a busy store.
Less time with the door open gives a significant savings in electricity.
Combined with the ability to have “animated” things bringing attention to sale prices, it’s a solidly attractive option for a store willing to invest the initial extra for savings over time.

>> No.15954993

I had only considered the thermal benefits with the door closed when I posted >>15954936 but I hadn't considered the domino effect of fogged up glass. That would indeed save a lot of electricity.
cheers anon

>> No.15954995

>if anything it will make the food hotter
It’s a propose-built low power panel for commercial use which activates only when needed, not your Walmart Vizio.

>> No.15955004

>Nigga wat.
It's bad enough when blacks speak like that, but when whites do it, it's much worse.

>> No.15955015

The screen doesn't make it cooler, but by blocking the light coming from the store, it makes the freezers more efficient in keeping the food cooler., because the motors won't have to work so hard.

>> No.15955025

I can't wait for them to adorn the edges with advertisements and reminders to get my annual vaccines

>> No.15955034

What is the point of this? Charging for the ad space?

>> No.15955039

seems dumb. just another piece of unnecessary tech that will break

>> No.15955046

>light coming from the store will make it hot
no, it wont. There's no UV in those lights. All the heat is within an inch of those light bulbs. This argument is retarded.

>> No.15955081

I can't stand the fucking workers gathering food into giant racks of bsskets for the lazy fucks who order their groceries online. They're always moving slow as shit blocking half the aisle

>> No.15955088

>light coming from the store will make it hot
Didn't say that.

>> No.15955129

What a fucking stupid system. It's a conspiracy from grocery store stockers so they don't have to stock/pull to the front.

I refuse to believe a smart screen uses less electric power than 2 strips of LED lighting.

>> No.15955145
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People also can't check stock with this fucking retarded bullshit. Leading to the doors having to be opened to even see if they have it.

Fogged windows > can't fucking see at all.

>> No.15955171 [DELETED] 
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Light spectrum can damage some foods, but in freezer bags or boxes, it doesn't matter for 90% of frozen food.

The beer section would make sense for dumb breweries that still use clear and green glass bottles. Still doesn't matter if you have to open the door to see if they even have it in stock.

Maybe more conditioning for food shortages and marketing by putting a fucking billboard instead of transparent material.

Pic somewhat related

>> No.15955193

might seem counterintuitive to most but I bet it being displayed like that is easier for a person to actually pick what they want like that

>> No.15955214

>People also can't check stock with this fucking retarded bullshit.
You don’t have to unless you’re shopping in some ghetto foodstamp store. It’s the store's fuckup if they let shit run out. You also don’t seem to understand how these things actually function.
>Fogged windows > can't fucking see at all
You’ve literally never shopped at a place with these coolers, have you.
You think it’s just a screen? You think it doesn’t have basic sensors to tell when a rack is empty? You think it lacks this ability when basic bitch vending machines have had it for decades?
Guess what, schizo; they also have camera that gather metrics on you. Your gender & probable age-range, combined with what your eyes are drawn to and how long it takes for you to make your decision.
These doors are literally trickle-down tech from Japanese vending machines that do the same thing, and make drink recommendations based on your age/sex and if you appear cold or hot/sweaty.
Even if you aren’t familiar with this sort of tech, a basic search for “digital doors” or “cooler screens” will bring up loads of articles explaining this.

>> No.15955258

I did most of my grocery shopping at my local walmart and i absolutely hated it there. (I worked there and got a pretty significant discount) There's this massive wave of anxiety that washes over you the moment you walk in the building. Like everywhere you go, you spot the absolute worst humanity has to offer. You have a flood of people down whatever aisle you're trying to shop in. And god forbid you try to stop to grab the item you want to buy. You will have dozens upon dozens of angry fat people in those driving carts impatiently waiting behind you with their dozens of fucking hyperactive kids not knowing how to fucking behave in public. Or you get packs of angry niggers who come in specifically with the purpose of starting fights with trump supporters. Then you have the fact that its right next to a high school, so you also get retarded edgy teenagers who just discovered south Park and 4chan for the first time. Then when you're ready to check out, both self checkout lines have lines backed up to at least halfway down the grocery section. The registers have lines backed up through the entire clothing section all the way to the fitting room.

I've since discovered the walmart marketplace nearby and i love that place. Its honestly comfy to shop in. The selection isn't quite as large but they have all the things i need and i can get in and out with relative ease. The aisles aren't anywhere near as crowded, and the people that shop there seem much more well behaved. I also got a new job and i don't miss that fucking war zone of a store they call a walmart.

>> No.15955292

High IQ answer. I almost always have to open the door to see what is on the shelf.

>> No.15955317

Clear glass is better than a shifty advertisment.

>> No.15955322

I will never shop at a store that has these.

>> No.15955330

I hate them. They're fucking annoying.

>> No.15955347

It's shit. They're going to use it to blast you with fucking commercials while you're actively buying a fucking thing. It's like the goddamn commercials at gas pumps. I hate them so much. I will accidentally crash my shopping cart into these. Whoops. Sorry, the ads distracted me.

>> No.15955437
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I think regular customers will still open the doors to stare and contemplate due to the fact that what's on the screen will sometimes differ from what's actually on the shelf.
For example, 1 shelf has space allocated for 15 tubs of vanilla and 15 chocolate and these tubs come in packs of 6. If both shelves are empty and you receive 3 packs of vanilla, you're going to fill the vanilla section and face the remaining 3 in the chocolate section. This works fine for a glass door, but with this screen it might show that chocolate is available when it isn't. Another example would be a customer placing a random item back into an empty spot on the shelf. The door might show a product is available, when in reality it isn't. This happens a couple times and customers will stop trusting the screen and always open the door to check themselves.

>> No.15955492

Still, you wont open multiple doors in a row to find what you want. Opening one door instead of 3 is an improvement.

>> No.15955506

I'm sure this can be fixed somehow by requiring customers to install a freezer display app.

>> No.15955516

you won't be able to see the grocery jester before he pops out, and cream pies your face while pulling down your pants

>> No.15955527

>signs you live in a white neighborhood

>> No.15955535

>"we do it to save money so you don't have to open the door to see the product!"
>uses up more electricity and resources to display this shit
>really just a marketing ploy under the guise of "muh futuristic is always better"

>> No.15955540

I'm not installing your spyware app, fuck off you can't make me do shit

>> No.15955548
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>Schizo because sensors do the ordering in the frozen food section
>It's not people putting in the orders by manually checking inventory
>It's not a manager submitting an order
>The screen literally takes over the entire grocery order system.

Have YOU ever worked in a grocery store faggot? It's not automated like you say, even if they have the dumbest fucking idea of pixels blocking the ability to see food.

>This retarded cocksucker doesn't even know how a grocery store orders, but he is an authority on a Korean BBQ Swapmeet.

>> No.15955554

Really underrated post.

>> No.15955560

No man may buy or sell, save that he download the app.

>> No.15955566

>It's not people putting in the orders by manually checking inventory
The fuck ghetto store do you work in? Inventory/ordering has been automated forever.

>> No.15955621

...or you could just stop being a (((useless technology))) obsessed faggot.

>> No.15955627

Agreed. Fuck spyware. Fuck pushy sales clowns.

>> No.15955760

This is begging to have either porn or doom plastered on it.

>> No.15955779

Then you could IDSPISPOPD and get stuff out without opening the door at all.

>> No.15956530

Are people that paranoid about catching covid? I want to put porn on these screens.

>> No.15956898
File: 116 KB, 500x375, shopping-cart-in-parking-space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.15956907

Never used one but how can you look at shit kike calories, ingredients or nutrition when it's so small on the display?

>> No.15956913
File: 843 KB, 1500x1125, 1526068999137-marty-robot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*beep boop blocks your path*

>> No.15956944

Why are people so lazy?

>> No.15957151


>> No.15957153


but not even the point

just an inconvenience and gimmick factor

>> No.15957158

100% of the time I will guaranteed not trust this shitty fucking screen and open the door EVEN MORE fucking often than normal to see the items directly because fuck trusting a shitty screen with cartoon versions of what's really there.

I usually stare THROUGH the glass because I don't hang the door open like a dumbass, but with these screens I will instead open 100% of ALL the doors just to see what's inside 100% of the time, resulting in more inconvenience to myself and more power consumption by the retards who installed these SHITTY FUCKING THINGS!

>> No.15957166

this, it's the worst and most frustrating anti-feature I have ever witnessed in a store

>> No.15957172

yes I will you fucking cunt, even more so than before.

Now it's these shitty little cartoons and I have to open every mother fucking door in the world to see what the real product is


>> No.15957177

For the first time I saw a trans person today. She was the bagger at the grocery store. I couldn't tell at first if it was a feminine guy or a masculine woman but then she spoke and the Mickey mouse voice gave it away. Also unrelated, but the cashier was insanely fast. They should give that guy a raise. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.15957178


You should be required to stop being a dumbass

>> No.15957183

they can shove the app right up their appliance
they're shitlords
Sorry I only ever sfadsggasdgdfshgfjkcv and got dsgsdfhdfh in the freezer, alright m8


>> No.15957263

>Regular glass door
>customer looks thru glass
>decides what they want
>briefly opens door to retreive item
>occasionally opens and keeps door open to look at items if glass is fogged

>new fangled door
>customer doesn't trust display
>opens door every time
>keeps door open while making decision
>chooses item or decides against it
>finally closes door

>> No.15957870

It's easier for them to change price this way. Depending on day or time. Since no labels. Enjoy...

>> No.15957882

Just need an LCD on the shelf if that's all they want.

>> No.15957889

Nah bc then ppl will notice it's for price only. Have to sell it as:
Or smth like it, i quit marketing 10years ago. Bc the people they pander too are manchildren.

>> No.15957899

Why is alcohol freely available in your freezer section?

>> No.15957911

This is some peak capitalism bullshit.

So now you're be advertised shit you were most likely going to buy anyway, on top of the packaging that was already put into eye catching advertising.
If these catch on soon the packaging will become basic and the door will be the "packaging".

I'm starting to feel like humans have reached technological singularity before and we wiped out all traces of our physical presence by digitizing every aspect of our lives and then all that got wiped out in a massive solar flare or some shit driving us back into the stone age.