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File: 40 KB, 499x374, bourdain-540ac89621a493e2687d239e1a4f0ac2a8b4ea17-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15946614 No.15946614 [Reply] [Original]

>"I look at Guy Fieri and I just think, 'Jesus, I'm glad that's not me.' You work that hard and there's not a single show of yours that you'd want to sit down and say, 'Hey, I made that last week. Look at that camera work. It's really good, huh?' I'm proud of what I do."

>> No.15946619

The weird thing is that this implies that this guy's proud of something he's done. I wonder what, because it's all crap.

>> No.15946622

he wrote a book. that's about it.

>> No.15946627

Knowing what he did this comment clearly is him trying to justify to himself his career path

>> No.15946633
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Did he do the camera work on his shows?

>> No.15946722

no, but he is taking merit for it...

>> No.15946903

His whole arc is fascinating if you know the behind the scenes. He had three shows. During the filming of the first he separates from his wife who was with him when he was a poor nobody. Like he deliberately chooses his career over this woman. It sends him down a spiral.

In the second show he meets his new Brazilian meme wife. By the time the second show is over he separates from her too, but by now he's dead inside having realized what he did to his first wife.

Third show third wife, this time a pedophile actress hypocrite who embarrassed herself and Anthony by association on a global stage. Anthony looks at the Hollywood wreckage that is his life, thinks about the good woman he tossed away for the disgusting life of fame he now leads, and he couldn't take it. One last escape in France and then its lights out on this failure of a life.

>> No.15946907

>Look at that camera work.
I’m glad this loser offer himself. One less old faggot hipster in the world

>> No.15946919

Yeah you're so proud of your life you killed yourself you fucking hack. Being pretentious about food is like being pretentious about what you jerk off to, nobody fucking cares as long as it's good enough for them.

>> No.15946962

Some family friends own a restaurant that is sort of off the beaten path in a small city. They struggled for years, making amazing food, but not earning enough to hire any help. The whole restaurant was operated by the dad, his wife, and his young son who has been working there since he was probably 9 years old. He’s in his 20’s now.
Guy Fieri came buy and did an episode of Diners Drive Ins and Dives there about a year and a half ago. Since then they’ve become one of the most popular restaurants in town. In fact business is going so well that the family was actually able to take a vacation for the first time ever.
I just saw on Facebook that he bought his son a nice new car and sent him off to college. They’re finally able to hire help and let their son realize the American dream by getting a good education.
If I were Guy Fieri I think I’d be pretty proud of giving a great family owned restaurant that very few people knew about a spotlight so they could thrive. Not every chef in this country can be trained at le cordon bleu or whatever and spend their whole lives bouncing around 5 star restaurants in Manhattan and London.

>> No.15946970

I didn't much enjoy Parts Unknown, I get that he wanted to do something different but it felt like an insult he'd spend a collective minute in an hour long episode talking about the local food, like briefly mention whats for lunch and then get back to pretending to give a shit about what ever country he was in

>> No.15946977

Is that guy not a dead pedophile?
Seems a clear choice of who is better and who is dead.

>> No.15946984

There is virtually no chance he gave a fuck about his exwife you simp.

>> No.15947056

He made it the entire plot of an episode where he rehashed an earlier episode from his first show solely because he was in such a fucked up place personally

>> No.15947275

>t. First wife

>> No.15947322

I miss him

>> No.15947355


>> No.15947359


>> No.15947369

Seethe harder pinkniggers

>> No.15947371


>> No.15947415

He died from an autoerotic asphyxiation accident, you retards. In what world would the narcissistic writer not leave a suicide note? Also, lots of middle aged former heroin addicts get into choke-jerking, because it's basically pure euphoria. He even joked about dying this way just a few weeks prior.

>> No.15947476

Kek even better. Thats literally the most pathetic way to die.

>> No.15947484

He died doing what he loved: dangerously chasing pleasure.

>> No.15947570

Dying alone makes men wax pensive. It's a rough way to go. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Not even the jews.

>> No.15947573

that's why you always have a spotter

>> No.15947585

Source? Oh right, this is 4channel.

>> No.15947588

provide sources for shit you say every time you say them you limp dicked reddit trash

>> No.15947615


>> No.15947616

cause everything on reddit is true

>> No.15947632

This is the kind of faggot that likes Bourdain.

>> No.15947633

Yep, this irrefutably PROVES that this is how he died despite no one involved in the situation even remotely hinting at it and instead consistently describing it as a tradition suicide by hanging. I'm convinced.

>> No.15947637

He was found dead in a bathroom wearing nothing but a robe, hanging by the robe's belt. You don't have the mind of a detective.

>> No.15947664
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Thats it buddy, you’re going straight to Flavortown.
Also this, tons of great restaurants and cooks don’t go far simply because they can’t afford to have their name plastered everywhere. People like Fieri make a change to that, even if Guy isn’t much in the cooking side of things you can’t deny he has done wonders to tons of restaurants all over the US just by bringing them some free publicity. If you weren’t a pompous prick larping like a high class Parisian or a complete brainlet you could easily see that.

>> No.15947670

He was a sentimental old man in the twilight of his middling career as a C-list celebrity meme chef, in the place that he had last felt true happiness as a child in France, having spent the day with his best friend, and had spent more than a decade prior publicly being a brooding romantic with a fixation on suicide and self-destruction.

You have the mind of a dustbin.

>> No.15947676

if you watch the later episodes, especially the mardi gras one in louisiana, he looks completely defeated and miserable

>> No.15947703

>no he wasn't jerking off
>he was reliving his childhood vacations with a close and now lost friend, his first and only true friend with whom he raced the Seine and ultimately won a trophy of
stop being gay about this dead pedo, jesus christ man

>> No.15947814

I didn't know he said that. I'm glad he killed himself.

>> No.15947879

>a pedophile actress hypocrite who embarrassed herself and Anthony by association on a global stage.
Her arc is in a way even more fascinating than his
Her father is an Italian movie director who makes his actors to have real sex on camera instead of dry humping because it makes the scenes more real
She broke in by starring in a couple of his films
Her first adult job involved getting boned on film sets while her father sat 15 feet away "directing"
She finally broke free of that situation and wrote, directed and starred in her own feature, first scene she bones some random nigger in an alleyway, again real not simulated
This girl was twisted and broken beyond belief by her own father, really fucked up life

>> No.15947907

Imagine thinking that Guy's Grocery Games is not the best show ever made.

>> No.15947931

Oh my god, I'd kill myself.

>> No.15947944

Fieri, October 2012: "Anthony, I gotta ask a question, why do you hate me so much brother? ... Is it because you went to a fancy culinary school and I didn’t? I hear you’re the only one in class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter."

>> No.15947949

Why would he kills himself while travelling in France, with plenty of good meals ahead of him in the coming days, embarrassing his best buddy in the process?
It is known based on his tweet that he was practicing autoerotic hanging. Of course nobody knows for sure what happened, but it's at least a plausible theory.

>> No.15947960

Holy shit he's fucking cool. I typically see Guy as as a meme but holy hell how do you come back from that one?

>> No.15947964

Fieri was one of the few chefs to not make a statement about Bourdain's suicide over twitter. A few days after Bourdain's death Fieri posted his first tweet since the incident and it had nothing to do with Bourdain. It was a picture of Fieri with his wife and children on vacation.

>> No.15947968

>Being pretentious about food is like being pretentious about what you jerk off to
Succinct and to the heart of the matter.
Excellent post, Anon.

>> No.15947973

they say it's the best revenge to live well

>> No.15947989

>bourdain died from masturbation
>fieri has wife and children
kek at bourdain

>> No.15947994

From under-cooked pork.

>> No.15948002

Rumor has it he died in the same motel room that david carradine died in, the ghosts are still jerking off in that room in bangkok.

>> No.15948005

Masturbating himself to an eccentric auto-orgasm is a pretty good metaphor for his career, no?

>> No.15948010

Triple D is /ck/ kino and you cannot deny that. The framework of the show is perfect. 2 to 3 dishes from a restaurant and you watch about 3 restaurants an episode while learning about the history of the restaurants and recipes. Its perfect.

>> No.15948038

It’s extremely watchable food porn. Bourdaine was being an insufferable snob.

>> No.15948049

We all die alone, anon.

>> No.15948054
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why do you think he an hero'd while shooting one of his documentaries

>> No.15948247

>entire background is literally being a walking rick and morty joke and painting chefs and cooks everywhere as being a bunch of perverted degenerates who got lucky with his article sent to the NYT
I don’t mind Bourdain but you can just feel the seethe in that statement. Even at his worst Guy at least looked like he didn’t want to blow his head off on the spot, and to think that Guy didn’t do a service to restaurants and chefs everywhere by showing how great they are on one of the most kino food shows ever made is retarded any way you look at it.

>> No.15948291

Bourdain was just angry about the 2005 "dragging incident" in which Fieri tied Bourdain's unconscious body to the bumper of the iconic DD&D red Camaro and dragged him down Las Vegas Blvd.

>> No.15948319

we could only wish

>> No.15948370

Bro I remember that day like it was yesterday. The way he was screaming and begging for his life was so fuckin funny.

>> No.15948539


>> No.15948596

you don't. suicide is the only answer

>> No.15948635

based Guy

>> No.15948784

Holy based almighty. Going to rewatch some DDD today now

>> No.15948835

Exactly. It’s not an in depth documentary, it’s something you throw on while you’re chilling or maybe you want to get a feel for restaurants in a city you’re about to visit. It’s not supposed to be haute cinema and it does what it sets out to do well.

>> No.15948843
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in the end, guess who's happier and still alive.

>> No.15948883

I imagine Guy is pretty proud of the millions he has given to restaurants and employees that have been struggling this past year

>> No.15948896

Boordane is the poster boy of pretentious rich liberal faggots all across the world. They should all follow his example.

>> No.15948907

I doubt he's happy. He's always looked burned out, and probably medicates himself for pep in front of the camera.

>> No.15948916
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>> No.15949002

>made one of the most kino travel shows yet and roasted the fuck out of the industry’s most pretentious asswipe
Booking a weeked in Flavortown right now.

>> No.15949365

>Bourdain was incredibly bitter towards the Food Network from his experience working with them
>Food Network basically became the Fieri channel when its shows were having lower ratings and they needed Fieri to carry them
>flings shit at Fieri for being the face of Food Network
messed up but it sort of makes sense

>> No.15949373

Yeah and now you’re dead faggot so oops lol

>> No.15949449

he didn't kill himself, he was murdered for threatening to expose the ring of pedophile blackmailers that he was involved with. im joking but i actually think this might be it.

>> No.15950114
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Zamir carried out the hit

>> No.15950150

Holy fuck. He killed Bourdain.

>> No.15950154

Guy seems way too good-natured to say something like that, but it cracks me the fuck up anyway.

>> No.15950158

time to rewatch that old arc with... No Reservations...

>> No.15950402

>sitting down with your Triple D bingo card with all the different ways Guy says food is good
Fun times.

>> No.15951487
File: 32 KB, 373x387, 2AD145EA-AB25-4A7F-B162-F07247B91B1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He killed himself cus that tattooed old whore cucked him in front of photographers though he had used his money to buy off the underage twink she had fucked who extorted them for money but people found out anyway. No loyalty from junky Italian whores man.

>> No.15951571

I used to think the government of Azerbaijan put a hit out on him because he went to Artsakh, because he was presented to me as an "investigative journalist" by the press and it was the last place he went and he's a famous guy.
Then I read his wiki article and realized he was just a glorified food blogger and a Noam Chomsky sort of revered retard by the commie press, so now I believe he just killed himself. Maybe because he couldn't handle the reality that the Artsakhians love Bush because he's the only one who ever gave a fuck about them.

>> No.15951617


>> No.15951630
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>> No.15952058

Also, his bitching about Rachel Ray.

>> No.15952080

go back to twitch faggot

>> No.15952101
File: 132 KB, 1400x932, W5QAPBO2TZEG7JUFWKXGTZ7VUY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hear you're the only one in culinary class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter

>> No.15952222

I saw this quote in the last thread with this subject, and it's still as fucking savage as I remember, kek

>> No.15952237

He was clearly insecure. Seeking some kind of acceptance through your work isn’t healthy, and well.. look what happened.

>> No.15952240

You guys only defend guy because he's a fucking weird looking fat loser just like you all.

>> No.15952251

This is pure projection. We defend guy because we're cool looking successful dads

>> No.15952256

I don't care much for Guy Fieri's style, to be honest and I think his show is kind of annoying, but I have huge amount of respect for anyone who sees Anthony Bourdain for what he really was.

>> No.15952371

He’s right. Cooking is an art, and should be respected

>> No.15952381

This lurch motherfucker used to come to Japan, and of course, had a fixer set everything up for his sorry ass, then had them supply him with coke and whores. Based, really. but he was no explorer---just a gay camera-friendly celebrity. Hung himself over an Italian slut. Pathetic.

>> No.15952386

Personally I'm not fat and not looser. I defend Guy, as much as he repulses me, because at least he doesn't take himself too seriously, compared to Bourdain who acted so pretentious all the time...
I'm French and I cringed each time that Bourdain talked about France. His description of it only exists in the minds of a subset of urban Americans who build themselves a social status by talking pretentiously about things they don't actually know.

>> No.15952388

>I cringed each time that Bourdain talked about France. His description of it only exists in the minds of a subset of urban Americans who build themselves a social status by talking pretentiously about things they don't actually know.
Haha. This 1000x

>> No.15952494

The problem I had was that it was basically him running around being a rich asshole in what were typically poverty towns.
I understand he fought with that himself, but watching the show, most of it felt like the peak of some kind of shallow voyeurism or something.

>> No.15952500

>At a roast of the popular chef, Fieri said, "I want everyone to understand that I'm going to be the bigger man. I'm going to take the high road. I wouldn't dare come up here and call Anthony Bourdain any of these things that people have called him: No-good, loud mouth, jerkoff, wannabe authority, pseudo rebel, nerd, shit-talking, blow hard, celebrity-seeking, Eric-Ripert coattail, Mario Batali ass-kissing hate monger... Jose Canseco of the food world, snaggle tooth, Lurch-looking motherf**ker. No, I'm here to take the high road."
Fieri is a goddamn savage.

>> No.15952509

He did something like that for Southern Italy outside of Naples and Sicily.
Where he waxed poetic about how isolated and old-school it felt from some rich villa while seemingly passing over that such isolation and the like was really just because they were goddamn poor in that area.

>> No.15952800

Imagine getting smacked this hard by Guy Fieri. I like them both but god damn they do not not fuck around in flavortown

>> No.15952845

>anons believe he offed himself
Exactly what (((they))) want you to believe

>> No.15953313

Well guy has millions and he’s dead so…

>> No.15953322

My cock only comes to the finest in pornography.

>> No.15953354
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>> No.15953372

Thank you bowling shirt man

>> No.15953404
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virgin bourdain
>pretentious narcissist
>obsessed with his self image and what others think of him
>so hipster he has to eat food in other countries to seem "authentic"
>liberal voluntourist (goes to 3rd world countries under the pretense of caring about them and doing volunteer work but is really only there to promote himself and virtue signal)
>spends his free time being a bitter, angry, envious butthurt bitch
>has done nothing for anyone but himself
>nobody knows who he is outside of food circles
>already mostly forgotten about
>killed himself

chad fieri
>eats what he wants to eat, wears what he wants to wear
>has multiple successful shows
>is an instantly recognizable food icon
>people genuinely like him
>supports small businesses
>regularly donates to local communities and cooks for free for those in need (soldiers, firefighters during CA fires, etc.)

>> No.15953429

You think his next of kin would announce to the media that he was a perverted freak?

>> No.15953438

He announced it himself in Kitchen Confidential.

>> No.15953468

He’s not actually your son, fatty

>> No.15953502

Wasnt the second wife italian?

>> No.15953641

nice fanfic bro, do you have a blog I can follow?

>> No.15953658

>your suicide condemns you to the eternal twilight between life and death
>jerk off the whole eternity since that's what you were actually chasing for when you died
we're all gonna make it, chokebros

>> No.15955080


>> No.15955097

*4chan to me still nigger

>> No.15955118

How can a 60 year old ex smackhead have a better hair line than me?

>> No.15955121

I'm 90% sure he got hair plugs, his hair looked pretty justed about 20 years ago iirc

>> No.15955156
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Jews tend to have tons of hair. Bob Dylan is 79 and still has lots of hair.

>> No.15955177
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Tony Bennett, on the other hand, wears a hair piece.

>> No.15955181

>mfw it's real
no wonder he killed himself, jesus christ. the duality of man contained within flavortown

>> No.15955643

You..you realize how much Guy has done for charity right? Meanwhile Anthony decided to be a fucking vacuum in nature and killed himself like a cuck lmao

>> No.15957198

Dylan is Jewish?

>> No.15957242

fucking pwned

>> No.15957259

jesus, man. I'm glad Fieri can let loose missiles like this for all the shit he gets, since he really hasn't done anything to deserve the hate.

>> No.15957680

If I were that much of a dick I would kill myself

>> No.15957688

He is, but he converted to (protestant) Christianity in the 70's. Still is a Christian.

>> No.15957697
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Death to liberals and death to the Democratic Party

>> No.15957794

Ruling party in america. While drumpf and his bitches spent 4years owning the libs, the next 4 years will be constant reform. I hope they succeed in packing the supreme court. Its like the orange never happened!

>> No.15957798

Twelve years. Minimum.

>> No.15957852

I find Bourdain interesting in the same way I find Hunter S. Thompson interesting. They called the world like they saw it, they worked constantly because if they didn't, they'd lay around huffing ether and shooting heroin all day, and they both killed themselves because their lives were ultimately empty and meaningless.
They were, however, both undeniably massive faggots.

>> No.15958164


I dont know what it is, but while reading this I heard it in my mind in Anthony's voice. Maybe something about the writing style? I can just so clearly imagine him delivering this as a monologue.

>> No.15958195

>robert zimmerman is jewish?

>> No.15958206

i like to watch DDD, guys grocery games, and tournament of champions. guy fieri is fun :^)

>> No.15958213

Open up your heart and let fieri in anon.
It's never too late to start being happy.

>> No.15958234

Eh. I like both Bourdain and Fieri.

Bourdain was a jerkass and said a lot of dumb shit, not just op's quote. But he also gave voice to a lot of shit that people in the service industry experienced. Substance addiction, physical burnout, insane hours, wide use of underpaid/illegal labor, social isolation, suicide. Also the prideful, 'honor' side of the infustry. Before he came along this side of kitchen life wasn't nearly as well known to the public. It was good overall because it took fine dining down a peg and helped a lot of kitchen workers feel less alone and develop a sense of identity.

Fieri is a fat fuck with bad style and overpriced restaurants. But his shows brought attention to small family restaurants in a way that is hard to overstate. Even though critics give him shit, he did help bring critical attention to those places and especially in larger cities made it cool for good critics to rave about places they used to shit on. Kind of annoying hipster shit came from it but it also brought a ton of money to hardworking, talented people who might not have otherwise been recognized.

Everybody in this world is human. Both these guys had problems, but they did good work too. No need to shit on them or hold them up as saints.

>> No.15958474

Ethnically jewish but converted to christianity, probably an atheist before that.

>> No.15958519

>Jesus, I'm glad that's not me.
I bet Jesus is sitting with bourdain now, asking him if he wishes that he was him.

>> No.15958524

Great example of the duality of basically being the same person but the end result of either taking yourself too seriously or just going with the flow and having fun.

>> No.15958532

says the guy who got cucked to death and killed himself after his girlfriend cheated on him with a teenage boy and he payed like 50k in blackmail money so the boy wouldn't go to the police then his girlfriend cheated on him again with a journalist.

what a pathetic genetic dead end cuck.
such is the fate of left-wing males.

>> No.15958539

Looks like Adam Sandler in Wedding Singer 2: Electric Boogaloo 2022

>> No.15958549

>He even joked about dying this way just a few weeks prior.

plausible deniability. and plenty of people don't leave suicide notes because they realise how pathetic committing suicide is so they want people to be able to pretend that they didn't kill themselves.

>> No.15958573

try-hard Bourdain-cuck who tried to model himself on bourdain and realised his hero was a pathetic loser cuck and feels salty about it detected.

>> No.15958591

dude I don't need this crap from you you fat peroxide blonde faggot

>> No.15958604


>> No.15958610

A reasonable and thoughtful post on 4chan???

Fieri came to a hike in the wall pizza place we went to all the time and I knew the owner well. Her biz blew up after that.

>> No.15958622

hike in the wall eh?
they put lead paint on the pies by any chance?

>> No.15958654


>> No.15958697

at least guy wasn’t cucked to death lmaooo

>> No.15958805

Absolutely spot on.

>> No.15958824

>overpriced restaurants
? I went to a Guys Grill just last week in a casino/resort...the food was average and it was just generic bar food with Fieri’s name slapped on it but it wasnt overpriced any more than any other restaurant. I got a pretty good burger for $17

>> No.15958934

Absolutely based

>> No.15959761

I'm pretty sure the point he's making is that Fieri works hard but the people around him don't work as hard or hard enough. So even though Fieri works hard he doesn't have shows that Bourdain thinks he would be proud of.

>> No.15959844

nobody who would mock someone for killing themselves strikes me as particularly happy