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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 750x378, arroz-al-horno-restaurante-el-lleo-xativa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15907907 No.15907907 [Reply] [Original]

Spaniard cuisine is one of the most underrated cuisines in the world.
High quality ingredients (and also unique variants such as pimentón de la vera), rich eclectic set of dishes which are a hundred times more diverse, tasteful and tasty than le epic spicy salad on le flat bread americans are obsessed with (taco, in sóy speech), dumb retarded french shit like raw beef with raw egg on top, italian noodle based poverty food. Also we are the masters of fucking cold cuts, we have a lot of cheese variants, the highest quality olive oil. The highest quality vegetables and fruit (we literally export our shit to all the rest of Europe). You literally can't name a better cuisine. Come on just hit me with your best shot I already know that I won. It's pretty much thanks to us you even have access to all the spices you do since we discovered america.

>> No.15908702

whats like a good dish inn spanish food

>> No.15908814

What a stupid post. Spanish cuisine is widely regarded as one of the top cuisines in the world.

>> No.15908984

You will never be a real european.

>> No.15909067

>pimentón de la vera
La Vera*

>> No.15909088


>> No.15909096

The real underrated cuisine is portuguese.

>> No.15909097

I couldn't agree more. Well said.

>> No.15909098
File: 3.56 MB, 4048x3036, octo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spanish food is really good and one of my favorites but definitely not underrated. Pic related is Spanish food

>> No.15909101

What do you mean? Spanish cuisine is pretty rated you know.

>> No.15909109

fuck off mutt

>> No.15909112

You posted just to correct punctuation? Hey lad, uhh, fuck you.

Also, OP, you are so damn right. I would devour pic related, provided the tomatoes are in season.

>> No.15909125

You got a problem with globalisation, pal?

>> No.15909922

OCTOPUS, give me the d

>> No.15909947

I am going to let you in on a little secret. Nothing is underrated. Everything is exactly as it should be. People like Spanish food but it's not as popular as other cuisines because its appeal is not as broad.

>calling someone else a mutt

it's ok bro If i lived near France and Italy I would be pretty salty that no one cared about my food too.

>> No.15910575


>> No.15910843

I mean legally Spaniards are grouped away from other Europeans, they're considered part of the 16% with the Slavs, Russians, Italians, Portugese, and Greeks.

>> No.15910991

>rice brought by the arabs
>tomatoes from America
"Spaniard" cuisine like most of the Eurocentric cuisine is just an excuse for their imperialistic behavior throughout the centuries, we must leave those foreign ingredients to their respective owners and focus on how we can reduce our meat consumption so poor peoples around the world have a right to live, veganism or insects for starters.

>> No.15910995
File: 14 KB, 480x319, 1594152246574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>56% muttlords with semitic, black and "pure irish blood haha" calling spaniards mutts when there is no evidence whatsoever of spaniards having significant percentages of non-european blood, but there is evidence for the opposite

I mean, I get it, I'd also be mad if I was forced to live among niggers and have my women love them. Hang in there John Smith Gonsales!

>> No.15911051

You do have the best olive oil, but that's because it isn't controlled by organized crime. Not a fair competition.

>> No.15911083

>doesn't know about the olive oil galician gypsy cartel

>> No.15911158

>controlling any market except stolen scrap metal
Can't fool me.

>> No.15911217

I've always found spanish food to be pretty disapointing compared to french and italian. they don't really seem to give a shit desu

>> No.15911225

low quality bait

>> No.15911245

Cool arguments there, Aristotle.

>> No.15911259
File: 398 KB, 1300x975, sangre3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love spanish food, it has a lot more variety than Italian or French.

>> No.15911289
File: 111 KB, 960x394, calÇots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15911331

I like how I couldn't tell if you were shitting on twitter SJWs or Varg Vikernes until the very end

>> No.15911359

Why do you Spaniards put so much tomato in everything. Plus your tomatoes have such a strong flavour.
It's hard to put in words but it's like you guys have extra tangy tomatoes

>> No.15911382

What on earth is that? Coagulated blood?

>> No.15911651

Cause knowing how to make a good sofrito is the base to make a good dish like OP pic.

>> No.15911656

Yes, pigs blood. Its amazing.

>> No.15911681

flaco estas tratando de enseñarles el buen comer a los mongolos virgenes estos que lo unico que hacen es hacerse la paja y discriminar a los que no hablan ingles como ellos

pd aguante la cocina Española, saludos desde Argentina

>> No.15911690

They have great rabbit and sea food dishes, which isn't surprising.

>> No.15911696

>spanish cusine
What? Literally everybody knows spanish cuisine is great.

>> No.15911705
File: 40 KB, 960x656, 960x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr live among niggers
Spoken light spain isn't a stones throw from niggerland. Might as well not even call it europe anymore.

>> No.15911780

no its not, its squeaky and spongey and it taste like salty pennies. It's literally the run off no one wants to eat except the starving.

now THIS is amazing

>> No.15911855 [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 1618x1131, proxy-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course the amerimutt who lives next to literal niggers is comparing morocco and north africa with subsaharian africa

>> No.15911861

>intermixing americans is somehow equal to having morocco separated by the sea next to you

Is this the fabled american cope?

>> No.15911876

So you prefer green cock shaped veggies with weird sauce from catalonia

>> No.15912045

yes, and its romesco sauce not that weird or uncommon really

>> No.15912168

lol....as someone who lives in Spain, you're retarded. You've never been to Spain.

>> No.15912384

Russian/Ukrainian and Hungarian are the most underrated in the world, dumb cunts don't even know 90% of their dishes yet talk shit about them. I will admit Australians don't have a notable cuisine of our own but I have been to a few countries and tried just about every cuisine so my opinion is solid.

>> No.15912972

Disgusting and unchristian

>> No.15913055

Spanish ingredients are excellent

The cooking, amateurish

Which is why I buy from a Spanish importer and then cook myself

>> No.15913096
File: 450 KB, 832x832, asturian fabada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me stews

>> No.15913464
File: 81 KB, 326x300, fuckin-hold-me-back-nigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off. first you introduce Christianity to almost everybody in the fucking world, brainwash them into thinking it's the absolute truth, and NOW almost none of you even practice the damn religion anymore

fuck you

>> No.15913572

You niggers literally got taken over by nigger muslims, your blood is perma tainted

>> No.15913593
File: 1.18 MB, 1021x506, alhambra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are americans really this ignorant about the ethnicity of ancient north africans and arabs?

>> No.15913672

If you follow the right recipe it tastes great.

>> No.15914030

I am black

>> No.15914060

You had me when you were talking shit on fagfrench shit and gaytalian. But you fucked up when you try to go against Mexican food.

>> No.15914088

Mexican food is disgusting (just like the country of Mexico).

>> No.15914096

Except it's not, in fact much of Spanish cuisine depends on Mexican ingredients.

>> No.15914360

They really thought north african berbers were black/darkskinned. Cant make this up lmao

>> No.15914370

Sol y Sombra is the most badass alcoholic drink ever

>> No.15914453

>your tomatoes have such a strong flavour.

You mean they taste like actual tomatoes?

>> No.15914457

Fastest way to get smashed as well, just after the carajillo.

>> No.15914467

just say s𝅶o𝅶y you fag

>> No.15915168

>raw beef with raw egg on top
that's not a thing, eggs are cooked in steak tartares. Also it's one of, what, a billion dishes the french are known for? AND the italians do the raw beef thing too, it's called carpaccio (and it's delicious). Absolutely seething spaniard lmao, move sligthly north and eat better food for the first time in your life.

>> No.15915182

How's France doing?

>> No.15915187

Mexicans were eating ant eggs and leaves until we brough grain and pork lmao

>> No.15915189

>Also we are the masters of fucking cold cuts
Southern France got you beat
>we have a lot of cheese variants
LMFAO. France has 1600 types of cheese. Don't even GO THERE.
>the highest quality olive oil
Greece and Italy got you beat
>The highest quality vegetables and fruit
Fruits yes, vegetables no (France again). I have never ever seen vegetables from Spain in supermarkets.

Got anything else?

>> No.15915204

>Southern France got you beat
Southern France cuisine is entirely based on spanish cuisine, ask them
>LMFAO. France has 1600 types of cheese. Don't even GO THERE.
I will go there, Spain has the best cheeses in the world, manchego, curados, and the best blue cheese in the world like Cabrales.
>Fruits yes, vegetables no (France again). I have never ever seen vegetables from Spain in supermarkets.
Valencia has the best oranges in the world, the best bananas are from Canary Islands, the best strawberries like Freson de Palos, if northern Europe has fresh fruit is thanks to Spain.

>> No.15915206

>more variety than France
haha what. Wake me up when they start cooking frogs and snails senpai

>> No.15915208

Ok keep your snails and raw meat

>> No.15915268

>Southern France cuisine is entirely based on spanish cuisine
it's not, and cold cuts aren't cuisine in the first place. You don't have to cook or prepare it, you just have to cut and serve it. Southern french cuisine is quite dissimilar with catalan or spanish cuisine and is full of ingredients that the spanish don't use, and vice-versa.
>Spain has the best cheeses in the world, manchego, curados, and the best blue cheese in the world like Cabrales.
So you've never passed the border huh. Literally look at any list of the best rated cheeses in the world. You will find a few italian cheeses like parmagiano, asiago or pecorino. Then a shit ton of french cheeses : brie, camembert, gruyère, bleu d'Auvergne, roquefort, comté, emmental, munster, reblochon etc. Maybe if you're lucky manchego will be in there somewhere.
>Valencia has the best oranges in the world, the best bananas are from Canary Islands, the best strawberries like Freson de Palos, if northern Europe has fresh fruit is thanks to Spain.
yes I agreed with you for fruits, look at my post. But you don't export vegetables to France, I've never seen any.

>> No.15915273


Czech'ed and /thread

>> No.15915310

>it's not, and cold cuts aren't cuisine in the first place
Never said they were, and most southern french dishes are based on mountain/sea dishes from northeast Spain.
>full of ingredients that the spanish don't use
Yeah, snails, frogs and raw egg, catalonians are not humans anyway.
>Maybe if you're lucky manchego will be in there somewhere
A spanish cheese was Top 3 in the world in 2019 and 18 spanish cheeses got super world medal among the top 84 cheeses in the World Cheese Awards. There are over 50 types of blue cheese in Asturias alone.
>But you don't export vegetables to France, I've never seen any.
Because you don't need them, we have similar climates, northern Europe is another story though, USA loves our oil, Japan loves jamon iberico and wine from Rioja, etc.

>> No.15915339

>Never said they were
While speaking about southern french cold cuts, you said southern french cuisine was based on spanish cuisine, which is very wrong anyway.
>Yeah, snails, frogs and raw egg,
No. Snails are from Bourgogne (which isn't considered southern France), frogs from Ain which is eastern France bordering Switzerland. And I have no idea why you insist anybody eats raw eggs because they don't. I was obviously not talking about these, you most likely haven't even heard of typically southern french ingredients and dishes like rouille, socca, aïoli etc. They're all extremely different from spanish cuisine and there's nary a chorizo to be found.

>> No.15915344

>18 spanish cheeses got super world medal among the top 84 cheeses in the World
huh huh, and where did the other 66 cheeses come from?

>> No.15915349
File: 526 KB, 1200x750, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italy, France and US, most of them got lower places, and still Spain has the best and most diverse cheeses in the world.

>> No.15915357

Spanish cuisine is definitely top tier compared to contemporary garbage but I personally couldn’t choose my favorite between Italian, French, Or Spanish, honorable mentions to German and Greek. Mediterranean cuisine is the GOAT but I wouldn’t say any one is better than the other.

>> No.15915386
File: 450 KB, 2022x2852, Cheese Map web-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


0 spanish cheese in the top 10, only 1 between 50-10 at position 30, 5 between 100-50. Overall 6 out of the 100 best.

>most diverse cheeses in the world
are you high? Spain has a little more than 100 different cheeses, France has 1600. As I said, don't even go there.

>> No.15915398

>little more than 100 different cheeses
Spain has around 1200 cheeses, and way more diverse than french cheese, which most of them are pretty much the same with little to no difference, they are a meme.

>> No.15915413

>Spain has around 1200 cheeses
delusion, can't find a single source supporting anywhere near that number
>most of them are pretty much the same with little to no difference
more delusion, there is a huge difference between brie and camembert or between cantal, emmental and gruyère, for example.

>> No.15915418

>there is a huge difference between brie and camembert or between cantal, emmental and gruyère, for example.
Yes, and there is a huge difference between a Burgos, Cabrales or Manchego, what's your point?
My experience, I live here.

>> No.15915428

We cook snails too, idk about frogs

>> No.15915436
File: 131 KB, 1200x801, bull-tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15915442

>My experience, I live here.
so it's worthless. I live in France and have been to Spain many times. I wasn't impressed.

>> No.15915462

>My experience
so you just pulled a number out of your ass, with the best estimates online placing the number of spanish cheeses at a bit more than 100. Not looking good bub.

>> No.15915483

150 in Spain and 360 in France, aproximately.

>> No.15915501

>In 1962, French President Charles de Gaulle asked, "How can you govern a country which has two hundred and forty-six varieties of cheese?"[1] There is immense diversity within each variety of cheese, leading some to claim closer to anywhere between 1,000 to 1,600 distinct types of French cheese.[2]

>The only ‘Guide to Raw Milk Cheeses’, published every year since 2002 by the magazine Profession fromager, has a list of 1600 cheeses. But this list is not exhaustive, and does not take into account cheeses which are pasteurised or thermised.

>The number of producers can be counted, but it suddenly becomes a lot more complex when the number of cheeses are counted. This is particularly the case, as many producers adapt their first inventions, either by flavouring them (with pepper, with herbes de Provence, and with paprika etc), by maturing them for longer, and or by changing their weight to make ‘little brothers’ or ‘cousins’. If we count the number of cheeses in this way, the figures can quickly become out of control. Other producers reveal their creative side by inventing a new cheese every year, such as the Ferme de Cabriole, in Haute-Garonne, with creations such as Cayrou, Paâquerette, Come de vache, Cathare, Yolidoulidoux…

>There are so many French cheeses that we lost count of exactly how many that there are. Numbers can range from anywhere from 250 to 1000 different kinds of cheese. Perhaps even more since a vast majority of them are not listed on online resources.

>Many of the cheeses locals can find locally at any given farm do not receive the recognition they deserve. In either case, this is a difficult question to answer since the number of AOC (stands for Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée, translating to "Controlled Name of Origin", which is a designation of process and provenance) cheeses can change every year.

>> No.15915502

Yeah, I believe THATS a real place...

>> No.15915529

>I wasn't impressed
Pearls for swine.

>> No.15915542

There are around 50-70 different cheese types with different names in each Spain province, France may have 1600 gorillion cheeses, yet 80% of them are simply the same blue cheese with a reskin and a different corny name.

>> No.15915553

I refuse to believe France is real

>> No.15915560

ridiculous, bleu de Bresse, bleu d'Auvergne and simple standard bleu have completely different tastes. That's not even going into roquefort. Also bleus overall are one type of cheese out of literal hundreds and are not even CLOSE to being the most common cheese in France (that's camembert and comté) as it's too strong for a lot of people. Keep flailing.

>> No.15915563

>he's never had Yolidoulidoux

>> No.15915569

There are +200 different blue cheeses in northern Spain with a wide range of flavor.

>> No.15915681


>> No.15915942

> Also we are the masters of fucking cold cuts
Italy beats spain in cold cuts hands down.

> You literally can't name a better cuisine
Italy, France, Lebanon on top of my head

> dumb retarded french shit like raw beef with raw egg on top, italian noodle based poverty food.
Look, we like spanish people, but you are seriously retarded if you compare cuisine diversity based on living in a place vs what it is exported

From wikipedia, I counted something like ~100 different cheeses

Italy produces ~470 cheeses of which 300 protected origin and ~50 protected by EU.
The english article says 2500 and list 1000, but I only took into consideration the 470 commercial cheeses

>> No.15915998
File: 134 KB, 840x510, arance-tarocco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Valencia has the best oranges in the world
Seems like italy beats france again

But the best one are blood oranges from sicily, better than the red spanish I tried

>> No.15916009

> Seems like italy beats france again
* Spain

>> No.15916013

Italy cuisine is overrated, and that's not an orange.

>> No.15916014
File: 499 KB, 1200x1200, insalata-moscardini-patate-fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15916021


>> No.15916034


I prefer the ocopus myself, just comparing the two identical dishes

>> No.15916046
File: 26 KB, 360x230, Cannellini-360x230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15916048
File: 65 KB, 576x360, Coda-alla-vaccinara-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15916056

Spanish fabada, pote, marmitaco, cocido and all of its mountain stews and dishes are way better than any other country.

>> No.15916085
File: 99 KB, 260x194, Cocido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Spanish fabada
It's just a beans stew with pig blood added. I prefer the italian one withouth the pig blood desu

> cocido
I fount pic. Looks vile desu, I'm sure you have better dishes

> l of its mountain stews and dishes are way better than any other country.
Don't be retareded spanon, italy and france have mountains too

>> No.15916107

Lmao at that map, most of them are copies of each other with slight variations between them. That's an easy way to pretend to have more cheeses.

>see, camembert and brie are separate cheeses! because one of them has slightly more fat content

>> No.15916118

>It's just a beans stew with pig blood added
Nice bait mohammed, you would cry of joy if you tried even a single faba.

>> No.15916122

>I prefer the italian one withouth the pig blood desu
We know your religious french practices prohibit you from enjoying pork. Anything else?

>> No.15916128
File: 84 KB, 1300x866, 43113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ew pig blood I don't like it desu

>> No.15916146

I imagine this loser searching "cocido" and scrolling until he finds the lamest and most amateur cocido without potato or real meat so he can post it, cope.

>> No.15916162

Without bringing /pol/ arguments, but any of you spaniard have mirorrs? you are naturally darker niggers

> We know your religious french practices prohibit you from enjoying pork. Anything else?
I'm from italy

> , you would cry of joy if you tried even a single faba.
We have dozen of beans variety better than the spanish one in pic, which we also import. It's good but again, nothing

It's the first pic from wikipedia. I to use spanish wikipedia to have a more reliable resuource.

>> No.15916163

they're separate cheese because they have completely different tastes anon, don't be dumb

>> No.15916189

Different names doesn't mean different tastes.

>> No.15916194

>when there is no evidence whatsoever of spaniards having significant percentages of non-european blood
Not him but southern iberians have like 30% north african dna you retard

>> No.15916196

>they are so different you need someone to tell you googling it and finding lots of articles explaining how they differ
>italians, unironically semitic DNA through the roof and confirmed negroid blood
>calling spaniards "darker niggers"

>> No.15916201

Let me word it differently.
>when there is no evidence whatsoever of spaniards having significant percentages of non-white blood


>> No.15916206

no, different tastes mean different tastes
>they are so different you need someone to tell you googling it and finding lots of articles explaining how they differ
or you can just taste them

>> No.15916218

>>italians, unironically semitic DNA through the roof and confirmed negroid blood
Dude, you have to stop browse /pol/, you take it too seriously

Also >>15916194

>calling spaniards "darker niggers"
Well, you are. I don't know if they sell mirrors in spain, but you should try one of them

>> No.15916229

"Spain is a culinary wasteland, apart from Valencia in the south and the region around Barcelona in the North" - Henri Babinski, engineer, culinary visionary, 100 years ago.

Fuck pimenton and fuck those greasy black paw pigs which have been crossbred into oblivion.

Greek saffron>>> Spanish.

El Bulli Bullshit. Those guys all have throat cancer.

>> No.15916240
File: 128 KB, 705x342, italianman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but please shave your jewfro or you won't be passable.
You will never be a real white man.

>> No.15916259
File: 865 KB, 1960x1793, sfply7kkimz01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you take /pol/ too seriously
>you should look in the mirror

>> No.15916264
File: 175 KB, 828x497, BB9345B6-33C3-4731-9FB5-529792162B3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not even saying it like its a bad thing


>> No.15916270
File: 175 KB, 963x722, spanish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15916273

Well I honestly don't care, still white. That was my point.

>> No.15916277
File: 575 KB, 464x538, 2021-04-09 21_17_52-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get it Mohammed, an irrelevant quote from an irrelevant polish guy nobody knows and you probably had to google proves your shitty views about spanish cuisine, now check a haplogroup map, nigger. PS: remember to shave and wear fancy clothes so you don't get stoned when you go outside.

>> No.15916283

Many north africans/levantine peoples can pass as white. White isnt a strict yes or no thing, only retard nordicists think anyone who isnt pasty and blonde is nonwhite. And I’m pasty with exclusively german/british dna

>> No.15916284

>you should look in the mirror
Spanish people are not white, seriously

What the fuck does it even mean? you are sick in the head to actually study pol shenanigans. Put the source so I can read

>> No.15916290
File: 333 KB, 411x474, italianmanpizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts two italian tourists visiting spain
>renames the picture to spanish.jpg


>> No.15916297

You guys weren't even considered white by anglos until 30 years ago lmao.

>> No.15916303

>wuts dat pic? genetic 2 hard me only undastan pizza no science
>u no white haha

Put in more effort, terrone.

>> No.15916329

Is that a spanish?
I saw italian source for a magazine but no pic https://www.cairoeditore.it/periodico/for-men-magazine?title=&page=0

I searched for spanish people

You must be desperate to consider anglos opion as relevant

> wuts dat pic? genetic 2 hard me only undastan pizza no science
No, I'm not obsessed with genetics because I'm not a desperate nigger trying to cope.
You will post source or not?

>> No.15916334
File: 415 KB, 710x432, spainmanif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.15916336

Anti-Basque propaganda.

>> No.15916347
File: 264 KB, 1618x1131, proxy-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 spics in a feminist crowd
39% face can't stop seething.

>> No.15916356
File: 288 KB, 1600x750, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is people from Andalucía, the "darkest" part in spain. Nothing else to add, keep coping and having negroid afro curly hair, flat noses, dark skin and telling other people to use mirrors.

>> No.15916376
File: 9 KB, 259x194, milanesi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again I searched for

> This is people from Andalucía, the "darkest" part in spain
And southern italy is the darkes part of Italy.
If you can cherrypic I can also put picture of northen italian people.

Still your darkest part is more niggerlicious than the darkest part of italy

>> No.15916380

you will never be white

>> No.15916390


>> No.15916395

The monkey face and the curly hair behind her lol

>> No.15916401

Woah, those italian black bulls from behind gonna get the blonde tourists watch out.

>> No.15916425
File: 29 KB, 414x320, whitespanish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"white spanish"

>> No.15916429

Even americans are way whiter than you mate. You only have 39% R1b haplogroup. 11% african and 14% jewish and other crap. Just stop posting.

>> No.15916440

Did you even try? You can tell the 3 at the center is a nigger, an arab and an indian girl. Try harder and stop posting student exchange pics lmao.

>> No.15916444
File: 338 KB, 499x333, notwhite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white spanish

>> No.15916451
File: 17 KB, 236x344, pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15916469
File: 139 KB, 755x944, raqueltejedor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more white spanish coming in

>> No.15916471
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>> No.15916476
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>> No.15916491
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>those eyebrows
Thanks for trying

>> No.15916504

>if you have black hair you aren't white lol
Thanks for trying.

>> No.15916509

Can't you see the blue eyes faggot? Let me see those curls

>> No.15916520

Those lips are more nigger than a kfc bucket

>> No.15916534
File: 153 KB, 554x601, spanish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't you see the blue eyes faggot?
I guess she's spanish too

> Let me see those curls
Do you want to see my pube, faggot ?

>> No.15916545

>underrated cuisine
>literally just 1 dish worth talking about
yeah nah
it's not, nobody knows anything except from paella and "tapas", which isn't even a specific food

>> No.15916575
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>> No.15916604
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>> No.15916684

>milk shitters
Yeah no, there's chorzio and... manchego? That's it.

>> No.15916842
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Hi amerimutt

>> No.15917007

oh look another retard

>> No.15917023
File: 267 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Chile_Rellenos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Together with Mesoamerica, Spain is the second basis of Mexican cuisine, contributing in two fundamental ways: Firstly, they brought with them old world staples and ingredients which did not exist in the Americas such as sugar, wheat, rice, onions, garlic, limes, oil, dairy products, pork, beef and many others.
Pic related is peak "mexican" food before the XVI century.

>> No.15917164

for you

>> No.15917211

You are right, Mr Nazi Femboy Uwu.

>> No.15918351
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>This is people from Andalucía, the "darkest" part in spain
Are you joking?

>> No.15918625

Niggers are from south of the sahara, mutt.

>> No.15918649

The EU should cut their losses and give Spain back to the Moors. Maybe they could pay Turkey too take Greece too.

>> No.15918739


>> No.15918919

It's underrated because you literally cannot make it outside of Spain.
You absolutely need fresh ingredients and fish especially.

For that, I'd say it's properly rated for the average home cook. Spanish is quite literally not practical, at all.

>> No.15918929

Holy shit, man. I came in here expecting a food thread and got swarthy med seething on the level of argies.
Just accept your brown skin, dude. Ancient Greeks were slightly tan and had brown eyes and formed the greatest civilization of all time.

>> No.15919164

are you expecting me to cook a paella every night or something?

>> No.15919342

You embarass spain by coping in such a seething manner.

>> No.15919345
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More like la verga

>> No.15919808

Spain has tons of dishes that don't require fish or fresh ingredients, like stews.

>> No.15919814

Middle eastern cuisine is better. You know, where Spain ripped off most of its cuisine from.

>> No.15919826
File: 258 KB, 800x503, EwN47BIWQAM81yO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't though

>> No.15919827

Self hating spaniard? Go check on your boyfriend Mohammed.

>> No.15919832

Spain has literally zero dishes taken from the middle east, why is this thread full of seething arabs? Is it because we kicked your asses back in the middle ages?

>> No.15921036

Everyone but the brits and french are real Europeans

>> No.15921081

>Spain has literally zero dishes taken from the middle east
What are pinchos morunos? Even the fucking name is arab.

>> No.15921368

>the oldest and most basic dish in whole history, meat on a stick
Yeah, Spanish cuisine is middle eastern now.
By the way pinchos morunos were pretty much a berber almohade version of the original greek kebab.