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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15883615 No.15883615 [Reply] [Original]

I made a fillet mignon at home on a cast iron skillet exactly like all the best chefs show. Well seasoned, nice sear, butter basted with herbs and rolled it around in it, nice medium rare cook. Well I just tried it and it tastes like dry dogmeat.

What the fuck did I do wrong

>> No.15883624

you probably pronounced "filet mignon" wrong

>> No.15883625

Fillet Mignon is a dogshit tastelet cut.
BUt reallly, you're a frogposter, so chances are you're retarded and did something wrong, you dumb fucking faggot

>> No.15883627


>> No.15883629

If a steak tastes bad then no, it wasn't well seasoned. So many faggots that put a tiny pinch of salt on a an inch think slab of meat and then wonder why it's not tasty.

>> No.15883646

No I put a good amount of salt, pepper, and garlic powder all around it (it's one of those big barrel cuts from local butcher). I also used thyme, rosemary, and dill to butter baste it.

It just tastes dry (like sucks the moisture out of my throat) and grainy/milly.

It's worth noting that I had covid so have basically no sense of smell and reduced taste, although plenty of foods still taste great and I can still definitely taste flavors and food groups and feel food textures.

>> No.15883659

if the steak doesn't taste good just salted then it is a shit steak, period

>> No.15884174

Get a cut with some fat. Fat = flavour

>> No.15884666

>What the fuck did I do wrong
congratulations now you know why most chefs and restaurants don't like filet mignon. because it's dry and tasteless.

>> No.15884701

Was the heat high enough? Not too high but if heat is too low then the steak will lose its juices. Or bad cut? Tell us more about the cut anon? Fat?

>> No.15884714

>Tell us more about the cut anon? Fat?
filet mignon does not have much if any fat.

>> No.15884717

>falling for the fillet meme
you didn't get a ribeye kek, dumbass.

>> No.15884793

If filet mignon meme begin then if it sucks ass.. Is it the Rolex of steak cuts? A nigger tier option to attempt to show wealth

>> No.15884926

It has no fat.
There's a reason they wrap a fat slice of bacon around that bitch and it still doesnt work.
Do exactly what you did but with a ribeye and I guarantee it will come out good, covid or no.

I think I know what your trying to say but you just sound retarded

>> No.15884949

Did you salt in advance? I typically cook ribeye but for a thick steak like filet I would salt the night before cooking and leave uncovered in the fridge. Will help with moisture and ensuring the inside of the steak is salted properly. IMO it makes the biggest difference in the result of your steak outside of cooking to proper temperature.

>> No.15884966

>Has covid
>Complains about taste

>> No.15884982

>has covid
no you dont

>> No.15884988

this, ribeye basted in rosemary thyme butter and garlic is INSANELY DELICIOUS. only flip it twice, and make sure to let it go in the oven a couple minutes to cook all the way through. it only takea about ten minutes to cook. two minutes on first side. oven for two minutes. put back on stove. put garlic butter rosemary and thyme in cast iron. baste for two minutes. flip steak. should be perfectlty seared. baste for another 3-4 minutes. remove from heat place on wood cutting board tent wit foil let rest ten minutes. it will be the best steak you ever had. dont forget to preheat the skillet

>> No.15884995

only flip it once. my bad

>> No.15885005

More or less. The only thing filet objectively has going for it is that it's the most tender and a relatively small portion of the cow so supply and demand kicks in. But it's not like ribeye is that much less tender and it's way more flavorful and less expensive. NY strip is also acceptable and commonly available, but is inferior to ribeye.

>> No.15885021

use whole garlic not that pre minced shit

>> No.15885049

Shit, sorry man. Covid pretty much ruined your taste sense. You should wait 'till your sense of smell returns, that's a big requirement for taste

>> No.15885070

Lmao I just reread it and you’re right. Fuck autocorrect

>> No.15885079

You fell for the "chefs" meme. Just throw it in the microwave next time. That's how they do it when the cameras are off.

>> No.15885080
File: 153 KB, 700x433, 1146EE10-46B1-471D-89D7-1BD2C3C4A8E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a saint for making sense of that mess of a question I had and giving me an amp response. Cheers anon

>> No.15885095

One thing you learn from 4chan is being fluent in retard.

>> No.15885109

filet is trash i hope it was at least tender for you anon

>> No.15885128

im drunk and eating chips right now

>> No.15885175

Just wrap it in foil and put it in the oven on a baking sheet for 40 minutes at 400 degrees. You can let it go longer if you want it even more tender. Don't sear, don't pre-season or marinate or any of that silliness. Just cook the meat, plate it, and spread some garlic butter with parmesan and basil on it.

So easy. Can't miss.

>> No.15885434

>all these fags saying filet mignon is bad
lol retards