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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15838053 No.15838053 [Reply] [Original]

>Extremely cheap
>Extremely filling
>Low calorie (One medium-size potato has just 110 calories)
>Have a good amount of fiber, as well as vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and manganese.
>Scores the highest in every satiety test
Ketards fear the Potato...

>> No.15838159

Carbs give you diabetes and brain fog from requiring an a substantial amount of your body's resources to digest, directing blood flow and nutrients away from the brain.

>> No.15838208

>trust me bro, I read it somewhere on the internet

>> No.15838235

Don't forget 40% of your DV of potassium, the one thing you can't just take in a gummy and get good results.
Remember also sweet potatoes have even slightly more potassium and lower glycemic index and are still pretty cheap

>> No.15838237

You don't need carbs, the only reason people don't outright tell people to stop eating them is because of how fucking hard it is

>> No.15838239

variety is nice
boil em, bake em, fry em, dozens of recipes for each

>> No.15838240

>retarded bro-science response
Every fucking time.

>> No.15838243

You don't need animals products, the only reason people don't outright tell people to stop eating them is because of how fucking hard it is

>> No.15838244

Enjoy taking your supplements instead of just eating a steak bro

>> No.15838247

Enjoy taking your supplements instead of just eating a potato bro

>> No.15838256

Potatoes are god tier. In the rice/bread/potato staple argument, it's the easiest winner, but I'd miss you very much bread.

I like dudes, but you gay.

>> No.15838265

Like I said you don't need carbs, retarded point

>> No.15838274

You can't survive without potassium, you embarrassing moron.

>> No.15838286

this isn't a good thing

>> No.15838304

Like I said you don't need meat, retarded point

>> No.15838404

>>Scores the highest in every satiety test
they are orangs

>> No.15838449
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Do you really think a caveman would choose to eat plants if he had access to unlimited meat?

>> No.15838460

Yes because caveman instincts would lead him to eat roughage to help with digestion.

>> No.15838469
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>consuming undigestible plant matter helps with digestion

>> No.15838475

They always have some lame or stupid excuse like >>15838159.

>> No.15838479

"Excuse" implies that we have some sort of obligation to eat potatoes.

>> No.15838497

>laughs in wild burdock
Must be a shame growing up in a city and being retarded.

>> No.15838522

When I keep eating large portions of meat with every meal I start to crave bread and vegetables. I even had a dream of eating a salad after eating just a bunch of meat/eggs/bread/potatoes for a few days. I feel best when I have a nice portion of animal protein to eat but also some plant foods to go with it.

We can't break down the cellulose but that doesn't mean we don't absorb anything at all. Might not have been beneficial for us to evolve to digest cellulose since we were able to acquire other sources of food that are more dense in calories, but that doesn't mean fiber has no benefit either since our digestive systems still support the consumption of plant foods. We're not carnivores, carnivores don't have tastebuds for sweetness like we do.

>> No.15838539

>Fiber is bad for gut health

>> No.15838833

Humans are omnivores.

>> No.15838840

No, we're facultative carnivores.

>> No.15839037

the entire thing with carbs is that they are easier to digest than other macros. god you're stupid.

>> No.15839053

Why not?
I have access to basically unlimited meat and choose to eat plants. They are delicious.

>> No.15839141

It's inflammatory or whatnot. Hence why it's forbidden in the TB12 diet and for ADHD iirc

>> No.15839194


>> No.15839260

>extremely filling
lol no, you can eat potatoes until your stomach hurts and you'll be hungry again in 2 hours

>> No.15839287

They're pretty high calorie anon...

>> No.15839307

Die mad.

>> No.15839369

>eat potatoes until your stomach hurts and you'll be hungry again in 2 hours
How fat are you?

>> No.15839387

potatos are ok but I prefer beans. dry ones last for many years. I have about 1 years worth of beans on hand at all times. I cook them in a pressure cooker and store 4 days worth of cooked beans in the fridge.
Potatoes go bad, and the potato gas can kill you.

>> No.15839396

the reason why people feel crummy and hungry all the time is because their diet has too few starches in it. at least 80% of a meals calories should be starch. Glucose is like gasoline - your cells love it. The more you eat, the longer it takes to digest, so the longer the starch keeps you satisfied.

>> No.15839414

>lol no, you can eat potatoes until your stomach hurts and you'll be hungry again in 2 hours
That is completely untrue, and you obviously have never tried it. If you ate boiled potatoes until your stomach hurt, I guarantee that you will only feel hungry, possibly, at dinner time. Most likely, you will be able to go to bed without eating, and not feel significant hunger.

>> No.15839422

assuming you ate potatoes for breakfast.

>> No.15839430

What about inflammation ? or all those bowel disease ?
What starches would you recommend ?

>> No.15839459

I love potatoes.
It's funny how they're a New World crop, but Europeans seem to care much more about them than the Americans do.

>> No.15839476

>What about inflammation ? or all those bowel disease ?
Inflammation from starches? Where did you get that information? That is a lie. Eating starches and less fat reduces inflammation. My hands, fingers and wrists used to ache terribly. Clicking a mouse was very painful. I stopped eating fat (less than 25g of fat per day), and all the pain went away, like magic. starch is very easy on the bowel. fat requires bile and caustic enzymes to process, which is hard on the gut. starches are often fiber rich and fiber will inhibit the reabsorption of cholesterol, reducing your cholesterol levels.

My favorite starches are healthy bread (low fat, sodium, and low sugar), beans, potatoes, squash, oatmeal, corn, pasta, and the like. I do not like rice because it constipates me and is generally unpleasant to eat.
my typical meal is bean chili (no meat) with bread. hot soupy starches are very filling. you can get animal protein from non fat dairy and lean meat and whey. I eat a couple peanuts when I swallow a daily vitamin to help with absorption.

>> No.15839483

85 kg 2 meters tall
I have tried it, used to be a lard-ass, never ate boiled potatoes by itself but I had it with dinner more often than not, I could eat 3 kg of potatoes made into french fries in a day and after two portions I'd feel full only to make another batch 2 hours later. I quit carbs since then and eat once a day or sometimes every other day and feel great, I've never felt so full eating potatoes as I do eating a big-ass steak with eggs

>> No.15839489

i don't recommend eating red meat or seafood. just chicken breast or turkey breast meat.

>> No.15839517

>boiled potatoes
>French fries
My friend, boiled potatoes and French fries are not the same thing!
French fries are very high in fat! The fat slows digestion and absorption, which delays the blood sugar spike and thus delays satiety. This will cause you to over eat French fries!

My friend, you must try to eat plain potatoes. You can add seasoning, like chili powder and aspartame, but no fat.

>> No.15839526

>you must eat plain potatoes
no, I don't, I'd rather eat things with nutritional value

>> No.15839530

You're choice. High fat diets cause misery and disease.

>> No.15839547

you are not my friend
and who the fuck puts aspartame in potatoes?
Dont you know mixing artificial sweeteners with real carbs fucks up your gut biota?

>> No.15839584

and so far my high fat diet brought me only joy and good health

>> No.15839616

>Dont you know mixing artificial sweeteners with real carbs fucks up your gut biota?
aspartame is broken down and is the safest sweetener of all. I believe stevia and maybe Splenda mess with the gut.

>> No.15839804

you're probably a faggot

>> No.15840004

What type of fat did you reduce ? i love olive oil and currently dosing on fish oil for the D3

>> No.15840046

>What type of fat did you reduce ? i love olive oil and currently dosing on fish oil for the D3
All fat. Olive oil is just another refined fat. It doesn't have magic properties. I used to eat lots of olive oil and it caused a lot of pain and inflammation in my hands. I don't add fat to things, I don't eat fatty foods, except a small amount to help with fat soluble vitamins.

>> No.15840079
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My most used kitchen utensil is besides knives a potato peeler D

>> No.15840100

Do you stick a fork in your potato, and hold the fork while peeling? I don't want you to peel yourself, fren.

>> No.15841210

based chicken and broccoli posting

>> No.15841228

That sound like regular digestion.

>> No.15841235

When I eat red or gold potatoes I usually leave the skin on for stuff like breakfast taters or mashed. Russet I leave on for baking. What dishes do you peel them for?

>> No.15841295

Two tins of mackerel a day covers me there.

>> No.15841816

You sound like a man of science

>> No.15842458


>> No.15842708

if you eat two cans of mackerel a day, you will likely experience mercury poisoning within a year or two